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Tenno Homeplanet


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Call it a Homebase, or a Tenno Hub, or a Tenno colony. The idea is a planet that has been colonized or established by the Tenno. Homeplanet/Lore isn't the focus here. Though that could be incorporated in.


So we have invasions now right? Grineer trying to gain ground on Corpus and vice versa.


Why not add a Tenno planet into the game that has a hostile native race living on it that is constantly encroaching on Tenno bases? (DE did mention a new race coming in last livestream)


Then you could also have invasions from Grineer and Corpus forces, so we'd have to be constantly defending attacks from those guys too.


Add your ideas if you want, I think this would actually be really cool, and would give Tenno a planet to call their own.

Edited by Instinction
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Yeah, we have dojos and the unnamed HQ location that Lotus refers to during some Capture missions.

It would be interesting to see where exactly the Tenno and Lotus are based at.

Altho maybe not a planet, preferably a moon as we dont have more planets in the Solar system.

Another possibility would be some sort of a huge space station at the edge of the system, where the hostile factions cant locate them.....yet.

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From the live streams I've watched these things have been said

-Tenno protect humans

- this could mean that the humans have small colonies on some planets, so tenno are fighting to keep them safe

- or humans live in space or exoplanet/asteroids and tenno live apart from the,

-or how like to imagine some orokin ships that lotus/the tenno have under control so some tenno stay with them in their HQ's

While clan tenno's decided to live off in the system to be closer to the action to accomplish certain goals or set up a line of defense

- or (insert blank here)

-DE has at least considered having a lotus escort mission for an event, whether she be a toaster, data capsule, tenno, floating upper body or tank. I hope we get to see a tenno citadel or human/tenno settlement or something(something that doesnt look like a clan base or a void).

I think it would be cool if they did make a tenno/human city/town/village where one can walk around, and follow a star mapped questline where you see humans run past before you start the mission that way you can see what you are fighting for etc.

I also like the idea of an interactive market, maybe if you interact with certain people like frohd bek (through transmission) or darvo they offer exotic frames or frame parts, skins and weapons on certain days, that you order with a certain amount of material that will be "shipped" to you.(speed delivery for plat). Just thinking this would add an extra layer of immersion to the game.

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