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Every argument from your side falls apart, but yet instead of creating new ones, or counter-refuting you go straight back to them hoping that yelling them some more will work. As it stands, nobody could actually go down the list I had typed out earlier, and argue against it at all, without their argument falling apart and resorting to arguing tangents. Your entire side of arguments have generally been bad, and take as many opportunities to dodge points, ignore things, create tangents, and argue illogically. Knowing you guys, instead of arguing why nova is balanced or not, you will go out and attack this segment of the post, just sayin.

100% agree with this as well. The Nova fans have to do this, because they have no cogent, rational and factual arguments to support their position.

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SEIZE, I gave up trying to tell you this earlier but I will try again.


There is no "different types of op", there is one thing and it is called overpowered, no if ands or buts. If something is OP, it is OP.


Nova is not weak in taking hits, one of the features of M Prime drastically reduces the damage she takes, and ignoring that is so dumb it blows my mind. You should know by now, that whenever you are talking about survival, or defense those claims are invalid. Is a frame that can half the dps of every enemy in a 25-57.25 meter radius that terrible of taking hits? No. She has just about the same base bulk as many other frames without the slighest in the way of abilities that give surviveability. 


Every argument from your side falls apart, but yet instead of creating new ones, or counter-refuting you go straight back to them hoping that yelling them some more will work. As it stands, nobody could actually go down the list I had typed out earlier, and argue against it at all, without their argument falling apart and resorting to arguing tangents. Your entire side of arguments have generally been bad, and take as many opportunities to dodge points, ignore things, create tangents, and argue illogically. Knowing you guys, instead of arguing why nova is balanced or not, you will go out and attack this segment of the post, just sayin.

Question, how do one able to judge what is op and what is not?

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Question, how do one able to judge what is op and what is not?

Compare it to its peers(Other DPS frames in the case of Nova) would be a easy way to compare, the other is how much does it trivialize large aspects of the game that are meant to be difficult or challenging, IMO.

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Mag prime Shield Polarize is only effective for corpus and Nova can Molecular Prime everything. I'm also sick of reading this on PS4 in game chat "Hosting t3 etc... Nova only, Need Nova," To be honest they should make combination abilities in this game to balance it out.

Got invited into a T3 def today, was Nova.

Changed to Loki during the waiting screen, entered the map to a comment of "LOKI WTF!"

Finished the mission with the second most kills and minimum fuss.


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Such an rude troll, I event went out and answered his questions. If he had only read the words I wrote he hopefully would of seen I said his and my own opinion on the matter were equal yet both trivial compared to that of DE. Possibly then he could of at least appeared as a slightly entertaining person to debate with, rather than show he true colors so blandly.


I read your nihilistic worship of DE.  Can't say I share your opinion.


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I read your nihilistic worship of DE.  Can't say I share your opinion.

My opinion that I answered your questions, that our opinions are of equal worth or possibly that DE's opinions carry more weight than mine or your's? I stated many opinions, which one are you referring to?

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100% agree with this as well. The Nova fans have to do this, because they have no cogent, rational and factual arguments to support their position.


Neither do nerfers.  You guys just keep claiming that Mprime, Blessing, Snow Globe, etc. are op and the only choice is to nerf them.  You don't have an argument.  All you guys have is a bias and a bunch of buzz words.  You guys act as if phrases like "trivializing content" and the rest of the Extra Credits cult vocabulary are absolute truths when they are nothing more than opinions.  Somehow, you guys think that conclusions deduced logically from biased premises are superior.  But, they are not.  They are just more opinions, regardless of how you derived them. 


A smart company realizes that some people will spend money to satisfy their logic fetish and creates a product for them.  But they also realize that there are other customers who will spend money for other reasons and so this smart company makes other products to, to draw money from other customer bases.


But, nerfers are too blind to see that.

Edited by ThePresident777
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My opinion that I answered your questions, that our opinions are of equal worth or possibly that DE's opinions carry more weight than mine or your's? I stated many opinions, which one are you referring to?


It's obvious that I have spent at least $150 on this game.  So, I'm not sure how you calculated that our opinions are worth the same or that DE's opinion is worth anything.

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Neither do nerfers.  You guys just keep claiming that Mprime, Blessing, Snow Globe, etc. are op and the only choice is to nerf them.  You don't have an argument.  All you guys have is a bias and a bunch of buzz words.  You guys act as if phrases like "trivializing content" and the rest of the Extra Credits cult vocabulary are absolute truths when they are nothing more than opinions.  Somehow, you guys think that conclusions deduced logically from biased premises are superior.  But, they are not.  They are just more opinions, regardless of how you derived them. 


A smart company realizes that some people will spend money to satisfy their logic fetish and creates a product for them.  But they also realize that there are other customers who will spend money for other reasons and so this smart company makes other products to, to draw money from other customer bases.


But, nerfers are too blind to see that.


This. I honestly got tired on arguing with the nerfers on this, it's getting ridiculous as it's the same damn arguments without really bothering to think and the answers to the obvious questions to those answers is always the same load of bunk without thinking or rationalizing it.


Everytime we tell them to buff the other Warframes to Nova's level, they say it will break the game, despite the fact that it has always been stated but damage is not the end all, be all to this game. Nova only has ONE Utility skill and that ties into her Ultimate which virtually turns into a Utility skill at higher levels as we all keep saying. There are other Warframes that have the EXACT SAME UTILITY TYPE as M.Prime does, but then they argue that it's slowing power is somehow too much, when you still have abilities that does 2 different things at the same time. You never win in these debates because they always make up some level of nonsense that goes on about how much more broken M.Prime is than other said skills when it's the SAME BUMPKIS for those other skills(World on Fire is absolutely ridiculous on low-mid level content and still does some big damage on high level content due to how many times it hits during it's already small duration, yet no one ever complains about that because it's apparently Ember's only good skill)


Then you have the ridiculous argument of with special mods, you can spam M.Prime at 25 Energy...newsflash fools, that can be applied to EVERYONE ELSE, Nova isn't some special snowflake to the mod system. So that in and of itself is massive crap.


Then you have those that state that Nova players spam M.Prime and everyone hates them for it....seriously?

1. You can say the EXACT. SAME. THING for everyone else that spams Ultimate skills. Nova is absolutely no different from anyone and everyone else in that regard. And please don't say "but her's can spread in other rooms" So the hell what? if a huge amount of energy drops in that room or someone has that combo you mentioned, they can pretty much Ultimate in every room, either killing or severely weakening all the enemies in that room as is.


2. Unless I'm mistaken, I never heard anyone complain when I used my Nova, nor when I ran around and played with other Nova players or even WoF spamming Embers. So that "statistic" makes no freaking sense whatsoever.


There's no point arguing with them because despite what they say, the bring ZERO facts to the table and only bring opinions and hypothesis and don't even bother to think about pure rationality.


So I state this again, how is nerfing Molecular Prime gonna make the other Warframes stick out more? By that logic, shouldn't we nerf World on Fire since it's on the same level as Molecular Prime on clearing rooms completely and utterly? Or Rhino's Stomp? Or Saryn's Miasma? Because those moves can still be utterly spammed and pretty much take everyone's kills away.

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How are the devs responsible for people being $&*^s?


Because, if people can be $&*^s in a way that makes the game less fun for the rest of us, it means they haven't designed their system well enough. The race between fool-proof systems and fools (or A******s and A******-proof systems in this case) is always on-going, DE isn't allowed to just say "**** it. People will be jerks." Especially when it's something THEY ADDED TO THE GAME that allows this to happen. You can't just add features without considering the impact they might have on the mechanics of the game. That's terrible design.

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SEIZE, I gave up trying to tell you this earlier but I will try again.


There is no "different types of op", there is one thing and it is called overpowered, no if ands or buts. If something is OP, it is OP.


Nova is not weak in taking hits, one of the features of M Prime drastically reduces the damage she takes, and ignoring that is so dumb it blows my mind. You should know by now, that whenever you are talking about survival, or defense those claims are invalid. Is a frame that can half the dps of every enemy in a 25-57.25 meter radius that terrible of taking hits? No. She has just about the same base bulk as many other frames without the slighest in the way of abilities that give surviveability. 


Every argument from your side falls apart, but yet instead of creating new ones, or counter-refuting you go straight back to them hoping that yelling them some more will work. As it stands, nobody could actually go down the list I had typed out earlier, and argue against it at all, without their argument falling apart and resorting to arguing tangents. Your entire side of arguments have generally been bad, and take as many opportunities to dodge points, ignore things, create tangents, and argue illogically. Knowing you guys, instead of arguing why nova is balanced or not, you will go out and attack this segment of the post, just sayin.

umm let do some comparison shall we. If Nova is not weak in taking hits, she wouldn't be one of the most "easiest" to die frame compared to others. 

If it is one of m-prime to help her in survive then Nova need it and shouldn't be nerf. 

How can survival or def is invalid when it is part of the game!?? You are blinded by damage power ONLY and ignored other mechanics in the game. 

There are different kinds of OP, damage is not the only things, and I never stated Nova is op, I stated that if people think she is op then other frames that had their op-ness in different areas are also likely to be on nerf list. Because they are on par with Nova. 


You haven't argue with me at all in this thread until now, how is it fall aparts. You seemed to only see my posts and ignore the unreasonable post of other nerfers who also "resorting to arguing tangents".

you said I dodge points, ignore things, how so? Point it out and I will explain it to you over and over again. 


Aren't you the one ignoring my points here? Just saying. 

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That is a pretty terrible question. If it isn't obvious enough to you I feel you shouldn't be posting feedback about this subject.

hello? Yes, I'm an outsider here, but let me tell you...if you are so quick to judge someone then possibly your side of arguments doesn't seem that persuasive. 

A question is a question no matter how terrible it is. If you can't answer it then just move on? 

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It's obvious that I have spent at least $150 on this game.  So, I'm not sure how you calculated that our opinions are worth the same or that DE's opinion is worth anything.

You honestly think a little bit of change makes your opinion worth more than my own? Using that premise, someone who has spent more money than you has a more important opinion than you.. So when on the first page a Grand Master says she is OP if you mod her to be such, should you bow to his more valued opinion? Continuing with that premise, DE spends more than the price paid to become a grand master every hour, so how is their opinion not worth anything?

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umm let do some comparison shall we. If Nova is not weak in taking hits, she wouldn't be one of the most "easiest" to die frame compared to others. 

If it is one of m-prime to help her in survive then Nova need it and shouldn't be nerf. 

I don't think you understand what kind of impact the slowing of M Prime has on her capacity to take hits. Before you respond to anything relating to her capacity to take hits/survive-ability I respectfully ask you to go to a tower 3 void mission. After doing so, I want you to find an ice trap, and a group of enemies. Now using just your Soma/Whatever rifle you have (no abilities or whatnot, especially not iron skin.), kill these enemies. The stipulations to this are that you cannot move off of the ice trap,  nor use abilities. The group of enemies you are trying to kill has to be comprise of at least 4 heavy units at the minimum, and preferably at least level 60 mobs, but I am confident you can find a way to test this.


Once you have done that, I will get back to you. But only if you have done so. Otherwise, I refuse to argue with somebody who is ignorant of what they are arguing about.



How can survival or def is invalid when it is part of the game!?? You are blinded by damage power ONLY and ignored other mechanics in the game. 

There are different kinds of OP, damage is not the only things, and I never stated Nova is op, I stated that if people think she is op then other frames that had their op-ness in different areas are also likely to be on nerf list. Because they are on par with Nova. 

If something is OP it is OP. Power in areas can be balanced by weakness in others. If it is balanced it is not OP. Simple logic. They say that common sense is a super power nowadays.

Also, I am not ignoring her capacity to take hits or mechanics involved, I am saying you are wrong.

For the record, I do actually consider trinity, and pre-nerf vauban to be overpowered, however I do not consider frost to be overpowered because he looses mobility while using his defensive skill.


You haven't argue with me at all in this thread until now, how is it fall aparts. You seemed to only see my posts and ignore the unreasonable post of other nerfers who also "resorting to arguing tangents".

you said I dodge points, ignore things, how so? Point it out and I will explain it to you over and over again. 

There have been many a' good posts in this thread that have just been flat out avoided and barely even responded to, and usually when it is responded to people are attacking tangents by the end of the argument. I also do not think you know what tangents are. Google it, and read the second definition please.


Aren't you the one ignoring my points here? Just saying. 

No, actually. I am still trying to get you to see that I am explicitly refuting them. Right in the face. Just straight up there plainly and simply.


You are wrong. Nova can take hits because slowing positively affects her capacity to take hits. She should not have this ability, because it patches her supposed weakness unintentionally. I am near 100% sure that DE did not intend for the slowing of enemies to take a hit on fire rate. I refer you to response #1 in this body, before you respond again.

Replies in body. 

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Because, if people can be $&*^s in a way that makes the game less fun for the rest of us, it means they haven't designed their system well enough. The race between fool-proof systems and fools (or A******s and A******-proof systems in this case) is always on-going, DE isn't allowed to just say "**** it. People will be jerks." Especially when it's something THEY ADDED TO THE GAME that allows this to happen. You can't just add features without considering the impact they might have on the mechanics of the game. That's terrible design.


You know people can be $&*^s regardless of the frame they're playing with? That has nothing to do with Nova.

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Because, if people can be $&*^s in a way that makes the game less fun for the rest of us, it means they haven't designed their system well enough. The race between fool-proof systems and fools (or A******s and A******-proof systems in this case) is always on-going, DE isn't allowed to just say "**** it. People will be jerks." Especially when it's something THEY ADDED TO THE GAME that allows this to happen. You can't just add features without considering the impact they might have on the mechanics of the game. That's terrible design.


Are you honestly new to the concept of griefing? Because anyone is capable of it, not just Nova and usually, it's to the overall detriment of the player itself, not benefiting him and still giving XP.

M. Prime cannot be used any way to grief, Ripline and Switch Teleport can grief, your logic is flawed from start to finish.


You honestly think a little bit of change makes your opinion worth more than my own? Using that premise, someone who has spent more money than you has a more important opinion than you.. So when on the first page a Grand Master says she is OP if you mod her to be such, should you bow to his more valued opinion? Continuing with that premise, DE spends more than the price paid to become a grand master every hour, so how is their opinion not worth anything?


So you are basically saying those that shelled money in the game should have more clout in believing their opinions are true? The hell type of world you live in Makya?!

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This. I honestly got tired on arguing with the nerfers on this, it's getting ridiculous as it's the same damn arguments without really bothering to think and the answers to the obvious questions to those answers is always the same load of bunk without thinking or rationalizing it.


Everytime we tell them to buff the other Warframes to Nova's level, they say it will break the game, despite the fact that it has always been stated but damage is not the end all, be all to this game. Nova only has ONE Utility skill and that ties into her Ultimate which virtually turns into a Utility skill at higher levels as we all keep saying. There are other Warframes that have the EXACT SAME UTILITY TYPE as M.Prime does, but then they argue that it's slowing power is somehow too much, when you still have abilities that does 2 different things at the same time. You never win in these debates because they always make up some level of nonsense that goes on about how much more broken M.Prime is than other said skills when it's the SAME BUMPKIS for those other skills(World on Fire is absolutely ridiculous on low-mid level content and still does some big damage on high level content due to how many times it hits during it's already small duration, yet no one ever complains about that because it's apparently Ember's only good skill)


Then you have the ridiculous argument of with special mods, you can spam M.Prime at 25 Energy...newsflash fools, that can be applied to EVERYONE ELSE, Nova isn't some special snowflake to the mod system. So that in and of itself is massive crap.


Then you have those that state that Nova players spam M.Prime and everyone hates them for it....seriously?

1. You can say the EXACT. SAME. THING for everyone else that spams Ultimate skills. Nova is absolutely no different from anyone and everyone else in that regard. And please don't say "but her's can spread in other rooms" So the hell what? if a huge amount of energy drops in that room or someone has that combo you mentioned, they can pretty much Ultimate in every room, either killing or severely weakening all the enemies in that room as is.


2. Unless I'm mistaken, I never heard anyone complain when I used my Nova, nor when I ran around and played with other Nova players or even WoF spamming Embers. So that "statistic" makes no freaking sense whatsoever.


There's no point arguing with them because despite what they say, the bring ZERO facts to the table and only bring opinions and hypothesis and don't even bother to think about pure rationality.


So I state this again, how is nerfing Molecular Prime gonna make the other Warframes stick out more? By that logic, shouldn't we nerf World on Fire since it's on the same level as Molecular Prime on clearing rooms completely and utterly? Or Rhino's Stomp? Or Saryn's Miasma? Because those moves can still be utterly spammed and pretty much take everyone's kills away.

As much I would love to respond to this, there are to many factual incorrect statements for me to make a full post about it. Itt is being argued that Nova is unbalanced. Once upon a time I made a list of reasons quite a while back in another thread, that you attempted to refute. What do you end up with? Arguing a tangent.


Things that are factually wrong-

"There are other Warframes that have the EXACT SAME UTILITY TYPE as M.Prime does,"


No there is not, the only thing that comes close is snow globe, which is hardly relevant because of its short range, and drawbacks to using it like that. Rhino and vauban come close sure, but they are abilities focus directly on statis/have meaningless damage compared to nova. To add insult to injury, she also oversteps onto banshee creating an easier to use version of sonar. Here is the real kicker, none of those frames are the best at dealing damage to top it off.


"some level of nonsense that goes on about how much more broken M.Prime is than other said skills when it's the SAME BUMPKIS for those other skills"


U wot? M Prime has more CC and damage than every other ultimate, and that is a fact. In reality, it is legions better than the other ultimates, so much so, that it has become a bit ridiculous.


"Then you have the ridiculous argument of with special mods, you can spam M.Prime at 25 Energy...newsflash fools, that can be applied to EVERYONE ELSE, Nova isn't some special snowflake to the mod system. So that in and of itself is massive crap."


Hello? Every other frame receives the downsides from the nightmare mods, nova doesn't. If you use that build on the other frames, good luck with duration, power, and range not being affected. One of them will be, and its a bit dumb to deny that. Even so, if you do patch those up you are left with little in the way of other mods, and have barely come out with better stats then just throwing on the basic mods. For nova that isn't the case.



"Then you have those that state that Nova players spam M.Prime and everyone hates them for it....seriously?...You can say the EXACT. SAME. THING for everyone else that spams Ultimate skills. Nova is absolutely no different from anyone and everyone else in that regard"


I don't see oberon, excalibur, volt mag... etc. being able to spam as much, as well as nova. Her cast time is fairly low in comparison, she is mobile during it, coupled with the fact that its affects are way faster its not even a competition. You cannot just say the exact same thing. That kind of statement tells me that you don't actually know what the difference is between a mag or sayrn pressing four, and a nova. I encourage you to try to do what you are talking about with a sayrn, while a competent nova player is in the lobby. Go ahead, get back to me when it doesn't happen.


"There's no point arguing with them because despite what they say, the bring ZERO facts to the table and only bring opinions and hypothesis and don't even bother to think about pure rationality."


I had a post in another thread. You didn't respond to it, you responded to a tangent. Often times your arguments were "other frames can do this just as well or better!!1!", which in of itself is pretty factually incorrect. It should be obvious, even to nova players that she is better in every single category pertaining to damage dealt and spammability than the elemental nuking frames.


"So I state this again, how is nerfing Molecular Prime gonna make the other Warframes stick out more? By that logic, shouldn't we nerf World on Fire since it's on the same level as Molecular Prime on clearing rooms completely and utterly? Or Rhino's Stomp? Or Saryn's Miasma? Because those moves can still be utterly spammed and pretty much take everyone's kills away."


Just because it doesn't fix another problem doesn't mean it isn't a problem. Some frames need buffs, some need to stay the same, alternate helmets shouldn't exist, or each effect should be applicable to every warfarme, some things need nerfed. 


Also, for the record, changing nova would possitively impact the other nukers because now there is a nuker for each faction, and they now have specific niches, vs Nova > all.


Also, World on fire is most deffinetly not on the same level. You have to be actively in a group of enemies for it to function, and it has lower damage potential by far (again).

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Are you honestly new to the concept of griefing? Because anyone is capable of it, not just Nova and usually, it's to the overall detriment of the player itself, not benefiting him and still giving XP.

M. Prime cannot be used any way to grief, Ripline and Switch Teleport can grief, your logic is flawed from start to finish.


You haven't been following the argument, I see. Person said Nova was fine, it was just the people who play her tend to use MPrime for every bloody thing, because it's so effective (and cheap with Narrow Minded and such). I argued the devs should still change her, so players aren't inclined to do that. (I originally argued 'shouldn't allow her to do that', but that's a bit much.)


Besides, Loki had his switch teleport changed to not target other players (then was changed back apparently, for I don't know why). Why should Nova get a pass? MPrime basically reserves all the XP in a roomful of enemies for her, even if the other players could have otherwise gotten some. That is dumb, and exploitable, and should be changed.


Edit- There's also the matter of it horrifically simplifying a great deal of content. Ults are supposed to be an "oh S#&$" button, not an "oh there's more than 5 enemies and I don't want to shoot them all" button. There's a number of ults that end up falling into this function, true, but Nova's is the most prominent, and thus the best place to start.

Edited by XanaSkullpulper
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Neither do nerfers.  You guys just keep claiming that Mprime, Blessing, Snow Globe, etc. are op and the only choice is to nerf them.  You don't have an argument.  All you guys have is a bias and a bunch of buzz words.  You guys act as if phrases like "trivializing content" and the rest of the Extra Credits cult vocabulary are absolute truths when they are nothing more than opinions.  Somehow, you guys think that conclusions deduced logically from biased premises are superior.  But, they are not.  They are just more opinions, regardless of how you derived them.

You quoted my post but as usual put text to paper containing things I havn't said. I'm not a Nerfer, I just want to see now corrected. As usual your trying to twist all statements and state things people (specifically me) have never said.

There are only 2 changes I would like to see on Nova:

1. MP shouldn't be able to be recast until the previous one has worn off or all the enemies affected are killed. The duration of MP should be similar to rhino stomp or anything between 15-30s

2. All kills from MP should be distributed evenly across the team, so if a Nova primes 20 enemies that explode, everyone in a team of 4 gets 5 kills. This should apply to all kills made with Warframe offensive powers for any warframe e.g. frost rhino, Saryn etc..

Now I cannot see any problem with the above

Edited by DaveC
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You quoted my post but as usual put text to paper containing things I havn't said. I'm not a Nerfer, I just want to see now corrected. As usual your trying to twist all statements and state things people (specifically me) have never said.

There are only 2 changes I would like to see on Nova:

1. MP shouldn't be able to be recast until the previous one has worn off or all the enemies affected are killed. The duration of MP should be similar to rhino stomp or anything between 15-30s

2. All kills from MP should be distributed evenly across the team, so if a Nova primes 20 enemies that explode, everyone in a team of 4 gets 5 kills. This should apply to all kills made with Warframe offensive powers for any warframe e.g. frost rhino, Saryn etc..

Now I cannot see any problem with the above



#1 is a nerf. 

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Replies in body. 

-You asking me to test something long and required my effort just to prove a point you make? 
If you asking me about T3 void mission then I already done tons of that. 
And you know what, my mag able to surpassed nova both in survival and damage in there. 
You refuse to argue with someone who doesn't want to prove the point that YOU make. 
You yourself have to be the one to prove it. I wondered who the ignorant here. 
I never said Nova is op, which mean the op you talking about is not op, therefore my logic of Nova being balance is valid. 
In defense or mobile def mission, Frost never need much for mobility. Therefore, frost always be #1 at protecting pod (beside vauban against infest) 
-You also avoided many good points I made as well. 
Now, if you points out exactly which points I avoid, then maybe I will answer it over and over again. 
-Again to your last respond, if it is your point you want me to prove, then do it yourself. 
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Just throwing my 2 cents into this firefight, M. Prime is every ability rolled up into one. It CCs, it debuffs, it multiplies teammate's damage, and it deals damage that scales with enemy count. Compare this to Embro's WOF which only scales with mods and enemy density, or Lolki's Radial Disarm which only debffs.

Buffing every Frame up to Nova's level would result in a diffusion of what makes all Frames unique. We already have the one trick pony issue that plagues most Frames, and the copy/paste AoE ultimates which may look different but do the same thing. Making all Frames have ultimates that do everything at once would be boring.

I think the only Warframes I can say I use all abilities equally on are Trinity, Trollki, and if I had him probably Rhino.

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