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 Pay to Win style of game.

no... no its not pay to win... Its a Co-op game, and therefore its a F2P only... not a pay to win. No gear is good without a master play to wield it. Also its pay to win if your buying the gear to kill another player... Which that is rather hard to do. Because of certain mods which are earned... That get the job done far more better than a silly weapon that is purchased, because all the non-purchasable weapons are far more terrifying then the purchasable ones.

Edited by Arlayn
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Thanks for all of the replies and feedback but I thought this was an Introduction section of the forums. I didn't know I was going to be getting attacked or verbally abused. Any game, either console, pc or app that's allows you to play for free is a Win In my book!! If there's any extra charges like for plat, gems, gold etc then the game would be considered P2W. To win is considered many things to a lot of people, so to own all the warframes could mean winning or completing all of the stages could be, etc. It's nice that Warframe allows you to build the items you would purchase and again it takes forever to someone who don't have much time to play. Of course everyone has RL issues like work, school, marriage, social etc. That's why this game is be around for a while and I will play it as much as I can. When you have experienced all the consoles like I have then you can share your feelings toward that system such as a 5H!T Box. I see the typical COD Bashers lol. It's like this with any game people aren't good at they start to HATE on it. I've seen the same for BF as well. Again thanks for all the replies and thanks to Grailchaser and others for understanding the meaning for this post.

Obviously you don't know you was going to get attack by people since you know nothing at all whatsoever(If you are old enough then live with it, it life. If not delete this game). And the way you said Pay-to-win sound like an insult to the game, people would get annoy and start firing back at you. I personally paid to play this game, but i don't see myself winning in this game at all since everyone here is pretty much being friendly to each other, and they help people to survival in this. Also, the pvp system in here barely got much attention and favor, so pay to win doesn't even fit in here at all.

I dont get the issues you mention because the game itself need time to get a certain thing, but it does not disappear when you are busy for work or school, marriage ( seriously ? How old are you ? lool),social .And they does not take long at all. One thing i don't understand, How come you know that building Warframe, Weapon, senti, take a lots of time and yet you do not try to read further into the ideas and reason for it . If you got time to decide if you want to play warframe Why not look further inside the game and not just read like a half &#! knowledge then start screamming on here.

My personal though: don't play this game, it better for your health since you are going to complain to whoever pay money in here.

Not everyone here share your feeling, so don't expect the same coming from anyone who read your post.

I used to play COD,it was nice,but it does get extremely boring, and if you pay 60$ to play something that the almost the same as the last one, i can see other people get mad. Who said you aren't good at it ? The game is basic, it got basic control and movement, i would be surprise if someone who play game doesn't get used to this in a matter of 1 to 2 day. Even so, why would anyone hate new player ? ( unless they are being ignorant).

I wouldn't say you seen the same on BF at all. Like i said this game does not do pvp as mainstream, we slash monster and HS them. Its team work OMG. Your first post was OK, this second post, just  IGNORANT .

Edit: You are not being thankful, you just splash more oil into small fire.

Edited by kenrockman
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Im from the old school FPS like Perfect Dark and Golden Eye 007 on N64. I've been playing COD series mostly but I've played Halo on the 5H!T Box 3 5H!TTy and Section 8 on the PS3. I live Warframe so far but its your typical Free to Play but Pay to Win style of game. You can build anything that you can buy but it would requires 100s of hours if not more. Please hit me up on the PS4

Sorry, but I can no longer take you seriously with your annotation of the Xbox 360.

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Unnecessary hostility/derailment posts removed, and any further posts of that nature will not be tolerated.


Please make the TS feel welcome, not ostracized.


*cough* Perhaps it's an idea to remove the OP's obvious attempt at profanity also?

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There's no way to really "win" Warframe anyway..




If you think playing an action game = grind, or having to play it less to get something you're only going to use to keep playing it anyway = winning, then you should probably back out now because Warframe will make you play Warframe.

Edited by VKhaun
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I'll explain the reason why I personally do not have an issue with the structure in this game. Your goal would be to get the frames and gear you want, however if you were to buy it there would be nothing really accomplished. It is way more fun to work your way up without investing. If this game had a massive emphasis on PvP. Then I would consider it a Pay2Win Experience purely because there is a likely chance that if you have invested money then you're pretty much going to beat everyone else and potential ruin their experience in the game. That is where I draw the line between this and other games.




Simply "buying" gear in this game is actually rather pointless, the only time I'd ever see this happening is somebody with little time and a bit of spare cash to invest into the game. I have no issue with that. I have invested a small portion of money myself and I say small because I actually managed to take advantage of the steam summer sale last year, which I recommend is the only time you get Platinum's because otherwise it's horrifically expensive. Mostly I prefer just investing in cosmetics, I haven't bought a single helmet, mostly just additions to make my shade look nicer.



Anyway about the "grind" worry. I'll ease your fears by showing you this:



That was actually taken last night. In fact they both should be done now. I had one yesterday Oberon which finished so I have him now. With that in mind, I was like you for a bit thinking that this game was going to be a challenge and that things would be too difficult to get, so I didn't make too much effort to get weapons and frames, I waited for so long and now I can make so many of the things that I wanted and I have so many Warframe Blueprints that if they were trade-able I would gladly give them away for free. Seriously, I need to do something about it and it would be a waste to sell them for credits.




Welcome to the game, I've also realized you aren't actually a PC player so I'm not exactly certain if you can take advantage of the steam sales. In any case it doesn't matter. I hope you enjoy Warframe as I have done for the months I've played for and if / when I can cross play Warframe with you, I'd be more then happy to show you the ropes.



Why is it not a big surprise to me that a cod fanboy thinks Warframe is P2W.


I still don't understand why DE wanted to pander to this audience, or why any dev's would.

Just playing CoD doesn't make you a fanboy, it's also understandable to think this way about the game, P2W doesn't have a definitive meaning as it's just an internet slang which can spark a lot of confusion.
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