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Dear Tenno: Sentinel Customisation, Ai And More


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I am enjoying the new Sentinel/pet system but there is a few things that could make it a lot better.




Sentinel System Ideas:

  • The abilty to name your Sentinel.The abilty to name your SentinThe abilty to name your Sentinel. 

  • More Sentinels with different elements and skills. (New Sentinel in Update 8.0.0).

  • The abilty to evolve update and improve your Sentinel by meeting certain conditions.

  • Special Raid missions to save a Sentinel and therefore get it as a reward.

  • The ability to make gear for your Sentinel. Weapons and cosmetic stuff.

  • Be able to customise your Sentinel. (Sort of fullfilled with Update 7.8.0).

  • Sentinel breeding. Yeah thats right!

  • Maybe a way to give a Sentinel a temporary boost with certain items.

  • I should be able to give my Sentinel commands for example: Wait here or Attack this for both combat and stealth modes. Maybe use the middle mouse button for this as thats current used as an extra abilty button. the game Brother in Arms does it well.

  • More scripting for example if I have less than 50% heath it will heal me etc. This can be done with some sort of Final Fantasy Gambit system or similar Dragon Age system.

  • I should be able interact with them more because its cute. For example with dialogue.

  • It be good to have a area just to mess around with it but I guess this will come with the Dojo areas whenever that gets implemented. Update 8 maybe? (Dojo included in Update 8).

  • A place where you can see all your Sentinels in one room and not just in a menu. For example a Sentinel Trophy room.

  • Trading card sytem so Sentinels can be traded.

  • Sentinel able to loot from containers and pickup items. Maybe make it a mod.

  • Health bar and energy bar for you Sentinel visible in missions.

  • Sentinel level and weapon level visible in missions.

  • Sentinel and weapon experience shown at mission complete screen.

  • Mastery points for Sentinel and Sentinel Weapons. Should probably be 200 for Sentinel levels and 100 for Sentinel weapon levels.

  • Not just flying Sentinels but ones that can travel on the ground.

  • The ability to see how much damage your Sentinel is doing on a enemy.

  • Sentinels can gain the ability to open a shop during a mission so a player can buy any extra Consumables they might need. 

Sentinels currently in Warframe:

  • Shade = 75 Platinum or 100,000 Credits (Blueprint) (Added in Update 7.0.0) (€3.01/£2.54/$3.94).

  • Wyrm = 75 Platinum or 100,000 Credits (Blueprint) (Added in Update 7.0.0) (€3.01/£2.54/$3.94).

  • DethCube = 75 Platinum or 100,000 Credits (Blueprint) (Added in Update 8.0.0) (€3.01/£2.54/$3.94).

The above prices and Sentinel information is taken from my Warframe Market thread which you can see here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/34909-dear-tenno-market-prices-sales-platinum-rates-and-a-market-guide/.


In short I want more Pokemon type expansive elements with the Sentinel system and just more stuff. I will add a few more ideas if I think of any. Of course I am being a bit optimistic with my ideas but it is could to discuss these things. I don't expect to see all or any of these ideas implemented but I think these would give the system more depth.

Let me know what you lot think about my idea or if you agree or disagree.

It be good to hear more from the developers for what they have planned for the Sentinel system.


Updates (19/04/13):


- I have added a new idea to the Sentinel list and I will keep track of changes to the list from now on.


Updates (20/04/13):


- I have changed the post a bit to reflect the new Sentinel customisation changes in the 7.8.0 update.


Updates (21/04/13):


- I have added a few new ideas to the list.


Updates (25/04/13):


- I have expanded an idea on the list a bit.


Updates (24/05/13):


- I have tidied the thread up a bit.

- I have added all the Sentinels currently in Warframe and included their prices. I have also added a link to my Warframe Market thread.

- I have added a new idea to the list.

- I have added a picture to the thread to make it more colourful.

Edited by Toko
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- The abilty to name your Sentinel.

- More Sentinels with different elements and skills.

- The abilty to evolve your Sentinel by meeting certain conditions.

- Special Raid missions to save a Sentinel and therefore get it as a reward.

- The ability to make gear for your Sentinel. Weapons and cosmetic stuff.

1- Yea, that would be nice

2- They will probably do that in the future.

3- Meh

4- Sentinel alerts would be cool, that would give you parts of sentinels so that in the end you could craft a special sentinel.

5- They will probably do that, since you can click on your sentinels rifle, and you see an entire empty inventory

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I really just would like to see the ability to give it basic commands. Ability to hack would be sick, and maybe, just maybe...disable those GODDAMN LASERS!

Also, depending on how large the maps get, for solo play the ability to use it to scout areas further ahead which i have control over whenever stealth is fleshed out.

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You know that to disable the lasers you just have to shoot the cameras.. right? >_>

how to disable laser when a person runs on ahead and doesnt do that.

or better, how to predict everytime i walk through a door it could be the end of me when im trolled by instant switch on laser as door opens revealing me to a camera.

Edit: and that is off topic, and i know what a slashdash is.

I am simply offering suggestions of things i think would be cool for the sentinels to do, being hacking.

and as for the laser comment, i've just had way too many times today of me running through a door, and having them instantly switch on in my face and killing me. consider it a light vent.

Edited by fratous
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how to disable laser when a person runs on ahead and doesnt do that.

or better, how to predict everytime i walk through a door it could be the end of me when im trolled by instant switch on laser as door opens revealing me to a camera.

Just slashdash through all doors, problem solved. There's no need to waste time and ammo shooting cameras.

slashdash = run, crouch to slide, hit melee to do a slashing dash. with right timing the invulnerability takes you through e.g. lasers.

As for on topic, the Sentinels need a bit of fleshing out, I think they got released in incomplete state (which is fine, beta and all that). I wouldn't want it to become a full pokemon minigame though, but a little personality for them wouldn't hurt like giving them names. And being able to give them simple commands would definitely be appreciated.

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No evolving and no breeding or other 'organic' things.

This isn't pokemon.

I understand how you feel but it would really give the system more depth. Maybe more so to give it items to change skins and to arm it with different weapons for different attacks.

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I like the feedback so far.

I really just would like to see the ability to give it basic commands. Ability to hack would be sick, and maybe, just maybe...disable those GODDAMN LASERS!

Also, depending on how large the maps get, for solo play the ability to use it to scout areas further ahead which i have control over whenever stealth is fleshed out.

Yeah thats the stuff that would be useful instread currently just helping out a bit.

No evolving and no breeding or other 'organic' things.

This isn't pokemon.

You don't say I was using Pokemon as an example of stuff that could easily added to the game and are only ideas. Love your rage.

If you want a sentinel to look different, then you should buy a sentinel you find interesting.

Giving it more weapons and precepts are obvious things that will come in the future.

There is only two Sentinels at the moment and the way they look and play are two complety different things that can be expanded upon. Of course I don't want the game to be completly like Pokemon.

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Evolving your sentinel is a nice idea but frankly, I precept to be separated from regular health/shield mod.

4 precept which we can't choose priority is a crude design. Q&A session, DE talked about precept would be similar to Gambit from FFXII. This is far from it. At least 6-8 precepts and allow player to prioritize them in order would be extremely good.

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4 precept which we can't choose priority is a crude design. Q&A session, DE talked about precept would be similar to Gambit from FFXII. This is far from it. At least 6-8 precepts and allow player to prioritize them in order would be extremely good.

Yeah they should probably have more precepts really but again each Warframe only has four skills each but they should add a Gambit system like I have mentioned in my idea.

Anyway I have added some new ideas to the list.

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Ever played "Shadow Dancer"? Thats the kind of pet I would like in this game instead of the pokemon fly... A "space wolf ninja" for "ninjas in space"!

Just picturing it chewing up those grinners brings a tear to my eye!

And have it moving around and doing its own thing instead of just sticking to your head like a certen pokemon fly.

Having some commands would be nice like attack/defend... go fetch! Simple things.

The sentinel is quite useful against those pesky seekers. The mutt would be better! ("go fetch/eat" command in action)

We can dream!

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I like the customization of sentinels, giving them names, and interacting with them more. Sentinel alert missions would be great~! I want more sentinels overall! The thing I don't agree with: breeding and evolving them. It's... I just don't like the idea of it. It would make it too easy to get multiple sentinels, and too easy to get a horrid sentinel because you didn't know what would happen.

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Ever played "Shadow Dancer"? Thats the kind of pet I would like in this game instead of the pokemon fly... A "space wolf ninja" for "ninjas in space"!

Just picturing it chewing up those grinners brings a tear to my eye!

And have it moving around and doing its own thing instead of just sticking to your head like a certen pokemon fly.

Having some commands would be nice like attack/defend... go fetch! Simple things.

The sentinel is quite useful against those pesky seekers. The mutt would be better! ("go fetch/eat" command in action)

We can dream!

Isn't Shadow Dancer a film? Yeah be good if the Sentinel didn't hover around you like a bad smell and a wolf type Sentinel would be pretty sweet.

I like the customization of sentinels, giving them names, and interacting with them more. Sentinel alert missions would be great~! I want more sentinels overall! The thing I don't agree with: breeding and evolving them. It's... I just don't like the idea of it. It would make it too easy to get multiple sentinels, and too easy to get a horrid sentinel because you didn't know what would happen.

I can see your point but I would think that the evolving element would be more predictable than random. However I am not sure I am completly satisfied yet how I would want it implemented if at all.

I would love the addition of evolving them: it would make them even more like mags from PSO!

Yeah mags from PSO come to mind and those are a good thing in those games. Something similair would probably be cool.

I want my sentinel to shoot the Grineer electro balls. Kinda annoying that my slimy little helper just hovers over my head and watches me die.

I agree that's the kind of things Sentinels should be able to do.

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Some great ideas here, Tenno!

Let me add to the list. Forgive me if some are mentioned earlier

I also made a post asking for some Sentinel status UI. I want to know his health status so i know when to pull he and I out the firefight so he can regen...or does he even regen shield/health? Does he have both or one or the other?

i would also love to be able to tell it to go rescue/revive friendlies within a certain area.

Target corpus sensors before enemies-prioritize.

retrieve any needed orbs within a certain area. Go get me some health/energy/affinity, dagnabit!

Same^^ w/ ammo.

Guard slow-&#! hostage. Or if it could throw a shield over the hostage. LoL!

I also think each sentinel should have a single special.

Edited by RawGritz
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- The abilty to name your Sentinel.

- More Sentinels with different elements and skills.

- The abilty to evolve your Sentinel by meeting certain conditions.

- Special Raid missions to save a Sentinel and therefore get it as a reward.

- The ability to make gear for your Sentinel. Weapons and cosmetic stuff.

- Sentinel breeding, yeah thats right!

- Maybe a way to give a Sentinel a temporary boost with certain items.

- I should be able to give my Sentinel commands for example: Wait here or Attack this for both combat and stealth modes. Maybe use the middle mouse button for this as thats current used as an extra abilty button. the game Brother in Arms does it well.

- More scripting for example if I have less than 50% heath it will heal me etc. This can be done with some sort of Final Fantasy Gambit system or similar Dragon Age system.

- I should be able interact with them more because its cute.

- It be good to have a area just to mess around with it but I guess this will come with the Dojo areas whenever that gets implemented.

- Trading card sytem.

- Sentinel able to loot from containers and pickup items. Maybe make it a mod.

- Health bar and energy bar for you Sentinel visible in missions.

1- seems fine

2- will be added

3- Its a machine, not a pokemon

4-still a machine, no need to safe it. Finding new parts, yeah, but safeO.o dont think so

5-seems fine

6- are you kidding me? See Nr. 3...

7-Temporary boost? Maybe

8- maybe

9-What for? You already got a abilitiy system. no need for another one.

10- Its an action game, not sims....

11-Mess around with it? Why, what for and how. Its a flying drone....

12-Trading card? you mean abilities. Maybe happens in the next update.

13- Good idea

14- good idea

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Some great ideas here, Tenno!

Let me add to the list. Forgive me if some are mentioned earlier

I also made a post asking for some Sentinel status UI. I want to know his health status so i know when to pull he and I out the firefight so he can regen...or does he even regen shield/health? Does he have both or one or the other?

i would also love to be able to tell it to go rescue/revive friendlies within a certain area.

Target corpus sensors before enemies-prioritize.

retrieve any needed orbs within a certain area. Go get me some health/energy/affinity, dagnabit!

Same^^ w/ ammo.

Guard slow-&#! hostage. Or if it could throw a shield over the hostage. LoL!

I also think each sentinel should have a single special.

Some good ideas there which would be good to see.

i just dont like the breeding and evolve ideas

breeding:they are robots

evolve:i think evolve dont are the right word,i think update/customizate your sentinel will be more acceptable

It just an idea. I used the word "evolve" as most I thought would understand what I meant. I mean it be good if the Sentinel good get stronger or update more than they current do. In other words evolution is normally beneficial for living or non living things.

1- seems fine

2- will be added

3- Its a machine, not a pokemon

4-still a machine, no need to safe it. Finding new parts, yeah, but safeO.o dont think so

5-seems fine

6- are you kidding me? See Nr. 3...

7-Temporary boost? Maybe

8- maybe

9-What for? You already got a abilitiy system. no need for another one.

10- Its an action game, not sims....

11-Mess around with it? Why, what for and how. Its a flying drone....

12-Trading card? you mean abilities. Maybe happens in the next update.

13- Good idea

14- good idea

Thanks for the feedback. By the way they are ideas so don't cry.

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i just dont like the breeding and evolve ideas

breeding:they are robots

evolve:i think evolve dont are the right word,i think update/customizate your sentinel will be more acceptable

Some good ideas there which would be good to see.

It just an idea. I used the word "evolve" as most I thought would understand what I meant. I mean it be good if the Sentinel good get stronger or update more than they current do. In other words evolution is normally beneficial for living or non living things.

Thanks for the feedback. By the way they are ideas so don't cry.

i understand you but i think you shold chance the word evolve by update/custumizate,most of the people gonna say "thats not pkm its a space ninja game" :D

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i understand you but i think you shold chance the word evolve by update/custumizate,most of the people gonna say "thats not pkm its a space ninja game" :D

Ok I do mention Pokemon myself but I will reword the evolution sentence to avoid future rage.

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The evolve idea isnt the right word... Update and customize would sound better... Like Warframe units they all have different heads that gives advantages and disadvantages... if this was implemented to the Sentinels it would fit more than "evolving"

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