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Opinion From A First-Day Player


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Four missions in with Loki - have invisibility and decoy. Get a mission that is against the "Infestation".

I can't beat it. I just cannot win.

The first few times I died by coming out of a air vent into the first group of enemies, which were some kind of dog-like alien. Killed me immediately. The only way I was able to tell what had happened was because the game lets me look at my corpse after I die.

Then I started dying because those dogs would spawn behind me and kill me while I was trying to kill the ones in front of me.

And then I started dying because those toxic ancients, or healing ancients, whatever they are, can kill me through terrain and obstacles with some kind of tentacle attack - which doesn't make sense to me because they don't seem to have tentacles on them.

Anyway, my point is that the game went from very enjoyable - fighting those mutant clones or whatever - to incredibly unenjoyable. I tried altering my tactics, I tried using my abilites more... doesn't seem to make any difference.

This is my fourth mission. I'm still level "zero", whatever that means, so I apparently can't buy new weapons to try.

I tried switching from running solo, to running with a public group, but as soon as people joined they left. I'm beginning to think that Infestation missions are avoided for these reasons. Maybe not. Maybe I'm just a "bad player", but really.. 3 hours into my first day of playing and I'm already at the point where I want to throw my keyboard across the room.

Instead, I'm probably just going to stop playing this game for.. well, probably for a long time.

I really hope you guys get a handle on this sudden, absolutely devastating and unforgiving difficulty increase. The game literally went from mild challenge to absolutely impossible in one mission. In the fourth mission. To a level "zero" player.

Not good. Not a good impression at all.

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Hey Zyl0x, if you're willing to play a game or two, I'll join you and see what you're doing right and wrong, give you some tips and all.

Pretty much no one gets really good at a new game within day. I think you just need to learn more about the game and play more.

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Anyhow.. I'm not looking for any more suggestions. I just want someone who works on the game to look into the kind of experience this brand new player has been having on his first day.

I'll check back in on this game in a few months I guess.

You have a pretty nifty idea going on here, I hope you guys can work out all your kinks.

All the best.

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So you pick Loki, the 'frame who in his description is said to be for advanced players, and complain that you can't hack it?

Try Excalibur and Slash Dash. 25 energy to use, easy to use 'frame.

If you're not looking for suggestions, then clearly you're not giving constructive feedback. If you were, you'd listen to our suggestions on what you're doing wrong, rather than immediately blaming the game.

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Was that supposed to be a helpful comment? Maybe you could have just not typed anything.

Well and maybe you could have gather some more information of the different frames :D You choose loki, a supporter frame without any offensive skills and to top that, you go into melee with a bunch of enemies which only use melee attacks.... To me, the problem here is your playstyle and not the difficulty of the game.

Edited by Venarge
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Anyhow.. I'm not looking for any more suggestions. I just want someone who works on the game to look into the kind of experience this brand new player has been having on his first day.

I'll check back in on this game in a few months I guess.

You have a pretty nifty idea going on here, I hope you guys can work out all your kinks.

All the best.

Well... based on your posts its not the games fault but yours. Giving up after 4 missions and not trying to improve your game but instead stopping to play alltogether i can say that even in a few months you will fail horribly with that attitude. This game is progression based... if you can't win a mission.. go back to a mission you can beat to get more loot, drops, improve and then try again. ut if you stop now you should'nt come back at all.

As i always say: Good players stay, bad players leave.


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OP I think you may be too focused on playing solo. It's ideally a co-op game, which provides solo play as a very challenging option. I can understand as a new player the limited arsenal and powers available to you can be discouraging, especially against the infestation. You've also made it a bit harder on yourself with Loki, but if you had even just one more player in the session with you you'd be amazed how much smoother things go. Don't give up just because people leave a session, it's still a beta product and connection issues are something I think alot of us struggle with. There are plenty of people who'd be willing to help you out,or are in a similar predicament, so keep trying to join matches till you get past it, there aren't many infestation missions early on.

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The Infested mission on Mercury is optional. Kill Vor on Tolstoj first and get the Cronus, then level that up and give it some melee damage mods. Sharp melee weapons can kill Infested really effectively, just keep slicing. Fire also deals massive damage to Infested btw.

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In the OP's defense, the game as a newcomer is much harder than it used to be. The Devs might look into a new player bonus, perhaps a three day defense/attack bonus to get into the swing of things or a wave off on the revive system. It's not particurly difficult to run through your daily revives before you get a handle on the game. My 2 cents.

The Infested mission on Mercury is optional. Kill Vor on Tolstoj first and get the Cronus, then level that up and give it some melee damage mods. Sharp melee weapons can kill Infested really effectively, just keep slicing. Fire also deals massive damage to Infested btw.

That's the mission he's talking about the offshoot before the Boss level? That level was hard even before update 7. Edited by Davante
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Listen man, you can't just give up like this. The first mission I ever played on this game had an ice hazard. I was playing unranked Loki with a Mk-1 Braton with only 37 shields and 75 health. I lost all of my revives in one mission. I didn't give up. Now I have a level 30 Loki, a level 30 Ember, and a level 20 Frost. It was a lot of fun trying to get them, even though it felt like a grind at times. I love this game, and I look forward to it getting better.

The best players are those that don't give up. There's still a lot of potential here.

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Listen man, you can't just give up like this. The first mission I ever played on this game had an ice hazard. I was playing unranked Loki with a Mk-1 Braton with only 37 shields and 75 health. I lost all of my revives in one mission. I didn't give up. Now I have a level 30 Loki, a level 30 Ember, and a level 20 Frost. It was a lot of fun trying to get them, even though it felt like a grind at times. I love this game, and I look forward to it getting better.

The best players are those that don't give up. There's still a lot of potential here.

You sir, are a true Tenno.
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Stick with it. Honestly, if you take some time to learn the mobility tricks and combos, you can do a lot better even without a lot of energy orbs. This game rewards space ninja who play like ninja. You gotta stick and move at times. Use your flips, bullet deflection, wall running, somersaults and such..

You'll get it.

Most of all. Play with others.

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Four missions in with Loki - have invisibility and decoy. Get a mission that is against the "Infestation".

I can't beat it. I just cannot win.

The first few times I died by coming out of a air vent into the first group of enemies, which were some kind of dog-like alien. Killed me immediately. The only way I was able to tell what had happened was because the game lets me look at my corpse after I die.

Then I started dying because those dogs would spawn behind me and kill me while I was trying to kill the ones in front of me.

And then I started dying because those toxic ancients, or healing ancients, whatever they are, can kill me through terrain and obstacles with some kind of tentacle attack - which doesn't make sense to me because they don't seem to have tentacles on them.

Anyway, my point is that the game went from very enjoyable - fighting those mutant clones or whatever - to incredibly unenjoyable. I tried altering my tactics, I tried using my abilites more... doesn't seem to make any difference.

This is my fourth mission. I'm still level "zero", whatever that means, so I apparently can't buy new weapons to try.

I tried switching from running solo, to running with a public group, but as soon as people joined they left. I'm beginning to think that Infestation missions are avoided for these reasons. Maybe not. Maybe I'm just a "bad player", but really.. 3 hours into my first day of playing and I'm already at the point where I want to throw my keyboard across the room.

Instead, I'm probably just going to stop playing this game for.. well, probably for a long time.

I really hope you guys get a handle on this sudden, absolutely devastating and unforgiving difficulty increase. The game literally went from mild challenge to absolutely impossible in one mission. In the fourth mission. To a level "zero" player.

Not good. Not a good impression at all.

Well... In the Gaming Vocabulary, there's one appropriate, legit Word that fits your wardrobe...

'Noob' lol

No seriously, every Pro starts being a Noob. Once you grab those Hot wheels on the Road, those Grinners and Corpus Animatons are dead to you.

Edited by yeomanry
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This is a cooperative game now more than ever. I had 0 issues with my friends in mercury after the wipe. We knew better than to leave mercury and planned to grind out mods and EXP for the first day. I would recommend giving the game another shot and playing Tolstoj in Mercury over and over again for a while. After you get some decent mod upgrades and have leveled up move from there to Venus and as always prefferably with a group. As for dogs charge melee attack while kiting backwards time the charge to hit them as they close the gap with you. Ancients are a pain in the &#! solo when starting off you want to save them for last. Red ones charge meelee attack over and over... they will stay stunned and just die. If the red one EMP's you run away do not engage. Green ones just kite and dodge the charge to the side while headshotting.

I've tried all that. I run out of energy because there are too many damn dogs and they don't drop enough energy orbs. While I slice one dog, the others kill me in one or two hits.

This particular comment is an issue with how you approach the game. This game isn't about ability spam and never having to shoot or melee it is about using all the abilities at your disposal. I hope you take a deep breath read the tips that we have given you and continue playing the game. Add me in-game and I can run you through some missions and give you some tips.

Edited by Krrr8or
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Four missions in with Loki -

Well, there's your problem. Don't expect to live long as a low-level Loki. The description of the frame included "Advanced" for a reason.

(What is it with gamers these days and their fascination with what appears to be the stealth/sniper class?)

Quitting the game just because it threw a challenge your way is a bad mindset. What's the joy of a mountain climb without the sense of overtaking what personally seemed hard to you in the first place?

I should also mention that the infestation mission on Mercury is optional. You can simply procede from Elion to Tolstoj without doing Lares.

(Edited out multiple grammar errors because attempting to look smart on the Warframe forums while being a drunk bastard at 5 in the bloody morning is both a terrible idea and a hilarious thing to review once the hangover wears off.)

Edited by Nitresco
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I do think this highlights a problem. The way Infestation is designed is just bad. Rather than punishing you with failure, they punish you with frustration. Stun locking dogs and comes in groups, plus a wide and low profile body means less hit per swing even with wide aoe melee weapons. Then when you are stunned, suicde bombers comes and stun you again if you can't kill them fast enough. Which is the problem, you are already stunned by dogs, even if you kill the Runners first, you are still getting killed chargers. And if that is not enough, they have Distrupors that hinders vision, stun (again -_-), depletes your energy, with high health and speed (charge). Add insult to injuries, you got the Toxic, deals damage pass your shields just by being near you, stun, and other features from Distruptors. Oh and those Leapers as well, guess what they do when they hits, stun.

Now this is not a matter of difficulty, this is about how they are designed. Hard disables are never fun when everything does it. Grineer butt you with their guns when you charge in front of them, that make sense gameplay-wise. You punish the player for being stupid and illogical. Shockwave? They have a huge tell. That's where the skill comes into play.

Infestation have none of that, once you get stunned, you are in for frustration. Oh so you should just not get hit ever? That would means killing everything as fast as possible. But that is an universal tactic against anything, not good enough. Doesn't matter if you end up dead or not, it takes the fun out of it. And the rewards are random in this game, so the pay off is rarely worth it.

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I do think this highlights a problem. The way Infestation is designed is just bad. Rather than punishing you with failure, they punish you with frustration. Stun locking dogs and comes in groups, plus a wide and low profile body means less hit per swing even with wide aoe melee weapons. Then when you are stunned, suicde bombers comes and stun you again if you can't kill them fast enough. Which is the problem, you are already stunned by dogs, even if you kill the Runners first, you are still getting killed chargers. And if that is not enough, they have Distrupors that hinders vision, stun (again -_-), depletes your energy, with high health and speed (charge). Add insult to injuries, you got the Toxic, deals damage pass your shields just by being near you, stun, and other features from Distruptors. Oh and those Leapers as well, guess what they do when they hits, stun.

Now this is not a matter of difficulty, this is about how they are designed. Hard disables are never fun when everything does it. Grineer butt you with their guns when you charge in front of them, that make sense gameplay-wise. You punish the player for being stupid and illogical. Shockwave? They have a huge tell. That's where the skill comes into play.

Infestation have none of that, once you get stunned, you are in for frustration. Oh so you should just not get hit ever? That would means killing everything as fast as possible. But that is an universal tactic against anything, not good enough. Doesn't matter if you end up dead or not, it takes the fun out of it. And the rewards are random in this game, so the pay off is rarely worth it.

This has nothing to do with with the infestation design. You can still jump out of the mob and run. If you go into melee with infested, do you actually think you can survive that so easily? Srly. And LOKI? Going into close range with a support frame is just a problem of playstyle. Why should devs make the infested easier to kill if the real problem is that people dont try to avoid that. The infested are a melee race, what does the player expect? Enemies throwing stuff at the player -.-

Edited by Venarge
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