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New Hud Feedback


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I'm fed up to the damn HUD.
I don't expect it about improvement by the customizing of HUD, but I will support it if everybody demands it.
Okey, how long should I wait for customizable HUD support? 1 month? 2 months? or 1 year?

Update12 was released 3 weeks ago, and Update12.3 is released today.

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A bit late but got something to tell about new mini-map markers.


It's a bit annoying to have the same marker for AI mates and human mates.


When you play a infestation/invasion mission, and you want stay with your "human" mates it's sometime hard to found them.

Sometime you think your late and run to come back with some "blu mark" but it's only some npc.


Really can be an improvement to have two differents markers for that.


Another thing is the visibility order of this markers, the fact that all mates markers are draw on top of the exit one is a bit annoying on survival.

For me a better order could be : objectives = human mates / exit / IA mates


Sorry for the ugly english skill, hope it's a bit understandable...

- A volt how want to keep running late mate and love play with a full crew. ;)


PS: Have recently play Trinity, the cooldown timer for blessing and link is really a nice feature!

Edited by ZeGreymane
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Hey guys,


As most of you have seen the new HUD is out, there's several posts with feedback now and we are looking at them closely. A few recurrent things we are seeing:


- Too small, particularly the minimap. -> We are already working on this

- Minimap markers are not distinct enough. -> Also have a fix in the works

- Abilities are in a new place. -> This is a big change but we want to give it a chance and not give up on it so soon, we want to have the combat (weapon and abilities) together, we realize everyone, us included, were used to look upper right, but after playing for a while we feel lower right with the support of the dots below the reticle really works.

- I hate it, bring back the old HUD -> This is not really something we can or want to do, we want to look forward and make this the best HUD we can, so we will definitely seek out and listen for feedback to make it better.



We'll keep on monitoring all threads, this one in particular.




I just got back to the game and the new HUD makes me very dizzy and confused.


Honestly, UI is all about customization and what people are comfortable with. If you are forced to use a certain UI, then really, you'll end up liking the game a lot less.

I know I'm currently disliking the UI (specifically the map) and because I can't stand how the game looks right now, I've played a lot less that I did before.


~This in many ways. I don't like the placement of some things, and some things could be better if they were moved just a tiny bit. So what I want is the ability to move whatever I want to where I want.

For example: Personally, I'd love to have my map at the top right (i've played a lot of games where this was the case) and I'd love my health and abilities at the top left. I'd also love to have my ammo/gun at the bottom left (which is kinda weird to some people) and my mod popups at the bottom right.


This is just my personal preference, and there will be others who have different preferences. So, how can you make everyone happy in this case? Give everyone the option to freely move around everything.


There could also be a few different DE-made "premade" UI's in case somebody really doesn't have a preference.


~We should also have the ability to make things more or less transparent as well as being able to change the UI to match previous or different kinds of UI things. Like, maybe I don't mind the new UI's health frame, but I can't stand how the ammo frame's look. So I could maybe separately change this. Maybe I don't like the previous or current map, so I could also choose a third or fourth newly made map that DE might decide to make.


They say you "can't please everybody", but I believe that if you add the ability to customize your UI, then you could please most. Please DE, consider this. It really doesn't hurt anyone to allow UI customization.

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Hello Digital Extremes,


So, I've had sufficient time to tinker around with the new HUD. First, let me preface that you are all willing to step out with something new and take a chance, regardless if it may be accepted by the community or not. I'm gonna keep it brief by breaking down what I thoroughly love about the new interface, and then by what I feel could use improvement.


What I love:


 - I love that I can now see my health and the health status of all members within my team in one general location. That fact that shield and health levels is separated by color is a bonus.


- I love that I now can see the health and shield levels of my sentinel.


- I love that the energy bar and abilities section is made separate from the health and shield bar. As it is a separate mechanic and resource within the game, it was a good call.


- I love the on-screen indicators for waypoints and objectives.


- I love the addition of objectives, particularly for mobile defense and defense missions, having their own shiedl and health bar. It more accurately conveys the current status of these objectives back to the player.


- I love that the mini-map is now larger and that the player can lock its rotation.


What could use some improvement:


- I've disliked 'Lotus' popping up on my HUD whenever she has something to say. I feel that it obstructs my view and unnecessarily clutters the HUD. Perhaps make it an option for the player to disable this from their HUD.


- Though I love the mini-map and health status, I feel it goes against genre standards by having the mini-map on the upper-left side of the screen and the health on the upper-right. In almost every other game, I glance up at the upper-left to see how my health is. It is practically muscle memory by now. At the very least, make it an option for the player to swap these locations within the options. Moving the status of objectives to the other side with the mini-map would be nice as well.


- I think the new ability and energy bar would be better located in the bottom left-hand side of the screen. Additionally, it is really odd having the energy number (how much energy the player currently has) at the very bottom of the region. Since it is such a significant number, I would think it is better served next to the actual energy bar. In my opinion, to the left of the bar would be best.


- I understand having the primary objective/ability used/level up indicator pop up in the center of the screen for new players. You likely want to ensure new players know exactly what is going on at all times. However, for seasoned players, it feels like unnecessary clutter to have on the screen. Please make this an option that can be toggled on and off by the player.


- Perhaps I just don't fully understand it, but the ability dots make no sense to me.


Addendum A:


I also really enjoy the hit indicator in the center of the aiming reticle.


Visual feedback for when a team members goes down into bleed out is awesome as well.

Edited by (PS4)spillmilk
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It's been a long time since I last played, but when I came back I returned to a new hud that I quite like.


Only issue I see is the flashing screen edge effects when you're losing health and such. I'd greatly appreciate the ability to tone those down or turn them off, honestly it's almost seizure inducing at points, so to say. Maybe it's just me, but still, the option to tone them down wouldn't hurt anybody, right?

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The XP bars for frame/sentinel/weapon should be hidden at level 30, pointless keeping an empty bar hanging around when it serves no purpose, hiding XP bars when maxed out is common practise in MMOs etc, a good thing to emulate imo.

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The XP bars for frame/sentinel/weapon should be hidden at level 30, pointless keeping an empty bar hanging around when it serves no purpose, hiding XP bars when maxed out is common practise in MMOs etc, a good thing to emulate imo.

I'm not sure this is wise. If I understand the upcoming "focus" correctly, this change would be of short-lived duration, as we'd once again have a reason to have an xp bar on an r30 item.

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"Upcoming" aka "sometime this year" easy enough to put them back then.


Focus is on the planning stages, it's not around the corner, people asking how to do it each update annoy me, they clearly said it's still far out.

Edited by KriLL3
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I just returned to the game after several months' absence.


I would say... the current hud is reasonably good.  I really would like to be able to select different corners for different parts of it - another game I play a LOT sticks the map in the lower right, so that's where I'm used to looking at it.


The visibility issues I had with the hud parts has mossssssstly been solved by using the existing customization options: increasing the size (halfway along the bar) and moving the corners in a bit.  This comes from using a 24" widescreen monitor. 


I would rather have my frame stats in the lower centre, too. 

Edited by Kempner
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I was playing with a clan mate earlier today, and both of us were Trinity. Then I realized that it would be useful to have a timer counting down other teammates' party-wide buffs.


Would be nice to see how long I have to be reckless from a teammate's Blessing, Roar, Warcry, Speed, etc!


I'm sure this has been suggested many times before. Just felt like adding my voice to the pile.


PS: I like this HUD a lot now that I'm used to it.

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One problem I can think of with the new skill icon and dot system is that it can be hard for new people to understand what is going on.


Imagine yourself completely new to warframe or this kind of genre and look at the screen.


4 dots under aim, very little skill icons on right bottom corner, not enough energy? where is my energy bar????


I think readability issue is the biggest concern with the new HUD.


It looks cool for sure and as a old user of this game I have 0 problem with this. However......

Edited by Xeratul
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Fix the markers of where to go in Mobile defense, half the time, I don't know where I am going with the new changes on PS4.  Also during Survival it is very confusing, with the icons for the Oxygen, and the Oxygen Pillars themselves. It is easy to start heading into wrong directions.

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Developers solicit feedback to the players, and if they do not return the response to it, I think that they should be for players with an update of the game.

But damned HUD is not yet improved still even after more than a month.

When release customizable HUD? Devstream 23 is lie?

Devs, Please restore the HUD if you do not mean to be improved.

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Developers solicit feedback to the players, and if they do not return the response to it, I think that they should be for players with an update of the game.

But damned HUD is not yet improved still even after more than a month.

When release customizable HUD? Devstream 23 is lie?

Devs, Please restore the HUD if you do not mean to be improved.

Patience. If by "restore" you mean "go back to the old one", that's never happening. They've been clear on that.


Beyond that, they're working on melee 2.0 8.0 now, and already stated that making it customizable was a long-term goal that required a lot of work.


They've fixed or altered most every basic thing we've asked for, so demanding "get rid of it all" is rather pointless and unreasonable.


If you're just waiting on the customization, keep waiting. If you have a specific issue with what we have now, actually state it, instead of giving vague rage. They can't do anything with vague rage. They can do lots with specific requests.


EDIT: And just to remind you, when talking about things in the livestream, Pablo put it that the new clan interface was just around the corner, and that other upgrades were around another corner after that, and that customizable HUD is around yet-another corner after that one. Accusing them of lying when they said many other things come first is... well, weird.

Edited by Llyssa
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If a developer cannot afford to meet feedback, I think that, as a result, the release of new HUD was wrong.

Melee2.0 has been delayed. By the reason of the delay, I do not feel pleasant that I leave other problems forever.

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If a developer cannot afford to meet feedback, I think that, as a result, the release of new HUD was wrong.

Melee2.0 has been delayed. By the reason of the delay, I do not feel pleasant that I leave other problems forever.

What do you mean, "meet feedback"? You wish they'd spend time posting what they should be doing on here, instead of actually doing it?


Every single plausible upgrade we've asked for has been met so far. We request, they produce. They're doing their job, and doing a good job of it too.


If you have something specific you want, then yeah, mention it, and they'll put it in. If you're just wanting them to post "still working on it" here, um... why?

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What do you mean, "meet feedback"? You wish they'd spend time posting what they should be doing on here, instead of actually doing it?


- I hate it, bring back the old HUD -> This is not really something we can or want to do, we want to look forward and make this the best HUD we can, so we will definitely seek out and listen for feedback to make it better.



I do not want a customizable HUD.

But they are if I chose it, I want to try the function early.

Edited by todokuro
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Thanks for the hard work. I've only known of warframe since late december-ish. I dont play anything else. I think warframe projection and possibility are infinite


In the UI OVERALL I have two things I'd like. Access to my arsenal. In game. Via a life support teleportation type animation. Could make for longer solo missions. as well as decrease server traffic. currently one would have to abort a mission or leave a dojo to make a mod change or even a load-out change. by making that accessible in game the overall fluidity of the game would be enhanced. 


The other UI change I'd like to see would be for the top info bar to be compacted. player icons should be placed at the top of the screen a blue and red visual representation of health sheilds and bleeding out. Currently, especially with zephyr visibility is horrible. 

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One thing I've been missing: The game auto-swaps us on weapons sometimes, and unless we actually read what weapon we have, we end up wasting what can be precious seconds firing the wrong gun the wrong way, and then having to change. An easy-to-see icon defining "primary" and "secondary" for glance recognition would be great.


My other big request right now: is there any way to have waypoints room-dependent instead of section-dependent? When I'm playing zephyr, the game keeps telling me there's enemies "straight down to the center of the room", but going "straight down to the center of the room" just moves me to a new section, which shows the enemies are really ahead of me, in the next room. This is particularly annoying and pointless when it makes me back track from the exit I was already heading to to reach a transition zone I was almost at. This wastes a lot of time and energy. =(

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