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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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actually I think the idea that the tenno are infested has been scrapped, recent lore entries point more toward the void as the source of our power, and not the technocyte virus, whether or not the virus came from the void has yet to be explained, nor can we take lore from Darksector, as it hasn't officially been named canon, only pointing references to

the idea has not been scraped. The tenno get their base power from the Technosite virus, then when they were sent to the void, and the unknown effects of that twisted and shaped their powers, which is why we have different Frames with different powers, and the Frames are just meant as a "lens" for the powers.

Edited by Senketsu_
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unfortunately there is no information that ties the virus to the tenno, only speculation taken from Darksectors lore, which again, is not directly connected to Warframe 

Proto Excal armor and its Codex entry further solidifies that the game is connected to DarkSector, DE even said Warframe was, " in a sense" a sequel to DarkSector. The fact that we are called Tenno also lends to the fact that the Tenno have the Technosite strain. Plus that the Infested have been confirmed by DE to be made from the Technosite strain.

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the infested are made from the virus yes, but not the tenno, they are void "touched", much of what DE says is being overridden by actual in game lore, as well DE never said Warframe is a direct sequel, take dark souls for example, its called the sequel to demon souls, however they are in no way connected, more on the lines of a successor, as more and more lore is being added to the game, it is rewriting what we believed was the origin story of the tenno, at first we thought they were infested and that's where they got their powers, now we know that it is from the void, the only thing missing is the technocytes origin, I don't think the tenno were ever infected, as with Embers lore we know the tenno were children when they gained their powers, and I doubt children could survive the virus 

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the infested are made from the virus yes, but not the tenno, they are void "touched", much of what DE says is being overridden by actual in game lore, as well DE never said Warframe is a direct sequel, take dark souls for example, its called the sequel to demon souls, however they are in no way connected, more on the lines of a successor, as more and more lore is being added to the game, it is rewriting what we believed was the origin story of the tenno, at first we thought they were infested and that's where they got their powers, now we know that it is from the void, the only thing missing is the technocytes origin, I don't think the tenno were ever infected, as with Embers lore we know the tenno were children when they gained their powers, and I doubt children could survive the virus 

The Orokin where known to be doing things with the Techncyte virus, In DarkSector that was how Hayden got his powers, because he bonded with the Technocyte virus differently. In the Warframe lore it says that the Tennos powers were changed and twisted from the void, meaning that they had the powers before they entered the void, and the void was used as a way to change and amplify those powers. If the Orokin were so advanced, its safe to think they were able to make a strain of the technocyte virus that they could administer to children before they were sent into the void. while the lore is expanding, It does not disprove that the Tenno dont have the Technocyte virus, its just expanding on how their powers were evolved, 

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point is, it is no where stated the tenno are at all connected to the virus (technocyte is actually never mentioned in game), and until it is implemented into game lore, everything is speculated, as it is, the lore says the tenno gained their powers from the void with no mention of the infestation, they became tenno after exposure to the void, not before, as well this conversation does tie into the topic of typhus, because if he doesn't make it into the game as a warframe, I would at least like to see him as an enemy type

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The lore is ... complicated :/ But it's undeniable, Warframe is VERY VERY VERY linked to Dark sector (to be honnest, I've the same thoughts as Senketsu-san about it :P). But it's not the place to having this kind of discussion I agree :3

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While only mentioned and referenced through in-game text or by the Lotus, the Technocyte Virus seems to turn organisms and robotics such as the Grineer and Corpus into what is known as the Infested. The majority of Infested seem to be former Corpus Crewmen or Grineer Lancers. However they are also speculated to originate from failed Tenno experiments, hinted at by J3-Golem asking the Tenno, "Why do you destroy us, we are your flesh". This could explain the various powers or abilities some infested have.

However, it can be noted that although the virus may have organic origins, the virus itself is also binded with nano-machines as well, shown by the description of Plastids for example (Which is what Warframes are made of). Teasers from Devstream 30 has confirmed that MOAs can indeed be affected by the Virus, further proving that the Technocyte Virus is most likely based on nano machines that invade living cells.

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While only mentioned and referenced through in-game text or by the Lotus, the Technocyte Virus seems to turn organisms and robotics such as the Grineer and Corpus into what is known as the Infested. The majority of Infested seem to be former Corpus Crewmen or Grineer Lancers. However they are also speculated to originate from failed Tenno experiments, hinted at by J3-Golem asking the Tenno, "Why do you destroy us, we are your flesh". This could explain the various powers or abilities some infested have.

However, it can be noted that although the virus may have organic origins, the virus itself is also binded with nano-machines as well, shown by the description of Plastids for example (Which is what Warframes are made of). Teasers from Devstream 30 has confirmed that MOAs can indeed be affected by the Virus, further proving that the Technocyte Virus is most likely based on nano machines that invade living cells.


"The Tenno share the last name with Hayden Tenno, the protagonist of Dark Sector. This was confirmed in Livestream 10: that Hayden is indeed the "first Tenno". His connection to the Tenno in the current time period of Warframe is unknown. The two games' setting are different, however, as Hayden is not infected from the void in Dark Sector. It's also implied that the two games, although similar, do happen in different universes and are not directly connected by lore"


"Another lore accurate theory, due to the previous lore obtained from Dark Sector, is that the Tenno are an advanced form of the Technocyte Virus but later codex entries tie their abilities to the "void" as the Tenno are humans who survived the void but came back changed with powers requiring warframes to control."- Tenno wiki page


anyways, Skittlez what are your thoughts of Typhus being an enemy type alternative?


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"The Tenno share the last name with Hayden Tenno, the protagonist of Dark Sector. This was confirmed in Livestream 10: that Hayden is indeed the "first Tenno". His connection to the Tenno in the current time period of Warframe is unknown. The two games' setting are different, however, as Hayden is not infected from the void in Dark Sector. It's also implied that the two games, although similar, do happen in different universes and are not directly connected by lore"


"Another lore accurate theory, due to the previous lore obtained from Dark Sector, is that the Tenno are an advanced form of the Technocyte Virus but later codex entries tie their abilities to the "void" as the Tenno are humans who survived the void but came back changed with powers requiring warframes to control."- Tenno wiki page


anyways, Skittlez what are your thoughts of Typhus being an enemy type if DE decides against making him a warframe?


the thing about a Wikia is that it is written by people who know as much about the lore as you and me. Also that never says that the Tenno DOnt have the Techocyte virus.

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"The Tenno share the last name with Hayden Tenno, the protagonist of Dark Sector. This was confirmed in Livestream 10: that Hayden is indeed the "first Tenno". His connection to the Tenno in the current time period of Warframe is unknown. The two games' setting are different, however, as Hayden is not infected from the void in Dark Sector. It's also implied that the two games, although similar, do happen in different universes and are not directly connected by lore"


"Another lore accurate theory, due to the previous lore obtained from Dark Sector, is that the Tenno are an advanced form of the Technocyte Virus but later codex entries tie their abilities to the "void" as the Tenno are humans who survived the void but came back changed with powers requiring warframes to control."- Tenno wiki page


Ok, but that has nothing to do with what I said, because you're comparing to Dark Sector, I'm comparing it to the game we have now, Warframe.  I'm getting my information from Warframe, not from Dark Sector.

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Ok, but that has nothing to do with what I said, because you're comparing to Dark Sector, I'm comparing it to the game we have now, Warframe.  I'm getting my information from Warframe, not from Dark Sector.

that was an artical from the Warframe Wikia.

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I can see this has gotten out of hand, my original post was asking for thoughts on Typhus being an enemy alternative, which unintentionally became a lore debate, to put an end to it, official lore says...both theories are speculation, no where does it directly say we are infested, no where does it say we are not, therefore both theories don't exist until the official DE stamp of approval, aka codex entries.


Now, what are your all's thoughts of Typhus enemy type, or something similar? 

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Now, what are your all's thoughts of Typhus enemy type, or something similar? 

I'd rather have him as a playable frame to be honest. He'd need serious rework (likely from the ground up) to be made into an enemy type. As he is now he'd fit better as a Warframe, considering Red envisioned him as an actual Warframe who had been messed with by Alad V, sort of like Valkyr was, except Typhus much more so.

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Now, what are your all's thoughts of Typhus enemy type, or something similar? 


Well, as an enemy type, not really. A lot of stuff would have to be changed around. Not only lore wise but a lot of his mechanics. Just think about it, he'd just be sort of an ancient infested version of stalker. If you were around a while ago there was a contest for "Enemies of the Tenno" and there was maybe a hundred-plus ideas of an infested Tenno assassin (infested-y-stalker) and not one got picked. Tenno seem to be immune from the virus which turns things infested (it is the "virus" that infests things; the Lotus even says this in game), which seems able to assimilate both living and nonliving matter (crewman runners/leapers/crawlers, grineer to chargers, and ospreys--definitely not living--to infested ospreys), so in my eyes Typhus is in fact immune to becoming infested, like Excalibur. The only way for him to be an infested enemy type would be if he was never a Warframe to begin with. I had designed him to be a Warframe from the get go.

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I recently checked all quotes from the lotus concerning the infested, if there ever was the name technocyte given to the infestation, it is no longer in game, checked phorids and lephantus, if it was J-3 then we will have to see if the reference returns, but no more about lore.


If not Typhus himself, what about an advanced infested that shared a similar form and powers?

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I recently checked all quotes from the lotus concerning the infested, if there ever was the name technocyte given to the infestation, it is no longer in game, checked phorids and lephantus, if it was J-3 then we will have to see if the reference returns, but no more about lore.


Oh? You read all of her dialogue. Can I see the source? (If they change her dialogue. It's still heavily implied)


And about the Lephantis yes he does:

"Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh."


Source - http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Lephantis


Already mentioned this quote:

However they are also speculated to originate from failed Tenno experiments, hinted at by J3-Golem asking the Tenno, "Why do you destroy us, we are your flesh". This could explain the various powers or abilities some infested have.

Some Dev-streams they mention the technocyte several times.

And more on the subject:

"Warframes are suits of armor that can be wielded by Tenno and created by the Orokin in order to take advantage of the technocyte-adapted Tenno's ability to interface with technology and enhance their powers. They are made up of 'nanotechnology' according to Grineer engineers and may even be technocyte or a similar material. They have a security system called 'reactive dissolution' that triggers when experimented on to hide the technological secrets from the human races (namely the Corpus and Grineer). Alad V recently (see The Gradivus Dilemma) found some way of manipulating Warframes and experimenting on them without activating their self-destruct mechanisms. His use of Warframe components to create the hybrid Zanuka is the first time any non-Orokin is known to have any success with modifying Orokin Warframes." - Official Warframe wiki

"The game lore specifically mentions that the Infested come from a plague that was remarkably similar to the one from Earth's history, the technocyte outbreak that started at the end of Dark Sector. It is likely that the Infested are the same virus or strain of technocyte that existed on Earth in the ancient days. It is also possible that the Orokin re-released the technocyte virus on the solar system during the Old War in an attempt to stop the Sentients by using infected creatures to their advantage. Another possibility is that after the Old War, the technocyte experiments the Orokin were running managed to spread on their own now that the Orokin were no longer there to control them, eventually creating the Infested." - Official Warframe wiki

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Wait wait wait... I thought that the technocyte virus was only used in the construction of the warframe exo-armor and the armor just acted as a catalyst or focusing device for the powers given to the tenno when they were twisted from the void so that they could be properly controlled.

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I'm afraid I cannot source anything, as I am absolute $h1t at the forums, cant even copy paste a link, however infested bosses has lotus detail more lore then normal infested mission, and upon running phorid and lephy I saw lotus mention nothing of the word technocyte


something to note, "we are your flesh" can be interpreted in different ways, lephy is actually many fleshes, it can be assumed that the infested have assimilated so many, that in a way they are part of us humans/orokin, and can be considered that they want us to join them and become 1 flesh


and as senketsu stated early, the wiki is written by players who know as much as we know, so wiki statements apparently aren't enough, otherwise the quotes I provided earlier would hold credibility


as well devstreams cant be factored in, as for all we know they are just calling it that cause we call it that, who knows, DE has been know to change things here and there


it is safe to say that until such theories actually hit the codex and become official lore, everything is just speculation

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I'm afraid I cannot source anything, as I am absolute $h1t at the forums, cant even copy paste a link


So you're telling me you can't show me the sores because you can't copy and paste links? Okay...

I cannot take you seriously if you won't cite your sources.

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don't know what to tell you, I tried, always comes back as a broken link, but don't take my word for it, just go look in game, find where the word technocyte is mentioned, cause I looked, I didn't see it anywhere, I could have missed it, who knows, I just came to tell how cool your concept looked, how it would look cool as an enemy as well, but im not gonna argue lore, been on those topics for too long


but hey, if you find where lotus mentions the technocyte virus(by name) let me know, id like to know where I missed it

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so red, I think this has been asked before but going to ask it again anyways as I don't think there was a response, will we ever see you design an immortal skin for typhus


also can we see a pic with the final version of typhus with mios? just for those of us who are curious about how it will look

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