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Tyl Regor Fandub And Other


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  • 4 weeks later...

The New Orokin War is slowly becoming a harsh reality...


With Vay Hek's invasion of the Void to find the Archwing technology, other truths are being revealed and Zet Kuur is forced to respond...



This video is the longest I have made yet, it had too many pages for me to post, if you can't see the video here, then here's the link to youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRL4dRXpeBY


And here is the text:


Gam Avon: “Sir, we have returned.”


Zet Kuur: “Ah, my brother so good to see that you have returned! I assume your mission was a success?”


Gam Avon: “Indeed we have. We have confirmed the identity of the one who sent the Tenno operative into the Void, he calls himself “The Conflagration”.”


Zet Kuur: “The Conflagration... I see. Is this all you have for me, or is there more than just a name?”


Gam Avon: “Yes, there have been more groups resisting the Grineer Empire rising up, among them being the Red Veil, who seem to have taken after The Colonial Resistance.”


Zet Kuur: “The Insurgency? So they inspired enough people to gain successors...”


Gam Avon: “Indeed, altough The Insurgency did return, they were too small and far too violent. In fact they harmed both civilians and military personell as they went, it was quite chaotic.”


Zet Kuur: “Was? Have they been disposed off?”


Gam Avon: “They faced too much opposition from the civilians, it seems that they turned to and eventually became a part of the Red Veil.”


Zet Kuur: “Sigh... So much have changed, I suppose you're also to tell me that Admiral Vor has been slain in battle?”


Gam Avon: “How did...? Well, yes, he's dead, however he was demoted to captain ay some point... he was killed in action by Tenno... how did this news reach you?”


Zet Kuur: “It didn't. Vor is running rampant in the Void as we speak.”


Gam Avon: “What!? Sir, what are your orders? Should we hunt him down?”


Zet Kuur: “Why? He's believes himself to be a messenger of the Orokin. The Janus void key he has in his possession is what keeps him together, yes I have seen him, whoever cut him up like that sounds like a worthy opponent indeed.

For now he uses his new powers to teleport left and right among the towers, attacking any intruders.”


Gam Avon: “But sir, doesn't he pose a threat like this?”


Zet Kuur: “He knows so little of the Orokins technology, he just energy. I have found ways to shield the Ymir from any sorts of intrusions. That is also why Tenno will be unable to reach us with the keys they find inside and outside the Void.

In truth, I find his current state of mind... amusing.”


Gam Avon: “Now that you mention it, I did receive reports of an increase in corrupted units... most of them are Grineer. Did Vor...?”


Zet Kuur: “Yes, he's pulling more Grineer into the Void, converting them to our cause. He does not know just how much assists us. With this we'll soon have enough to begin our return to the Origin System.”


Gam Avon: “What of the Conflagration? It would seem that he has challenged you... perhaps even start an open war with you.”


Zet Kuur: “A war? Hehe he... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”


Gam Avon: “S-sir?”


Zet Kuur: “Let him come... Let the Tenno come, let them all come to the Void! We will show them the splendor of the Orokin, they will kneel before the true rulers of the Origin System, no the entire of Galaxías Kýklos!”


Gam Avon: “Understood sir.”


Zet Kuur: “Prepare your brothers, if we don't receive more visitors soon, you'll be sent back to the Origin System, we need more intel and we need more recruits. I will direct the building of our forces here.”


Gam Avon: “And Vor?”


Zet Kuur: “He will serve his purpose, until he is no longer of use, till then let him be, he does not have the power to touch us here.”


Gam Avon: “There is one last thing sir. We encountered Tyl Regor when searching this information about the Conflagration. He seemed very shocked about our appearance, he suggested we return to the Empire...”


Zet Kuur: “...”


Gam Avon: “Sir?”


Zet Kuur: “Return to your duties Commando, you are dismissed.”


Gam Avon: “Sir, yes sir.”


Zet Kuur: “So you've managed to stay alive in this new age my old friend... how saddening that we cannot stand on the same side in this conflict.”


Lt. Dak Raog: “Admiral! Admiral!”


Zet Kuur: “What is the meaning of this sudden interruption Lt. Raog? If this is about another Tenno attack, rest assured that it happens often here. They will leave eventually.”


Lt. Dak Raog: “Sir, I apologize, but this is not the Tenno this time! It is something else!”


Zet Kuur: “Something else? Huh, since you feel like screaming, liuetantn, maybe this is something I should hear...”


Lt. Dak Raog: “We've receive intel from the outer sphere, there are portals being forced open, all coming from the Origin System... Sir, we're being invaded by the Grineer!”


Zet Kuur: “WHAT!? How is this possible!?”


Lt. Dak Raog: “We do not know sir, the portals are unstable, but there have already been seven confirmed Grineer ships sighted, one of them is the cruiser Bek'toor.”


Zet Kuur: “The Bek'toor... Commander Aqil... How is it that the Grineer Empire have managed this? Not even in my time did we have the technology to open portals at will, only by passing through The Rift...”


Lt. Dak Raog: “Sir, if I may, I believe it's connected to the usage of Torsion Beam Generators, but on a much larger scale than normal... Sir, the gates that are forced open are coming on the rings floating around in the Origin System!”


Zet Kuur: “Torsion Beam Generators... but that means that Vay Hek somehow has managed to build one of that size without the Tenno catching on!”


Lt. Dak Raog: “Sir... there's more. We've received a news of a larger number of Grineer troops than usual invading our premises... they're looking for something.”


Lt. Dak Raog: “Wha-!? Sir... we're recieveing a message... from the Bek'toor?!”


Zet Kuur: “...”


Lt. Dak Raog: “Admiral!? What do we do!?”


Zet Kuur: “Open the channel. I know who it is.”


Lt. Dak Raog: “Y-yes sir.”


Commander Aqil: “... By the glory of the Queens... It is you, isn't?”


Zet Kuur: “Surprised to see the man who your Empire cast aside out of fear, Commander?”


Commander Aqil: ”I am more surprised to see one of the greatest minds our glorious Empire ever made turn traitor for this dusty and crumbled Kingdom.”


Zet Kuur: “Turn... traitor? Your Empire betrayed ME, Commander. And it pleases me to inform you that one of those who betrayed me already roams the halls, a manaical remant of his former self, I could not ask for a better punishment.”


Commander Aqil: ”Are you referring to Captain Vor? So the rumors were true then. It is a sad day for the Empire... and a glorious one as well.”


Zet Kuur: “Do you seriously believe that I will let you spread your filth over the legacy of the Orokin? I think not, Commander. Stand down this assault, go home to your Queens... and tell them that their son is coming home.”


Commander Aqil: ”Out of the question, traitor. You are nothing more but a useless clone, you were made to serve and you failed. Consider this your official of resignation and die with dignity. It was at least a... minor honor to speak with you.”


Zet Kuur: “One last question, how was this feat of opening such a large gate possible? I admit that I am most impressed.”


Commander Aqil: “Nothing short of a master plan by Councilor Vay Hek... while the Tenno were busy with his Fomorians he comissioned the construction of a ship carrying a massive Torsion Beam Generator, before the Tenno can be finished with our smaller strike forces on the smaller gates we will have sent through enough ships to control a vast majority of the Void. And then we'll see how the Lotus takes that surprise.”


Zet Kuur: “A classic bait and switch tactic, masterfully done too, that is indeed what I would have done.”


Commander Aqil: “I'll make sure to tell the Councilor that you approved of this strategy when I bring him your head, perhaps he'll even grant me your old rank as a reward.”


Zet Kuur: “Oh I won't deny that it is a masterful plan... there's only one thing he forgot to consider when he sent you here.”


Commander Aqil: “And what could that possibly be?”


Zet Kuur: “That it's ME he's sending you to face. And I accept your challenge, Commander. Lieutentant, cut the channel.”


Lt. Dak Raog: “Yes sir! … Sir what do we do now?”


Zet Kuur: “We strike back of course, the longer we wait the more ships will come through... we need to destroy the ship carrying the giant Torsion Beam Generator.”


Lt. Dak Raog: “But sir, what of the strike teams already in our towers!?”


Zet Kuur: “Ah yes, of course... Gam Avon!”


Gam Avon: “Yes sir!”


Zet Kuur: “I want you to take your brothers and hunt down the Grineer currently sneaking about the tower, kill or capture, I want to know what they seek and bring everything you find to me. We need to perserve the Orokin legacy.”


Gam Avon: “Understood Sir.”


Zet Kuur: “And if you detect Tenno in the area... avoid them, it is not yet time to show them what we are truly capable of. Not yet. Should you engage them in battle, end it quickly and move on.”


Gam Avon: “Yes sir.”


Lt. Dak Raog: “But sir, what of the Bek'toor and this giant Torsion Beam Generator!? Surely we need Uzratak Squads expertise to take at least the Torsion Beam Generator out!?”


Zet Kuur: “Do you doubt me, Lieutentant?”


Lt. Dak Raog: “No... no no no sir! I just thought that-”


Zet Kuur: “Tell me lieutenant, if you plan to turn your foe into space debris, do you really need a commando squad to do so?”


Lt. Dak Raog: “I... no sir.”


Zet Kuur: “What do you need then?”


Lt. Dak Raog: “S-superior numbers, firepower and strategy sir...”


Zet Kuur: “Exactly. Vay Hek always underestimated me. I think it's time he learns how it feels to be on the recieveing end of such a foolish notion. Besides, ever since I got here I wanted to try out the Orokin Warships and their fighters... this should be... educational.”

Why is he not in the game yet? Please tell me, you are secretly withholding info from us? Because the Grineer moving into the void recently is too much to be a coincidence lol.


But hopefully the Dev's can get over here and take a look at this thread.

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  • 3 weeks later...

He will be most pleased. XD


As for epic, not sure about that. My suggestion is to find a good source of ambient sounds like I have and get creative :)


The issue is that my primary character is only able to speak when he's confined to his ship (the neurovocal communication and whatnot) so I can't have the great pacing monologues Kuur is able to perform, and I can't have him communicate with his primary faction because I'm ALREADY pushing what the Tenno can do with my explanation of why said character can talk and I don't DARE expand that to ALL Tenno (defeat the point). I'm striving to find a way to work something as grand as the Orokin Wars out with my side-characters, though.

Edited by Morec0
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Huh, that's odd. But I suppose it's not that big of a surprise, the look with a cyborg eye and slicked back hair is a very common look for villains and or heroes.


not that there is anything bad about it, besides, we need that kind of person in warframe for the sake of having awesome lookin enemys and plot.

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