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New Hud Feedback


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After playing a bit with different scaling and placement of HUD elements, i came to conclusion, that the problem for me, lies in overall readability and representation of said elements.


An example -- health/shield -- big numbers, small bar underneath.

I can't read numbers reliable when they are in periphery, but if this element would be change to big bar and small numbers, change placement somewhere in the lower-center, and suddenly, you have easily readable information about you health.

Take a look at Mass effect 3 HUD and Firefall as good examples.


So all in all, don't rely on numbers, rely on more abstract things, like bars and such. 

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I'm totally happy with the new HUD. However, some elements of it are not clear to me: I for myself can't figure out, what are the four dots below crosshair? and why they "change" depending on weapon? If it's a "distance meter" you should make it look more intuitive. Happy with the HP, Shields, Energy and Stamina indicators. Nice to see how long an ability is active yet. I'd like to suggest to add something similar to "HP abilities" like Iron Skin and newest Snow Globe, so players can see how much damage they can tank. Adding some more contrast to HUD would be nice. Sometimes it's hard to see it on snowy Corpus levels. White letters with black outline are visible on all backgrounds. This could be a toggle-able option. All in all, very cool HUD: clean, minimalistic and informative

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- Up/Down Arrow is to small

- Black/White Waypoint is hard to see

- Allies shouldn't have the same Icon as other Warframes (Every Icon should be somewhat 'unique')

- Sometimes my Sentinel's Life doesn't show up. Maybe it's every first Mission after switching Sentinel.

- Personal Lifesupport should be visible again on Minimap

Edited by Kagee
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Great job on everything.  Super impressed how fast fixes and tweaks are happening.  I have a few final little things I want to complain about, then the HUD will be perfect!


Love the new icons, they are great.  BUT...... The red enemy icon, when an enemy is below you, the white down arrow is offset and doesn't match the other arrows.  It looks like it's too much behind the icon and offset a little.  I am sure this was just a simple overlook, but thought I should point it out. Also just noticed it when the extraction icon had the white down arrow as well. 


Wouldn't mind if enemies icons were a bit smaller still.  When you hit crowds of them, it clutters the map.  Maybe leave the big fancy icons for the expanded map.  However, leave the fancy ones for the players and important spots like life support, extraction, etc. 


Noticed on survival, the extraction icon is getting covered by life support icons.  Was running around for a while before I was close enough to that LS that the extraction icon actually separated from it.  Might want to think of a way to get around that.


Would love to see dropped O2 back on the mini-map and maybe not the in-game icons.  When there are a lot of them, it gets a bit distracting.


Also, and this may just be my OCD kicking in.... On the new mission type, I do like the changes in the color and stuff for text, but, the blue and red are different blue and red than the rest of the HUD.  It's small things like that that I believe make something feel incomplete. 


Other than that, ALL issues I had with the initial release of the HUD have already been addressed and corrected.  Again, super impressed with your dedication to the new HUD.

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The big colorful numbers are ugly and harder to read (for me it was easier to glace at the old bars) but if you've made up your mind on going forward with this UI then that's that.


The health/shields bar should be in the same place as the power info. It doesn't matter where you put it but it should be together. This just seems like common UI sense. Or let the player customize a bit and have options for placement for the the 3 main HUD parts (health/shields, powers, map).


The map icons are unnecessary. Red and green dots worked just fine I don't need a giant blue lotus symbol to let me know where players are. The new icon for waypoint is also unnecessarily complicated. An up or down arrow worked fine. Functionality over fancy icons Devs. 

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Mini map is vital. the complexity of icons just make me sick, especially when the icons overlap with each other. transparent map is hard to see in some backgrounds. at least give us a option to choose a simpler mini map design like the one before the update. 

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something that i noticed in a game recently: the xp numbers from a kill. i was killing longrange in lua interception and the xp kill numbers with the blue underline really made it hard to see anything when i killed stuff at range. it turned out after killing 2-3 enemies i coulndn't see the rest of them and had to guess their location. i admit this might be a very special case but it made long range killing rather unenjoyable when the other enemies are hidden behind xp kill confirmation.


Options - giving us options is always good. xp kill indicator on/off - transparency ,how long its displayed, color.

same goes for damage numbers on/off/crit only , transparency, display time, color.

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First: powers and energy being tucked in the bottom corner makes them easy to over look. The dots under the crosshairs definitely helps you know which is selected, but you won't always know how much energy you have.


Second: Timers, pod health, and Oxygen level is too small and plain. Far too easier to overlook them. I'd suggest moving them to the right of the minimap, instead of under it. Also, having our Rescue target's health and shields up there would be nice.


Third: Separate Health and Shield bars. I think It'd help give players a better visual representation of their shields and health.

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Could we perhaps get options on placement for UI? If only something like swapping the party member status locations back down to its previous locations? I have attempted to try to get used to them up in their current placement however it doesn't seem to click with me like the old HUD placement did.


On a related note I feel like something as important as party member health needs to be larger than what it currently is.

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Sorry to say it but the scaling is of poor quality. If you up it the fine detail becomes blurry and stretched. It needs to be optimized so when you make it larger it remains fine and clear, so it doesn't look as if you've just magnified it.


When you make it just a bit larger than default it looks like when we had that blurry text bug some time ago. Wasn't nice to the eye at all. 

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Новый HUD выглядит просто шикарно, но есть минус, очень маленький и не разборчивый шрифт в русскоязычной версии. Пожалуйста исправьте! С уважением игрок под ником: RaixAir

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It's not an ugly UI.  It is attractive.  But, it is physically uncomfortable and straining on my eyes.



LOL ....  no offense but I busted a gut laughing at this.   =)


The correct english term for this statement (not the poster please) is an "oxymoron"   =)

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Ammo count is too small, not the clip ammo, but the reserve amount.


Also, all the text is blurry and hard to read, I could read smaller text in the old UI, because the characters were thin and sharp.

The only way I can describe this is like everything is using a bold font, please sharpen the text up.


Oh and again, remove the dots under the crosshair and the red X hit indicator, just clutters up the crosshair.

Could be an option, I suppose someone out there likes it.


Dots - We are on PC, most people hotkey, abilities we don't scroll.

Hit indicator - I'm aiming at them when I shoot and big numbers pop out of their heads like numeric rain, I don't need a red X.

Edited by Egg_Chen
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Hi fellow Tennos and cheers to you and the team for U12 DE_Pablo.


I had an idea to make Shields and HP easier to keep in sight;


The reticle is a downward crescent slid in two parts, why not make the left part of it indicate the shield (blue bar) and the right part of it indicate the health (in red) ?

That way we wouldn't have to look up or down or left or whatever to know how well our Warframe is faring, the information would be right in the middle of the screen and easy to read.

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Thought I'd ask here.


Can we get an option top have teh chat window visible at all times?


I have trouble conversing with my clan as I never remember to just stop and look at what people are talking about.


If I could always see the chat and without being in Solo mode I could get much more out of it.


Thank you.

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New HUD is 5 stars. And thanks for fixing some little things that didn't look crisp yet,


But still 2 little problems:


The markers on enemies or next point to go to, have those small arrows indicating if those are above or below you. And those arrows are too small to quickly see if above or below; or not bright enough... Also in the enemy marker icon, theres a little red dot in it's lower part, that most times I see it as the arrow saying under.


Just saw this in void, cant confirm if it's on other maps, life support says waypoint in all their markers, and MD consoles say module in all their waypoints. Bet it's a bug.




Consider to make squad shield/life HUD's bigger, only when the player is trinity and oberon, since they are the healers and need to keep an eye on their team mattes health. ( I use and like the small size HUD btw)

Edited by 7grims
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The markers on enemies or next point to go to, have those small arrows indicating if those are above or below you. And those arrows are too small to quickly see if above or below; or not bright enough... Also in the enemy marker icon, theres a little red dot in it's lower part, that most times I see it as the arrow saying under.

Better suggestion; if X is above you, arrow or whatever is on top of icon. If below, arrow is under icon.

No idea on the enemy. Haven't gone into a mission today yet. lol

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a couple of feedbacks about minimap and waypoints


I miss the oxigen can waypoint during survivals, i'd like to know if it will eventually come back


also the ABCD waypoints in interception mode should change color whenever a point get captured along with the hud color change (from whte to red)


there is a problem that existed even with the old HUD, whenever an ally dies his waypoint never disappear, i find it annoying, mostly during survivals when you are looking for your teammates and always end up in that empty room 12km away from everyone where that idiot super great player died 20min ago .... i demand a custom waypoint for dead people (dead not bleeding) 


lil bug:

the sentinel health and shield bar sometimes  disappear even if the sentinel isn't dead or missing, you should get a look into it




lastly, thank you very much or your great work, this hud is really great and i love how you reacted so far to the community feedback

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As many before (and probably after me) I think the only thing that can truly solve such problems is a way to customize the HUD.

- Move and resize panels/parts (including crosshairs, separately from the 4 dots currently under it, both maps).

- Recolour everything, either together or every parts separately - latter might look weird if someone is crazy but it's up to them, right?

- Change style, preferably separately for everything, panels, icons, waypoints and whatnot.

- Feature to set Translucency/opacity for everything, including mini and full map.


I know this is not a painter-game and such but hud customization is ALWAYS welcome in any and every game. It's so rare actually and yet so needed. Just think about it, even sight-impaired/colorblind people can have more fun if you allow them to set the coloring up (latter was mentioned by one of my clanmates, I leave the reason behind it to your imagination).



q86d.png -


Also, hud styles can be a new vanity item on market. Maybe a reward for completing challenges (preferably true challenges). Actually:




Challenges are nice already in the game, they provide us with a little bit of extra goal and on completion some extra affinity. It's nice but shallow.
It would be good to build on that base and provide us with challenges with higher goals and bigger rewards. This way you could reward players who are actually playing the game instead of just buying everything with money. Don't misunderstand, I bought platinum too, and those players have their reasons (and let's not forget that they keep the game going) but it feels disappointing to fight for something for days, get it and then meet a guy who just bought it with the money he got from his parents...
Anyway, the challenges could go further than how they are and for example they could vary depending on map type:

- Soldier: 95% of Your kills must come from your primary weapon.

- Pistolero: 95% of Your kills must come from your secondary weapon.

- Blademaster: 95% of Your kills must come from your melee weapon.

- 95% of Your kills must come from Warframe abilities (if you have damaging ones availible).

- Anatomy: 75% of Your kills must come from a vital shot (like headshot or in case of ancients, legshot etc. or spot marked by Banshee).

- Backstabber: 50% of Your kills must be performed from behind (not stealth kills, just from behind).

- Shadow: No alerts (not availible on infested maps).

- Snapshot: Your team must kill 50% of enemies in 5 seconds after visual detection (IF they detect you :D so stealth all the way and you are cool!).

- Whirlwind: Do a killing spree of 20 consecutive kills with no more than 5 seconds between each kill.

- Untouchable: You cannot lose health (this needs the current Bleeding proc to be fixed so maybe your shields must never reach 0? - beware of Distruptors and Nightmare missions :D ).

- Rusher: You must complete the mission under X minutes (normal missions).

- Completionist: You must reach at least X waves (defense)/ Y minutes (survival).

- Economist: Complete survival with only using personal supply drops.

- Wacko: Complete the mission wearing pink shorts.

- Marksman: Have at least 60% accuracy.

- Norris: You must kick/knock at least 50% of enemies to the ground at least once before you kill them.

- Thief: Your team must open 86.3% of the lockers and containers.

- Collector: Scan all enemy types appearing during mission at least once (excluding seeker's grenades, cameras, barrels etc. - can be damn hard actually).

- Wingman: Assist in at least 50% of the kills performed by your teammates (unavailible in Solo).



The rewards could be something nice but not game-breaking.Of course these rewards would be good at other places too but many of these should be challenge exclusive:
- Different types of crosshairs.
- Titles - like sharpshooter, headhunter, etc.
- Different color schemes (skins) that makes your weapons/frames a little bit more different, maybe sigils that can have their own slots on the weapons.

- Maybe vouchers for vanity items. Like mentioned crosshairs or already existing stuff, palettes, skins having a voucher cost for themselves. Their cost would be immensely high but people without platinum would be able to get them... just a sec, let me elaborate on these in the next chapter!




All in all I really hope this won't be rolled back like the new map style before (which I personally loved and miss).

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