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Who Is Banshee?


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^ what guys above said.


Sonar on Blind Rage is just too damn good. it's 11x damage. For any weapon really.


Sonic Boom is a frontal cone knockback

Sound Quake is aoe stagger.


Shee is not direct damage frame, she is utility frame.


if you want some useless Nova, go that way -->

Edited by Althix
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Explain why no one wants banshee in recruiting channel?

While it was most popular during update 7, 8.


I'm on the ps4 keep in mind, but she's not exactly an easy frame to get, so not many people have her. Other than myself I've seen only two other banshees in 150 hours of playtime since ps4 release.

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Perhaps naming her after a wailing spirit was not the best idea then.


I consider Banshee the hipster Tenno. Look at her "skinny jean" legs, "tiny vest" top, and "ironic" name. You just know she uses a bow because of how arrows are less wasteful than bullet casing or something.

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Sloan441, on 04 Feb 2014 - 12:00 PM, said:

I shouldn't have to if you've played the game for any time.


Anything new will be popular, just because it's new.


If you're doing extremely high level content, you need a Banshee. If you go out far enough, no power will do enough damage, no weapon will do enough damage. You need sonar. You won't see it in recruiting since these are mostly quasi-pugs. They don't typically push the envelope much because of lack on comms, not used to playing together, etc. In a clan mission to do a 2 hour survival, there's going to be a Banshee. 1000+% damage increase is pretty much a necessity.


This isn't even getting into the CC possibilites of sonic boom and sound quake (though, this should never have has it invulnerability removed). The few Banshees I do see rarely make use of this stuff. Their loss.


Silence is borderline useless, but there are more than a few 'frames that have a dog among their powers. Banshee is hardly unique in that aspect.


When Banshee hits the ClanTech labs, we'll see another huge influx of them I'm sure. New stuff is popular. Most won't "get it" and will quit playing her after a few weeks. But in 100 wave defenses and two hour survivals, she'll still be needed.


That's why you don't know what you don't know.

Yeah, Banshee is sort of good at super high levels. Wooooo. Yeah, you sure told us. She is a complete handicap until people are facing level 60+ enemies, and then, finally, she can start to pull some weight. Meanwhile up to that point, if she is built to maximize her Sonar range and/or strength she is a delicate snowflake that has to fear even level 20 enemies.


Sonar is not that good, because sometimes it can highlight enemy parts that can't even be hit because it is a leg blocked by cover, or an arm blocked by cover, etc. And since it takes almost 3 seconds before it can be recast it is not nearly as on demand as it should be if it highlights body parts that are blocked. Sonar would be a thousand times more useful at all levels of play if it only highlighted their weak point; rarely is an enemies head not able to be shot even if they are behind cover, a leg or arm are often blocked.


Sonic Boom is a joke. The majority of the time all it does is shove the enemy back, it does not even knock them down. That means they are instantly in the fight and melting Banshee's face, unless the player properly stood behind a wall, but then the chances they hit all the enemies they wanted to, giving a half-second interruption to their attacking, is low. I went out of my way trying to make this ability useful when I was leveling Banshee, and it is unreliable and not even worth trying to maximize in any form.


Silence... Yeah, we all know about Silence. Banshee has the wonderful distinction of being the only frame with a completely useless ability unless people build around comboing Silence with Excalibur's Blind. Silence is useless even for solo stealth play because the game is not built around it so a simple line of sight detection can render Silence moot, and players would be better served by using one of the many silent weapons or getting a silence mod for their weapon of choice.


And as for her Bass Cannon ability: It's trash. It does not even guarantee it will knock down enemies, mostly it just staggers them for the duration of its cast, and even the enemies that get knocked down are more spry than Tenno, because they are up again in about 1.5 seconds. Meanwhile poor Banshee is locked in place and completely vulnerable for 8 seconds, yet her dub step sound system only plays for 6 seconds. Yeah, that means that if a heavy gets knocked down it is almost back on its feet again by the time Banshee can move. Brilliant CC ability guys! Totally! This is without pointing out the major problem that if an enemy is just half a centimeter outside her little rave they can kill her because she is completely immobile and vulnerable for those 8 seconds of partying hard. So, that means a Banshee player purposely has to place themselves in sub-optimal places to safely use it. It's trash. It will continue to be trash until DE rebalances Banshee.


And that is something every Banshee player needs to be calling for. Banshee needs rebalanced. She is in a worse place than Volt was prior to damage 2.0 (where now his abilities are reliable stuns on every faction), and in a worse place than Mag was prior to her changes.


A group would be better served comboing a Rhino and Nova than a Banshee with anyone else, including said Rhino and Nova. A frame that is only useful when enemies are taking 1 point of damage is not that useful. Having a Banshee in your group is like having a group of only 3 players until you hit the 50 minute mark. There are vastly superior CC options than what Banshee can offer. There are decent damage increasing options, and while they do not reach the same level as Banshee they have something more valuable: flexibility.


Make Banshee's Sonic Boom have a slightly better range and shoving enemies 15-20 meters away while reliably knocking enemies on their keesters (and take several seconds to get up if they are knocked down) and it would be a good CC ability. Make Sonar highlight enemy weak points and increase those damage multipliers instead of randomly making a body part a weak point and it would be a good, reliable, damage increasing ability. Make her subwoofer mobile, like Ember's World on Fire, just instead of damage it does long lasting knock downs, or at least make Banshee invulnerable during her use of it for the 8 seconds of the animation, and it would be useful again as well. And for the love of the RNG Elder Beings that dream in their ancient cities beneath the oceans, make Silence actually useful, and then, Banshee would be a good frame.


Until then she will be a niche, under powered frame.

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Yeah, Banshee is sort of good at super high levels. Wooooo. Yeah, you sure told us. She is a complete handicap until people are facing level 60+ enemies, and then, finally, she can start to pull some weight. Meanwhile up to that point, if she is built to maximize her Sonar range and/or strength she is a delicate snowflake that has to fear even level 20 enemies.


Sonar is not that good, because sometimes it can highlight enemy parts that can't even be hit because it is a leg blocked by cover, or an arm blocked by cover, etc. And since it takes almost 3 seconds before it can be recast it is not nearly as on demand as it should be if it highlights body parts that are blocked. Sonar would be a thousand times more useful at all levels of play if it only highlighted their weak point; rarely is an enemies head not able to be shot even if they are behind cover, a leg or arm are often blocked.


Sonic Boom is a joke. The majority of the time all it does is shove the enemy back, it does not even knock them down. That means they are instantly in the fight and melting Banshee's face, unless the player properly stood behind a wall, but then the chances they hit all the enemies they wanted to, giving a half-second interruption to their attacking, is low. I went out of my way trying to make this ability useful when I was leveling Banshee, and it is unreliable and not even worth trying to maximize in any form.


Silence... Yeah, we all know about Silence. Banshee has the wonderful distinction of being the only frame with a completely useless ability unless people build around comboing Silence with Excalibur's Blind. Silence is useless even for solo stealth play because the game is not built around it so a simple line of sight detection can render Silence moot, and players would be better served by using one of the many silent weapons or getting a silence mod for their weapon of choice.


And as for her Bass Cannon ability: It's trash. It does not even guarantee it will knock down enemies, mostly it just staggers them for the duration of its cast, and even the enemies that get knocked down are more spry than Tenno, because they are up again in about 1.5 seconds. Meanwhile poor Banshee is locked in place and completely vulnerable for 8 seconds, yet her dub step sound system only plays for 6 seconds. Yeah, that means that if a heavy gets knocked down it is almost back on its feet again by the time Banshee can move. Brilliant CC ability guys! Totally! This is without pointing out the major problem that if an enemy is just half a centimeter outside her little rave they can kill her because she is completely immobile and vulnerable for those 8 seconds of partying hard. So, that means a Banshee player purposely has to place themselves in sub-optimal places to safely use it. It's trash. It will continue to be trash until DE rebalances Banshee.


And that is something every Banshee player needs to be calling for. Banshee needs rebalanced. She is in a worse place than Volt was prior to damage 2.0 (where now his abilities are reliable stuns on every faction), and in a worse place than Mag was prior to her changes.


A group would be better served comboing a Rhino and Nova than a Banshee with anyone else, including said Rhino and Nova. A frame that is only useful when enemies are taking 1 point of damage is not that useful. Having a Banshee in your group is like having a group of only 3 players until you hit the 50 minute mark. There are vastly superior CC options than what Banshee can offer. There are decent damage increasing options, and while they do not reach the same level as Banshee they have something more valuable: flexibility.


Make Banshee's Sonic Boom have a slightly better range and shoving enemies 15-20 meters away while reliably knocking enemies on their keesters (and take several seconds to get up if they are knocked down) and it would be a good CC ability. Make Sonar highlight enemy weak points and increase those damage multipliers instead of randomly making a body part a weak point and it would be a good, reliable, damage increasing ability. Make her subwoofer mobile, like Ember's World on Fire, just instead of damage it does long lasting knock downs, or at least make Banshee invulnerable during her use of it for the 8 seconds of the animation, and it would be useful again as well. And for the love of the RNG Elder Beings that dream in their ancient cities beneath the oceans, make Silence actually useful, and then, Banshee would be a good frame.


Until then she will be a niche, under powered frame.



Such a long post, must have taken a lot of time.


But you are wrong.

Edited by Tenn00b
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a frame which is broken for last couple of months?


What's broken?


This thread is going elsewhere, I was looking to have screaming banshee.

However if we go to banshee's usefulness now.

Just look at the stats.

- With max power dmg, Sound Quake = a total of 458/sec for total 2748 dmg, This will sure tickle the 50+ enemies. Get slapped hard incase of ancients.

- With max power efficiency and dmg, spam Sonic Boom nearly 20 times to kill one 50+ lvl heavy gunner/ancient

- Increase the Sonar capabilities, the only good power if and only if you have the best weapon.

- Lastly SIlence, this is better used as stealth, soloing low level missions. but in higher levels decorate the tileset with choice of energy color. [Much Wow]


Banshee blueprint was my first choice to buy from market. But that was during update 7. And when I finally crafted, used it to get 600+ kills in single Xini infested game for 15-20 waves. I have seen its downfall, now slowly reaching to least used frame.

But am sure DE is working on its powers just like they did for Ember and Mag.




Her powers CC.

Dont judge a power by ignoring things.

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I think the problem with this thread is how people are thinking. They are comparing one frame by themselves. Most warframes work best in conjunction with other frames. Especially when facing high level content. 

1. Sonic Boom - Great ability to knock enemies off someone trying to revive a fallen comrade.

2. Silence - Shhh... be verwy verwy quiet. I am hunting wabbit.


3. Sonar - Lets do an endless defense or survival with a Bastille Vauban. Oh hey look at those highlighted areas my Lato can actually do damage again. Oh this is also nice with a Rhino's stomp. You can pretty much go up and point blank them in the spot. 

4. Soundquake - Hey Guys they killed Kenny. I will keep the enemies away while you get him back up.

Banshee is just a misunderstood not easy to get warframe. But hey so are a lot of others.

-Note: I used a Lato for an extreme example. But there is nothing worse than unloading an entire soma clip on an enemy and they still aren't dead. 

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Yeah, Banshee is sort of good at super high levels. Wooooo. Yeah, you sure told us. She is a complete handicap until people are facing level 60+ enemies, and then, finally, she can start to pull some weight. Meanwhile up to that point, if she is built to maximize her Sonar range and/or strength she is a delicate snowflake that has to fear even level 20 enemies.


Sonar is not that good, because sometimes it can highlight enemy parts that can't even be hit because it is a leg blocked by cover, or an arm blocked by cover, etc. And since it takes almost 3 seconds before it can be recast it is not nearly as on demand as it should be if it highlights body parts that are blocked. Sonar would be a thousand times more useful at all levels of play if it only highlighted their weak point; rarely is an enemies head not able to be shot even if they are behind cover, a leg or arm are often blocked.


Sonic Boom is a joke. The majority of the time all it does is shove the enemy back, it does not even knock them down. That means they are instantly in the fight and melting Banshee's face, unless the player properly stood behind a wall, but then the chances they hit all the enemies they wanted to, giving a half-second interruption to their attacking, is low. I went out of my way trying to make this ability useful when I was leveling Banshee, and it is unreliable and not even worth trying to maximize in any form.


Silence... Yeah, we all know about Silence. Banshee has the wonderful distinction of being the only frame with a completely useless ability unless people build around comboing Silence with Excalibur's Blind. Silence is useless even for solo stealth play because the game is not built around it so a simple line of sight detection can render Silence moot, and players would be better served by using one of the many silent weapons or getting a silence mod for their weapon of choice.


And as for her Bass Cannon ability: It's trash. It does not even guarantee it will knock down enemies, mostly it just staggers them for the duration of its cast, and even the enemies that get knocked down are more spry than Tenno, because they are up again in about 1.5 seconds. Meanwhile poor Banshee is locked in place and completely vulnerable for 8 seconds, yet her dub step sound system only plays for 6 seconds. Yeah, that means that if a heavy gets knocked down it is almost back on its feet again by the time Banshee can move. Brilliant CC ability guys! Totally! This is without pointing out the major problem that if an enemy is just half a centimeter outside her little rave they can kill her because she is completely immobile and vulnerable for those 8 seconds of partying hard. So, that means a Banshee player purposely has to place themselves in sub-optimal places to safely use it. It's trash. It will continue to be trash until DE rebalances Banshee.


And that is something every Banshee player needs to be calling for. Banshee needs rebalanced. She is in a worse place than Volt was prior to damage 2.0 (where now his abilities are reliable stuns on every faction), and in a worse place than Mag was prior to her changes.


A group would be better served comboing a Rhino and Nova than a Banshee with anyone else, including said Rhino and Nova. A frame that is only useful when enemies are taking 1 point of damage is not that useful. Having a Banshee in your group is like having a group of only 3 players until you hit the 50 minute mark. There are vastly superior CC options than what Banshee can offer. There are decent damage increasing options, and while they do not reach the same level as Banshee they have something more valuable: flexibility.


Make Banshee's Sonic Boom have a slightly better range and shoving enemies 15-20 meters away while reliably knocking enemies on their keesters (and take several seconds to get up if they are knocked down) and it would be a good CC ability. Make Sonar highlight enemy weak points and increase those damage multipliers instead of randomly making a body part a weak point and it would be a good, reliable, damage increasing ability. Make her subwoofer mobile, like Ember's World on Fire, just instead of damage it does long lasting knock downs, or at least make Banshee invulnerable during her use of it for the 8 seconds of the animation, and it would be useful again as well. And for the love of the RNG Elder Beings that dream in their ancient cities beneath the oceans, make Silence actually useful, and then, Banshee would be a good frame.


Until then she will be a niche, under powered frame.


Yeaaaaahh so about that wall of text...

11x damage. Think about it.

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Banshee is best used to push mobs away, max range and efficiency is her best build in def as you literally push mobs away while casting sonar increasing the damage out put your whole team deals to the knock downed mobs. If you wanna stun/stagger them and create an opportunity for your team to shoot targets that are affected with sonar sound quake is also viable to stagger mobs and usually kills low level mobs below (unarmored enemies below level 30). That being said banshee is one of the best Crowd control and support frames if used correctly :)

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Anything new will be popular, just because it's new.


I don't know why you say that.

Rhino, Volt (for phobos huge maps) is still looked up upon as a plus in the squad. Oldest of the frames.

Take a banshee, and accept invites for high level missions, they will either ask you to change or else ditch u and rehost a new lobby.


Talk about Sonar, Its the only good power I accept that from my post earlier. But need better weapon to complement it and team co-operating is a bonus.

Just not enough in-case of high level mobs. 100s of enemies surround you,. If there is no rhino to stun them, good luck finding weak points while other enemies go crazy.


I agree with you on Clan Tech Research though, people will get it just because its latest takeaway, she still needs some changes or just make sound quake like it once was. I would love to play banshee again rather than choosing other frame (even excal) over it.

Edited by CrashBuG
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Banshee is actually is warframe who uses frequencys to freak out enemies and kill them. easy.

No that's Nyx.  When she does her Absorb power, she silently whispers "Your Mother" in all the Grineer's mind.  Which causes them to shoot her for mocking the Twins.


When Nyx does Chaos, she whispers "Mother loves me more than you."  And then they proceed to kill each other for Mother's love.


DE Rebecca told me.

Edited by Ishki88
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Yeah, Banshee is sort of good at super high levels. Wooooo. Yeah, you sure told us. She is a complete handicap until people are facing level 60+ enemies, and then, finally, she can start to pull some weight. Meanwhile up to that point, if she is built to maximize her Sonar range and/or strength she is a delicate snowflake that has to fear even level 20 enemies.


Sonar is not that good, because sometimes it can highlight enemy parts that can't even be hit because it is a leg blocked by cover, or an arm blocked by cover, etc. And since it takes almost 3 seconds before it can be recast it is not nearly as on demand as it should be if it highlights body parts that are blocked. Sonar would be a thousand times more useful at all levels of play if it only highlighted their weak point; rarely is an enemies head not able to be shot even if they are behind cover, a leg or arm are often blocked.


Sonic Boom is a joke. The majority of the time all it does is shove the enemy back, it does not even knock them down. That means they are instantly in the fight and melting Banshee's face, unless the player properly stood behind a wall, but then the chances they hit all the enemies they wanted to, giving a half-second interruption to their attacking, is low. I went out of my way trying to make this ability useful when I was leveling Banshee, and it is unreliable and not even worth trying to maximize in any form.


Silence... Yeah, we all know about Silence. Banshee has the wonderful distinction of being the only frame with a completely useless ability unless people build around comboing Silence with Excalibur's Blind. Silence is useless even for solo stealth play because the game is not built around it so a simple line of sight detection can render Silence moot, and players would be better served by using one of the many silent weapons or getting a silence mod for their weapon of choice.


And as for her Bass Cannon ability: It's trash. It does not even guarantee it will knock down enemies, mostly it just staggers them for the duration of its cast, and even the enemies that get knocked down are more spry than Tenno, because they are up again in about 1.5 seconds. Meanwhile poor Banshee is locked in place and completely vulnerable for 8 seconds, yet her dub step sound system only plays for 6 seconds. Yeah, that means that if a heavy gets knocked down it is almost back on its feet again by the time Banshee can move. Brilliant CC ability guys! Totally! This is without pointing out the major problem that if an enemy is just half a centimeter outside her little rave they can kill her because she is completely immobile and vulnerable for those 8 seconds of partying hard. So, that means a Banshee player purposely has to place themselves in sub-optimal places to safely use it. It's trash. It will continue to be trash until DE rebalances Banshee.


And that is something every Banshee player needs to be calling for. Banshee needs rebalanced. She is in a worse place than Volt was prior to damage 2.0 (where now his abilities are reliable stuns on every faction), and in a worse place than Mag was prior to her changes.


A group would be better served comboing a Rhino and Nova than a Banshee with anyone else, including said Rhino and Nova. A frame that is only useful when enemies are taking 1 point of damage is not that useful. Having a Banshee in your group is like having a group of only 3 players until you hit the 50 minute mark. There are vastly superior CC options than what Banshee can offer. There are decent damage increasing options, and while they do not reach the same level as Banshee they have something more valuable: flexibility.


Make Banshee's Sonic Boom have a slightly better range and shoving enemies 15-20 meters away while reliably knocking enemies on their keesters (and take several seconds to get up if they are knocked down) and it would be a good CC ability. Make Sonar highlight enemy weak points and increase those damage multipliers instead of randomly making a body part a weak point and it would be a good, reliable, damage increasing ability. Make her subwoofer mobile, like Ember's World on Fire, just instead of damage it does long lasting knock downs, or at least make Banshee invulnerable during her use of it for the 8 seconds of the animation, and it would be useful again as well. And for the love of the RNG Elder Beings that dream in their ancient cities beneath the oceans, make Silence actually useful, and then, Banshee would be a good frame.


Until then she will be a niche, under powered frame.


Agree on most part. She will become niche soon, (like ember and mag were, before their powers got changes).

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My acoustic princess.


But really, Sonar is amazing - even necessary - at higher levels. And in lower level missions, it can at least help people level up crappy weapons. I rarely see fellow Banshees in PUGs, and out of them, one has used Sonar. One. Most just Sound Quake.


Speaking of which, I think people try to use SQ like Rhino Stomp, then complain about how it's getting them killed. Could it use some damage reduction, or another component that allows her to play safer? Sure, why not. But you have to use it tactically. Find a corner or a ledge where you'll be safe from gunfire; remember that it goes through walls. Then your teammates can pick off whatever's stumbling around. It's not meant to be a nuke. With Overextended and Stretch, its range is immense. You'll be staggering enemies you can't even see (it also hits above and below you)! Except for Grineer Seekers, because they can completely ignore the stagger effect for some reason. Heck, I think they don't even take any damage during it.


Sonic Boom's range is a little wimpy unmodded, but what's on their backs can't hurt you or the pod. And unlike Pull, those enemies aren't going to get back up near your friends, and they're all on the ground in front of you as if they were on a dinner plate, ready for the picking. Use it to say No to melees who run into your bubble or who just got Disarmed. It's also very spammable and efficient. Short recovery time, and it kind of goes through walls, so you can use it before you round a corner just in case there's something nasty lurking there. After using it so much, I've almost become reliant on it, and I miss it when I play another class. Also, unlike the new Pull, it's not meant to do damage. The guns you're holding are when you knock the enemy down. SB is also great for setting up SQ or Sonar to make their casts safe.


SIlence is garbage, but so is Psychic Bolts. And there aren't Buff Psychic Bolts threads every other day. So get on it!




I agree that Banshee could use some buffs. She just needs a few tweaks to make her role more interesting and unique (just as many other frames do, sadly). But bad? No way. I'm actually a little concerned with the upcoming Banshee buffs, considering what DE did with Saryn/Valkyr/Ember last pass (read: some good ideas executed poorly and some non-existant band-aids).


And if your Banshee is dying to level 20 enemies... just use Sonic Boom. Learn to slide and dodge. I have no idea how you're dying to enemies that weak if you're using her tools right.


Also why is there this need for her to scream? I don't see Ash chuckin' no pokeballs.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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