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So... Do You Think Warframe Is Ready For Steam?


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I think people are ignoring important facts. One, this game has a smaller overhead and thus needs less paying customers to survive. Two, one of the best selling games on Steam is APB and there are many similarities between that game and this one. Three, this game reminds alot of people of Mass Effect 3 multiplayer which is still popular a year after release. Four, FPS or TPS are popular on the PC. And lastly, this game doesn't have to be mainstream to survive, the people who will love this game are shooter fans and we all know how rabid shooter fans can get.

I'm not saying that Warframe is going to die, but simply that the game could garner a much larger audience if it was released in a more polished state than it is in right now.

Yes APB and the ME3 multiplayer are popular, so are shooters on the pc in general however both games are simply much more polished than warframe is right now. That coupled with the large competition in this genre on the PC wil make it difficult for Waframer to captivate a wide audience if unnecessary frustrations arise from broken/unfinished mechanics/systems.

Of course Steam will bring new players into the game, but personally I'd prefer Warframe to thrive and grow rather than simply survive. The question is weather a short term comparatively small increase in players is worth the possibly much larger one once the worst deficiencies of the game have been ironed out.

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Also I'm not sure how well this is going to go over at PAX East. Depending on their playable demo setup, if the press at PAX run into some of these bugs its not going to go down well.

I wouldn't worry to mouch about that, demos at conventions are usually carefully prepared and displayed in an optimal environment that avoids showing any problems the game has.

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Needs a clear note that it is in Open Beta. Maybe its actually intended to go into the Early Access category? That feature still seems to be mildly wonky on Steam, if it does, then it is not an issue.

Other then that, Steam will not make or break WF imho. As long as it is properly integrated, it will serve its purpose by providing an additional distribution outlet.

F2P, cash shop, coop Action Games are made or broken by gameplay. That aspect seems clearly defined, if not "a bit" rough around the edges. Since OB/public access is already a thing, there is no real reason to hold off on distribution via other platforms, woudn't change muhc imho.

So yeah, if it lands in the Early Access thing, its ready.

If not, rage will ensue. But even that won't cripple the game imo, though its a headache that can be easilly avoided.

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