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Removal Of Star Map = Future Of Warframe


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Hi guys here is another feedback after watching the stream.


TL:DR Direction in which I belive Warframe is going, my ideas how it can be done


Removal of Star Map


The whole PSO (Phantasy Star Online) lobby system is the best idea I have seen so far and I can see how it will tie into the endgame withBadlands & Proxy Wars . For those who never played PSO and have played Guild Wars 1 can take your ques from that game.


1) Orbital Stations

You travle to your chosen planet in the now proper planetary system of our sun, lets say Saturn. Once on the Saturn orbital base you can see Saturn as you orbit it. You can meet other players here and talk to them and have fun with emotes, maybe there is an obstacle course where you can challenge people and carry the highscore on that orbital base and other interresting things, You can visit the local merchant to sell your resources/weapons because every planet has a different level and higher level planets will contain higher level players trading higher level stuff on these auctionhouses. You can watch the message boards update getting some tidbits of lore about what is happening in your current region of Saturn. Lotus info is displayed here and intercepted messages from the faction currently controlling the system. You can check the current tax rates for the clans that publicly choose to announce them from the "Saturn" railway to a nearby asteroid which contains unique missions. resources, enemies and bosses and other loot open to you if you choose to pay. You form your  Party here and you walk to another message board with quests you can choose to accept, some of these quests will be marke as "solo,group" others will be marked with "raid" which will allow you to form a 10man team or use the "raid creator" tool to assemble a team of random solo queing people for a raid quest. When you´r group, loadout and cosmetics are in order you depart for Saturns surface which comes to the next point.


2) Sandbox/Semi Open World:

Once on Saturn we se a huge map like the size of the maps that can be found in games such as GTA 5 that can take 15-20min to get from one end to the other by car. On this map depending on the quests we accepted when we were on our Orbital station around Saturn we now see markers on the map showing us that somewhere in those areas we can find what we are looking for. Reasons for "somewhere" is to cause room for exploration, and the road to an objective should do just that "give you room to explore". In exploration you can find areas which at random can contain "World Bosses" which can be anything from Wildlife to a patroling group of the faction controling the area or from the faction trying to take it over (think recon troops) killing these packs and their commander rewards you with "whatever" and lore/logs which can be handed in for Master Rank Up Boost which ofcourse can be obtained through other means aswell. You can encounter NPC´s in random locations that might hold smaller quests or which just provide usefull info about the area or rumors about something that you then might want to investigate further. This layout gives DE much room to provide more incentive for for play between missions and gives life to the game in general without turning it to another standard run of the mill MMO experience since everything from Patrols, NPC´s, and quests can be randomized in placement since the version of SATURN you are in at that very moment is unlike that of anohter party playing the exact same planet at the exact same time because you and your party are in your own separate instance of the Saturn overworld. This allows DE to also choose what should be random and what should be static and fixated in terms of quests and locations for that month and that months episodic lore distribution.


3)Where the overworld map ends / quest instances begin:

Walking the overworld and having these smaller and simpler encounters is one thing but to create truly epic, scripted, strategic content requires a specific area which has been worked on and designed to work in a specific way. Much like dungeons in MMORPG´s DE can create lore specific instances with episodic content where you enter to solo like rambo or play that instance in stealth (choice is yours), with your standard group of 4 or a forced 10man raid if DE deem it necessary for a larger scenario. Imagine yourself walking the overworld to a chosen location, you see the Grineer settlement rise in the distance a getting bigger and bigger. You fight your way through or sneak your way in through the surrounding guards and then once within the city limits the map phases and you are now in an instanced area for one of those monthly lore missions. Vay HEK is in there somewhere (random) and he is doing something fishy, you are to find him and kill him/steal the info (without killing) "multiple choices to finish a mission = multiple playthroughs rather than just grinding" and get out. This just one of many ways to create  a static version of content that is in an instance within the overworld instance and make it feel seemless. All the while not turning it into an MMORPG where you have hundreds of people running around farming X amount of Grineer shoulderplates to turn into NPC X for reward Y and rince and repeat.



I used this SATURN here as an example and this can be done for every planet with it´s one geographic layout, own topography, own lore for that system ever changing evolving with the flow of invasions and clan towers and so forth and so on. 

I´m hoping you guys think this sounds interresting and cool and I hope you think this is the direction in which Warframe should go.


Regards Oktalz

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How much is that dedi(cated server) in the window?

The one for this to work.

How much is that dedi(cated server) in the window?

Enough that I can't make this rhyme.


about time we got dedicated servers and not just a login server don´t you think?

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about time we got dedicated servers and not just a login server don´t you think?


Pretty sure we also have a server to manage our loot, character progress and all the other easily-handled things.

I'll admit that's a nice way to think about it. Fairly positive thinking.

Here's the realistic circumstances to your unrealistic ideal.



A) Warframe is very close to the top of the (western/global) F2P industry. (it won't ever hit the top at this rate, but, it's quite high up there)

B) They make money from plat. 

C) They make money from outrageous plat deals. (only outrageous when viewed from a WF player's PoV, from most other f2p games, it looks fine)

D) It's working, we're buying it.

E) For DE to burn a substantial amount more money when they're already raking in the profits? I see the resultant profit that can come from this.

F) It's also an unnecessary risk for DE.



Well, the idea itself is fine and dandy, even if I didn't read most of it because this could be the six billionth time this has come up. The circumstances, however, don't give me any optimistic ideas about this happening.

Edited by LadyScootaloo
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So, this game is slowly becoming PSO 2? xD

not at all but a contender for the joylazer prize Steve talks about.

Pretty sure we also have a server to manage our loot, character progress and all the other easily-handled things.

I'll admit that's a nice way to think about it. Fairly positive thinking.

Here's the realistic circumstances to your unrealistic ideal.



A) Warframe is very close to the top of the (western/global) F2P industry. (it won't ever hit the top at this rate, but, it's quite high up there)

B) They make money from plat. 

C) They make money from outrageous plat deals. (only outrageous when viewed from a WF player's PoV, from most other f2p games, it looks fine)

D) It's working, we're buying it.

E) For DE to burn a substantial amount more money when they're already raking in the profits? I see the resultant profit that can come from this.

F) It's also an unnecessary risk for DE.



Well, the idea itself is fine and dandy, even if I didn't read most of it because this could be the six billionth time this has come up. The circumstances, however, don't give me any optimistic ideas about this happening.


there is nothing unrealistc about it.... warframe was the 5th most played game last year, and it´s not getting smaller.

if you watched the stream, I think the ambition is there. DE just need a resounding yes from the community. Unless you want the game to stay confined I´d say we need to show DE that we belive they can do more, rather than say that we belive they can´t make it.

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not at all but a contender for the joylazer prize Steve talks about.


there is nothing unrealistc about it.... warframe was the 5th most played game last year, and it´s not getting smaller.

if you watched the stream, I think the ambition is there. DE just need a resounding yes from the community. Unless you want the game to stay confined I´d say we need to show DE that we belive they can do more, rather than say that we belive they can´t make it.


Oh I believe they CAN do more.

I don't believe they intend to do it in a way that would be risk-heavy in terms of cost.


It is unrealistic because, 

A) It's not to be expected.

B) It cannot be achieved simply in the form of your ideal, because of A. (it could if it were DE's ideal, but, if it were, they'd already be doing it)

C) It is not reliable in terms of feasibility considering Warframe and DE's history. Also referring back to A here.

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Oh I believe they CAN do more.

I don't believe they intend to do it in a way that would be risk-heavy in terms of cost.


It is unrealistic because, 

A) It's not to be expected.

B) It cannot be achieved simply in the form of your ideal, because of A. (it could if it were DE's ideal, but, if it were, they'd already be doing it)

C) It is not reliable in terms of feasibility considering Warframe and DE's history. Also referring back to A here.


alot was not expected since closed beta since before founders pack exist, yet here it is, and as far as DE not doing IT they are. Did you watch dev stream 22?

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#1 I'm afraid of lag that is one of the issues(thousands and thousands of players).

#2 The 2nd issue is walking a long way for just one specific mission.


There's going to be one for each planet. And I'm sure there'll be some sort of limitation, like only some people are shown, or maybe only your teammates, or maybe only those looking for group.

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There's going to be one for each planet. And I'm sure there'll be some sort of limitation, like only some people are shown, or maybe only your teammates, or maybe only those looking for group.


There is not MMO scape in that sense. when you play solo or with your own group of premade players you are playing your own instanced version of the overworld.. there is no MMO traditional hosting a place for hundreds of players at a time. I was pretty clear about this if you read it.

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