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As much I would love to respond to this, there are to many factual incorrect statements for me to make a full post about it. Itt is being argued that Nova is unbalanced. Once upon a time I made a list of reasons quite a while back in another thread, that you attempted to refute. What do you end up with? Arguing a tangent.

What are you talking about arguing tangents? You didn't respond at all except basically trying to state yourself better and just left.



No there is not, the only thing that comes close is snow globe, which is hardly relevant because of its short range, and drawbacks to using it like that. Rhino and vauban come close sure, but they are abilities focus directly on statis/have meaningless damage compared to nova. To add insult to injury, she also oversteps onto banshee creating an easier to use version of sonar. Here is the real kicker, none of those frames are the best at dealing damage to top it off.


I wasn't talking about the Slow effect, I was talking about double damage and even then, Rhino is still one of the most used Warframes and his Ultimate is a virtual massive slow, root, damage combo. Any enemy that enters Snow Globe is pretty much easy bait to get destroyed by Frost. Varuban is a virtual CC machine, how does any of those not come close to M.Prime at all? Hell, you can SPAM Snow Globe for goodness sake.


U wot? M Prime has more CC and damage than every other ultimate, and that is a fact. In reality, it is legions better than the other ultimates, so much so, that it has become a bit ridiculous.


That's not even close to a fact and you know that. M. Prime does not even come CLOSE to doing the most damage nor the better CC past the damage multiplier. And legions better? It's only better because it's a good UTILITY SKILL, not damage and there are still better damage Ultimates in the game. Seriously, your post reeks of bias.


Hello? Every other frame receives the downsides from the nightmare mods, nova doesn't. If you use that build on the other frames, good luck with duration, power, and range not being affected. One of them will be, and its a bit dumb to deny that. Even so, if you do patch those up you are left with little in the way of other mods, and have barely come out with better stats then just throwing on the basic mods. For nova that isn't the case.


So how does Nova not gain those downsides every other Frame gets again? What makes Nova so much better that she and only she can use that effectively? Oh right, you don't explain, you just STATE it with no proof on your side.


I don't see oberon, excalibur, volt mag... etc. being able to spam as much, as well as nova. Her cast time is fairly low in comparison, she is mobile during it, coupled with the fact that its affects are way faster its not even a competition. You cannot just say the exact same thing. That kind of statement tells me that you don't actually know what the difference is between a mag or sayrn pressing four, and a nova. I encourage you to try to do what you are talking about with a sayrn, while a competent nova player is in the lobby. Go ahead, get back to me when it doesn't happen.


Then you aren't seeing hard enough and that makes it even funnier to me that you are even going through so much to blame her for nothing. Pull and Shield Polarize can't be spammed? Slash Dash can't be spammed? Reckoning can't be spammed? Seriously, what world do you live in to believe it only has to be the Ultimates that are powerful for classes?


I had a post in another thread. You didn't respond to it, you responded to a tangent. Often times your arguments were "other frames can do this just as well or better!!1!", which in of itself is pretty factually incorrect. It should be obvious, even to nova players that she is better in every single category pertaining to damage dealt and spammability than the elemental nuking frames.


You never responded to it. You basically brushed me off, stop speaking like you defeated me when you never did. And funny enough, when was Nova that much better than any other Warframe? Can she heal? Can she escape better? Does she have any REAL utility past damage? No, she's pure damage and outside of that, she suffers and it's sad you don't even get that.


Just because it doesn't fix another problem doesn't mean it isn't a problem. Some frames need buffs, some need to stay the same, alternate helmets shouldn't exist, or each effect should be applicable to every warfarme, some things need nerfed. 

You prove you don't know what you are talking about here. How is not fixing everything else, keeping them at exactly the same issue people have ALWAYS complained about those Warframes not being useful at endgame, but "fixing" a Warframe that is actually good at the endgame somehow isn't a problem? This is exactly what I keep talking about, no one actually brings in any facts or think rationally, it's basically "She does too much damage in my low-mid level content, nerf her so I don't have to deal with it" type crap and it's always been that way.


Also, for the record, changing nova would possitively impact the other nukers because now there is a nuker for each faction, and they now have specific niches, vs Nova > all.

What? How is that a good thing? If anything, those other nukers should be more geared to being able to fight other enemies while STILL excelling at the enemies they can defeat. Just because Nova can handle all enemies(just like Rhino, Valkyr, Oberon) doesn't mean she's broken, it means she can handle all enemies, but doesn't really excel as well as those for specific enemies.


Also, World on fire is most deffinetly not on the same level. You have to be actively in a group of enemies for it to function, and it has lower damage potential by far (again).

...Are you serious?

1. Molecular Prime's biggest damage factor REQUIRES a huge enemy cluster, World on Fire requires Ember to be quick enough to grab enemies from anywhere and everywhere. If you want to be technical, an Ember with max Stretch, Constitution(or whatever that Power Duration is) and max Spd mod has the FAR biggest reach than Molecular Prime does.


2. Damage Potential? Really? Molecular Prime HAS NO DAMAGE ON IT. The Chain Explosions only count as DPS to a whole different enemy so again, unless all the enemies are clustered together, World on Fire beats it in damage easily.



Reply in bold.



You haven't been following the argument, I see. Person said Nova was fine, it was just the people who play her tend to use MPrime for every bloody thing, because it's so effective (and cheap with Narrow Minded and such). I argued the devs should still change her, so players aren't inclined to do that. (I originally argued 'shouldn't allow her to do that', but that's a bit much.)

How didn't I follow the argument then? I was pretty much on the money...

You stated that Nova should be nerfed because how the players used her when I stated you can say the same for every other Warframe since you can pretty much spam their Ultimates for the same effect.


Besides, Loki had his switch teleport changed to not target other players (then was changed back apparently, for I don't know why). Why should Nova get a pass? MPrime basically reserves all the XP in a roomful of enemies for her, even if the other players could have otherwise gotten some. That is dumb, and exploitable, and should be changed.

What? M.Prime doesn't give her all the XP, it never has, stop with the lies.


Edit- There's also the matter of it horrifically simplifying a great deal of content. Ults are supposed to be an "oh S#&$" button, not an "oh there's more than 5 enemies and I don't want to shoot them all" button. There's a number of ults that end up falling into this function, true, but Nova's is the most prominent, and thus the best place to start.

So, you want them to nerf Ultimates...why? Or do you want a Cooldown nonsense and pretty much turn this game into a Third Person Shooter for real? Who honestly cares if people spams ultimates, that's their choice in the matter.


Reply also in bold

Edited by Xhominid
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in each party plays a 1-2 frame - NOVA! and frames in the game - 20 ... lost interest in the game .. all play frame only - NOVA. Many do not like it .. large imbalance in NOVA! may make sense to trim frame NOVA skills and running speed or removed altogether from the game! or make a filter group on frames that could be established which frames can be in the party.


sorry for bad english

so ur saying a frame that has a ult aka press 4 to win that is nova but u have to shoot and hope the enemy dies to start the chain?

umm my saryn can kill everything faster then a nova can.... same for mag, rhino, ember, even excalibur....

she is balance in the purpose of what she is

nerfing thread for her was made and discussed many times which all ended into BAD 

the amount/way u play this game aka faster grind is

Press 4 To Win on every freaken frames

nova is useful in a team mainly cause if they dont know about xp sharing then u can get easy leech xp and free mod drops and speed up boring grind unless u rather have fun killing 500 enemy with a MK1 braton then good luck finding enjoyment in the game when ur doing the same amount of grind when u could be doing it faster


and yes Kubbi is right (she also a friend of mine that used her alot before)

for what nova is 

she is actually balance


pro: ult good for horde dats about it

AM drop is powerful as hell but no one in their mother ever use

wormhole quick transport if it works

fast running dats it


Con: weak as hell

glass cannon meaning wont last long in T3 unless theirs a bless god spam trinity

ult isnt a press and dead compare to about every other frame

every warframe extra stats (strength, duration, efficiency, and range) is effected so corrupt build tends to screw her

cannot stand in the open longer then 3 second before dying

wormhole if u go thro it can drop center of a army... which kills u

null star is weak

AM drop require dmg being done to it for it to do actual amount of dmg

MP require enemy to die by something to start a boom but require other enemy to go boom as well to have the chain other wise her ult is useless

Edited by luanle21
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You all argue about mprime being able to clear rooms at low-mid levels when the real sleeper is her anti-matter drop and not getting any penalty for using a max range setup.

ur telling me

im trying to get them to stop when a AM drop can clear a map that does over a billion dmg -_-

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Need filter frames in party! That we could filter - with which you wish to play frames in his party ... Filter would solve any dispute!


Someone is upset about not being #1 in the damage meter... 


And "-100" for the whole idea of "filtering" frames.

If you are so picky about who you want to play with just go to the recruitment channel and form your own team. 


"Problem" solved.

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In the end I still don't see why people want Nova nerfed. All I hear mostly is wah wah she steals my kills. People need to learn how xp sharing works in this game and just get over their butthurt.

Edited by kubbi
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In the end I still don't see why people want Nova nerfed. All I hear mostly is wah wah she steals my kills. People need to learn how xp sharing works in this game and just get over their butthurt.

Only because you simply don't want to see and resort to the same old tired insults. You really need to look at how XP works again and do the math for the rare situations where it's better to have a Nova and act as a 3rd wheel.

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so ur saying a frame that has a ult aka press 4 to win that is nova but u have to shoot and hope the enemy dies to start the chain?

umm my saryn can kill everything faster then a nova can.... same for mag, rhino, ember, even excalibur....

she is balance in the purpose of what she is

nerfing thread for her was made and discussed many times which all ended into BAD 

the amount/way u play this game aka faster grind is

Press 4 To Win on every freaken frames

nova is useful in a team mainly cause if they dont know about xp sharing then u can get easy leech xp and free mod drops and speed up boring grind unless u rather have fun killing 500 enemy with a MK1 braton then good luck finding enjoyment in the game when ur doing the same amount of grind when u could be doing it faster


and yes Kubbi is right (she also a friend of mine that used her alot before)

for what nova is 

she is actually balance


pro: ult good for horde dats about it

AM drop is powerful as hell but no one in their mother ever use

wormhole quick transport if it works

fast running dats it


Con: weak as hell

glass cannon meaning wont last long in T3 unless theirs a bless god spam trinity

ult isnt a press and dead compare to about every other frame

every warframe extra stats (strength, duration, efficiency, and range) is effected so corrupt build tends to screw her

cannot stand in the open longer then 3 second before dying

wormhole if u go thro it can drop center of a army... which kills u

null star is weak

AM drop require dmg being done to it for it to do actual amount of dmg

MP require enemy to die by something to start a boom but require other enemy to go boom as well to have the chain other wise her ult is useless

yes she's weak. In fact in high level play you'll have to be much more cautious than any other frame. You aren't imunized to anything when casting, you have lowest shield (exept from Valkyr), you just have your mobility and your shade. Anything will basically one shot you if you stay in the open. At this time you're only a good support for your team, no more total explosion from the begining.

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In fact in high level play you'll have to be much more cautious than any other frame.

Ember says Hi. (Ember has more shields statistically, yet lower effective health than even Nova, and is slower, and does not have immunity while casting)

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Yes but ember get direct damages around her, MPrime don't do damages and you have to kill to start the chain killing. At these level there's no chain starting, it stop very soon. I agree that ember is frail too, but more shield is somewhat better, then her direct fire damage is good. Then I always play with an Ember friend so  I know her quality.

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Yes but ember get direct damages around her, MPrime don't do damages and you have to kill to start the chain killing. At these level there's no chain starting, it stop very soon.

That those levels, WoF does not deal sufficient damage to kill anything and WoF is a random targeting effect that could strike someone close or some one 15m away, most likely further if you have stretch to make it easier to find a target consistently. Also at the point that 75 shields at rank 30 does not excuse being .2 points of speed slower as Ember would be forced to stay under direct fire longer than Nova would if both start from outside of cover and fleeing from a target. Lastly, making a frame work and having it be on par are two utterly different things.

Edited by Makya
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That those levels, WoF does not deal sufficient damage to kill anything and WoF is a random targeting effect that could strike someone close or some one 15m away, most likely further if you have stretch to make it easier to find a target consistently. Also at the point that 75 shields at rank 30 does not excuse being .2 points of speed slower as Ember would be forced to stay under direct fire longer than Nova would if both start from outside of cover and fleeing from a target. Lastly, making a frame work and having it be on par are two utterly different things.

You forgot to mention, embers ulti doesn't massively slow their fire rate, slow them down and does it debuff them as well?

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Yes but ember get direct damages around her, MPrime don't do damages and you have to kill to start the chain killing. At these level there's no chain starting, it stop very soon. I agree that ember is frail too, but more shield is somewhat better, then her direct fire damage is good. Then I always play with an Ember friend so  I know her quality.

Direct damage falls off as you fight higher level foes, though. Making a room full of enemies move at half speed and take double damage, meanwhile, is something that is /always/ useful. If Direct Damage was all that mattered, you'd see T3 Defense being handled by Ash and Excalibur.

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Another way to improve Nova would be to remove the chain explosions from molecular prime and just keep the debuff and slow.

Hmm, how about altering it to no longer needing a major spark (unit being killed) but also trigger-able from a crit or a Null Star strike and it will chain but the targets primed will only take the Damage once, similar to Mag's Shield Polarize but the slow and damage buff would stay the same?

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Only because you simply don't want to see and resort to the same old tired insults. You really need to look at how XP works again and do the math for the rare situations where it's better to have a Nova and act as a 3rd wheel.


If you really look at how XP works then to solve your complaint regarding XP either all damage abilities will have to be nerfed or the XP will have to be spread evenly regardless of who or how it was killed.  So, you will not be satisfied by nerfing only Mprime.  You have issues with any AOE that out DPS weapons.  That is a radical redesign of the game to the point where I have to wonder why you bother playing this game and don't just play the many many games that don't have this issue for you.


I knew this game was a spamfest from the second I laid eyes on it and chose it for that and the faster than ME3 movement and parkour and melee and spam and weapons, etc.  Would you think me a reasonable person if I went in to a non-spam game and started advocating for spam?  What if I play a survival game and start complaining that it's too grungy and stingy and mean?  Would that make any sense?  Because, that is what I see you doing here.

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How long are you guys going to remain this back and forth?

Neither of you is obviously going to change his opinion.


Until DE nerfs the S#&$ out of it.  Then I'll go play Rocksmith 2014.  I think that is nerf proof.  I'll take that lesson with me and stay away from nerfable games.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Until DE nerfs the S#&$ out of it.  Then I'll go play Rocksmith 2014.  I think that is nerf proof.  I'll take that lesson with me and stay away from nerfable games.

May I ask why you view nerfs as inherently bad? 

Reply in bold.




Reply also in bold

I don't think you understand what kind of impact the slowing of M Prime has on her capacity to take hits. Before you respond to anything relating to her capacity to take hits/survive-ability I respectfully ask you to go to a tower 3 void mission. After doing so, I want you to find an ice trap, and a group of enemies. Now using just your Soma/Whatever rifle you have (no abilities or whatnot, especially not iron skin.), kill these enemies. The stipulations to this are that you cannot move off of the ice trap,  nor use abilities. The group of enemies you are trying to kill has to be comprise of at least 4 heavy units at the minimum, and preferably at least level 60 mobs, but I am confident you can find a way to test this.


Also, I do believe you said that M Prime does not do the most damage of the ults in game.


That is a straight up lie. First off, its base damage of 1600 after the multiplier is now tied for best damage period. Secondly, every subsequent death following said first death will add 1600.


Lets do a comparison between rhino stomp and M Prime in terms of damage. (world on fire has less, which you don't seem to understand. It has a target limiter, and applies less dps than M prime. Fairly obvious who wins, even in WoF gets accelerant)


Rhino Stomp- 1600 damage, 25 meter radius, in an average t3 mission, you just killed the light enemies, and the shield ospries, however the ancients and heavy units survived and are floating slowed to a 2.5% speed for the first segment of CC, and 15% for the remaining time of recovery. During this entire time he cannot recast.


Molecular Prime- Trigger, shoot nearest light enemy. Lets be generous here as well, you killed 3 other light units with the blast, and an ospery. You have now set off 8000 damage to the heavy units, which have now died as well from the same ultimate with no recast as the result of same cast. Using just rhinos ultimate, it would take 40 seconds of power in use popping up. You have left any people outside of the blast radius with halved DPS, and a damage amp. If that isn't higher numbers I don't know what is. That wasn't even distorted either, that's simply the way it is.


I said that the comparison between them didn't matter, because even though they have the same thing, albiet different values, they suck compared to M Prime when it comes to damage, and those abilities don't have damage amps. Banshees sonar, while I grant has a much larger value increase, is much harder to use, and has a duration problem as well with the same symptom as before.


You are literally arguing with facts and math. M Prime has the highest damage potential of the ultimates in the game. It has better CC, whether you want to acknowledge the slowing or not.



-You asking me to test something long and required my effort just to prove a point you make? 


It was for a reason, and because you did not do so, I will stop responding you. It also wasn't about you not being able to do it, it was so you could understand what kind of impact the slowing CC has on the enemies. If you remain willingly, knowingly, and wantingly ignorant, I refuse to argue with you any longer. Because you couldn't/refused to  understand what I was saying, I thought of a nice way for you to go and see for yourself, but instead you took it as a personal attack on how well you can play. I don't even know where you got that, but regardless of that, you also went on to just say that you were right because you don't agree with me so therfor logic doesn't apply to you, and is subjective. 

Edited by Cwierz
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Only because you simply don't want to see and resort to the same old tired insults. You really need to look at how XP works again and do the math for the rare situations where it's better to have a Nova and act as a 3rd wheel.

Copy and paste from wiki

Whenever any member of the team kills an enemy, that member's teammates will still gain full experience from that kill. This experience is divided equally among their Warframe and weapons.

Some examples to illustrate how this works:

  • Suppose Player A kills an enemy with his Warframe ability, and the enemy was worth 500 experience.
    • His Warframe will receive the full 500 experience, while his weapons receive none.
    • His teammates will receive 500 experience each: 125 to their Warframe, 125 to their Primary, 125 to their Secondary and 125 to their Melee.
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May I ask why you view nerfs as inherently bad? 

I don't think you understand what kind of impact the slowing of M Prime has on her capacity to take hits. Before you respond to anything relating to her capacity to take hits/survive-ability I respectfully ask you to go to a tower 3 void mission. After doing so, I want you to find an ice trap, and a group of enemies. Now using just your Soma/Whatever rifle you have (no abilities or whatnot, especially not iron skin.), kill these enemies. The stipulations to this are that you cannot move off of the ice trap,  nor use abilities. The group of enemies you are trying to kill has to be comprise of at least 4 heavy units at the minimum, and preferably at least level 60 mobs, but I am confident you can find a way to test this.


Also, I do believe you said that M Prime does not do the most damage of the ults in game.


That is a straight up lie. First off, its base damage of 1600 after the multiplier is now tied for best damage period. Secondly, every subsequent death following said first death will add 1600.


Lets do a comparison between rhino stomp and M Prime in terms of damage. (world on fire has less, which you don't seem to understand. It has a target limiter, and applies less dps than M prime. Fairly obvious who wins, even in WoF gets accelerant)


Rhino Stomp- 1600 damage, 25 meter radius, in an average t3 mission, you just killed the light enemies, and the shield ospries, however the ancients and heavy units survived and are floating slowed to a 2.5% speed for the first segment of CC, and 15% for the remaining time of recovery. During this entire time he cannot recast.


Molecular Prime- Trigger, shoot nearest light enemy. Lets be generous here as well, you killed 3 other light units with the blast, and an ospery. You have now set off 8000 damage to the heavy units, which have now died as well from the same ultimate with no recast as the result of same cast. Using just rhinos ultimate, it would take 40 seconds of power in use popping up. You have left any people outside of the blast radius with halved DPS, and a damage amp. If that isn't higher numbers I don't know what is. That wasn't even distorted either, that's simply the way it is.


I said that the comparison between them didn't matter, because even though they have the same thing, albiet different values, they suck compared to M Prime when it comes to damage, and those abilities don't have damage amps. Banshees sonar, while I grant has a much larger value increase, is much harder to use, and has a duration problem as well with the same symptom as before.


You are literally arguing with facts and math. M Prime has the highest damage potential of the ultimates in the game. It has better CC, whether you want to acknowledge the slowing or not.


It was for a reason, and because you did not do so, I will stop responding you. It also wasn't about you not being able to do it, it was so you could understand what kind of impact the slowing CC has on the enemies. If you remain willingly, knowingly, and wanting ignorant, I refuse to argue with you any longer. Because you couldn't/refused to  understand what I was saying, I thought of a nice way for you to go and see for yourself, but instead you took it as a personal attack on how well you can play. I don't even know where you got that, but regardless of that, you also went on to just say that you were right because you don't agree with me so therfor logic doesn't apply to you, and is subjective. 

sure go ahead and stop reply (like I care) , just so you know, I will respond over and over. It is not up to me whatever you reply to, I got my points. 


I will respond over and over if I have to, likewise I can't make you reply either. 


The frames that I use in my T3 def are mostly mag, but I did use Nova, Frost, Rhino, Nyx in it. 

Your experiences does not equal my experiences, so you have no right to make me understand what you saying unless you yourself prove it. 

Opinions does not equal facts. 

Edited by SElZE
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May I ask why you view nerfs as inherently bad? 


Because it's boring.  Not once have I ever seen a fun nerf.  The things that bother nerfers don't bother me at all.  In a game based on destruction, it doesn't bother me at all that I get to destroy things.  The more the merrier.  It makes me laugh.  I don't play for skill and I don't accept what nerfers typically call skill.  They have a very restrictive view of skill.  I play for fast visceral action, not tedious action.  I'm not a fan of the old console games, amiga, nes, and all that.  I was looking into eve online and it sounds like a boring game.  I'm not intellectual about games past the point of calculating DPS and TTK.  I like a fast TTK.  It's fun.  I like moving fast, running up, down, and along walls.  Making long and tall leaps.  Catching my breath is boring.  May as well put my character to sleep.  Maybe he should brush his teeth when he wakes up.  If he gets a job, do I get a cut?


Incidentally, I've never complained about the enemies in this game except the case involving newb players.  That is just too tedious.  When peopl say that Nova or whatever leaves them with nothing to kill, that's bullS#&$.  You don't know what it's like to have nothing to kill until you've tried a new account and can't advance unless someone carries you.


When invasions first came out, people were complaining about the napalms and bombards being so high level that Warframes were dieing before they could kill them.  I wasn't complaining at all.  I thought it was fun.  Sure they could one shot my character.  So what?  I went invisible and hit them with radial disarm.  I was LOLing while they stupidly ran around waving sticks.  I hit them with chaos and laughed.  I hit them with all sorts of things and laughed.  I stood in a bubble and laughed.  I was blessed and laughed.  Sure, sometimes I died.  I'm not perfect and pugs are not well oiled machines.  I got revived.  Even though the chance of success was high, maybe even virtually gauranteed, there was still a real chance of failure.  Slip ups could and did happen.  It was fun.  Nerfers want to destroy my fun.


You ask that question as if it's a philosophical matter for me.  It's not.  I enjoy destroying enemies, a lot of them.  Easy mode, if you want to call it that, is fun.  I've played games on nightmare mode from beginning to end the first time around and it was just tedious.  I didn't have any lack of competance playing them in nightmare mode.  But, I was bored.  I bought BF3 because it was advertised as realistic and it showed enemies dieing in 2 shots at a distance that in most games would have required 10 to 20 shots.  I was floored.  Wow, that is fast, not tedious.  I was &!$$ed off when EA/DICE pulled a bait and switch and turned the game into a bullet sponge fest.  I was &!$$ed off when EA/DICE pulled yet another bait and switch and nerfed the nightvision goggles which were absolutely realistic before the nerf.  I was &!$$ed when they turned the saiga + frags into a fire cracker tosser.  They ruined shotguns in that game entirely.  Their rate of fire mechanism is S#&$.  ROF is king in that game, even for weapons of the same DPS.  I tried it their way for a year.  Then, I gave up.  I would not play BF4 if they gave me a box of copies for free.  Been there.  Done that.  Got bored.  Mass Effect 3, same S#&$, boring.  I learned about EA the hard way.  They have a modus operandi.  It bores me.  Dealing with people who dream of charging me money for each bullet I carry is boring.  It comes across in their games.  It bores me.


When a developer has no sense of fun, it comes across in their games and I get bored.  All this talk about slightly this and that, boring.  The knee jerk reaction to destroy anything above average, boring.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Nova is OP.  No getting around it.  Anyone who claims other wise is naieve.  if you claim that it is the player making the frame OP, you are naieve. 


Being able to prime 20 baddies in a high level run, and spit out AMD...then watch everything burn is OP.  Especially in a defense where nova can port up to a spot where no mob can reach.  Prime everything, anti matter drop and unload an ogris into that drop...everything will die.


Or if you are feeling crazy, bring in a nyx that will CC everything for you, and then throw up Absorb...prime everything with nova, AMD drop into that absorb...everything will die. 


No, if you run with a Vauban and/or a Nyx, along with trinity...Nova fills the DPS 100x better than any other warframe.  Theres no need to bring anything else.  


Nova does make for broken end game.  In my opinion, class and build diversity is the BIGGEST problem hampering this game.

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