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Oberon, The Other Nerf'd Meat


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20 minute into T2 survival, Reckoning already stop one hitting Heavy. 30+ min, it's not even one shooting trash. Reckoning CC is also not so great, heavy getup very fast. Mag pull give better CC in comparison and it's 1/4 the cost of reckoning. So you get a frame with half are cc, damage and healing power. A little bit of everything but nothing that help solo higher tier content.

Edited by Neogeo
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I still use my Oberon he has been (and still is) useful and good (and is actually the frame I use the most now even more than my rhino or nyx) I personally think the only thing about him now that actually needs a buff (likely a complete overhaul/replacement and I already thought of one, but you as well as I know that I'm not a dev so can't make it happen) is hallowed ground.

Not to offend DE, but hallowed ground is useless, unless your on mercury or Venus it is just useless and doesn't serve well, not even on defense (which it was made for) either, unless you use it in a corridor (and let's face it people Oberon is slow so like a frost in defence he should just sit around nearer to the objective using his more defensive abilities) or on a horde of chargers and runners (which smite, your guns or just a good melee weapon could easily mow down with less energy and effort) it is simply put: USELESS.

I mean seriously people out of every ability in this whole game hallowed ground is the LEAST usefull of all ablilties and at best it is a gimmick.

Edited by Kiyryite
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Why are his arms so skinny?  He's supposed to be a tanky paladin like frame.  And his "main" melee is a huge frekkin mace.   He needs muscles. 

Paladin might be about how he's split between aspects. Druid(noodley) and Warrior(Muscle God). Of course that normally means he can't be amazing at either, but I think he has nice legs.


Changing the subject, the proc rate on Hallowed Ground is kinda low. With a low proc it becomes Fire Blast. It really shouldn't be Fire Blast. No one wants to be Fire Blast. Not even Fire Blast.  I just want to use Turn Allegiance reliably on a couple of mooks and watch the fireworks. 

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Not all frames are meant to be equally good at everything. Trinity ONLY has healing. Oberon has AOE burst, AOE DOT. 

You might as well complain why doesnt rhino have an energy restore skill. Or why ember has no shield.  Cause they are different frames. You can't look at skills in isolation from the frame. 


I get that you're saying "Oberon is a jack of all trades, he shouldn't be as good at support as someone dedicated to support", which would be a perfectly sound argument in itself -- if it weren't for frames like Rhino who absolutely can do everything, from damage to survival to CC to mobility, with each skill being equally viable by comparison to more "dedicated" roles (just with a slightly lower skill ceiling towards any one role)... and for the fact that Oberon only provides damage (which tapers off) and healing (which as discussed, includes the weakest form in the game) while Trinity provides strong healing, resource regeneration and two of the most powerful defense skills in the game, making her functionally more versatile than Oberon.


A Trinity with Link and a rocket launcher aimed squarely at her own feet will out-damage an Oberon any day, but Oberon's whole arsenal can't compare to Well of Life, despite having triple or quadruple the cost per cast?


I'm not saying "Renewal should be as good as Blessing" -- because you're right, Renewal shouldn't be as good as full heals and invulnerability by any stretch of the imagination -- but I am saying that role diversity alone is no excuse for the existence of awful skills, and that we were promised a frame that would have a notable effect on team survival.

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Probably too much work honestly, low hanging fruit and all. 


The auto revive thing was silly. Cheating death isn't going to be an intended feature unless its a rare mod ;


How is it broken when Trinity as a better heal on top of immortality ?

A revival Oberon has to be totally on the ball to keep casting it, instead of holding down that button 2 or 4 (which what most of them do now).

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I hate to be the guy to compare abilities, but renewal is pretty bad, considering it's like shield polarize, but heals a fractions as much, only for health, and is a slow overtime effect. (It also costs 25 energy more, but whatever).


The only reason why people overlooked it is because it gave a free revive / second wind scenario if Oberon times it right and if the projectiles hits your team mates in time of course.


So 75 energy was considered "acceptable".

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I'm sure they'll buff him in some other way further down the road. He's a new frame, and generally they take a lot of tweaks. Why not go play a Trinity if you are so concerned with ways to break the game to win? Not a challenge? Fine, don't use Link. Or don't use Blessing. Or don't use either, I don't care.

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My Oberon's renewal heals around 450 and also reckoning deals more damage than lots of frame abilities (except the damage based frames) his smite deals more damage than practically every button 1 skill and has projectiles ( about 6-8) that ricochet everywhere after dealing damage to enemies around and have a decent proc chance (both in the initial hit and on projectiles ), but hallowed ground is by far the MOST useless skill in warframe (this really bothers me because it is the worst skill on a good 'Jack of all trades' warframe) (and yes when modded right I'd rather take an Oberon to a high tier mission than a well modded rhino) and I already explained the hallowed ground thing already so I'm not doing it again.

A simple way to buff Oberon is to give him 100-200 armor (he is a paladin do I really need to explain), move renewal down to his 2nd skill rather than 3rd replace hallowed ground (which will now be his 3rd skill)with a slightly curved shield around 180 degrees (like half an snow globe) (all these are when it is maxed but has no power strength mods) the barrier has 2500 health maxed (but with no power mods) it heals player (any in a 10m radius)on 50% of the the damage it takes and gives a 50% armor buff,(only the Oberon who casts it doesn't gets the extra buffs) I does not heal Oberon but when Oberon takes damage it heals he takes the full damage as normal, heal the barrier on 75% of the damage he takes, the barrier lasts for 50, the barrier is about 1.5 meters thick and any enemy making contact with the barrier will take damage similar to hallowed ground, any weapons with punch through of 1.5m or above can penetrate through the barrier.

Edited by Kiyryite
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