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Open Thread Write Everything You Would Like In New Update This Week


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Besides Detron and harvester thing, etc buffing drop rate of other parts besides bp, and harvester himself.

I would add fixes for  continous weapons ignis, synapse, flux because it seems many people do have problem with recognize damage they deal (myself not).


I would revert spawn rate of mobs in Derelict Survival,because before i could mow on regular basics for about 45  50+ minutes now it is very tricky  too keep air above 25-30.


Little problems with invasion missions in general, when you get to last 3-5 mobs sign for extraction shows up, but you still have few enemies left too kill.


In derelict defence many mobs that  survive last in end of wave, simply cant be killed with gun because you dont see them only with AOE skill (even on very high lvl when it makes no sense, for example frost ultimate could kill them.


I would remove Bo from market.


This would include upcoming updates.   11.6.xx /  11.7.

Edited by SALE94
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adding rewards to be collected in every 5 waves in defense missions would be great, so that we get something than taking one reward.( if we fail mission, then the previous reward should still count up with mods and resources collected in longer waves, this way we have balanced reward system in endless defense compared to survival for sure ).


I had made a thread regarding it-https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/162346-if-defense-rewards-system-were-to-be-scaled-nearly-same-or-similar-to-survival-rewards-system/#entry1902759

Edited by IIRodimusprimeII
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Serious note:

- Melee 2.0.

- Mandatory Damage mods removal (or revamp).

- New Player content.

- End Game content.

- Warframe Storylines.


 Tall order. Though we both know you're right. We need those things bad. That'd make for a hell of a patch too. All that stuff at once. I'd be pretty blown away.

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Ppl this is an hotfix not an update, easy on your wishes for this week.


Most likely will have the usual:


A new weapon and a bunch of fixes (I hope for a Detron fix, arsenal stats fix would alse be appreciated and continuous firing weapons fix) more than little things like this only we'll only have in U12. Don't keep your hope to high for tomorrow.


Back to topic:


But if it was my call, well we'd have the new Hud, proper Rng, proper OD survival rewards, a working armor system for the frames, the dynamic lighten fog system that was showcased months ago and that no one ever heard of again, a new titleset and to finish it of some kind of storyline mode. To top it of, i would ask Santa for better communication between the Devs and the community, hmmmm? What about that?

Edited by Bazools
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damn it, I was going to say free Detrons for everyone! you predicted my move, OP


maybe the release of the jungle tileset onto all of earth? or is that something they're saving for U12? new vay hek boss fight would be fun


rework to the defense reward tables, not even changing it to be similar to survival, but just so if you go for more waves, you get better stuff, higher chance for T3 keys and rare mods, at the very least. the 3-tier system for defense rewards isn't enough, we need at least 5 tiers. and the system shouldn't be wave 5=tier 1, 10=tier 2, 15+=tier 3 for a defense that starts at T1, there should be at least 2 wave rewards for each tier, and ideally they'd be two different rewards from that tier


less forma in void reward tables


someone made a topic regarding readily available potato BP's. this is somewhat related to the above, regarding forma, but the suggestion was to have potato BP's researchable in the dojos, so they're buyable with credits, but give them a different recipe, one that cost forma instead of rare mats. I suggested maybe 5 forma per potato, then we wouldn't mind getting all these forma BP's when we're looking for specific prime components instead. yes, I realize this makes potatoes 5 times as costly, since they have essentially the same materials required as one forma does, but unlike normal potatoes, these ones you can actually get any time you want, no waiting for alerts or livestreams or login rewards. if this were implemented, then ignore the above suggestion


also along the lines of the above, make it so when you choose to potato something (frame, weapon, anything), you can see how many relevant potatoes you have. right now in the arsenal you can just click to install orokin catalyst/reactor, and then it simply asks you yes or no, with no indication of how many you have in supply. same thing with formas when you polarize something. just so you don't have to check back in your inventory to see how many you have to make sure you're not burning through them too fast


maybe the dojo-researched potatoes could be general purpose, I mean how cool would a green potato be? (vandal-colored, very shiny) then, in addition to the above suggestion, you could choose which potato you wanted to install on your frame/weapon/etc., and you'd of course be able to see how many of each type that you have. plus if it were general-purpose, spending 5+ forma for it would be fine, since you could use it for weapons or frames

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All I'll ever want for as a weapon:


A melee weapon that when you press to attack it'd fling you towards your pointer. Sacrificing damage for increased mobility.

The only way you could actually "attack" with it would be to use it while wall-running and it would briefly stun or do a high amount of damage (like Obex's wall attack) to the enemy.

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I'd like to read..


Removed the following warframes from the game until we have brought them up to the standard of the others; Ember, Nekros, Oberon, Saryn, Ash, Banshee, Valkyr, Excalibur and Volt. After we have balanced them the people who previously had them will receive them back in the state they had them (same level and/or amount of forma's).

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Something fun. I'm not asking for a weapon cause they get boring quite quickly.


I'd love a new gamemode, but it'll have to wait. U12, I hope :<


Am I asking for too much?




Oh, and dojo stripper poles are a good idea. I would also add discoballs and dancefloor and lasers and stuff.



You, yes you, guy above me.

Stay away from Excalibro. Can't touch this

Edited by Siekier
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