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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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Sigh, your still not grasping what my comment entails.

Red, 1) the only thing I've stated is that you're constantly changing his design. 2) You stated that last year he was done you're done working on him, so my comment stemmed from what you wrote 3) every iteration you do of him makes him more complex (which is great as a conceptual design) which in turn can hinder his ability to make it in game 4) your fan boys would cause a riot if he never made it in game and you know this.

Blaz, you also don't seem to grasp my comments. I'm not bashing him nor Typhus, hell I helped with a few ideas on it, I'm only stating he should have a "final product/idea". Yet you seem intent on misconstruing what my intention truly is. If you have a problem private message me and we can talk like adults.

Did you even read what Red said?

He doesn't care wether Typhus makes it in the game at all.

If it did that would be awesome, but Red is in no way begging DE to do it.

Red can do with Typhus whatever he wants.

and not trying to be rude... but you are not making any friend in this thread, even if you helped with some of the earlier concepts

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Anyway, let's get back to the topic, I'm bringing back a power that I have suggested long time ago.

Place-holder name "Destroyer mode" - Typhus violently consumes a targeted enemy, integrating its physiology and temporarily assuming traits belonging to the target in order to deliver a massive area attack. Consuming a Grineer unit results in a Bio-missile barrage, consuming a Corpus unit results in a Bio-laser barrage and consuming an Infested unit results in a tentacle barrage. (This is currently a work in progress, everything is subject to change )


And also here's a video of true facts about Ty- I mean mantis, which his concept was based of.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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Anyway, let's get back to the topic, I'm bringing back a power that I have suggested long time ago.

Place-holder name "Destroyer mode" - Typhus violently consumes a targeted enemy, integrating its physiology and temporarily assuming traits belonging to the target in order to deliver a massive area attack. Consuming a Grineer unit results in a Bio-missile barrage, consuming a Corpus unit results in a Bio-laser barrage and consuming an Infested unit results in a tentacle barrage. (This is currently a work in progress, everything is subject to change )


And also here's a video of true facts about Ty- I mean mantis, which his concept was based of.


the destroyer mode sounds very interesting but I think you forget about the different factions resistance against reverse-engineered weaponry.

a missile barrage will no doubt have the stats of missiles which Grineer are resistant to...

but corpus are weak to lasers.

this is of course not a problem if the different barrages don't work like this.. if so, amazing idea, we love you (nohomo)..


the video isn't showing, or were you being sarcastic and is there no such video?

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I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but I can't see Typhus being any good in game. Sure he looks awesome and his abilities might have an awesome animation with it, but that's about all that there is to him. No stats are given so I can't tell if he even will do anything to the enemies. His abilities seem mediocre at best. One if not the only reason this topic has gotten as big and famous as it currently is, is due to it having cool looking pictures. I'm sorry Red if I'm bashing down on your topic like this but it is just overhyped.

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I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but I can't see Typhus being any good in game. Sure he looks awesome and his abilities might have an awesome animation with it, but that's about all that there is to him. No stats are given so I can't tell if he even will do anything to the enemies. His abilities seem mediocre at best. One if not the only reason this topic has gotten as big and famous as it currently is, is due to it having cool looking pictures. I'm sorry Red if I'm bashing down on your topic like this but it is just overhyped.

I in turn am not hating on you and I respect your opinion.. but:

stats are not needed in the concept.

Red describes Typhus as a Powerfull Glass Canon (weak defences but high damage output)

judging from that, we can assume that Typhus will be viable because we already have a similar frame in the game.


about your opinion on his abilities:

you might think the abilities are mediocre.. but nothing is final.

while it is possible yet highly unlikely DE would literally copy Typhus from the forum into the game..

it is also possible that DE will chance EVERYTHING.

wether the abilities will work or not is entirely up to DE, if they don't DE will just tweak them or radically change them however they desire


and finally:

While I admit there might be quite a few people who just like Typhus for the art.. there are just as many people who genuinely love the idea and support it

Edited by BaIthazar
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I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but I can't see Typhus being any good in game. Sure he looks awesome and his abilities might have an awesome animation with it, but that's about all that there is to him. No stats are given so I can't tell if he even will do anything to the enemies. His abilities seem mediocre at best. One if not the only reason this topic has gotten as big and famous as it currently is, is due to it having cool looking pictures. I'm sorry Red if I'm bashing down on your topic like this but it is just overhyped.

because a parasite theme is so mediocre? Typhus has more depth to him them any other Warframe save probably mirage. Sorry but I seems like your hating just to hate.
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I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but I can't see Typhus being any good in game. Sure he looks awesome and his abilities might have an awesome animation with it, but that's about all that there is to him. No stats are given so I can't tell if he even will do anything to the enemies. His abilities seem mediocre at best. One if not the only reason this topic has gotten as big and famous as it currently is, is due to it having cool looking pictures. I'm sorry Red if I'm bashing down on your topic like this but it is just overhyped.


Sorry that I made a popular "mediocre" warframe that eats people's faces and steals there attributes, but I have no power over people liking it. I'm just the guy that does the work. If they like it, they like it.

If you don't like the powers, rather than complaining about it, give me some ideas for powers. I'm willing to listen, I'm not going to bite your head off over it.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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A poster about ABILITIES not looks? The End is nigh.

Powers in this game share alot of similarities and themes. There really is a limit to how many ways you can violently kill the enemy.

But the why of it is still different.

Is the power of buffing your own armor/sheild/health by ripping it from the enemy and stealing the enemys weapons to use it against them - mediocre?

Is the idea to be forced to play carefully since you can take less damage, untill you are able to build that streangth up, not engaging?

Just stating that I came here for the theme of infested samurai, I found art I liked yes. It was however the backstory and powers that made it stand out.

We can not and will never all like the same things in life.

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the destroyer mode sounds very interesting but I think you forget about the different factions resistance against reverse-engineered weaponry.

a missile barrage will no doubt have the stats of missiles which Grineer are resistant to...

but corpus are weak to lasers.

this is of course not a problem if the different barrages don't work like this.. if so, amazing idea, we love you (nohomo)..


the video isn't showing, or were you being sarcastic and is there no such video?


Keyword: Bio-missiles, my friend.


PS: What can I say? Look at the screenshot


Edited by RedSkittlez
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Keyword: Bio-missiles, my friend.


PS: What can I say? Look at the screenshot



but no, the video wasn't showing up for me.. so I had to search youtube for it myself like some savage.


Best narrator ever btw

Edited by BaIthazar
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-Angry Snip-

Yes because 3521 posts on this topic totally means it is a horrible idea and frame. 

Typhus not only looks damn good but the basic concept and his abilities are what interest me. The cool looking factor is just a plus. I think his abilities would make it a highly interesting and fun frame to use. Arguing that his stats are too weak is pointless. The developers (if he ever gets put in) decide his stats. Not only do you use his stats as an argument point but you do not even acknowledge his ability to change his stats by using his abilities. They are low for a good reason. 

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Yes because 3521 posts on this topic totally means it is a horrible idea and frame. 

Typhus not only looks damn good but the basic concept and his abilities are what interest me. The cool looking factor is just a plus. I think his abilities would make it a highly interesting and fun frame to use. Arguing that his stats are too weak is pointless. The developers (if he ever gets put in) decide his stats. Not only do you use his stats as an argument point but you do not even acknowledge his ability to change his stats by using his abilities. They are low for a good reason.

You said what I was trying to say, only better. Thank you for that.
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Place-holder name "Destroyer mode" - Typhus violently consumes a targeted enemy, integrating its physiology and temporarily assuming traits belonging to the target in order to deliver a massive area attack. Consuming a Grineer unit results in a Bio-missile barrage, consuming a Corpus unit results in a Bio-laser barrage and consuming an Infested unit results in a tentacle barrage. (This is currently a work in progress, everything is subject to change )



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Here, we will explore true facts about the Typhus.


the Typhus is a parasitic warframe under constant development by RedSkittlezzz, not to be confused with the Tysis, which is a weapon...a secondary weapon.


the Typhus is a rather unique warframe in that it is composed of worm-like parasitic organisms that form a mutual symbiotic relationship with its wearer...which is quite ironic given that the Typhus is technically a parasitic warframe. it also possesses thick chitin armor reminiscent of ancient samurai. but the armor roots itself inside you, ouch. to understand this, imagine a suit made out of leeches with crab armor burrowing into your skin, and it looked like Silver Samurai's armor, the one from the X-Men movie "The Wolverine," that looked nearly exactly like Typhus; that is how a Typhus do.


using Typhus is a bit tricky; just picture yourself being careful about every step you take because one bad step and the clothes you're wearing suddently pierce your bladder. then again, someone like Kim Kardashian could get a kick out of the chitin armor, seeing that it can probably make the right cuts for even more plastic surgery. imagine getting a spanking from your dad while he's wearing that armor. "son this hurts me more than it hurts you." and it would make sense.


the Typhus has a very uniquely painful assortment of abilities. such that i concern for the wearer's health more than that of the enemy. Devour causes Typhus to shoot a plated tendril from his hand and pull flesh off a target for Typhus to consume, which makes me question if the wearer ever ate breakfast before taking the mission. Boiling Blood sounds like the result of salmonella, not that i've ever read up the symptoms and aftermath. Boiling Blood causes Typhus to raise his temperature to unstable levels, causing his skin to erupt, making his armor essentially function as shrapnel towards surrounding targets. again, i worry about the wearer's health. Cannibalize Armor sounds like a frowned upon diet for a Transformer. spikes come out of Typhus's ribcage and seek nearby targets, masticating them and using their armor to gain resistance relative to the victim's faction, which sounds pretty desperate for a Tenno wearing a leech suit. Impale sounds like a ripoff of something Dracula the Impaler would do. Typhus roots himself to the ground, sending a network of bony growths that target enemies...impaling them....like Dracula the Impaler....evidently dealing puncture damage. not only does it impale the enemies, it allows Typhus to drain them of blood and life force, rejuvinating the wearer of a condition he basically brought on himself by wearing the suit in the first place.


just remember. if you're going to wear a gimpy leech-samurai suit, you better eat before you go on a mission; you'll need the extra boost




please understand, Red, im only joking around...and yes, ive seen the mantis video. did you see the Katydid one?

Edited by Deathshatter
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