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[New Void Tower] The Rng Tower


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The aim of this tower is to take one of the most hated (but essential) aspects of gaming and turn it into a fun/crazy/horrible experience for players to enjoy/hate/have nightmares about.



A RNG Tower Key will have a chance to drop off of any killable enemy in the entire system. It has a drop chance of ??% (It randomly changes per level).

If you have completed all nodes in the system, the next RNG drop will be a reusable blueprint. The Components, are of course, 250 of A random uncomon resource, and 1000 of a random common resource. (this is rolled once on pick-up. One player may require Polymer and Nano spores, another may need Alloy plates and Ferrite)


As the difficulty of the RNG Tower is not a static beast, this Tower can... Theoretically, be completed by any level mastery account.



"Tower X/Y/Z RNG" will have a Fully Completely Random Prime as a reward already built, in the foundry, a player need only click the "Claim" button to receive his or her HARD EARNED reward. Or it could be a Serration (or any mod) that is randomly leveled, a random pile of credits( ranging from 1-100000), A Potato blueprint, a part of Prime, honestly, anything that's equipable/obtainable is able to be dropped by an RNG tower. Including those old EVENT Vandal and Wraith weapons, so players can finally have a 0.00000000000000000001% chance to be just like the elite of Warframe!



The only opponent is Lasers and the RNG, which will use the lasers to kill you and make you cry.



You will have to navigate 10-50 Rooms, filled with 10-1000 lasers, that will do 1-100,000 damage a second, they will activate 1-10 times over 5 seconds and will have armor and damage reduction equal to level 5-250 Grineer Heavies (Specifically, Alloy-Plate variants). Lasers cause radiation and magnetic damage with a 1-50% proc chance, and destroying one creates a 1-15 meter explosion that deals 100-1000 blast damage with a 5-50% chance to proc knockdown. There is a possibility that any of the laser plates may get corrupted, this causes all damage rolls to be re-rolled, and changes their resistance to that of another heavy unit.


Every room will have a timer, also randomly generated between 45 and 120 seconds, that you will have to get to the next door. The door will lock permanently and you have a random chance to leave with a prime blue-print, or to fail the mission outright.


The following Warframe-specific conditions have a 3-33% chance of activation:

Using Volt's speed has a random chance to make all lasers within a 25 meter radius emit a shockwave

Using Radial Disarm to disable the lasers will have a random chance to cause a cascading explosion in the room with damage calculation and function similar to Molecular Prime

Using Worm Hole, Teleport, Bounce, Ripline, or Switch teleport has a random chance to reduce the timer of the next room by 25%, this has a random chance to stack with itself and can randomly make the time limit less than 5 seconds.

Casting blessing has a chance to freeze all laser timers to 0.99999 sec and hold the tick to 1 until the end of blessing's duration.

Casting Absorb will absorb the randomly generated damage and dispense this to all lasers in the room, which will leave the offending Nyx quite vulnerable to the Explosion Procs that may or may not follow

Casting Snow globe will function as normal, lasers targeting the globe will enjoy an increased rate of activation, but will otherwise not do anything else.

Using Slash-Dash, Charge, Tesla, World on Fire, or Radial Javalin has a chance to double the Status chance of remaining lasers in the room.

Molecular Prime will function as normal, however the Micro-Explosions that are generated have Friend-Fire applied to them.

Using Renewal will function as normal, should a Tenno be downed while under its effect, the nearest Laser will be continuously on until either the Laser, or You expire.





A door, for whatever reason, may randomly decide to not open, even if it is reached before the timer expires. When the timer expires it has a chance to explode, but allow surviving Warframes into the next room.


The Neural Sentry may decide that a room is too good to be sullied by Oxygen, and will vent the next room. It may also consider that things like "Gravity" and "Lighting" may indeed be frivolous and elect to shut of either... or both.


Attempting to launch yourself through walls, and/or glitch yourself outside of the map will reveal that the skybox is lasers, and the tower itself is protecting you from a 100% chance of death by laser. The only thing that can live in a world of lasers is lasers, and the Stalker. Speaking of which...


The stalker can show up during an RNG Tower, he will be immune to lasers, you will not be. He will make it a point to utilize Pull to your maximum detriment.


The harvester lacks Laser immunity, and cant be bothered to harvest Tenno that dare challenge the might of the Neural Se RNG directly.


No room is immune to the above whims of the RNG, Extraction and Spawn are both subjected to all of the above. The only exception is the exact spawn location all 4 members of the cell will be devoid of lasers. Anything up to 1/16th of a Pixel from said placement is free game.





This is essentially a 1v1 match with the RNG Neural Sentry. Said sentry is the embodiment of the Orokin's will, and will hound the players ever step of the way. With verbal insults, with the lasers.


The following is the RNG's Neural Sentry's in-mission dialogue. The text, and... Noises, will be heavily garbled. And the avatar will be of... Something, in the static.



||́|̷|͢ ̵ Wè T̢ru͠sted ́Y͝O̧ų ̨w̴ith ҉.̀||||͡.̡ ̶e̸ve͠ryo͏n̕e's Fu͠tuŔE͘. ͟Y̡ou ͝|||͟| ̶DAr̵E͡ s̵ho̢w͘ ͠Y͘our̡s̵e҉l̕f to҉ ͞U͟S̸?̵


̴|͘|͜| ͜TR̨Ato̷R͝!!̷ ̡|̷|͡|͠ DEF͘I͠L̨ER̀ |̕|́|̨ ̕L͞eaVE a͝t ̡O͞NC̵E҉!̀! ̶|̧|̸|̢


|̷|̧| YO̧Ù ̨ca͠rrìe͢d |||̵ Our ̛Ho͢p̕es.͝.̵. ͝|̶|͢| ̢OUR͜,̷ ̕De̡A҉MS ̡|||͜ Y̵our̢ ͢V͢ERY̸ ́pr͢scenc҉e |̕|̵|͠ M̛o̸c͜ks ͏U͜Ş |||


|͠||̴ BEG̢ON͜E ̧TRA͡T̶ORS͏ |||͟


|̢||͏ ̸Ano̵th́e̸r̵ Retu҉r͘ns ̛||̶| TO ͘US ̕|||͢ t̴o͘ t͘h͏e ͏V͝ƠI͜D̛ ̡|||


|͟|͜|́ y͏ou̕ ͠t̢hi͜ņk ̨SH̴E͝ |̢|| Ca͞n ̢S͢A̡VE͟ |͢|̧|́ YƠU!? ͘||͘|͝ ͢f͞r҉óm̛ OU̶R |̀|̨| W̧RAT͝H͠!͠? ̡|͝|̵|


Fa̢ll͏ ́TE̕N̴NO҉ ̴|||͢ ̕As͢ ỳo҉U |||̴ b̶U̷Rn̶Èd u͟s̛,̸ WÈ R͜èp͟AY̸ ̸in ͠K҉IND͡ ||҉|


|||̵ E͢V̷E͘N ̵NO̢W!?͝ |͢|́| ̸Ev̢en i͠n DE͠AT͜H ̴||| S̵t̛ill̕ y̛o̧u͘ S̀C̸OR҉N us̨ ||| H̷OUND͞ ͞u̵s͢ ͠|||̢


|̕|̶| Ou͢r ͏A͢g͘ent W͝I͜LL C̵OME |̧|͢ ͢FOR ͢yo͟u ||́ ̸YOU̶R͘ ̡D́E̸áth͢ ̧w͏i̕ĺl͢ ̛B̢E̵ ̴şwi͝ft |͏||̕


|̀| ͠Y̧o͢u̢ s͢e͜e̢k ̀th̡e҉ |͟|͝| ̀p͝o͟w̸e̸r҉ ͝OF ͜<Insert Prime-thingy that player has yet to get Here> T̢ra͝ÍTOR̵? ̨|͝|͝|̨ You ̢WI̧LL n̡E̸V̡er C̕L̨AIM ̴I͜T!͘! ̵||̛|́ns̸er̶t>


|͟|͡|̨ ͡St̨il͟l̴ ̸Y̴OƯ ̛FAIL͟ to ̀S̷TE͟ĄL ||| T͢H͝E <insert- incompleted prime item here> fr͟om̷ ̷US ͠|͘|͝| ̢We̢ REJOICE at̡ ͜i̕t̷s̸ ̶F̡AI͠LU҉R̨E


Lotus' Mission Command Quips:



This is it, Tenno. We now have chance to strike at the Neural Sentry. Get to its control core and disable its hold on this tower. This will not be an easy task.


Take care, Tenno, the Neural Sentry will seek to stop you at each and every step. Move carefully, and quickly.


Be sure to keep moving, stopping even for a moment can mean certain death.


Ignore its statements, it seeks only to distract you and make it easier for it to kill you. We were in the Right. We always were.


You've done it, the Neural Sentry no longer has a presence in this tower. We're done here, time to go home.



The tears players cry will fuel employees of Digital Extremes.


If this isn't clear, its ment to be a joke. Though I would still run such a silly concept of a level, I doubt its worthy enough for other players to try... To be honest, the more I think on this idea, the more I actually would like to see it in game. The RNG Key would be synonymous with a reward that no one expected, but has the potential to enjoy regardless.

Edited by ensignvidiot
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Could actually be interesting compared to the rest of the game as long as you going for fun and not to try hard.

Get rid of keys and just make it require completing all nodes. Then give the lasers ai and ill play just this map whenever I'm on

It would give diamond skin a purpose XD

It would be like gmod death run with guns

Edited by dukelego
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Just add infinite revives and I'd play the hek out of that.



Maybe not infinite, but giving the Lasers a random number of extra lives seems like an awesome idea!


I kid, I kid.


I think that would be half of the risk right there. You would have to be a really damn good (or lucky) ninja to navigate it.


besides, your allies can revive you... if they aren't cut down by the lasers


Get rid of keys and just make it require completing all nodes. Then give the lasers ai and ill play just this map whenever I'm on


Interesting Idea, added!

Edited by ensignvidiot
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  • 2 months later...

sounds like a typical DE RNG/drop table meeting.




OT: would very much like this realized. tho i would prefer it not take void keys... i rather not waste my time farming for keys.



You would just need to farm for parts to make keys.

You would get a blueprint for the RNG tower key once you completely clear the starchart.


EDIT]: Derp, re-read post, makes sense. Changing Blueprint requirements.

Edited by ensignvidiot
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You Sir, are a genius. So either you're the son of Cave Johnson, Douglas Adams, or any member of Monty Python.


If this were to happen, I would assuredly send it immediately to Rage Quit for proper reviewing.




Bravo Sir.

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