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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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'Nuff said. please people before you start pushing your own agendas read the thread...


oh and heres another reference for you:




Typhus in 40k does use bugs to spread his disease, just think about it...

Edited by EMagnolo
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after reading all of this i feal like i should actualy say somthing.



Heres my Idea for his #4, I would be called Seppuku.
- Typhus falls to his knees and takes out a knife (similar to how Ash always has those hand blades always on him) he will fill it with energy then stab it into himself. The stabbing would take a chunk of his health scaled to the level of the mod and other mods equipped and feed it into damage.
- As he slashes it across his stomach a shriek is heard from the void, which causes all enemies within distance to be staggered to help protect him as he continues with the animation.
- As he finishes the slash spikes filled with energy would come shooting out of his body, hitting all enemies within range, skewering them to walls and such, the spikes will then explode within the dead enemies bodies making smaller spikes shoot out and kill or harm the surviving enemies.
- All enemies killed by the spikes have a high chance to drop health and energy orbs.
- All surviving enemies are hit with a bleed proc and viral proc.

when the scream is going on, the lighting in the room will take a dark green tint further adding to the feel of agony typhus goes through.

I hope you like this ability, I thought since he was based slightly off a Samurai that this would be an interesting ability.

Edit: following traditional Seppuku, the person would shed their upper body clothing before stabbing them self. And when Typhus falls to his knees, his upper armor will fall to the ground to make it possable for both his knife to pierce him and the spikes to shoot from his body. this fits very well with your concept of having Typhus armor falling off when he take to much damage. and once he finishes the armor will either reattach itself or grow back.

this follows the samurai aspect the artist apears to be working with perfectly all though Seppuku was comited when a samurai had failed or lost his honor so im not sure how it can be explained that he is doing that but its a great idea none the less.


2. im not an artist myself but i have quite a few freinds who are and ... this depends entirely on the artists temperment but to an artist is verry offensive when someone says that something they put time and effort into was stolen or riped from somthing else, and why wouldnt they if you worked hard on somthing would you want people to sy this is from this game or this needs to be changed because its like this?


3. Prototype had nothing to do with insectoids or parasites the only similarity is disease and consumption which isnt just in prototype dont make these comparisons when their barely there you can think them just dont say it.


4. It is the artists creative vision it is up to him to do what he wants with it he may take peoples sugestions but only make them that, sugestions dont tell him he shouldnt be doing somthing as you dont like it


5. I need the blood of both red and santiak to create a perfect humanoid for character creation




now im imagining nick cage in the Typhus frame.


anyway very impresive work love all you've done so far and realy hope this gets in

ill leave now before my brain tells me to eat people.

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Good concept, but I'm pretty sure what you created is a new race not a new frame. The reason why I say this is because Tenno cannot grow a tendril then get rid of it when switching frames. Another reason is also about the switching frames concept part you wrote in your Virtruvian man diagram that "Removal of the parasite means certain death." So if this were to happen we would have to waste a revive just to get out of that frame. I like your concept I really do, but you have to make it a frame not a whole different person.

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Nice art, but it's not at all Warframe-like.

It would fit in much better with a Japanese hack-and-slash game :p

How doesn't he fit into Warframe? There are different examples, such as the new Water Warframe, how does that fit into the Lore, we don't know yet but there's nothing to stop DE from doing that and putting it into the game.

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Nice art, but it's not at all Warframe-like.

It would fit in much better with a Japanese hack-and-slash game :p


Please explain why he is not Warframe-like? Because he looks like a Samurai? We have a Pirate Frame coming, so why not a Samurai?


It seems to me that you simply do not like the concept and you are not explaining why. Please explain in further detail why you dislike this concept?

Edited by RedSkittlez
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Good concept, but I'm pretty sure what you created is a new race not a new frame. The reason why I say this is because Tenno cannot grow a tendril then get rid of it when switching frames. Another reason is also about the switching frames concept part you wrote in your Virtruvian man diagram that "Removal of the parasite means certain death." So if this were to happen we would have to waste a revive just to get out of that frame. I like your concept I really do, but you have to make it a frame not a whole different person.

Except... that sounds a bit like head-canon to me... And, see, that's the really funny thing about head-canon: Everyone has a different interpretation, and everyone can find evidence to support their opinion. For example (Because you believe in a "Single Tenno - Multiple Warframes" Canon) I believe that each player acts the part of a Warlord commanding a few dozen Tenno.


HEAD CANON: How does it work? Amirite?


Nice art, but it's not at all Warframe-like.

It would fit in much better with a Japanese hack-and-slash game :p

Someone disagrees with you. Someone with a much higher opinion.


EDIT: Oh yeah, think about this too: Warframe is an Oriental(inspired) hack and slash game. So I, Personally, see nothing wrong with the Typhus Concept.

Edited by Teqnologyque
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It's the design, not the concept. All current warframes (including the Hydroid) have smoothed forms. When there are sharp or edgy things on the frames, it's usually a minor thing like Oberon's horns or Orokin gold of Prime frames. The only Warframe-like things on this frame are the torso and the codpiece. Every other parts contain too many sharp and edgy bits.

I still think this design would fit much better in a oriental hack and slash game than Warframe.


Well, by looking at it; people said the exact same thing about Zephyr, that it didn't look like a Warframe. Except now we have Zephyr. Every artist has their own Interpretation of the art-style, and saying that one concept or another isn't, or doesn't fit, "The Warframe Art-style" is kind of silly. It's also important to consider the fact that the Warframe Art Team often takes multiple iterations of a concept before finalizing it, usually to make sure that it fits their desired theme and aesthetic choices for the 'Frame; I.E. Zephyr's switch to female and the removal of "Cloth-like robe" bits.


Edit: Also, Warframe is kind of inspired by Oriental Hack & Slash games, considering how we are ninjas (IN SPAAAACE) and we are getting a Hack & Slash melee focused update this week.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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All she said was "Maybe one day we can get something like this in".

SInce when was she Mynki? Do you even know if she contacted all the design staff and came back to write that? :p

Please, think before posting an upvote magnet comment...


Edit: oh you added an edit. Read my post above yours. This design is in conflict with other warframe designs.

First: the f*ck is this? Reddit? You think I really care about upvotes on my comments? That's cute...


Second: No, and I don't really care, its still one (Two counting Megan) Employee at DE who knows about the concept. Meaning its got a decent chance of being passed up the chain.


Third: I guess that means you don't like Saryn, Vauban, Trinity, Zephyr, or Hydroid either. Given how their designs seem to conflict with other, more "Classical" Warframe designs.


Your move? If you have anything meaningful for a rebuttal?

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 Like I said before, no matter which warframe, the overall form is smoothed and the sharp and edgy bits are kept minor. Zephyr has minor protrusions on her helmet. This frame has too much of this.

Zephyr has so many sharp and pointy bits. Codpiece, arms, head, legs, fingers...


When it comes down to it I think it's perfectly fine to have a frame with sharp/pointy bits. I mean, first for everything. When it really comes down to it it's up to DE to decide what does and doesn't belong. Chances are if DE does decide to incorporate Typhus or a Typhus like frame, they'll remake/redesign the frame itself. Whether they keep it similar or make it different... eh.

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I'm not sure if this makes sense but when I look at in-game warframes, I think of PVC plastic. If you have figurines made of PVC plastic you'd know what I'm talking about. So metallic samurai/knight armor just doesn't seem to go with the rest.

I guess. I'm just afraid of Warframe losing its originality by having too much fantasy in it. There has already been a thread about how Warframe is becoming more and more fantasy...

It's just that I see posts like your all the time in Warframe forums. Not very well thought out posts that leave a zinger for plebs to click the upvote button for :p

Rebecca and Megan see lots of concept art... not just this one.

You completely missed my point. Smoothed shapes. Saryn, Vauban, Trinity, Zephyr, Hydroid all have generally smoothed shapes with a few pointy, edgy bits. This frame goes completely edgy.

Saryn is actually what I main (see avatar and username?) all the time. She has smoothed overall shape.


Typhus's armor is made out of chitin, which is the same stuff that comprises insects' exoskeletons and things like crustacean's shells--in a way it's a super tough organic plastic. Also, does Rhino's Iron Skin make you think of PVC plastic? Also, I disagree with your statement about Vauban. He isn't "smooth".


*Edited: Sorry, I need to clarify when I mean "Not Smooth", its like comparing to a box; yes it has flat surfaces that are smooth, but there is always going to be a pointy bit.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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RedSkittlez I always though that while most frames look old enough for been sleeping for decades Vauban looks strangely recent. Like he was created recently by the Tenno.

I get what Chlora tries to say problem is that if All Warframes followed the same smooth design it would son run out of ideas.


On the note of Warframe turning into Fantasy i can agree up to a certain point but from all the concepts i have seen this parasite frame is actually the greatest thing i have ever seen. You see the Warframes are suposed to be created from the Tenocyte virus (most of them at least) and this guy here seems to be harnessing its power to its fullest potential. He looks organic, have powers related to his exoskeleton and i cant see where his fantasy argument lands here.

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Must admit, I disagree that the current design is somehow out of place within the Warframe universe.


However, let me start by saying, I do not see any more or any less "sharp pointy edges" *does Monty Python and the Holy Grail rabbit impression*, than I do on any other Warframe. While the edges of the some areas are pointed, the overall surface is smooth - much like plate-armour usually is.

The few areas that do have pertrusions, either fit in with the concept - which is a necessity to portray the story of the frame visually, or, as I'll explain, do little in terms of devaluing the design philosophy or lore of Warframe.


For me, part of the visual lure of Warframe is the sheer amount of potential still in the game. We know that new Warframes will make regular appearences, and this leads to the possibility of novel - but not radical - differences in style.

From a lore stand-point, I think it's safe to assume, that not all Warframes we've seen or will see, were created at the exact same moment, which would be the only real way to explain a completely homogeneous design philosophy. Even if that were the case, I'd imagine that either the Orokin scientists would cater to the intended purpose of the Warframe; for example the thicker armour of the Frost strain, to help the Tenno withstand the inherent powers possessed by Frost. On a side-note, I feel it's more plausible that it's actually the Technocyte strains themselves that evolve appearences that relate to their respective powers; think of it like that age-old comparison of "dogs and owners looking alike" - most often it's not a matter of conscious choice, but a matter of styles that influence each other.

Or to put it another way, of course a Warframe centered around Toxins and abilities derived from flora and fauna will feature not only the powers, but the appearences from those as well. Of course, the more "esoteric" the genesis of a Warframes abilities, the more subjective an interpretation becomes, which is - for the moment being - besides the point.


Taking the above into account, the exact moment of when a Warframe was developed becomes less important, but of course, if they were created quite some time apart, the differennce in aesthetics might arguably be more pronounced.


Keeping the above in mind, this would mean that even if all Warframes were created at the same time, the designs would differ from one another, as a result of the various strains taking cues from their intended purpose of inspiration, not only in terms of abilities, but also by that inspiration spilling over into the visual evolution of the Warframe. Anything but that, and we might as well argue that they could all just be Excaliburs running about with different powers.

As mentioned, the farther apart the creation of two strains are, the less likely it is they'll share aesthetical norms - as these things would likely change over time, even in Orokin culture. If the Orokin has no control over the aesthetical outcome, the norm is instead determined by; 1) the nature of the strain, and 2) the perfection of the Warframe technology.


The last point is crucial in order to explain - at least to some degree - why Excalibur is relatively simplistic, seeing as he was the first, and thus that his abilities were also "simplistic", and as a byproduct of that, as were his design.


In view of all that, I do not see it as unforgivable that newer Warframes begin to deviate from the norm of aesthetics, as long as they do not leave the sphere entirely - i.e. become Warhammer 40.000 Dreadnoughts.


So why does Typhus have the "pointy" look? - despite I do not agree that it is all that pointy.

His abilities stem from the parasitical (leeching health and so on), as well as the insectoid (segmented exoskeleton by way of "leeched" parts of enemies).

This translates to his armour arguably being focused on the aggressive assimilation of foreign entities - pointy bits ready to jump at any oppertunity to consume whatever it might come into contact with. In addition to that, they might be intended to perform an additional function, such as better grabbing enemy parts and fastening it to the Warframe - even if such a function is not present, the evolution might not have been far off, or was dropped entirely (Here's looking at you, remaining tailbone and appendix)


Which is the second part of explaining his design: It's not only a matter of intent influencing aesthetics, but aesthetics assisting intent.


In other words, Typhus' abilities are aggressive, invasive and deadly - as such, so does his armour look the part.

Conversely, his armour is barbed, edged (but not jagged), both in order to help make use of enemy parts, but also as a "last-ditch effort" when protecting the relatively exposed Tenno, that has to deal with his Warframe cracking apart by the use of its abilities.

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Typhus's armor is made out of chitin, which is the same stuff that comprises insects' exoskeletons and things like crustacean's shells--in a way it's a super tough organic plastic. Also, does Rhino's Iron Skin make you think of PVC plastic? Also, I disagree with your statement about Vauban. He isn't "smooth" at all.

Well, technically Vauban is pretty smooth all around..

anyway, on a more serious note

I don't think DE actually minds with sharp/pointy stuffs & somewhat metallic parts, considering some of the frames already have metallic parts (primes, mag, valkryr, vauban, frost, etc..) also Oberon & Ash's helmet was plenty pointy... 

Not to mention this idea is pretty original & different from the rest of the frames which may actually be the reason DE pick it (perhaps.. someday..)


As for Warframe going fantasy, even if some of the frames power are taken from fantasy stuff (fire, water, etc) it won't actually change Warframe's theme as a sci-fi game..

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I'm not exactly talking about plastic's molecular structure. It's the "feel" the look gives. This is a PVC figurine.


In-game warframes have this plastic-y texture unless it's Orokin gold bits. Typhus has metallic armor texture.
Vauban actually has overally smoothed shape. If you mean the layered bits, the edges are rounded. Typhus has sharp, edgy medieval armor bits.


I don't think OP's thinking of metallic chitin armor..

correct me if I'm wrong but I think the material is more similar to this :



It may look somewhat metallic, but I don't think there's actual "metallic glow" to it..



Veridantus i will agree that they should harness the Sci-fi element more. like maybe starting whit an Update that makes Corpus an actual threat and stop feeding the grineer alread!

ahem... got a bit carried away there....

Totally agree with this.. We need more beam/lazor weapons..

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Well, technically Vauban is pretty smooth all around..



Vauban actually has overally smoothed shape. If you mean the layered bits, the edges are rounded. Typhus has sharp, edgy medieval armor bits.


Sorry, I need to clarify when I mean "Not Smooth", its like comparing to a box; yes it has flat surfaces that are smooth, but there is always going to be a pointy bit.


In-game warframes have this plastic-y texture unless it's Orokin gold bits. Typhus has metallic armor texture.


Do you know what Chitin is? Have you not read the thread? Chitin is a very dense organic material similar to bone. But the point is: IT IS NOT METALLIC. For the last time!

Edited by RedSkittlez
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Chlora Im sorry i still dont see your point, whats the big deal about Typhus having a metalic look? it fits its theme, its skill and concept fit Warframe so whats the big deal about looking metalllic....


RedSkittlez can someone explain to me whats the problema of Typhus looking a Little metalic? WHIT POINTY BITS! whats the big deal? why such a big deal over it


Well, Typhus doesn't have any Metallic parts on him, his armor is made out of Chitin, similar to bone or a exp-skeleton from a bug, so there isn't any metal at all.

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Again, it's not about the molecular structure, it's about the look.

No non-prime frame has metallic texture and the only metallic texture comes from Orokin gold bits.


Typhus' armour was based on that of a Scorpion. Typhus is 100% organic. Seriously, look at the Scorpion.


His breastplate is the same as a Scorpion! Look at it! Does the Scorpion look metallic??? Look at it!

Seriously, what do you want from me?


If you think you can make a better Parasite Warframe go ahead and try. Try it. I won't even stop you.


Edited by RedSkittlez
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errm is it to late to suggest 4ths?

no, ok good


I think typhus new 4th should be something akin to shadows of the dead only operating differently (now hold on stay with me it will get good in a second) when the ult ability is activated typhus swings his melee weapon in the ark and sends chips of his armor in to his enemies, when this happens the parasite takes hold of them as well, and they will be forced to fight along side of typhus, the parasite will slowly drain their health feeding it to typhus, the same for any kills they make while infected with the parasite, a fraction of that damage will be fed to typhus, when they die the chips of armor grow back on typhus. casting the ability would have a cost 100 energy (of course) and a 10th of typhus' shield, health and armor shields will remain cut for the remained of the ability same as armor, but health will be replenished thanks to the parasite drones. This ability will not work on robots or bosses

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errm is it to late to suggest 4ths?

no, ok good


I think typhus new 4th should be something akin to shadows of the dead only operating differently (now hold on stay with me it will get good in a second) when the ult ability is activated typhus swings his melee weapon in the ark and sends chips of his armor in to his enemies, when this happens the parasite takes hold of them as well, and they will be forced to fight along side of typhus, the parasite will slowly drain their health feeding it to typhus, the same for any kills they make while infected with the parasite, a fraction of that damage will be fed to typhus, when they die the chips of armor grow back on typhus. casting the ability would have a cost 100 energy (of course) and a 10th of typhus' shield, health and armor shields will remain cut for the remained of the ability same as armor, but health will be replenished thanks to the parasite drones. This ability will not work on robots or bosses


Ooh, I like that.

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Again, it's not about the molecular structure, it's about the look.

No non-prime frame has metallic texture and the only metallic texture comes from Orokin gold bits.


You know what, nevermind. It's up to DE if they want to do something different at whatever cost anyway.

you sir are argueing an invalid point and are being more than little foolish.


Chitin is a material that is 100% organic in composition it is an exosketeton grown on any crustacean or insectoid ... one canot grow metal. if you would kindly consider doing me a favor, go to the ocean find a crab and report back as to wether or not it is "metalic" looking.


if you think the artist is doing somthing wrong please, be respectful, not so closed minded and simply make sugestions or you could just keep it to yourself. we have too many trolls and scumbags on the internet and not enough civilized behavior and over all decency.


now then im going to try and find a legal way to burn trolls at the stake if you'll excuse me.

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