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Update 12 Log In Error?

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No, it's not even a little bit our fault. It's entirely DE's fault. They either were unprepared or broke something. You do not blame customers when company makes a mistake. Or are you actually saying we shouldn't even try to play their game?

I disagree. That is like blaming walmart for not having enough doors on black Friday. People try to rush in all at once and bad things happen. You should learn to be more patient.

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While the servers are totally fine with a MASSIVE player volume, the Login servers are a different story. We did cause it, but there really is nobody to blame. How could DE know how many of us would want to log on all at the same time? They can look at figures and make a guess, but they have no way of knowing. Yes they should have been ready for this, but as much as it sucks, I can't blame them for not being ready for this many people all at once.

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I will not be impatient. I will not be upset about getting past the error, having a "YES" moment, then having "you failed to connect to servers and will be logout" message. I can always beat the 7 kinds of %^&* out of Alad V later to compensate for waiting. 


Hmmm... new Oberon helmet looks very nice. At least at the load-the-game screen.

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OK since the servers are more or less screwed now, how long do the devs(?) think it is going to be before they are able to fix this problem?


You know I never thought I would ever see a company do updates as bad as CCP does (EVE Online developer), but here we are...


As for DE not having any real idea of how many people were going to be attempting to login today, I would think that it wouldn't have been too hard for them to have a look at numbers from a few different things & come to a pretty close number for what to expect.
Instead I think they worry more about getting the update out than many of the other minor details & thats what bites them in the &#!! So now I guess the proof to just how good DE really are will show in just how fast they can come up with a fix for the current issue(s)

Edited by xylocaine09
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I disagree. That is like blaming walmart for not having enough doors on black Friday. People try to rush in all at once and bad things happen. You should learn to be more patient.

But it's Walmarts responsibility to make sure there are enough doors and make sure the security is up to snuff so they can "herd" the people and nobody gets hurt. It's always companies responsibility.

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