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Weapons On Pair With Soma



18 answers to this question

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I take it you do not want event weapons, so here are the currently available ones.

Primaries - Karak, synapse, phage, dread/paris prime (buffs made them very powerful if they fit your playstyle)

Secondaries - akstilletoes,  Detron, vasto.

Melee - Galatine, glaive (more personal preference), fangs, and I enjoy the dakra prime as well.

Hope this helped.

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I take it you do not want event weapons, so here are the currently available ones.

Primaries - Karak, synapse, phage, dread/paris prime (buffs made them very powerful if they fit your playstyle)

Secondaries - akstilletoes,  Detron, vasto.

Melee - Galatine, glaive (more personal preference), fangs, and I enjoy the dakra prime as well.

Hope this helped.

Thx,Any of these better than soma? No you can list event weapons dxcept brakk :D

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Soma's pretty high up there on DPS lists. 


Primary-wise you've got:


Synapse, which is a lot like Soma in use but has a low maximum range and costs far more resources, and takes a lot longer to build.

Ogris and Penta, both of which are explosive weapons, have unlimited ammo, and can be very effective, though they have lower single-target DPS and can kill you.

Paris Prime/Dread if you're into stealth/sniping, but even with the buff they're just never going to be as fast and effective at killing as Soma is.

Ignis has a much lower DPS, but can hit an unlimited number of targets - if you play Vauban, check it out.

Burston Prime/Latron Prime are both effective weapons, though they have slightly lower DPS when properly modded than Soma.


Secondary choices are fairly limited:


Brakk and Detron are two of the best. Brakk was event only and Detron is difficult to farm.

Stug is probably your best choice - very high DPS (hint: don't charge it) and easy to make.

Embolist has a decent damage potential and like Ignis can hit unlimited targets.

Bronco Prime can be used as the poor man's Brakk, but it's a lot weaker DPS-wise.


Melee weapons suck. Get a Galatine if you want to be able to do any damage at all, get Dual Zoren for mobility - everything else is just for experience.



Thx,Any of these better than soma? No you can list event weapons dxcept brakk :D

None of them have better single-target DPS than Soma, but in a lot of cases Ignis or Penta would be a better choice.
Edited by xveganrox
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Synapse is the obvious contender.  Supra is pretty strong as well.  Projectile weapon, though.  Burston/Latron Prime got buffed into being very good, though depends if they fit your playstyle.


The new AkMagnus is pretty solid.  Great crit stats.  It more or less replaced my akVastos (Vastos still feel a bit smoother) except for Infested where the slower reload is a lot more noticeable when you're getting swarmed.


Stug/Penta/Ogris are aoe weapons, so they're very strong against groups of enemies (what you're fighting 95% of the time).  Just don't blow yourself up.  Phage and Ignis can hit multiple targets pretty easily without blowing you up, so they're quite strong in the right situations as well.


Melee is basically Dual Zorens for mobility.  If you want to actually swing it then Galatine for charge builds (some prefer Orthos Prime - faster charge in exchange for lower charge damage) and Dual Ichors for non-charge.  Often best paired with Loki or Ash while spending 99% of your time invisible.  Who knows what things'll look like when melee 2.0 gets here, but I'd expect the Galatine, Orthos Prime, and Ichors to still be quite strong.  We just might have more to add to the list of 'weapons that are for more than just mastery or mobility.'

Edited by Vortok
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Soma's pretty high up there on DPS lists. 


Primary-wise you've got:


Synapse, which is a lot like Soma in use but has a low maximum range and costs far more resources, and takes a lot longer to build.

Ogris and Penta, both of which are explosive weapons, have unlimited ammo, and can be very effective, though they have lower single-target DPS and can kill you.

Paris Prime/Dread if you're into stealth/sniping, but even with the buff they're just never going to be as fast and effective at killing as Soma is.

Ignis has a much lower DPS, but can hit an unlimited number of targets - if you play Vauban, check it out.

Burston Prime/Latron Prime are both effective weapons, though they have slightly lower DPS when properly modded than Soma.


Secondary choices are fairly limited:


Brakk and Detron are two of the best. Brakk was event only and Detron is difficult to farm.

Stug is probably your best choice - very high DPS (hint: don't charge it) and easy to make.

Embolist has a decent damage potential and like Ignis can hit unlimited targets.

Bronco Prime can be used as the poor man's Brakk, but it's a lot weaker DPS-wise.


Melee weapons suck. Get a Galatine if you want to be able to do any damage at all, get Dual Zoren for mobility - everything else is just for experience.




None of them have better single-target DPS than Soma, but in a lot of cases Ignis or Penta would be a better choice.

I already use dual zorens but i asked because i cant kill a thing with them,i have soma and its a little boring (i just dont like how the gun looks)

Whats the tradeoff for synapse? if it has range limit,and clan tech,mastery 7,more resources,whats i get for that in exchange?

I own ogris and i love it,but i look for single.target weapon

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Also does having crit chance at 125% give any benefits compared too 100%

No 100% is all you need so having higher is a waste/has no benefit.


Crutchtron prime if your not willing to use a legit weapon with a skill floor like soma instead of a i win button.

Never in all my days would I of thought someone would say a marksman rifle take's less skill than a full auto machine gun to use.

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Also does having crit chance at 125% give any benefits compared too 100%

If that is the crit chance you see in the weapon stats, going above 100% is useless.


If the 125% is what you see in the mod, that is an INCREASE of base crit chance by that.


Example, base crit chance 10%, with mod that boosts that BY 125% will give you crit chance of 10+(10/100*125) = 10+12.5 = 22.5



I already use dual zorens but i asked because i cant kill a thing with them,i have soma and its a little boring (i just dont like how the gun looks)

Whats the tradeoff for synapse? if it has range limit,and clan tech,mastery 7,more resources,whats i get for that in exchange?

I own ogris and i love it,but i look for single.target weapon

Synapse has base electrical damage that can be fully turned in corrosive or magnetic with mods.

Synapse has 50% base crit chance. with a 100% crit chance increase mod you are always critting and that doubles the damage, and all mods that boost crits on your Soma work on this too.


If shot through Volt's shield it has limitless range.

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If that is the crit chance you see in the weapon stats, going above 100% is useless.

If the 125% is what you see in the mod, that is an INCREASE of base crit chance by that.

Example, base crit chance 10%, with mod that boosts that BY 125% will give you crit chance of 10+(10/100*125) = 10+12.5 = 22.5

Synapse has base electrical damage that can be fully turned in corrosive or magnetic with mods.

Synapse has 50% base crit chance. with a 100% crit chance increase mod you are always critting and that doubles the damage, and all mods that boost crits on your Soma work on this too.

If shot through Volt's shield it has limitless range.

I know abouth how mods works..

Thx for synapse inf

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Synapse is especially powerful against enemies that take increased damage from combined elements which include electric. For example, Synapse will do far more damage than Soma against Corrupted, Grineer or Infested because the base damage can convert to Radiation or Corrosive while Soma's base damage is stuck as 10% impact 40% pierce 50% slash.


Soma with Toxin mods will be better against the corpus tho, because the elec damage type has no benefit over the physical damage type of Soma.


IMO the 'overpowered' weapons are as follows;










Acrid (against Corpus with +toxin)




Galatine Charged

Dual Zorens mobility

Dual Ichors uncharged

Fang Prime Charged

Glaive Prime Charged (do dmg while reloading)

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