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Can I Plz Ask For An Option To Use The Old Hud?


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don't mind it. can't stand that the group information is all the way in the top right. too inaccessible. not playing support frames anymore. no fun at all in playing a game that forces me to look from center bottom all the way to the top right constantly.

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IF anything, I'd like an option to change sides, cuz I'm about to go cross-eyed with everything being on the right.


Also, I'm glad there's an option to deactivate the shaking, since it's the first time I ever get motion sickness from playing a game.

Edited by Grabehn
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font size is too damn small, everything is everywhere....just played a survival for 10 min cause everyone couldn't see the Ox% levels and decided to voice it....I hate it, 10 min and my head hurts. what was wrong with  the old layout? it actually went witht eh theme of WF....not this.......Halo hp bar. please DE let us use the old hud...or let us atleast move stuffs around so we can see it.

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I just am not a fan of the new hud and also wish I could switch back.  I guess I'll have to get used to it, but the upper right info is kinda distracting and I don't like having it split between top and bottom.  It'd be nice to be able to adjust the opacity on the health/shield display as well.


I agree with the post above mine that mentions the prior hud matching the aesthetic of WF a lot better.

Edited by FishNeedles
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font size is too damn small, everything is everywhere....just played a survival for 10 min cause everyone couldn't see the Ox% levels and decided to voice it....I hate it, 10 min and my head hurts. what was wrong with  the old layout? it actually went witht eh theme of WF....not this.......Halo hp bar. please DE let us use the old hud...or let us atleast move stuffs around so we can see it.

I just failed two T3 surivals at 8 mins cause nobody could read the LS bar. I actually have a headache now. Please make it end.

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The only good thing about the new hud (other than being shiny) is that you can see the duration on your skills. Otherwise, I really hate it.


Also, the hud has a skewed perspective, like the information is wrapping around you. If this was a FPS, I would understand that. However, I feel like that makes absolutely no sense in a TPS.

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The terrible red and blue numbers just being literally merged together is atrocious. It's pretty clear no one at DE uses quality assurance testers. Sigh.

Suggestions if you want to keep your terrible number style are to change the size of health to be much lower than the shields, this way it will mold better. Or just use bar meters in a more non Diablo manner.

The Alerts menu needs to be dropped down to back where it was.. why it's all that way up is beyond me.

There are now so many icons on the minimap I've no idea what's what.

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I dont have any problem with missing infos on the new HUD, if anything, it is far better now EXCEPT for the fact that on my screen it looks very small... so I have to look twice to read the actual values.


I would welcome thicker bars and overall bigger HUD elements so that you can check with your peripheral vision easier while you are focused on the middle of the screen.

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I just am not a fan of the new hud and also wish I could switch back.  I guess I'll have to get used to it, but the upper right info is kinda distracting and I don't like having it split between top and bottom.  It'd be nice to be able to adjust the opacity on the health/shield display as well.


I agree with the post above mine that mentions the prior hud matching the aesthetic of WF a lot better.


good point... everything seems too small now

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Honestly, there's just simply a lot that doesn't make any sense with this new UI from a design standpoint.


First off, edges aren't clean. The edges on all the bars have a soft blur, and the actual lengths of the bars are not very easy to see due to them being pretty light gray against no background. This means that if you're in a bright or foggy area, or against a shadow/dark area, you can't actually see the lengths of those bars if they are not already full. What this leaves you with are meaningless bars of of arbitrary length unless you strain your eyes. This is simply poor design.


The minimap is absurdly bad. I don't ever actually use the default minimap (where it is smashed into a tiny little box), as I've never found that to give enough information for my tastes. I use the expanded minimap, which is much bigger and cleaner (though of course has the downside of being pretty obtrusive and occasionally filling up half your freaking screen). Still, even though I use the bigger version, the new gigantic icons are obstructive and confusion, especially when stacked up against each other. And don't even try using enemy sense/radar/sonar and making sense of it. And if you don't use the expanded minimap like I do? I can only imagine how bad it is.


The split of your warframe abilities down in the bottom right is absolutely dumb. There is absolutely no good purpose for it. Before, it made sense. Information about your warframe abilities is combined in the same area as information about your warframe. Now, your warframe abilities are smacked together with your ammo and separate from the rest of your warframe information. Like, what? How did that design even come to pass? It makes so little sense.


The stamina bar is atrocious. It's hard to see. Before, a quick glance was all you needed to understand how much stamina you had left. Now, there are really only two ways to judge how much stamina you have relative to what your maximum stamina is. The first is the light grey/transparent bar that is left behind as you consume stamina. I've already talked about how terrible that bar is. The second is to gauge it against your shields and health bar, as your max stamina will match with your max shields/health bar. This is also faulty, however - as soon as you take any damage, you lose that relation point, as that bar drains and is replaced yet again with the terrible grey bar.


I've already talked about how the stuff is skewed and how that makes no sense (and does not look very good, honestly), so I won't say much more about it.


Others have already spoken about crosshair clutter. Honestly, it took me a while to even figure out what the four dots were even for. They really need to go or reworked.


The new party information system is something I'm not that fond of, either. The UI is now way too strongly skewed to the right.


The color scheme is extremely bright and poppy. While the point is to make things easily visible, not only does it fail on that point (due to the aforementioned reasons, as well as poor scaling), it simply does not fit in with the game. It looks very out of place and tacked on. The colors just don't match very well with the general colors of warframe. I'm not saying to turn this into a dark generic brown shooter #234, but it simply doesn't fit. And keep in mind, I play a very bright pink on ALL my warframes. Bright pink Rhino, bright pink Trinity, bright pink Nova, bright pink Loki (not that you'll ever see him, hue), and so on. And coming from me, these colors don't fit.


The new UI has a few good points, mainly being that you can now see the relative amounts of health and shield that a target has, you can now see the duration on your skills after you cast them, and you can now more clearly see the amount of experience left to level up a warframe or item. However, truth be told, the first two (shield/health amounts on target and skill duration) could have fit perfectly fine into the old UI, and in fact would probably be far more readable if implemented into the old UI. And on the first and third points, they both suffer from usability issues due to, again, the fact that it is hard to judge what the max is anyways due to the fact that the default back bar is strain to see. The old UI suffered from the names of warframes and weapons obscuring their respective affinity bars, but in all honesty, the new UI does not do a much better job given how hard it is to see it.


Generally speaking, the really questionable stuff aside (splitting warframe info and energy and so on), the new UI is trying to hard to be both minimalist and pretty, sometimes in strangely conflicting ways. The new icons on the minimap are designed to look good rather than be functional, and it shows by becoming a clusterfuck. 

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Oh it is also a new problem that


Honestly, there's just simply a lot that doesn't make any sense with this new UI from a design standpoint.


First off, edges aren't clean. The edges on all the bars have a soft blur, and the actual lengths of the bars are not very easy to see due to them being pretty light gray against no background. This means that if you're in a bright or foggy area, or against a shadow/dark area, you can't actually see the lengths of those bars if they are not already full. What this leaves you with are meaningless bars of of arbitrary length unless you strain your eyes. This is simply poor design.


The minimap is absurdly bad. I don't ever actually use the default minimap (where it is smashed into a tiny little box), as I've never found that to give enough information for my tastes. I use the expanded minimap, which is much bigger and cleaner (though of course has the downside of being pretty obtrusive and occasionally filling up half your freaking screen). Still, even though I use the bigger version, the new gigantic icons are obstructive and confusion, especially when stacked up against each other. And don't even try using enemy sense/radar/sonar and making sense of it. And if you don't use the expanded minimap like I do? I can only imagine how bad it is.


The split of your warframe abilities down in the bottom right is absolutely dumb. There is absolutely no good purpose for it. Before, it made sense. Information about your warframe abilities is combined in the same area as information about your warframe. Now, your warframe abilities are smacked together with your ammo and separate from the rest of your warframe information. Like, what? How did that design even come to pass? It makes so little sense.


The stamina bar is atrocious. It's hard to see. Before, a quick glance was all you needed to understand how much stamina you had left. Now, there are really only two ways to judge how much stamina you have relative to what your maximum stamina is. The first is the light grey/transparent bar that is left behind as you consume stamina. I've already talked about how terrible that bar is. The second is to gauge it against your shields and health bar, as your max stamina will match with your max shields/health bar. This is also faulty, however - as soon as you take any damage, you lose that relation point, as that bar drains and is replaced yet again with the terrible grey bar.


I've already talked about how the stuff is skewed and how that makes no sense (and does not look very good, honestly), so I won't say much more about it.


Others have already spoken about crosshair clutter. Honestly, it took me a while to even figure out what the four dots were even for. They really need to go or reworked.


The new party information system is something I'm not that fond of, either. The UI is now way too strongly skewed to the right.


The color scheme is extremely bright and poppy. While the point is to make things easily visible, not only does it fail on that point (due to the aforementioned reasons, as well as poor scaling), it simply does not fit in with the game. It looks very out of place and tacked on. The colors just don't match very well with the general colors of warframe. I'm not saying to turn this into a dark generic brown shooter #234, but it simply doesn't fit. And keep in mind, I play a very bright pink on ALL my warframes. Bright pink Rhino, bright pink Trinity, bright pink Nova, bright pink Loki (not that you'll ever see him, hue), and so on. And coming from me, these colors don't fit.


The new UI has a few good points, mainly being that you can now see the relative amounts of health and shield that a target has, you can now see the duration on your skills after you cast them, and you can now more clearly see the amount of experience left to level up a warframe or item. However, truth be told, the first two (shield/health amounts on target and skill duration) could have fit perfectly fine into the old UI, and in fact would probably be far more readable if implemented into the old UI. And on the first and third points, they both suffer from usability issues due to, again, the fact that it is hard to judge what the max is anyways due to the fact that the default back bar is strain to see. The old UI suffered from the names of warframes and weapons obscuring their respective affinity bars, but in all honesty, the new UI does not do a much better job given how hard it is to see it.


Generally speaking, the really questionable stuff aside (splitting warframe info and energy and so on), the new UI is trying to hard to be both minimalist and pretty, sometimes in strangely conflicting ways. The new icons on the minimap are designed to look good rather than be functional, and it shows by becoming a clusterfuck. 




The new problem is that we cant see survival % bar or enemy numbers and so on when we open the big map... they r hided while u open big map


and u have to change to small map to see those information. It's something worse.

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I think the think the new HUD needs most is the old hud's background behind its numbers, to give them clear definition and make it FAR easier to read.  I really cannot understand why they decided to make this change, as the old hud seemed to fit the aesthetic Warframe aims for in a way that this "minimalist" design utterly fails to achieve.

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