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Luck Is The Only Way To Progress In Update 7.


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Sounds awfully like Conan the Barbarian than Ninja.

One of my friends' friends is an actual special forces guy. What he remembers most vividly is having to crouch in a dark cave motionless for half an hour while an insurgent he was observing took a s**t all over his face. That statement kind of destroyed the glamour of realistic special forces ninja action, you know. That kind of ninja stuff is ridiculously overrated. Why not take a cue from every other ninja game on the market and make it about flipping out and killing people rather than "crouching in a cesspit for 10 hours while people crap on your head, now in smell-o-vision!"

Warframe pre-UD7 was 'flipping out and killing people'. And that was really fun. Warframe post-UD7 isn't "crouch in a cesspit for 10 hours while people crap on your head", but it's gotten closer to implementing the most unlikable parts of realism (the fact that you need to be lucky, not just good, to get anywhere is pretty much real life in a nutshell) without any of the likable parts (when Warframe gives me real money for playing it I'll stop criticizing it for being too much like real life).

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Sounds awfully like Conan the Barbarian than Ninja.

If stealth was really viable maybe it would be other description :)

I wonder how common this was because I heard quite a different story from most of the people I know.

Actually the conan the barbarian character is quite adept at stealth....but thats beside the point.

Considering the way DE has described the type of "ninja" vibe they are going for in Warframe....

this guys description was pretty inline with their anounced design direction.

Well I'm playing games for about 20 years now. Started with Elite on my dads ZX Spectrum. Maybe my experience with games helped and there were challenging spots at times.

To clarify I'm thinking that new mod system is not bad as system itself. It has potential. It's that whole progresion system got shifted towards random, lucky or unlucky things you can't control. If you get unlucky for a long time you start to feel like you're in a cage with no options. It's a frustrating experience. Frustrated people don't buy things, they just leave.

Edited by FanZeroEx
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One of my friends' friends is an actual special forces guy. What he remembers most vividly is having to crouch in a dark cave motionless for half an hour while an insurgent he was observing took a s**t all over his face. That statement kind of destroyed the glamour of realistic special forces ninja action, you know. That kind of ninja stuff is ridiculously overrated. Why not take a cue from every other ninja game on the market and make it about flipping out and killing people rather than "crouching in a cesspit for 10 hours while people crap on your head, now in smell-o-vision!"

heh. Trying to get people to understand the nature of realistic stealth can be quite challenging.

If stealth was really viable maybe it would be other description :)

Well I\m playing games for about 20 years now. Started with Elite on my dads ZX Spectrum. Maybe my expierence with games helped and there were challenging spots at times.

To clarify I'm thinking that new mod system is not bad as system itself. It has potential. It's that whole progresion system got shifted towards random, lucky or unlucky things you can't control. If you get unlucky for a long time you start to feel like you're in a cage with no options. It's a frustrating experience. Frustrated people don't buy things, they just leave.


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Yeah, there are absolutly no natural progression now, which is awful. Potatoed 30lvl gun and frame acts the same as unranked. Cards/mods should complement progression, not be the center of it.

I have absolutly no interest in crafting new frames because of it.

Edited by V0LK
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Why are you people even farming Mercury so much? Just don't go solo on the other planets, mods will drop eventually, I already got tons of mods and even maxed out some (not using fushion cores). For f-s sake I've even farmed Saryn bp parts with only 3 mods on my Paris and 2 buddies again with weapon mods only (Excalibur to clear trash and blind and Rhino for revives).



I'm liking the new system so far, It's not mind numbingly p!$$ easy like pre-U7 and you have to use some strategy especially versus bosses.

Edited by ShadowNetBG
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Why are you people even farming Mercury so much? Just don't go solo on the other planets, mods will drop eventually, I already got tons of mods and even maxed out some (not using fushion cores). For f-s sake I've even farmed Saryn bp parts with only 3 mods on my Paris and 2 buddies again with weapon mods only (Excalibur to clear trash and blind and Rhino for revives).

I'm liking the new system so far.

The other problem after U7 you don't know your own power level anymore. For example I have level 30 Excalibur modded (no shield, hp mods tho) and my weapons have damage mods respectively. So how do I know if do enough damage for Earth system mission, how do you perceive your own power level compared to mission information now? Are these mods I have really enough you ask? What if you get the ice level and your shields are halved and you don't have shield mod? If I have 30 level Excalibur with full mods are these mods enough to handle level 30 enemies or do I need better mods? How do I know? It's good it you have constant group, I don't and to add to that I'm more of a lone wolf type guy. If I can't play solo and progress why the option is even there?

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this is a little off topic but OMG, I just got a Vitality mod as a mission reward on M Prime! And i only did M Prime because some other guy said he got a vitality mod from M Prime too :o If anyone doesn't have a vitality mod yet, try M Prime :D

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Umm just a tip, don't know if it's just my own random RNG, but I spent time doing every single Spy Mission I could find

(1 after the other, working my way from lowest level to highest level ones)

It seemed to me the random mod reward at the end of most low level spy missions had a very good chance to be vitality, at least for me. (Got lots of Reload Speed/Clip Size mods too as well as a few Sprint Speeds and Stamina Mods)

So far no luck on finding out where a good place to farm shield mods is though. (But I already have a 240% shield mod, sry forgot where I got it)

I have a theory that each type of mission (Spy/Capture/Defense/Assassination) has it's own loot tables. (I.E. Certain mods have a higher chance to drop depending on the mission While some mods have a 0% chance to drop in some) The tables seem to change every 20 or so levels though. (Spy Mission at Earth was giving me very different rewards)

If anyone wants to test this theory, do abunch of Spy missions and report your findings back.

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Umm just a tip, don't know if it's just my own random RNG, but I spent time doing every single Spy Mission I could find

(1 after the other, working my way from lowest level to highest level ones)

It seemed to me the random mod reward at the end of most low level spy missions had a very good chance to be vitality, at least for me. (Got lots of Reload Speed/Clip Size mods too as well as a few Sprint Speeds and Stamina Mods)

So far no luck on finding out where a good place to farm shield mods is though. (But I already have a 240% shield mod, sry forgot where I got it)

I have a theory that each type of mission (Spy/Capture/Defense/Assassination) has it's own loot tables. (I.E. Certain mods have a higher chance to drop depending on the mission While some mods have a 0% chance to drop in some) The tables seem to change every 20 or so levels though. (Spy Mission at Earth was giving me very different rewards)

If anyone wants to test this theory, do abunch of Spy missions and report your findings back.

I dunno about Spy missions, but i can confirm that Raid missions will give a random mod at the end as a mission reward. You can see which one is the reward because the little icon for the mod in the mission summary has the card's picture on it. Probably has a better chance of dropping vitality/shields than enemies :o

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I dunno about Spy missions, but i can confirm that Raid missions will give a random mod at the end as a mission reward. You can see which one is the reward because the little icon for the mod in the mission summary has the card's picture on it. Probably has a better chance of dropping vitality/shields than enemies :o

Yea I know that.

Raid, Spy and Capture missions all give you a random mod on completion. These mods seem to always be (at least for me) either Stamina/Sprint/Vitality/ClipSize/ReloadSpeed. (Maybe shields too)

What I want to test is I want players to do like either 10 spy missions in a row and tell me what the mod is at the end for each (or 100 if you got the stamina for it) or just keep repeating the same spy mission over and over.

I'm trying to see if there's loot tables involved with missions. It's a theory right now, just trying to prove it.


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I'm just going to copy my post from another thread because I'm lazy.

Passive upgrades should be basic necessities (health, shield,damage etc.) which scale relative to the frame or weapon and are gained with each level. i.e. Loki gets less HP gains per level than Rhino but more power efficiency etc. Makes the system less RNG dependent.

Then remove HP/shield/damage mods and in replacement add actual mods which can change playstyle and are simply more than stat increases, i.e. Able to use ability a second time for no cost at half strength within 5 seconds, every 4th shot crits, charged melee attacks reduce enemy armor b 50% for 5 seconds, after reloading the first shot removes the enemy's gravity and suspends them in the air [30 second CD] etc.

You get the point. Creativity is crucial at this point of the game's life cycle, beyond attempting to fulfill standard RPG tropes.

When I just started playing Warframe I never had to do the same mission twice to progress. Never! Solo wasn't a problem too. I did Mercury, Venus, Mars, half of Saturn(including boss) and Earth just fine. Half or more than half of the systems missions were done in solo mode. I have never felt a need to go back and grind to become more powerful. Nor did I have incentive to farm bosses because I'm was satisfied with my Excalibur. The only thing I truly wanted was Orakin reactor, but since I have a job, hunting alerts 24/7 was out of the question. Back then I thought: "What a stupid system. They locked half of my progress behind a thing I can get only if I'm lucky or if I pay cash". Now the whole system is like that and I despise it!

I want to feel like a badass ninja. I want to feel the power! To rip those grineer and corpus to pieces with my blade. To slice and dice through hordes of infested. To feel like my enemies are insects beneath my feet and then I stomp I crush them. The game prior update 7 just did that. You were powerful in the beginning of the game and your power dwindled later on. It was quest for power. Now you just roll the dice. And for those who say just use strategy man! What about if say I want to use strategy, but at the same time I want to feel powerful. Can I do that now? No you're not doing it unless you get some shield or hp mods plus other mods which are all based on luck. I'm sick of doing Tolstoj runs, and I'm sick of playing defense maps, just because they drop good and I'm sick of praying to RNG gods to grant me my lucky ticket(mod card) to venture forth. It's not fun, it gets old fast. This is bad game design and don't even protect it, it's not justifiable.

These guys got it right! especially the last one. Before update 7 you really felt bad-&#!! if you were 4 guys that were level 15 you could own jackal for example! Now you can be level 30 and he can insta-kill you with the explosion ability! Also when i was doing an alert mission there was a boss similar to the one in Tolstoj and even thought i got lucky and FINALLY found a shield mod so i had 300 Shields 150 HP on Ember he just 2-shot me in one second. WTF?

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This is true, from the player's side, but what about from the companies?

If everyone could solo the new places alone, that'd eliminate time looking for parties. If there is no need for parties, you can start up whenever and do a few runs, get the Warframe blueprints and voila, three days later, new Warframe. The only cost potential is the 20 platinum for the slot.

Compared to the 75-375 platinum warframes, that's quite a bit less profit. For the record, I got the Mag and Excalibur blueprints in the same night. Fun as it is, it's not the best business model.

HO. LY. S#&$.

Did you actually use a "but devs gotta eat" argument to justify bad game design? Tell me I'm dreaming.


Wow. This has got to be a new low on these forums. I don't even know what mental gymnastics you went through to argue that. You were probably late home after a hard day at work and didn't bother to turn your brain back on, and that's just me being lenient in assumptions.

Won't even bother offering counter-arguments. You know, like the viability of long-term decisions, or people supporting a game they like, not a game they don't like. These should all be common sense. I shouldn't have to explain this.

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Well I'm playing games for about 20 years now. Started with Elite on my dads ZX Spectrum. Maybe my experience with games helped and there were challenging spots at times.

To clarify I'm thinking that new mod system is not bad as system itself. It has potential. It's that whole progresion system got shifted towards random, lucky or unlucky things you can't control. If you get unlucky for a long time you start to feel like you're in a cage with no options. It's a frustrating experience. Frustrated people don't buy things, they just leave.

Totally agree. This game's design with level progression is bad. DE really need to think about improve it. Level up should be more than 1-2 point increase in mod point.

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I dont see what all the fuss is. With this new system I have complete control over my warframe and how I want to play it. On rhino, I only take two of his abilities and use the other slots for more stats to increase my general game play success. Having blank frames that I can build up is awesome. It hasn't been very long since U7, maybe OP should give RNG more time. It just seems to me that OP doesnt like that he/she had to start over at low lvls with a lvl 30 frame. Which, I admit, was not the way I thot it was going to be. But after a few days of farming mods, i've recovered a lot of my frames potential. Although I can't face roll stuff anymore, I am able to run high level missions again. I just have to be more careful of how I play. Its fun xD

Edited by bptamblyn
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These guys got it right! especially the last one. Before update 7 you really felt bad-&#!! if you were 4 guys that were level 15 you could own jackal for example! Now you can be level 30 and he can insta-kill you with the explosion ability! Also when i was doing an alert mission there was a boss similar to the one in Tolstoj and even thought i got lucky and FINALLY found a shield mod so i had 300 Shields 150 HP on Ember he just 2-shot me in one second. WTF?

Srly. Do you guys really argue about the one man army god mode.... This is ridiculous. Its jsut boring to run through everything and kill it by just pushing a button. Maybe im just a bit hardened by dark souls and that stuff but a game should not feel like "god mode always on". And in update 6 i solo-ed every god damn boss without problems. It´s a co op game and if you dont go coop to fight a boss, you die. So easy.

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Srly. Do you guys really argue about the one man army god mode.... This is ridiculous. Its jsut boring to run through everything and kill it by just pushing a button. Maybe im just a bit hardened by dark souls and that stuff but a game should not feel like "god mode always on". And in update 6 i solo-ed every god damn boss without problems. It´s a co op game and if you dont go coop to fight a boss, you die. So easy.

Yup, U7 brought a challange and some life back into the game. If you want/need to play co-op but don't have any friends, then you can join radom people's games. There are plenty out there.

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Srly. Do you guys really argue about the one man army god mode.... This is ridiculous. Its jsut boring to run through everything and kill it by just pushing a button. Maybe im just a bit hardened by dark souls and that stuff but a game should not feel like "god mode always on". And in update 6 i solo-ed every god damn boss without problems. It´s a co op game and if you dont go coop to fight a boss, you die. So easy.

I dunno, but when i played i couldn't solo any boss or feel like "god mode always on" (i played for 30-40 hours). If you were swarmed by heavies or a commander teleporting you in the middle of the enemy, a ton of shockwave MOA's coming towards you etc. it was hard, but you could go in and emerge victorious if the enemy was around, let's say, level 15 and you were 30 (i don't have the catalyst). Now if you try to do that and your level 30 with mods unless you are SUPER carefull you can't do anything and i don't think i ever succedeed any mission alone without revives if it wasn't an exterminate mission so you couldn't get swarmed so easily.

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Once I got a handful of decent weapon mods (mostly the pistol damage and multishot, which aren't that rare of a drop) I was doing perfectly fine even without hp/shield mods. I wasn't running pluto/ceres/eris, but everything else is pretty doable as long as you play careful. Maybe the OP is just bad at an easy game?

These guys got it right! especially the last one. Before update 7 you really felt bad-&#!! if you were 4 guys that were level 15 you could own jackal for example! Now you can be level 30 and he can insta-kill you with the explosion ability! Also when i was doing an alert mission there was a boss similar to the one in Tolstoj and even thought i got lucky and FINALLY found a shield mod so i had 300 Shields 150 HP on Ember he just 2-shot me in one second. WTF?

If you even get hit by a buffed vor, you're doing it wrong. Jackals grenade attack is supposed to gib people. You need to play cover vs it instead of standing still out in the open spraying a 300% multishot gorgon at in his leg like you could in pre u7.

Edited by Aggh
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I dunno, but when i played i couldn't solo any boss or feel like "god mode always on" (i played for 30-40 hours). If you were swarmed by heavies or a commander teleporting you in the middle of the enemy, a ton of shockwave MOA's coming towards you etc. it was hard, but you could go in and emerge victorious if the enemy was around, let's say, level 15 and you were 30 (i don't have the catalyst). Now if you try to do that and your level 30 with mods unless you are SUPER carefull you can't do anything and i don't think i ever succedeed any mission alone without revives if it wasn't an exterminate mission so you couldn't get swarmed so easily.

That. Prior to U7 I had a supercharged level 30 Volt, with a supercharged level 30 Gorgon which had good damage mods, every element but fire, and a MULTISHOT mod, yet starting from Earth and Neptune i never once felt like i was an unstoppable god. If i did something stupid and ran into the open without thinking, or get teleported into a dozen grineers by a commander, or so much as bashed down by a shield lancer in the wrong place, or get mobbed by MOAs with a shield osprey buffing them from behind a pillar, guess what, I DIE. And it felt fair. Sure knock downs and stumbles suck, but at least i could solo properly, because i had the passives from leveling to back me up. Passives that I EARNED. And even then i would still get my &#! handed to me on Ceres Eris or Pluto. or any Infested Defense mission for that matter. I was NEVER on god mode. And now I've been reduced to farming Mercury for 3 days and have only just gotten my health mod. God knows how long it'll be before I get a shield one. I can't even try the two new planets, which I heard are around Earth/Neptune level, or even had the chance to check out the new ice planet base because I'm still stuck at 100 shields!

Oh and Venarge, not everyone has the ability to play co-op in this game. I live in Hong Kong, do you know how many chinese servers there are? ZILCH. Nor do i have friends to play with on this game, especially since the few that i had already quit. If i ever join a random game, I lag the hell out, and everyone just speedruns anyway, not to mention host migration errors and all them fancy co-op errors. Oh and seekers of course. I don't want to play co-op, and even if i do i can't, and i'm not the only one out there who prefers solo. Are you trying to say that people like us shouldn't be allowed to fight bosses? We shouldn't be allowed to farm them for new warframes? Ever considered that the "solo" option was there for a reason?

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I dont see what all the fuss is. With this new system I have complete control over my warframe and how I want to play it. On rhino, I only take two of his abilities and use the other slots for more stats to increase my general game play success. Having blank frames that I can build up is awesome. It hasn't been very long since U7, maybe OP should give RNG more time. It just seems to me that OP doesnt like that he/she had to start over at low lvls with a lvl 30 frame. Which, I admit, was not the way I thot it was going to be. But after a few days of farming mods, i've recovered a lot of my frames potential. Although I can't face roll stuff anymore, I am able to run high level missions again. I just have to be more careful of how I play. Its fun xD

How do you have control of something what totally depends on a dice roll and not yourself? And again we're not arguing what mods system in U7 is bad. It has potential for some cool customization. We're arguing what total power level of your warframe is dependant on luck. You get the mods - it's good, you don't get the mods - here comes the middle finger. Where is no middle ground. I fully understand you. You got your mods, customization is nice and it looks good for you. What about people who didn't get the mods they need? I got the loot radar should I be happy now? Well farm a bit more then, right? What if I already farmed quite a bit and didn't get what I need? For all I care I could farm for a month and still wouln't have what I need to do higher level missions. Tho it's highly unlikely it's still a possibility because where is luck involved.

Srly. Do you guys really argue about the one man army god mode.... This is ridiculous. Its jsut boring to run through everything and kill it by just pushing a button. Maybe im just a bit hardened by dark souls and that stuff but a game should not feel like "god mode always on". And in update 6 i solo-ed every god damn boss without problems. It´s a co op game and if you dont go coop to fight a boss, you die. So easy.

I too own Dark Souls. It's a good game, but you really can't compare it to Warframe. Hell in Dark Souls you can beat the first boss with your fists if you don't make any mistakes. Almost all monsters in Dark Souls have an exploitable weakness and things like 4 shockware moas spamming their shockwave while I'm in the corner permanently staggered do not happen. If game is too easy you can adjust powers, enemies, introduce new more challenging enemies, etc. The point of this topic is that power now comes through luck thus creating artificial difficulty. Enemies are not challenging in this game they just have more damage and more survivibility later on. They are not using some clever tactics they just out dps you and outlast you.

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That. Prior to U7 I had a supercharged level 30 Volt, with a supercharged level 30 Gorgon which had good damage mods, every element but fire, and a MULTISHOT mod, yet starting from Earth and Neptune i never once felt like i was an unstoppable god. If i did something stupid and ran into the open without thinking, or get teleported into a dozen grineers by a commander, or so much as bashed down by a shield lancer in the wrong place, or get mobbed by MOAs with a shield osprey buffing them from behind a pillar, guess what, I DIE. And it felt fair. Sure knock downs and stumbles suck, but at least i could solo properly, because i had the passives from leveling to back me up. Passives that I EARNED. And even then i would still get my &#! handed to me on Ceres Eris or Pluto. or any Infested Defense mission for that matter. I was NEVER on god mode. And now I've been reduced to farming Mercury for 3 days and have only just gotten my health mod. God knows how long it'll be before I get a shield one. I can't even try the two new planets, which I heard are around Earth/Neptune level, or even had the chance to check out the new ice planet base because I'm still stuck at 100 shields!

Oh and Venarge, not everyone has the ability to play co-op in this game. I live in Hong Kong, do you know how many chinese servers there are? ZILCH. Nor do i have friends to play with on this game, especially since the few that i had already quit. If i ever join a random game, I lag the hell out, and everyone just speedruns anyway, not to mention host migration errors and all them fancy co-op errors. Oh and seekers of course. I don't want to play co-op, and even if i do i can't, and i'm not the only one out there who prefers solo. Are you trying to say that people like us shouldn't be allowed to fight bosses? We shouldn't be allowed to farm them for new warframes? Ever considered that the "solo" option was there for a reason?

Well people complained about this being to hard. In u6 it was to easy. And srly. This game is supposed to be a coop game. The problem lies on your side. Sounds harsh but why should a coop game make it easier for solo players? .Bosses are supposed to be fought with more than one person. Otherwise they wouldnt be bosses. .In u6 I kicked phorids butt without any help or something. I didnt even needed my daily revives. Actually solo is just for people who dont like joining players. So this solo thing is more like a restriction for others than a real solo instance.....

But hey. Maybe the dedicated server start soon and you can play with your friends as well

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Well people complained about this being to hard. In u6 it was to easy. And srly. This game is supposed to be a coop game. The problem lies on your side. Sounds harsh but why should a coop game make it easier for solo players? .Bosses are supposed to be fought with more than one person. Otherwise they wouldnt be bosses. .In u6 I kicked phorids butt without any help or something. I didnt even needed my daily revives. Actually solo is just for people who dont like joining players. So this solo thing is more like a restriction for others than a real solo instance.....

But hey. Maybe the dedicated server start soon and you can play with your friends as well

I don't really approve about being able to slay bosses one-handed, except if you are level 30 with the best mods and against weak bosses like jackal or whatever. BUT you should be able to solo anything else if you are at a similar level or higher IMO. Enemies over level 30 should be harder, i don't mind that, but enemies under it should be weaker and any player should be able to solo them and have fun doing it.

Also, i don't really understand why people say that you can adjust your warframe to your style more,i honestly don't see it. You have those power efficiency things that you are going to do anyway because they are the best ones since the power consumption is cut in half. SO basically Ember will have to put alot more mods that are related to powers because that's what she has and Loki will put mods like vitality and shield because that's what is most effective on him aswell. Don't really see the whole "play like you want" thing here, your still shoe-horned into a roll if you want to be effective and not suck...

Now if the system was varried like you have 4 slots out of 10 that reduce ANY card consumption by half then that would allow every warframe to be unique, but as the system currently is, there is still no diversity.

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That. Prior to U7 I had a supercharged level 30 Volt, with a supercharged level 30 Gorgon which had good damage mods, every element but fire, and a MULTISHOT mod, yet starting from Earth and Neptune i never once felt like i was an unstoppable god. If i did something stupid and ran into the open without thinking, or get teleported into a dozen grineers by a commander, or so much as bashed down by a shield lancer in the wrong place, or get mobbed by MOAs with a shield osprey buffing them from behind a pillar, guess what, I DIE. And it felt fair. Sure knock downs and stumbles suck, but at least i could solo properly, because i had the passives from leveling to back me up. Passives that I EARNED. And even then i would still get my &#! handed to me on Ceres Eris or Pluto. or any Infested Defense mission for that matter. I was NEVER on god mode. And now I've been reduced to farming Mercury for 3 days and have only just gotten my health mod. God knows how long it'll be before I get a shield one. I can't even try the two new planets, which I heard are around Earth/Neptune level, or even had the chance to check out the new ice planet base because I'm still stuck at 100 shields!

Oh and Venarge, not everyone has the ability to play co-op in this game. I live in Hong Kong, do you know how many chinese servers there are? ZILCH. Nor do i have friends to play with on this game, especially since the few that i had already quit. If i ever join a random game, I lag the hell out, and everyone just speedruns anyway, not to mention host migration errors and all them fancy co-op errors. Oh and seekers of course. I don't want to play co-op, and even if i do i can't, and i'm not the only one out there who prefers solo. Are you trying to say that people like us shouldn't be allowed to fight bosses? We shouldn't be allowed to farm them for new warframes? Ever considered that the "solo" option was there for a reason?

You were doing ti wrong pre u7 so it doesn't surprise me that you'd be doing it wrong after it as well. The only elemental really worth stacking in small amounts was armor peircing since it helped vs grineer, anything else was underwhelming or pointless comarped to puncture, multishot, damage, crit chance and crit damage.

The game is peer to peer. There aren't any servers. Solo is there for people to play when they can't find people to coop, even for someone in hong kong that shouldn't be a problem as long as you have a decent connection. In the end, the game is a co op game and meant to be played as such.

Edited by Aggh
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You were doing ti wrong pre u7 so it doesn't surprise me that you'd be doing it wrong after it as well. The only elemental really worth stacking in small amounts was armor peircing since it helped vs grineer, anything else was underwhelming or pointless comarped to puncture, multishot, damage, crit chance and crit damage.

The game is peer to peer. There aren't any servers. Solo is there for people to play when they can't find people to coop, even for someone in hong kong that shouldn't be a problem as long as you have a decent connection. In the end, the game is a co op game and meant to be played as such.

Well actually he is kinda right. I live in Europe and i think in at least half my games i have some kind of lag because of the host, so if not alot of people play in Asia then you have to play with people in Europe or America so you get a ton of lag, which isn't cool at all (but funny sometimes since i went all melee vs level 30 because they all moved so slow it was laughable), so the best way to enjoy the game at times is with solo. Also sometimes if you want to collect some resources it's annoying to play with other people that rush to the exit leaving you no time to search the surroundings for that precious rubedo...

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