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Pc Players: Operation Oxium Espionage


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Well... It was... Kinda awesome? Really don't get why the new awesome ospreys are suicide bombers (without dealing any damage), but still.


Good event, Good enemy, Good reward (which makes me want to buy platinum, which is kinda jumping over your head). 



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Wow, does it take a long time to farm the 50 oxiums?  Did a couple of Kilikens to 15 and only go 4 for one run and 0 for another...  


/sad panda


On a related note:


HOLY CRAP.  QUINN IS FREAKING FUN.  So versatile.  Maybe I'll buy her :3

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Corpus tilesets would be more fun if we COULD HEADSHOT CREWMEN FFS!


I love the fact that their helmet protects even their shields. I mean what-the-hell? When you shoot the head even the damage only reaching the shields is lower. Guess this hails from the same problem the bleeding "bug" does - thus that the game does not use different hit detection when you have shields on and don't. That's why you can start bleeding when you are not even hit, it was only your shield.


As for the event - I like it that it's not a too tedious one if you know where to look. Though those drones are damn hard to scan when all they do is charge at you.


The booster might be better if you could "use" it when you want - I was warned just in time by my clanmate how it works (never bought any before, sry okay?) and that I should get the event done when I have enough time on my hands to actually make the best of the booster. The mod... well, it seems actually fine, without the stats. As for frames that do not float, it's practically useless - maybe Nyx is handled as "midair" while casting the ultimate? :D That would be actually logical. Anyways, 20 percent is pretty low - but still better than the resistance mods normally. Can we get a corrupt mod like this:


Patience (Secondary weapon class)

+20-100% crit damage

-5-25%  fire rate

My vipers (and a few others) would be thankful. Actually, it would be fun to let mods be more... wild. I mean base status mods give like 15% chance of the base chance. That's 7,5% tops with a 50% base chance. That's - without any insult or offense meant here - is a joke. But seriously. Criticals too - let us make wild changes to the weapons. It would be more fun. Like a mod that makes all projectiles bounce off - imagine a room, filled with lazer from Flux :D

Edited by K_Shiro
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ehmmm new recolored osprey? sooo epic... sry, i'm kiddin', it's boring as hell =\ this event could be finished in 1-2 hours if play surv/defence missions against corpus
better add new infested boss or new planet, all dat new frames and weapons rn't so important imo
or balance existing weapons and skills at least
or add new prime frames, still better i think
btw: drone made of expensive rare material suicides itself? so... logical))

P.S. and dont forget to improve current chat interface, is it so hard to add context menus to nicknames in chat??? why evrytime i needed to use console command and type somebody's nick containing 20+ chars? yep we have dat menu for friendlist, but why it doesn't exists in trading chat for example?? i'm playing WF for 5 months or so and i'm kinda surprised that still there r such lacks, which r so easy to fix (sry for my dirty english)
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i was hoping the affinity booster wouldn't activate right away.... other than that good event, happens naturally, you don't even have to actively do this


same here, can't play during weekday... would like to activate it manually whenever I want :)

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