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Buffs? Buffs. Buffs!


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Please look at the Afuris and it's single counterpart. It has extremely low damage, low accuracy and an ammo economy that makes it's life on the field short.


In this case, the reason it does not last is that you NEED to use all that ammo. The base damage is simply so low that not even a bullet-hose like the Afuris cannot take on the higher enemies. I run out of bullets before the swarm is dead.


I enjoyed the guns a great deal before damage 2.0, so I have quite a few forma invested in it. Even with those, I they cannot compete with other sidearms.


Give it a shot, or thirty per second if you get my drift. It needs love, like many other seldom-chosen weapons.



Edited for grammar.

Edited by Felandi
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Trinity Link damage buff.

Detron status chance buff.

Brakk damage nerf.

Steel Fiber rework.

Return of Overheat.

Coolant leak Buff.

Continuous fire weapon fix.


Ah yeah, ember still in the game. Kinda forgot about her when she became useless. Buff maybe?

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saryns contagion/molt needs some work

ammopools need some thoughts

electric proc seems .....off...(no visual chainarcing?)

sentinel modconfigs needs some massive rework (i'd like to have a useful pet, that converts ammo for me or be the object i syphon my energy from)

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This is a PVE game, you cannot be OP, in fact you only play to get stronger not the other way around, after 600 hours yes I want to one shot everything and yes I should, are you jealous ? if not then why are you speaking ?


Speaking your opinion and wishing the game to still be challenging even past "600 hours" of game time =/= jealousy. How the hell did you make that sort of connection? Let's not spew random gibberish in hopes of likeminded individuals upvoting your comment without realizing said comment makes no sense, okay?


Anyway, buffs are good - as long as they're balanced. There's been alot of weapons that started off far too strong but got hit with "nerfs" to balance them - this is why people give DE a bad rap when it comes to "nerfing" everything. It's good to see they're taking a closer look at the actual weak equipment now. My guess is that Scott's mainly buffing melee weapons for use with Melee 2.0.

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How about we start buffing bad things and finally stop nerfing good things?

In terms of the Brakk this would mean doubling the damage of every other pistol (and most other weapons) in the game. Brakk has 30k DPS.. every other Pistol an average of 15k.

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1. Steel Fiber

2. Dual Ichor

3. Supra

4. Dera

5. Glaive Prime

6. Whip attack mechanics

7. Acrid

8. Ignis

9. Bows

10. Embolist

11. Flux Rifle

12. Torid DoT On second thought, bad things happen whenever DE touches the torid.

13. Sicarus Prime

14. Djinn

15. Snipetron Vandal


After the buffs, make content that actually requires powerful weapons. Also, embrace mastery rank requirements. Put them in the codex and in the market. Give the high mastery weapons the power they deserve and then give me a reason to use them. Buff clan tech in general.

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My Wishlist:

* Credits, Credits, Credits. Wow do I need credits :<. (Credit drops per stack, Credit drops in general, Void Credits, I'm getting pretty broke from just building things and I'm not even looking at those shiny cores I have since they'll make my heart break :<) ( Iono mastery level = more exp/credits? it needs to do something D:)

* Acrid/Torid Dot damage (it's just so bad right now ;-;)

* Most of the old AP weapons (Flux, patsm its ok boy maybe soon you'll be the laser of death again.)

* Ammo pools (this 3 day affinity has taught me vipers eat ammo. In fact that eat so much ammo I ran around with mutation and that got me through ok. Gun's that need damage then ammo mutation, those were some painful levels :/)

Edited by Lilithz
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