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whether there is truely any problem with Coptering through levels, is really more of the issue here, and not how they can fix it, because ultimately, this problem is based on using "exploits" that everyone has access too. If you remove Coptering, it has no effect on Nova's Wormhole, or Volts Speed exploits to get through a stage quicker, and especially if they use Narrow Minded maxed out on the Speed, only they will be noticing the effects.


therefor, IMO I think it's a great thing to be able to Copter, but perhaps, Coptering should be restricted so that your Stamina still maters, cause right now, you can jump with 0 Stamina, which allows you to replenish your stamina mid jump for another air slash. Not saying they should remove your ability to jump after your Stamina hits 0, but I'm sure there is a way to make "Coptering" with low stamina make you go less far.


either way, DE is gonna have to try implementing something before we can give them any feedback on it, otherwise we are just bickering about something that a lot of people enjoy doing, for what reason I can't seem to grasp other then that some of the people on here don't seem to appreciate the tactic, and would rather run & slide.....which is boring in comparison.

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Since I've been playing this game.  I still think the biggest mixtake they made was nerfing speed and stamina the way they did.  It's a difference between toning down and just completely S#&$ting on people who want to be a "rush."   You know.......not everyone wants to do a slow run......so instead of equally pleasing both parties (dont look at me with a straight face and mention those crap mods) they just completely pooped on speed players.


-They didn't reduce the mod cost on Rush or the Stamina mod.

-They leaked a Sprint Aura mod which should of been released with the Stamina change (I had the mod and 3 other people I know did.  From personal experience it was cool if you weren't old and had atleast above average reactions.  Could of been a awesome mod if they reduced it by 10-15 percent across the board instead of 0.  That was just salt they were expressing)


Why am I still typing

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Since I've been playing this game.  I still think the biggest mixtake they made was nerfing speed and stamina the way they did.  It's a difference between toning down and just completely S#&$ting on people who want to be a "rush."   You know.......not everyone wants to do a slow run......so instead of equally pleasing both parties (dont look at me with a straight face and mention those crap mods) they just completely pooped on speed players.


-They didn't reduce the mod cost on Rush or the Stamina mod.

-They leaked a Sprint Aura mod which should of been released with the Stamina change (I had the mod and 3 other people I know did.  From personal experience it was cool if you weren't old and had atleast above average reactions.  Could of been a awesome mod if they reduced it by 10-15 percent across the board instead of 0.  That was just salt they were expressing)


Why am I still typing

I still find it odd they only touched sprint aura instead of truly broken mods like natural talent. It's like they're saying "Thrak Rhino with hobbled key is the ideal speed in this game everything else is wrong."

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I hope DE addresses the scourge of going slow, it is really hurting the pace of this game. This game is meant to be fast paced ninja action and people going slow are really ruining my fun.


I hope they remove this scourge of slow soon.

And I hope they actually add some support and benefit for going slow. Make a nice change of pace from the single style of rushing. Unless you don't like the idea of variety.

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And I hope they actually add some support and benefit for going slow. Make a nice change of pace from the single style of rushing. Unless you don't like the idea of variety.

So it's okay for people against rushing to demand removing of fast but it's not okay for rushers to demand removal of slow? Double standards much?


And yes I actually want DE to make missions worth doing and maps worth exploring.

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I could barely deal with the stamina reduction but I hanged in there, I could deal with the removal of infested, I'm sad but I'm still here, the only thing that could make me really stop playing this game is if they remove the speed and coptering and the parkour, if they do any of this I'm out that is for effing sure !! The speed and the parklour is what makes this game, anyone wanting to remove the coptering does not get WF at all imo.

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So it's okay for people against rushing to demand removing of fast but it's not okay for rushers to demand removal of slow? Double standards much?


And yes I actually want DE to make missions worth doing and maps worth exploring.

Lets put that in perspective, the thing supporting Fast (which currently the only functional way to play) is in essence a glitch. It is the result of unintended interiors in animations. IF there were a similar glitch making glacially slow the overwhelmingly dominant method of play people would object to that.

Keyword: Glitch.

Coptering is a glitch, not a designed or intented feature. The only thing it currently adds to the game is, making it a glitch some people like, that it reduces the time required to play a mission and achieve certain "rewards". If game play at no coptering/glitch speeds was properly supported and rewarded this wouldn't be nearly the issue it currently is.

Its not a double standard because its a one sided problem. There is no comparable benefit for going slow. Until this is addressed, making flippant statements like "the scrounge of going slow" is counter productive.

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Y'know what a real fun comparison to Rushing vs. actually playing the game is? The Cicero Crisis!


No, really, how many runs did it take for everyone to get their Lapis? Be truthful now.


'Cause it only took me 15, which I completed in the first day/night cycle. Half a second later I found a full Lapis run, and before 10 PM, ON THE DAY THE EVENT CAME OUT, I had my full 100 points. I then spent the next week building Vermillion anti-toxins for my friends.


But that's my mentality; I've nothing but time on my hands, so I see absolutely zero need to "MOVE AS FAST AS @(*()$ POSSIBLE ALL THE @(*()$ TIME!" Another thing I don't understand is this "Might Makes Right" mentality that rushers have... it's counterintutive to teamwork. Would it not simply be easier to ask nicely once the first time and then just let bygones be bygones, rather than being an antagonistic S#&$head about it?


For example, Instead of being all "WTF!? Y U SO SLOW!? GIT GUD NOOB!" about it you could just say "Yo', 'sup? I'm in a bit of a hurry, can we get this done quickly?" You just might find some people are more receptive when you ask them to do something in a polite manner, rather than forcing them to play the game your way because YOU think its the ONLY way to play the game.

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Eh it is not a glitch dude, if you do that slide and hit melee your gonna move forward a bit, its a ''slide attack'' its even in the stats, stop trying to ruin this game for everyone, go play Dear Esther if you like walking so much god damn !!

Please try this with a Fragor and not a Zoren or a weapon that shares its animation (and momentum keeping mechanics). It is indeed a glitch, an unintended interaction between the animation and the physicis engine. It just happens to be a glitch you like. If it used the same momentum kill in the Fragor they do, with Zoren you would complain. Using General_Krull's logic that's a double standard. Why aren't you calling for the Fragor to be given the same momentum keeping the Zoren (and similar) weapons get?

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Please try this with a Fragor and not a Zoren or a weapon that shares its animation (and momentum keeping mechanics). It is indeed a glitch, an unintended interaction between the animation and the physicis engine. It just happens to be a glitch you like. If it used the same momentum kill in the Fragor they do, with Zoren you would complain. Using General_Krull's logic that's a double standard. Why aren't you calling for the Fragor to be given the same momentum keeping the Zoren (and similar) weapons get?

I have leveled every melee weapon there is, the fragor is huge and bulky and it should not move you forward as much which it doesn't, why is there a ''slide attack'' stat if its a glitch ?

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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Lets put that in perspective, the thing supporting Fast (which currently the only functional way to play) is in essence a glitch. It is the result of unintended interiors in animations. IF there were a similar glitch making glacially slow the overwhelmingly dominant method of play people would object to that.

Keyword: Glitch.

Coptering is a glitch, not a designed or intented feature. The only thing it currently adds to the game is, making it a glitch some people like, that it reduces the time required to play a mission and achieve certain "rewards". If game play at no coptering/glitch speeds was properly supported and rewarded this wouldn't be nearly the issue it currently is.

Its not a double standard because its a one sided problem. There is no comparable benefit for going slow. Until this is addressed, making flippant statements like "the scrounge of going slow" is counter productive.

Rocket jumping in quake was a glitch, skating in tribes was a glitch. But did they remove them? No, they turned it in to a feature. This is what should happen with coptering. Why would you want to ruin the game for a lot of people simply because "WAAAH they move faster than me!"

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Rocket jumping in quake was a glitch, skating in tribes was a glitch. But did they remove them? No, they turned it in to a feature. This is what should happen with coptering. Why would you want to ruin the game for a lot of people simply because "WAAAH they move faster than me!"

Exactly, i don't think I would have gotten hooked on WF if it wasn't for the speed and agility, people sure do whine alot on here.



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Rocket jumping in quake was a glitch, skating in tribes was a glitch. But did they remove them? No, they turned it in to a feature. This is what should happen with coptering. Why would you want to ruin the game for a lot of people simply because "WAAAH they move faster than me!"

Does coperting truely enhance or improve the over all game play? You use rocket jumping and skating as examples, but those brought something unique to the game play and fundamentally change those games as a result.

Warframe's core gameplay and pacing aren't stable enough to allow this glitch to remain as crutch. It allows players to ignore what isn't working and thus allows DE to pretend they don't have to deal with it. When the stamina Nerf came and slowed everyone the cry was "omg this is so boring, the tiles are repetitive, and boring." Rather then address that, DE slapped back on the morphine patch that is "going fast".

The crutch use of the glitch needs to removed, if for nothing else then to force DE to address lack-luster core elements of the game. That it is boring, repetitive, monotonous, and the only way people are finding enjoyment is speeding through the levels as fast they can possibly can (by any means).

Coperting doesn't change the way game plays, it just lets you play it faster and bypass the "boring, slow" parts.


Lets look at another glitch in Warframe itself. Crouch-to-continue-vertical-wall-runs. Much like coptering this is a glitch, not a very useful one at the momment because it doesn't help, forward SPEED. This is much close to rocket jumping or skating in that it adds an additonal element, verticality. If vertical wall running wasn't slowed overtime, and was allowed to continue to the limit of stamina, this would change how Warframe could be played (in part through allow more vertical level design).

Things like the broken elevator on the Coprus Ship Defense Map wouldn't have to be packed full of junk to make it an accessable climb.

This expands game play.

I will grant that coperting does allow horizontal boosts to areas that normal wall running or jumping doesn't currently allow that COULD expand game play, however that is not primary use it is being put toward. Its main value is in bypassing "boring repetitive monotonous" sections, which says a great deal about what DE should be fixining so that removing a glitch doesn't cause half the forum going community to blow a gasket any time anyone even hits at taking it out.

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If anything, a good alternative to Zorencoptering (if it ever gets removed) would be Wallkicking.


Basically, jump at a wall as if to start a wallrun but let go right away; enjoy zooming across a room at high speed. Possibly a glitch as well... also, your 'launch speed' is frame-dependent : the faster your sprint speed (mods affects it), the faster/farther the leap.


Only restriction is that you need a vertical surface to wallkick off of so it wouldn't be doable in the middle of an open room. Thankfully, most of such rooms have objects around that you can perform a wallkick off of so you pretty much obtain the same kind of mobility regardless.

Edited by Wiegraf
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