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Zorencopter: Another Life


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Now I've been playing Warframe for a few months ever since its initial launch into Open Beta on Steam. Like many of you all, I discovered the wondrous technique known by the masses as the "Zorencopter". Needless to say, I found this as an invaluable mobility tool to cut down the time I need to sometimes grind missions or just clear a mission (besides defense and mobile defense missions). However, based from the whispers of the past, the origin of this technique appears to be rather questionable.

Personally I've been addicted to the Zorens just for this ability, regardless of their weak melee damage in comparison other melee weapons. However I sometimes feel I'm just taking advantage of something seemingly unnatural in a game, especially in terms of realism.



...Jesus! I can wreck this Deception mission no sweat!...

...you're exploiting a bug guys! F***ing hell! This is ruining Warframe with all the s**tty speedrunners...


From what I understand, it was initially a bug that allows one to propel oneself by performing the melee slide attack, particularly mid-air. This was utilizing the knowledge that a faster melee swing speed will increase the acceleration of the mid-air propulsion. The Dual Zorens having the fastest swing speed to date coupled with a maximum level Fury mod ultimately cemented the existence and viability of this technique.


It seems to me that some of the developers at DE appear to be disappointed that in addition to zorencoptering, the growth of speedrunning in the community to grind missions may undermine the value of gameplay by just ignoring level assets and potential environmental features in order to obtain the hypothetical "cheese" at the end of the "mouse maze".

I also have heard that this so-called bug was fixed during the closed beta or alpha period, but due to immense pressure from the player base it was reinstated. Though I sense that the devs still feel players shouldn't be allowed to exploit what essentially is a short cut through much of this game's content.


Proposal for rebirth

Now we all know the oncoming Melee 2.0 will soon be upon us, but what I found interesting was in the recent Dev Livestream #21, Geoff mentioned that the introduction of Melee 2.0 will act as a foundation to build upon with future additions of melee related features. Now I'm not sure if they are going to do anything to Zorencoptering, but judging by the fact they have known about it for a long time but seem to ignore it in terms of actually changing it for fear incurring the wrath of many Warframe players, it's safe to say nothing might change. From this foundation of Melee 2.0, the guys at DE could breathe new life into this questionable by many "technique".

Since many would never want zorencoptering to ever go away while the developers do want to minimise people skipping their content, I propose a compromise:

Make zorencoptering a mod.

Now I'm sure the current mod system in Warframe has its flaws that has been thoroughly discussed in detail by a lot of people here in the forums, but my reasoning for making zorencoptering a mod involves the following:

  • 1) The idea that players can still enjoy using it
  • 2) Legitimize the technique as an official ability in Warframe related to melee
  • 3) When modding a melee weapon, give the player a choice on focussing between melee damage or utility

Based on these 3 concepts, the zorencoptering mod could be a utility mod, not dissimilar to the ones found on Warframes like Maglev, Rush, Quick Rest and etc. Make its mod capacity cost a high one so when using this mod, it will definitely force a player to make a hard choice when constructing mod builds for their melee weapon.


Example of the mod

The numbers can vary depending on game balance, so I won't pretend these values will work, so the following is my hypothetical example:

Mod name: Air Cleave

Rarity: Uncommon/Rare

Description: Propels a Warframe forward at ??? speed.

Rank 0 cost: 10

Max rank: 5

The ranks are based on the Metal Auger mod as an example for a high cost card. The rarity of the mod could be adjusted according to the devs thoughts. But I suggest that if DE don't want to encourage too many people rushing so much of their game, maybe this mod could fittingly drop from only the last boss in the Starchart based on difficulty (currently this would be Ambulas in Pluto). By the time a player is able to reach there, they would have sufficiently explored much of what the game has to offer besides the Void Towers and the Orokin Derelicts. So when they successfully defeat the last boss in the map, it seems fair that they then are given the ability to much quickly complete missions they would have already cleared in the past.


Future repercussions

My proposal is a hypothetical one, but I believe that making zorencoptering a mod may not be the end. In addition to this becoming a melee utility mod, this could open the door to the introduction of other utility mods specifically designed for the upcoming Melee 2.0. But to be more topical, the Air Cleave mod could provide something like an aggressive air-dash when a Melee Weapon is equipped and a players proceeds to do a slide attack mid-air to attack airborne enemies.

I'm not entirely sure if DE will include air-combos in their melee system, but if they did, this mod could act as an air combo starter that propels a player towards an airborne enemy and initiate a temporary air-combo melee stance. All hypothetical of course...

In conclusion, the zorencoptering bug could be given a new lease on life as legitimate feature in the game while putting the devs at ease that it can be balanced with the game content overall.



Make zorencoptering a high cost melee utility mod

Force players to decide on whether to focus on damage or utility when making mod builds

Devs will be happy knowing that not too much of their Warframe content is disregarded through level rushing

Players get to keep using zorencoptering but now it's a legit part of the game

Possible implications of synergy between melee utility mods and Melee 2.0 combat system



If you have read this far into my forum post then I thank you for successfully reading through all my wall of text.

Here's a free bunny courtesy from the Interwebs :3

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oh god no, been there done that.

"here's a cool feature let's make it into a mod!"




turning features into mods is a bad idea. look at all the glaive mods for example.


Let's not forget the super-ultra-mega-happy-fun-time we'll have trying to find which enemy the god damned mod drops from (and then trying to drop it).


If you don't like GGF's, find some friends/clans who are just as slow as you.

It really isn't that hard to do.


Make zorencoptering a high cost melee utility mod

Force players to decide on whether to focus on damage or utility when making mod builds

Devs will be happy knowing that not too much of their Warframe content is disregarded through level rushing

Players get to keep using zorencoptering but now it's a legit part of the game

- Nope

- Zoren is already a trade off of speed for power.

- What content?

- Didn't they already state they're not removing it in one of the streams?

- It probably will, without the need of a mod.

Edited by MagnusFury
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Zorencoptering is the "wavedash" of Warframe; a design quirk and nothing more. It should remain only so long as the game mechanics coincidentally allow it. Legitimizing it by making it a mod would be be silly and harmful, adding yet another mod to clutter the drop tables and overshadowing pre-existing mobility mods.

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- Zoren is already a trade off of speed for power.

Agreed. Apart from using the zorencopter as an actual attack (which I do a lot, actually), it does minuscule damage to basically everything above level 10. That is, even with crit/regular swing damage build.


(my stats:

1 impact, 1 puncture, 27 slash, 22 corrosive

55 charged, 150 spin, 70 leap, 150 wall

2.8 speed, 5.7x / 40.0% crit, 3.2 status

w/ melee channel, still doesn't help much)

Edited by theasl
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If the run speeds and parkour were sufficiently improved across the board for all warframes then zorencopter would be obsolete or just another way to do the same thing.  Some people may still prefer the aesthetics of the zorencoptor, but, that is not the main reason why so many people like zorencopter.  People like zorencopter because they feel it is a fun way to get around.  They enjoy fast movement and flying through the air which is precisely what Warframe was said or demoed to provide.  So, it should be a standard feature, not a piece of equipment.  DE should have thought of that when they tried to do away with zorencoptor.  Just make good on your advertising and the problem will be averted.

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Players are already spoiled with flying through the level at blazing speeds. who wouldn't use it? with melee 1.0 the only weapon dealing any damage barely comparable to a primary or secondary is the galatine witch has charge time AND range(who would have guessed).and having a massive speed boost when grinding missions with little to no expense is too good to pass up. making zorencoptering a mod wont solve anything even if you make it take 60 mod capacity. MAYBE if it gets reintroduced as a 5th skill or something at the expense of energy they will partially fix it but making exploitable mechanics legit systems isnt going to make them fair.DE screwed up with the zorens and unfortunately they cant fix it now.  Sorry OP gonna have to say no

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I agree Zorencoptering should be changed, or even removed. It totally undermines the whole entire game in every single way you can think of. I disagree though about making its functionality into a mod. Instead, it should be implemented naturally into the game, and given its own stamina consumption and cooldown. Could simply make it into an in air "Dodge" feature. The dodge key (Shift) has no function in the air... This ability can give it that.






This is a pretty good demonstration as to what I'm talking about. An in air dodge feature, but a bit more prolonged than that one and has a cool down to stop players from just speeding through everything instantly like zorencoptering does.


I would also add that Melee 2.0 would be perfect for using this system. Make it so that you can only do this in air dodge/dash while equipped with your melee weapon. This not only will make fighting enemies epic and ninja-like, but it provides a good sense of balance.


Edit: I should also add that this guy is playing a CBT version of this game. In the official release, they added a small cooldown so you can't do those dashes so quickly.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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