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Twas the Night before Space Christmas Poem

Twas the night before Space Christmas, when all through the ship,

No enemies on radar, not even a blip.

The pinned enemies were hung by the chimney with care,

In hopes that St. Lotus soon would be there.

The Warframes were nestled all snug in their base,

While visions of platinum danced throughout space.

When out on the hull there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the window I flew like a flash,

Tore open the panels and threw up the sash.

The moon of Pluto was covered in new-fallen snow,

Gave the luster of mid-day to planet below.

When all of a sudden, a sound made us huddle,

Tis but an enemy cruiser, and eight tiny shuttles.

With Captain Vor and Ambulas together, a menace,

I knew in a moment we would get help from St. Lotus.

More rapid than warp-speed did our reinforcements show up,

Vauban came to the rescue, as he warmed up his bullpup!

"Now Braton! Now Dual Broncos! And Now Reaper Prime!

Come together my Bro-frames, and let’s have good time

Fighting from the core of the ship, to the outer hull,

St. Lotus decreed this Space Christmas shan’t be dull.

As plasma burns, and bullets fly,

The Warframes shall kiss the bad guys good bye.

Upon defeat, the bosses declare,

With us now defeated, there shall be no Despair.

And then, with a loud clunk, a noise was heard from the hull

The panic and rushing of the enemy’s withdrawal.

As we all turned to Vauban, with hope in our eyes,

He gave his Christmas blessings, and then Bounced out, with cheerful goodbyes.

Now the night was through, but with the excitement just begun,

The Warframes went to rest, and in the morning, they sprung.

A surprise to them as they entered the dojo,

They found a bundle of platinum and mods, like Vigor and Flow.

So for all children and adults this Space Christmas Day,

Just remember that Vauban can help you play,

And thanks to St. Lotus for helping give the enemy shame,

And to thanks to Digital Extremes for the wonderful game.

Word count: 369

From my steam page:






Edited by StealthMountain
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                                                                            The lonewolf's only friend

     In order to properly tell my story I must first shed some light on my past, my name is Ash and I in past I was a loner.  That is until I met her, Ember, her passion for wiping out enemies rivaled my own and thus a kinship was formed for first time in my life.  There wasn't a single Grineer, Corpus, or infested could stand against us.  I finally found someone to call my friend and someone who not only tolerated my love of the kill, but met it full force with her own.

    I thought she would always be by my side and me by hers, but sadly fate had other plans.  It began like any other mission, our goal was simple, kill all Grineer aboard the mining ship.  We got separated by a lockdown, I still remember the smug smirk on the lancer's face, as I killed Grineer on my side I heard a sound.  That sound was a loud metallic thud accompanied by the sound of bones cracking, I immediately began hacking the console as fast as possible.  As the door rose I saw her lifeless body on the cold metal with no sign of the attacker I left taking her body with me.

    Weeks past after her clan's funeral for her I never thought about revenge for a tenno lost in battle in past, but I wanted to know who did this and where they were now.  I had to find out so I accepted a job for some Corpus that wanted an abandoned infested ship cleaned for information.  Well the informant did not know who killed Ember he did know that they were high ranking Grineer.  They also pointed me to a Grineer outpost where all past and current post information was located.

    I infiltrated the outpost and began to search everywhere for the information I sought.  I was lied to there was no high ranking Grineer on that ship during Ember's death.  Just as I was about to leave I over heard a heavy gunner mention Ember's death and I knew at that moment she knew who did it.  I followed her from shadows until she was alone, then I used my "persuasion" skills to get the information I needed.  Moments before her death she told me the name of Ember's killer, Lieutenant Lech Kril, I knew the name of my target and with information stored in that outpost I knew his next post.

    I came down on the Grineer of that ship with a wrath of not only me but Ember as well.  I knew what needed to be done and I had no time for the small fry.  I confronted Kril with his crime and  he just laughed and told me how she begged for death in the end.  I could not control my rage any more I attacked Kril with a strength I didn't know I had.  I didn't think of failure only of my only friend lost in battle.



This came to exactly 500 words, but I enjoyed writing this (wish some screenshots didn't break forcing me to retake).

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X : _In fighting centians one of our returning soldiers achieving the goal we call it empty , we saw that every soldier that we could return it back twisted. Then build an exo - armor around and gave them old weapons . These rejected these tenno became our saviors excalibur was the first ...




Stalker : _ saviors ? Do not talk of that damn excalibur ! While emperors organized a party in her honor with the 10 notes of the naga drums to declare that the suffering was over ... the rest of those damn tenno we tended an ambush when they were attacking the twin try to stop them but they were too , manages to hide wounded and bleeding but with others as the fallen guards saw the ninth note sounding a torrent of blood filled the stadium and excalibur held in his hands the heart of our emperors after kill everyone at the party a very light was a strong ship began to descend and tenno approached her .. it was ... it was as if the ship you call . I remember seeing other Ceres with golden helmets, it is as if the ship control all ... These blessed our "saviors "






After the ship disappeared into the void and I found the twins grabbed effort to heal my wounds they looked after me all the time until you can get over it. Now I take care of them and to prevent them from trying to hurt I hunt , dividing their numbers. Watching from that dark place , cataloging his sins , I am the ghost of retribution. You may forget , but you are not innocent. They managed to escape the control of the void .. But now a new threat appeared . You know who is really lotus ? Or are you just follow it as you did with the void ? Following orders without question or challenge ... You're still a single gun changed hands ..

Grinner think that are the problem ? They are just primitive clones of what was a beautiful race almost before you had just her. You can destroy all the ships and kill all grinner what you want there are millions more waiting, they were made to eliminate opposing races twin corpus insignificant as those infected and those abominable . In the end everyone will be at their mercy . I just need to finish with you and that damn ship to void the twins can be at peace ..



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Secret of Lotus




In the near future I can't remember who is my allies anymore, the silent confusion of voids fill my mind, after my crypod's awakening... Lost in doubts I'm not só sure if I can trust in who freed us. Lotus has made us doubt for your benevolence sending us for missions even more dangerous and harder no more so rewarding like in past days arousing suspicions of some Tenno.





We continued to loyally serving the Great Lotus in recognition of the great favor that she were provided. In return, she asks us, on behalf of all Tenno race, that we make a high-risk mission involving the extermination of a battleship Grineer, that would be hard work and should be done behind the scenes for do not raise any questions of others Tenno, but what we seen was scary as hell! The battleship was empty and deep inside we find Captain Vor and a deadly ambush, we tried to fight but in vain we had to run away as fast we can. As we ran Captain spoke about how the Lotus was using us for his own purpose.





Why Lotus sent us to death? Nothing was told, but a bunch of questions she had about the event and we remain silent until a group of Tenno decided to investigate further in order to discover the price that we are here. The Lotus increasingly angry inquiring about our absence. Our distrust and discontent became evident and feared she was plotting against us. 





Sometimes working for ourselves on behalf of Grineer or Corpus became more advantageous, a life of mercenaries suit us well and arrived some information which had Tennos with this purpose and this way of life a long time, depending less and less of our “savior”, finally we find they. Over this time we won our space in this brotherhood, without realizing we're welcomed and some truths began to be spoken among them the real purpose of Lotus, that manipulative!





But what really shocked us all Tennos who also the worst surprise was that we could have Who lit us again was one of our worst enemies called by Lotus as Stalker, The mercenary. As a father is who have given us full support in order to live in this way, even as patriarch of the brotherhood has allowed us to make our own choices, this time finally free... Or not...

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Sorry it's so long, I just really tried my best to make it as short as possible.

Pictures: My graphics card is bad, so I used pictures from the wiki

            The world I have awakened in is not the one I once knew, even though my memory is faint. This system is like a body. We now appear to be the blood that flows through its many hearts. We can control the life of one of those hearts. We can stop it. We can allow it to continue. I am merely another blood cell that flows with my fellow cells beside me. I was to flow myself onto the heart of the Corpus, Psamathe, Neptune. The Lotus known that they were researching some new form of robotics. This was bigger, maybe even better than Zankua. The last thing that I want is to encounter are those new Hyena models, from when I saved Darvo. I was to go in with my fellow Tenno. It was a team that I had worked with for a long time. They went off on a mission recently though. They had just returned from their long operation. I knew that it had something to do with going to Jupiter for a while. I should have expected something, but the heart sometimes is very cold.


            When we arrived, undetected, I did not think that we would run into too much trouble. We are usually stealthy and quick. We were to get into the laboratory, and load the payload into the computer so that Lotus could do her usually thing. We took out some of the unsuspecting Corpus Crewmen that were guarding the systems. We loaded the data onto the payload, but it seemed as if one them, while I was looking out, did some hacking of their own. However the heart stays cold.


            I walk with them towards the extraction. We get to an area of the laboratory, and suddenly, my team seems to vanish. It was quiet. It was too silent. I did not know it then, but my team had been out to Jupiter, to meet with the Corpus in hopes of continuing the Zankua Project. What we found there was no the Zankua Project though, it was someone more. It was this Project Tethra that Frohd Beck spoke of. I gripped the payload in my hand, and listened. I could hear it, the Hyena Models were here, and I was a lone Frost against all odds. My team had decided that it was my heart that they now flowed into, but they had also decided that I was not to continue beating. The heart is so cold.


            One Hyena jumped at me and grabbed the payload. Another charged straight towards me and slammed me into a wall. I shot its leg, and it began to spark. It retreated from me, and I immediately ran for the exit leading to the extraction area. Suddenly, one jumped from atop the rafters and let loose a barrage of bullets. I snow globe to protect myself, but then another launched a fire wave towards me that burned through the ice. I had to escape the globe or be burned to death. I took my Fragor and slammed a hole into the globe and escaped out of it. I fall onto the ground, but I quickly pulled myself together. I continued my sprint for the extraction point. The one that charged at me from before, now stood in front of my exit. The one that grabbed the payload, unleashed an ice wave towards me, but I know ice. I unleashed my own ice wave in the same direction, and the two collided with each other. I threw an ice ball through the collided waves’ intersection and towards that Hyena. It hit and froze its joints together. One immobilized. The one that fired the heat wave and the one that launched the bullets now ran full speed towards me. I punched the ground and generated an avalanche of ice around me. It slowed them down at first, but then they both grew as still as the other. Three immobilized. I now stared at the one that blocks my escape. I charge towards it. It begins to generate an electric surge. I am being shocked the closer and closer I get to it, but I will not be slowed. I am a cold blood cell, but a blood cell still, I flow. I am different, for I flow through my own heart now. I am a lone wolf. I will live to flow again. As my heart was about to stop from the punishment, I touched the head of that Hyena, and turned it into a metal icicle. Four immobilized. I was weak. I began to feel my life fading. Shall I stop here? Will I freeze with them? The heart is so cold


            I crawled down the hallway and to the outside. I then saw me team, my fellow blood cells, waiting to stop my heart in the body called the world. I knew that I was done. I would not flow again, but then one of them was gunned down. They turned around to see their foe, but it was too late. He was already in one of their faces, Brokk in hand. He cleaved that way into the side of the wall, and the another begin to shoot at him. It was no use, his armor was too great. He merely walked up to him as he fell to the ground and began to crawl away shooting, and then smashed him with his mighty Brokk. I gathered the strength to stand, and see that my team that I was once allies with was now dead as my enemies. I looked at my savior, Lech Kril. I did not ask him what he was doing here. I assumed that he was just a blood cell that had flowed to this heart, but hearts are cold. I now find warmth, in the ranks of my savior’s army, the Grineer. My heart is cold because of this day, but now we know what Project Tethra is, and we will be ready.


Edited by warlordgrey
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We do not know why we were awoken. We do not know why we were put to sleep. Some of us have flashes, nightmares out in the darkest reaches of the Solar System.


We see blades glinting in the light explosions bursting all around and muzzle flashes


We smell the burning flesh the fresh gunpowder; we hear the pounding of the drums the empty casings as they hit the ground and always, above all else, we hear the screams. Something happened, something terrible and monumental did happen and we were a part of it. We Tenno soldiers were there. But were we saving lives or taking them? This is why we fight. No one among us knows if we were on the right side, no one even knows what the right side is. But there is one who might know.


The Lotus woke us from our cryosleep to fight the battles she cannot. And fight we do. Not for glory. Not for infamy. Not for balance. We fight in the hopes that she will come to trust us. In the hopes that she will lower her guard. We fight to find answers to the questions that haunt our every waking moment. Every Grineer soldier we kill, every Corpus machine we send to the scrap yard, every Infested abomination we eviscerate brings us one step closer to getting the answers we so crave.

The Lotus knows the answers, she must. And we will rip them from her cold dead hands if we have to. We are not strong enough to confront her, in truth we do not even know where she resides. But with every enemy we slay we get one step closer. Perhaps she will bring us into the fold of her own volition. Perhaps some decrepit Corpus scientist will give up the location in exchange for his life. We must stay the course and one day, one day very soon we will have the strength to confront The Lotus and obtain the answers we seek.

Our numbers are growing, our strength is increasing, our will is unbending. To have our memories returned to us we would give anything and risk everything. And so we shall fight; to the last bullet to the last blade to the last frame.

We are Tenno.


And we will not stop until all our questions have been answered.


[shout out to my clan mate and brother ITAstallion14 couldn't have done it without him]

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Our Name is Tenno!


My Name is ... (sigh)! What is my name? Where am I from? Or better yet, when am I from?  How long have I been asleep?  Why did I sleep? These are the questions that plague all of us.
My memories are like dreams, cloudy and not quite real.

Lotus says she has rescued me from my sleep.
I remember, I remember that I was a force to be reckoned with.  I remember that I had multiple frames.  I remember that I had weapons, lots of weapons. How many did I have? I can’t remember.
This Lotus has given me a frame, a gun and a sword.  These items are not mine.  They do not feel like mine. I will make them mine. My sword, my gun, my frame.  
This Lotus says she has awakened me to once again protect the stars from the Grineer.  But there are others that she asks me to fight.  Why must I fight in a war that is not mine? Who am I protecting? Am I the enemy?
Have our memories been tampered with? Was it the Lotus? Is she using us for her own gain? This age and galaxy is alien.  When will we remember? What will we remember? Do we want to remember?
For now, I will work with Lotus since she is helping me locate pieces of frames.  I will work with Lotus to find more.  More like you.  How many of us are there? I don’t know, I wonder if Lotus knows.
Lotus will wake you when we get you back to her.  The ship should be here soon.  Maybe you will have some memories and can help us remember.



Together we will look for our memories.  Together we will look for our names.  Ships in the Void may hold the answers or maybe the derelict ships I have seen floating. We can search those.  We have heard that some of the derelict ships are of Orokin make. We have seen some Orokin vaults with artifacts, but none of them have had the answers for us… yet.  For now our name is….. Our name is Tenno. That is until we find the Emperor and become Jonin.
Lotus? I copy.  How? When?  Nevermind.

Tenno! Prepare your frames.  The Corpus have found us.  They want to destroy the sleeping Tenno.  We will protect the Cryopod. Lotus, get that ship here as fast as you can.

Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick.




Tenno Heika Banzai!

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A Sacred Trust


I never asked for this kind of life. But I’m not regretting it! It’s a kill or be killed world out in the solar system and the enemies of the Lotus are being killed like there’s no tomorrow. Now just because she was the first one to guide me doesn’t mean I trusted her immediately. I admit, I was a bit suspicious at first. I mean, c’mon, you barely wake up from cryostasis and a pretty flower of a lady tells you that your memory was lost! How do you know she didn’t wipe your memory? How do you know you’re not just another pawn in the world’s most dangerous game of chess? But unless we, tenno, are extremely valuable pawns, I now know that I was lucky enough to fall into her hands. Metaphorically speaking, for I literally fell on hard concrete.




Now don’t get it twisted and think that my trust in her came immediately. No. It gradually happened. Little by little, she would gain my trust after every time she would help me out of trouble that I would sometimes get myself into. Like that one time I got captured by Alad V’s harvester. I gotta tell you, getting digitalized is painful. Now I know how my targets feel like when I’m out on a capture mission and extract them.




That was when my trust was locked in. Like when I first woke up in the abandoned orokin tower, it was the Lotus that first spoke to me when I came to consciousness and realized that I was a prisoner to the corpus. She released the serration chains that bound my limbs onto my would-be casket and helped me escape with the most precise of details. It was no easy task to escape. If you think otherwise, let’s see you sneak out of Alad V’s clutches, naked of any weapons, with not even your warframe being at full functionality, and survive to tell the tale. Look, if you were from where I was from, you’d be dead!




Now I know that I’m serving a righteous purpose. And I’ll continue to fight for the tenno cause.




I’ll continue to fight for Her!

Edited by Phantom-001
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Even with armor on, Nova could sense the oppressive heat beating down on the deserts of Phobos. It was quiet; the

dune was cleared of any hostiles and the only noticeable sound was the dull hum of antimatter particles orbiting her

lithe form. She turned into a storage room with her Hek at the ready but felt no movement. Her mission was to

exterminate all Grineer forces at a small power station of Phobos and she had done so effortlessly. Extraction had been

ready for some time now but Nova liked being by herself, especially now. She had gone alone due to the simplicity of

the mission and due to the heated arguments taking place back at the clan dojo. They weren’t sure of what to do but

emotions ran high whenever the subject was mentioned. She hated when they yelled.






Rhino hated the stench of machinery. It did not help that he was currently clearing a Corpus installation orbiting

Pluto with Nova. Nova signaled her readiness with a nod and Rhino burst into the room firing indiscriminately.

The Corpus, hardly registering what was happening, were mowed down by the fire of his Soma. Rhino grabbed a dying

Engineer; he was only missing his legs. ‘Where is it?’ Rhino said calmly to the sobbing Corpus member, anger barely

in check. Maybe it was due to shell shock or pain or fear but the Engineer couldn’t speak. He just stared at Rhino

while letting out soft, gurgling cries. ‘Where is the cryopod?!’ Rhino demanded, not attempting to contain himself

any longer. He wanted coordinates and he wanted them now. Laser fire from retreating crewmen fizzled against his

armor but he paid it no mind. His impatience reached its peak and Rhino forced his hand into the Engineer’s skull.

‘Move out. We need to keep searching’ his voice not betraying what he felt. Nova was shocked by the grotesque display

 of strength but she knew better than to question a veteran of the clan. She sprinted out of the room to scout the

rest of the vessel. Rhino stared out through a window into space as he wiped his hands off on a Corpus uniform.

The stars seemed even more distant and indifferent today.






They were done for the day. Rhino was exhausted but it came as no surprise to Nova; he had gone through the mission

only using his bare hands. He walked towards extraction silently but Nova did not follow. Her attention was drawn

to the sights outside. A large gas cloud passed in front of Pluto, distorting the colors of its atmosphere. Shades of

 magenta, piercing amber, and viridian seemed to dance around Pluto. Nova’s visor fogged up and she couldn’t help but

 let out a chuckle. She did not let herself despair. If they couldn’t find his cryopod, it must mean he was out there.

 He was silently gliding through the stars, laughing, laughing and free. Someday, the clan might join him.  

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The time to act, for the balance is in stake.


Centuries after the golden days of the Tenno, the balance is being shatterd, Grineer wage their galaxy wide conquest and hunt for Tenno.




Corpus in their lust for profit deem to controll trade lanes and proceed to develop more robotics, in the name of profit...





Infested, the bane of galaxy rampage through out the wide borders of stars and beyond...



As a Tenno our role in this life, and the next if need be, is to uphold the balance, life must not be allowed to be over-run by the lost and the damned, even the Grineer and Corpus have recoqnised this threat and while not allying each other, they have asked us for help... we must help.






For this purpose we have builded our own fortress and with in its great halls we study, learn and research the disease in hopes of countering it,,, no, not counter it, we will counquer it.





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Chio ripped open the quiet of the night with suppressing gunfire from her perch, high above the evolving battle field on the ledge of a burned out structure. Her target simply stood his ground, bellowing words of defiance in his native, guttural language. Even with the barrage of armor piercing rounds slamming into his armor like rain, the creature stood unmoving in defiance, seemingly unphased by the downpour of bullets.

 "Focus fire on the tubes on the beast's back." said Kazuo in the comm-link. "That's his weak spot."

 "Confirmed." replied each Tenno.

 "Chio, hit him with everything you got." said Kazuo over the comm-link.

 The Banshee needed no further instruction, and began blasting the battlefield with one sonic boom after another and soon the overlapping sounds that were pounding the battlefield formed a reverberation vortex with the epicenter directly on the Grineer Lt.




But Krill was no simple soldier. No, he was a hulking monstrosity that was completely given over to the ravages of body modification. Some would even dare say he was so much more machine and armor, than flesh, that he had lost sight of what it even meant to be a bitter visage of what his race had become, and took pleasure in diverging from the path of preserving his race.

And he was also the inadvertent father of an impossible child, a purebred grineer infant.

Akemi knew better than many of the Tenno plight if found by one of the factions that was constantly warring with each other over territory, and ever vigilant to find lost technology from a time long dead. It goes without saying how dangerous the Grineer would be if they began to reproduce natural younglings that would be without the inherent flaws of flesh that's been cloned for generations. She had survived. She still wore her bonds to remind her of that time.

And there is always someone new to kill to relieve the pain.

A shot burst slammed into Krill's back, and suddenly, he burst into flames, and then the Rhino pounded the ground with a stomp so powerful time itself slowed around the now helpless Lt.       

Akemi didn't know if the monster could feel anything at all, but deep down she hoped he could. It may have been silly to think something so heinous could ease her own pain, but when you're trapped in a prison and the only way out is to murder

No. That is not the Tenno way. "We only kill who we have to." she heard Kazuo in her head.

And then she screamed.

It was her warcry, her rage bottled into an aura of death that seeps into the very armor of her enemies. As the scream echoed around her, she raised her sword and beheaded Lt. Krill and his body disintegrated.




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Flesh and metal rains all around her, staining the once pristine halls of the Orokin sanctuary.   A short distance away, an Excalibur slides to a halt.  Behind him, two ancients turn to pursue then, almost comically, separate into top and bottom halves and fall over. With that, the cavernous space around them falls silent once again.




Apart from their mess, the sanctuary is beautiful. Golden scroll works and sculptures glisten against floors and walls of polished stone. Once this place had been a home.




She follows her partner to the dais and the capsule they had been desperately defending just moments before.  He gently runs his hand over the glass wiping away blood and more to reveal the sleeping face beneath. Leaning close, she can see a small nose and sharp chin.   "A sister" she says.





In the glass, another face peers back at her,  this one wearing the angular mask of a banshee.  An armored glove touches the deep red and gold plating. She knows there is a face with a name behind this mask, though she cannot not recall either.


Not long ago she was sleeping in a forgotten place much like this one as her brothers and sisters  fought to bring her to safety. She had learned that during her near millennia  of sleep, her sanctuary had been discovered more than once. The very pathogen that opposed them now protected her then.  It robbed  every wave of invaders of their sanity and ensured that no one returned to tell.


"Tenno."  A voice and a familiar face appears in her mind. "I've detected another horde closing on your position.  If I'm correct they will be more numerous than before. "


The Lotus. The last voice she heard before sleeping and the first when she awakened. Ever present, never changing, Lotus. "Will you stay?"  she asks.  Never an expectation or accusation in her voice. Two of them against an infested horde, risking themselves for one unknown. Lotus would never blame them if they retreated.


The Tenno in the Banshee armor looks up at her Excalibur.  His pale blue gauntlet, pitted and worn from combat clasps the hand still touching her face. She moves her hand from her face to his and caresses the familiar lines.  They pause for a moment longer and then turn in unison.  With a flip of her wrist, she dislodges a chunk from her blade and prepares to fight.  

Edited by Trentnes
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Trying to fit in: Tenno’s shot


A proud man walks toward his customer, walking through a normal human mall. Along the way, he sees a store called “Alav V’s pet & care”, and “Stalker’s delicatessens”, whose main chef yells for his customers loses, “I’ll get my revenge, Tenno skooom!” to his front neighbor. He matches the next client and the chef’s competition: “Sip of coffee”. The receptionist welcomed him, and a waitress guided him warmly to a table. “I’m the inspector assigned to check this restaurant. What’s your name?”. “I’m Trinity. I’m a waitress, complain-department, and healer. At your service,” she said. “Why there’s a healer…? Just, show me around”. “Alright,” she said like amateur.


“She’s Nova,” she said, “she’s the fastest waitress around”. She then created a portal from nowhere and disappeared. He was astonished. “This’s Ash, one of our best waiter”. “Enjoy your meal,” and Ash left, but the client stared at his smoky steak. “Also, you may see Loki, our fourth waiter. He says that the clients keep calling him while he’s standing right beside them…”. Then the inspector could swear he saw a floating apron afar.



“This’s the kitchen!,” she said, “She’s Ember, our cooker and main chef,” she meant the woman mastering like 8 pans at the same time. That’s Volt; he’s good at frying. That’s Saryn; she’s good with spices, but we caught her once trying to poison a client… he’s alive. That’s Banshee; she was our DJ until she… never mind. She now assembles the meals”. Suddenly, Ember melted a whole pan in seconds. A guy rush-ly handed another pan and exited. “That was Uncle Booben. He can now only focus on creating pans, and our new Parkour 2.0…”. The inspector spotted how the melted pan was on a plate which it floated away. “This’s Valkyr. She’s in charge to soften the meat”. Banshee opened the fridge, and there was this guy squeezed inside. “Oh, that’s Frost. He’s best for our iced drinks”.





Then they walked outside a long distance until they found the rest. “She’s Mag. She’s in charge to pull the animals. Excalibur to blind them, and Rhino to rush them to the restaurant”. Rhino rushed back, breaking tree and scaring animals. “Oh, here’s Nekros. He likes to revive the animals smashed by Rhino. He used to be a waiter, until too many complains of alive ostrich heads, and elephant ears”. “From where is your food supply?” the inspector asked nervous. “From this human-altered jungle, and caged but exotic animals”. “This is a zoo, you beasts!!!”. “That would explain the shortage of animals.”


Both walked back. “Um, I haven’t seen Oberon. He might have been stuck in some low-branches along the way. Anyhow, I think you might miss Zephyr. She said she’d catch a mysterious Geoffcalibur for our ‘chef-special’, but we haven’t see her since 3 days ago…”. The inspector, walked rapidly to the reception. “I-I-I don’t think this’s for you. Go battle the outer-space or whatever, however, this will close,” and left. Trinity stood beside the smiling restaurant-hostess, Nyx. The inspector, mind-controlled, was dancing and singing happily, echoing the hall, as the rest of the customers.


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making this story on ps4, its much more harder to take screenshots and do stuffs there, but well here it goes!!

Death does not Part us Apart

She was a Trinity from the Lotus Holy Alliance, it was like any other day.The mission assigned by the lotus was to Exterminate the Corpus. She met Him on that mission. it was love at the first sight for both of them. they carried out with the mission and accomplished it.


Mission after mission, day by day goes by with both of them completing missions together, there was the time at planet Mars, where they looked at the beautiful scenery and promised each other that they will be with each other no matter what happens.


One day, they were tasked to investigate the abandoned orokin ship, they never thought that it was full of invested. A whole battalion of it. With only the two of them they struggled to slay thousands and thousands of invested, and then an ancient showed up in the worst time of all, the Rhino was in verge of dying, the ancient drained Trinity's energy, she could not do anything. the Rhino died right in front of her eyes.


Enraged with his death, she went berserk and clears the whole invested battalion by herself and manages to escape the orokin ship, alone.


it was never the same for her after the incident. she lost part of herself in that fierce battle, she decided to go back to the beautiful planet to remember their time together. while she looks at the scenery. she remembers every moment they shared together. she remembers their promise. whatever happens, they will be together. she then decided to jump into the ravine to meet her other half in eternity.


Edited by (PS4)raeyvolute
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Veteran of the Psychic War






My quest is to survive.


Physical survival I place in the hands of my brother and sister Tenno. But surviving the psychic war... that may prove impossible.




With each act of brutatllity I inch closer to a dark future where the horrors of my actions catch up with me – plauge me in my waking moments and at rest - Clouding my thoughts and darkening my dreams.




I am a survivor of the psychic war. But for how many heartbeats longer?




That is the twisted, thorn-filled path of my quest, and I am responsible for every flower along it. And every puncture I suffer.










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The Transparent Lotus



"The VIP is close by, you know what to do." 


As she finished her statement, the comms were abruptly silenced and again Loki found himself listening to the breeze, the only companion that he enjoyed the presence of. The trees seemed alive, moving in unison as one unorthodox being under the moonlit sky. Flora populated the land under which he tread, their various forms and shapes conforming to the weight of the tenno.


Ahead was a grinner post, where several of the cloned flesh were standing guard. Living up to his name, Loki cast his decoy in the opposite direction, just in sight for those on lookout. As the two came closer to inspect their suspicions, their breaths were cut short by incandescent blades of ancient orokin origin, designed to pierce both armour and strike critical points. Simultaneously, both bodies went limp and the only sound that could be heard was the faint dripping of blood, trickling slowly into a pool of crimson liquid. 


Two down, five more to go. As soon as Loki relieved himself from the shadows, another figure close by was seen, and he swore it was another tenno. The darkness itself seemed to speak; “I have seen your actions, tenno. You may think you are innocent, but your kind are all guilty”

“The Lotus isn't who you think she is”, the stalker continued on and explained it all. 


(Stalker has OCSD, Obsessive Compulsive Storytelling Disorder)






“The lotus used to be a powerful warrior, with a mighty prime frame, but she grew greedy, she twisted with the mods, she did some WEIRD VOODOO MAGIC CORRUPTION STUFF with them. and as a result she grew evil and power hungry, as a result the tenno high-council outcast her and stripped her from her from her warframe, annoyed and angry with the council she silently stood in the shadows recruiting tenno wherever she could.Finally she hard a army of tenno at her command and she used them to attack the high-council, the council severely underestimated her forces and didn't call for any assistance, by the time they realized their mistake it was too late, having seen the darkness in lotus and the tenno she corrupted the council initiated an emergency protocol which disbanded the council completely and destroyed all available records of it. All tenno were immediately sent into their cryo chambers to be safe from the lotus and her followers, how being in a cryo pod helps idk, but that's what the protocol called for.”



He stood up, “Follow Me” he said, we weaved in, out and around obstacles. We arrived at a building that appeared to be of orokin design, Loki was stunned, he read the story walls he realised the truth of stalkers words. Loki walked out, not saying anything, he didn't need to, he knew what he had to do, he would give lotus a taste of her own medicine, the taste of over 9000 tenno blades.....



488 words i think, sorry about my formatting also, horrible at English and grammer

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so here's mine, based on a true story (mine) all the events depicted here are truly factual and in no way exaggerated.

this is also exactly 500 words.


The search for Orthos Prime

It's been a year since i was rescued from the derelicts where i lied pristine, frozen in time. I'll never forget the Nekros and his squad that rescued me... but that's a tale for another day, Lotus has sent us to capture a grineer hiding in the Orokin Void; it's my first time on this kind of mission but from what i've heard, I wonder how these guys manage to go there between all the corrupted without getting attacked... maybe that's what the Lotus wants to know too?

But we've arrived, it's time for our mission. no time for idle thoughts.



...And that was an easy mission, we captured the targets and proceeded to ransack the place, how nice of Lotus to let us keep the spoils that we find in there, speaking of which...
...I found an Orthos Prime blade, I've always liked the Orthos myself and now i have a part of the original Orokin Version,i think I'll hunt for the remaining parts, another blade and a handle should do the trick. This guy in my squad had the Paris Prime, i can't let myself fall behind! ...and with that i went to jot my name for the next capture mission available.


IT'S BEEN FIFTEEN DAYS, fifteen days since i embarked on this quest for the Orthos prime, i got a handle already, and Bronco parts, many bronco parts, BUT THE BLADE! IT ESCAPES MY GRASP! sixteen days now, i' go on every capture mission available, it just won't show! 18 days, CURSE THE BRONCO!




Maybe it's them? my squad knows i want this, bet they laugh at my disgrace behind my back... 23 days, I'm sure it's them, I'm sure they hide the blades, I'm sure they have blades, why won't they give them to me? they laugh at me behind their little wretched helmets, they laugh at me, but I'll laugh last, I'll laugh last...

29 days:



I'll murder them murder the target murder the frost MURDER THE FROST, THEY'LL KNOW MY RAGE, no... not yet, not yet... the orthos blade, yes... yess... the orthos is first, the orthos is first, the orthos is god, the orthos is the truth.. these damned guys keep getting between us



 GOD HAS APPEARED, 42 DAYS BUT HE HAS COME TO ME! but to wait!? 12 hours!? CURSE YOUR FORGE LOTUS, LIES AND DECEIT IS ALL YOU SPEW; I SHALL LISTEN TO THE TRUE GOD! Oh my orthos, what will we do with these treacherous snakes that poison the ground you bless!? just 12 hours more for us to finally be together... oh my sweet orthos... nothing shall tear us apart...

and at last, it's within my grasp, my highness has descended upon my bosom! but what do you want my holiness? speak to me oh beautiful orthos...
...revenge? yes... YES! revenge against all of them! all who laughed, their blood shall be the tribute to you my lord, their innards your decoration! let us go!


-cough- yes, i lost some of my sanity remembering this, SCREW THE BRONCO.

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The Undesired Discovery: Infested Tenno 


I wanted to develop a lore around the infested since its the "faction" that seem to have least developed background. Moreover, the phrases said by J3 Golem is still unsolved by the Lotus or Tenno. 


I sketched the pictures - can draw more elaborately if requested :D




The Orokin Derelict, filled with mystery and wonders, the Tennos had once found an ancient database that was written before the rise of the infested. Tennos had brought the ancient database in an effort to decode and understand what it holds. The Lotus had spent ages in order to crack into ruined information of the infested in a hope to figure its origin. Both Lotus and Tennos believed the database to be key to understand what the infested truly is and its purpose of massacre.
The database had been slowly deciphered as the Tennos tried to stop the swarms of flood from spreading out the solar system. In a surprise, the database held the genetic designs of all the existing infested with exact appearances to the current ones. The Lotus continued to dig deeper into the database, which contained not only the genetic maps of the infested but also evolution of it. 
All the infested designs had been carefully analyzed by the Lotus to aid the Tennos to fight against the infested. The database contained every data of each races in the solar system. Hypothesises was made by both the Lotus and Tennos about the origin of the infested. First of all, the infested was created due to genetic infestation of individual organism; which was the obvious. Multiple of hypothesis were made which seemed to acceptable fact. However, something within the database had driven them into fear.
As the Lotus reviewed the deciphered database, she had found a corrupted part of the data. With an effort, the corrupted data was somewhat salvaged with partial information was revealed to her. The hypothesis of infested beings...Both the Lotus and Tennos had never imagined such thing would exist in the solar system...the infested tenno.
The silence prevailed between the Lotus and Tennos, trying understand the situation or the fact of the infested tenno. J3 Golem...They had realized the undesirable truth from the infested golem, J3 Golem, now gone, in the Jupiter. The words of J3 Golem rang inside the heads of them: "Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh" ... "We embrace you. Why do you defile us?" The Lotus had decided to gather more information of the infested tenno by pinpointing Tennos' missions into the Orokin Derelicts.
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Honorable Board Member,

I bring urgent news regarding our current situations. It’s obvious, the Grineers are winning this war, our battleships may have the upper hands in ranged combat but the Grineer simply countered this problem by launching boarding pods at our vessels, as if things aren’t already dire enough, the Grineers are redirecting our lost warships to Phobos to provide materials for their Galleon and Ballista patterned warship.  But not all are lost, Alad V’s Zanuka project was destined to fail the moment it started, but not its by product. The escapee, one who named herself Valkyr after her escape from the gas city may be the keys to our survival and more, but that’ll come later.

Prior to her escape, Valkyr stole a few weapons from the weaponry lab, but that was enough for her to destroy and kill nearly half of the facilities guards. During her escape, the researchers assured the guards that the sedative would keep her sedated till her termination, but what is even more terrifying  is that she managed to destroy our newest quadrupeds, the Jackal. The Jackal is capable of and has destroyed Tenno cells in the past, yet this one managed to took it down by herself.

My spies have confirmed our worst fear, the Grineers are up to something other than project Tethra. Even if the elusive project Tethra was to become reality, I am sure the Tenno would prevent it. Afterall, the Tenno seeks not for the control of the solar system, but to keep both us and the Grineer in check. But Valkyr is different, she cares not for the outcome of the system, but to kill those who has affiliation with project Zanuka. Prior to Alad’s death at the hands of Tennos, my team managed to hack Alad’s personal terminal and put a fake transmission between Alad and Tyl Regor. The result was more than favorable, the death of Tyl regor with us claiming the credit slowed down the Grineer’s invasion.

If we can imitate Alad V’s way of creating Valkyr, we can send them to do our bidding, the mysterious Tenno who supported our cause is no longer enough, the Tennos are aware of his presence. But they would think twice before fighting one such as Valkyr. Why not use the betrayers to do our bidding? It certainly is less costly and we can ensure full loyalty. Just give me and my team  the permission and we’ll  contact Nef Anyo immediately, his team has found an untouched orokin tower and found over a dozen cyropods. We await eagerly for your response.

                -Corpus upper security team

pics here: http://s1110.photobucket.com/user/durq321/library/?sort=3&page=1


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“Tenno…Tenno…Tenno!” The ever so familiar voice of the Lotus rang out true amongst the cold, faintly illuminated walls of the dojo floor. Nyx was hesitant to stand up. Once more the voice of the Lotus rang out: “Tenno, you are needed once more…you are the only one who can stand up to the Stalker.” Nyx stood up immediately, knowing that there can be no rest while the Stalker still schemes from the shadows. “We’ve discovered the location of the Stalker’s ship, but it exists so deeply within the void that we were not able to discover it until now. We have exhausted all of our resources just trying to get ahold of this void key.” The Lotus enters from the airlock door on the right, and Nyx now begins to grasp the gravity of the situation, now that the Lotus herself has seen fit to deliver such a relic. “You alone must undertake this task, Tenno,” She resolves as she traverses the room, holding in her hand a sanguine void key that draws all light out of the room. “Take it, Tenno, for you are our last hope.”

            Realizing that there was no time to waste, Nyx snatched up the mysterious void key and rushed her ship. Nyx punched a glowing red button and the display opened into a void key hyperspace drive. Upon contact with the void key, the system reacted and there was no going back. Within seconds, the unmistakable sight of a vessel so blighted and twisted could be seen on the horizon. Nyx’s blood boiled as she knew that her vengeance would soon be at hand. Immediately after docking with the Stalker’s vessel, Nyx’s onboard computer was disabled, and nothing would react to her touch. The door to her ship opened with the sound of hissing air from pressure stabilization. “This was it,” Nyx thought to herself.

            Upon entry into the foreign craft, a maniacal laughter echoed throughout the room as black smoke engulfed the area. A sharpened dagger came from behind Nyx, but she was ready. She leapt to the side and prepared herself for what would come next. Instantly, the Stalker rushed Nyx, brandishing his trademarked Hate. Nyx brought her Reaper Prime to bear just in time to become deadlocked with the Stalker. Darkness seemed to ooze out of the Stalker’s warframe. Suddenly, the Stalker swept Nyx scythe away with a Rhino’s strength and dove for the kill with a Slash Dash. Seeing this coming, though battered, Nyx summoned all her energy reserves use Absorb, protecting herself. However, the Stalker merely laughed again and all the energy was dissipated from Nyx’s Absorb. Nyx’s head began to spin as the battle took its toll on her. The Stalker seemed unfazed as he began to knock an arrow on his Dread. Pulling herself together, she pulled out her Dread just in time to fire a deflection arrow. Nyx summoned the last of her reserves to prepare a barrage of psychic bolts, but the Stalker was gone.

            Suddenly, a warm sensation began to pulsate through her midsection. The stalker and stabbed her from behind via teleportation. Whirling around to face her opponent,  Still Nyx drew on her dying breath to unleash a fuselage of psychic bolts, ripping a hole straight through the hull, and jettisoning the combatants into space to be helpless to survive.

            Elsewhere, the Lotus watched in contentment as she knew that she now had two less wildcards to deal with. As if to an unseen observer, the lotus proclaims: “They won’t be bothering us anymore. Let’s get out of here.”

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The idea of this message is it is a letter sent from my Tenno to the Lotus directly. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed making it.







I have long been a loyal servant to the Tenno cause. I pride myself in dedicating many hours to serve our cause. I do what needs to be done to maintain balance in the galaxy.




Yet all is not right.


What is happening is unacceptable.



As long as I have been a Tenno I have known one thing; balance is key. Our purpose is to maintain balance and peace in the galaxy. That is my purpose. That is your purpose. You guide the way to this balance. However, the tides have clearly shifted, and it started long ago with the Gradivus Dilemma. The majority of the Tenno chose to rescue our brothers, and in doing so aided the Grineer in acquiring Corpus technology for themselves. Sargus Ruk is proof.


The problem lies not in this outcome, but what followed. As various invasions continued across the system, you left it up to us to decide which side to support. This is not as it should be.






These decisions made by my fellow Tenno are not driven by truth, or by the desire to achieve balance.

They are driven by greed.


They choose to support whoever provides the best reward; the best technology. They then use that technology to better themselves. Yet, is that our purpose? To be the strongest in the galaxy? Or to keep the galaxy in harmony?






As the leader of the Tenno it is your duty to drive us in the right direction. To push us to achieve what is best not for ourselves, but for the universe. Yet you remain silent and say nothing of the matter!


The Grineer have taken over nearly everything! And you think they will stop there!?

They will attack us when they are done!


You insult me! You are not fit to lead me! Where is your leadership? There is no balance!


This is not the end. The Corpus are running out of options. Do you think they will let themselves be killed? They will flee and return when they are strengthened! And where will they flee! It is very clear!


They will seek the Void's power for themselves! As weak and decimated as they are, they will seek to harness the Void's power and use it as a weapon to destroy the Grineer. And they will succeed!!


It is evident by the versatile Fusion MOA. They have harnessed Void technology before; they will do it again, only this time, on a massive race-changing scale.






They will return.

They wipe the Grineer from the galaxy.

They will wipe us from the galaxy.


You must stop the Tenno. You must convince them to wipe the Grineer from the Corpus planets to restore balance. If you do not, me and a few of my brothers loyal to the cause will leave this place and seek to harness the power of the Void for ourselves, and we will return.







We will restore balance. Even if that means slaying Tenno that get in our way.




**There are exactly 500 words, and it starts with "Lotus," and end with "Tenno that get in our way."

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On a disabled ship by Saturn's moon Tenno operative was sent  there to seek out information on why the Grineer is collecting the dead bodies of falling Tenno's and their WarFrame Armor Tech. Tenno Operative L-30 was selected by Lotus base on his stealth capabilities to investigate. The area was well-known for being heavily guarded by frigate-class vessels in the Lotus Database. The Grineer had an armada of soldiers using the disabled ship as a weapons research facility. Lotus informed the operative that he has to go on this mission alone due to heavy opposition. The main objective isn't to engage, but to gather information for future sortie ops.




The Tenno Operative made his way on the vessel undetected, as Lotus stated the appointment of a discrete operation is very important. Tenno discovered that the information was correct; there were Grineer heavily armed and ready for war. Tenno's WarFrame Armor was acting uncompromising when Lotus uncovered that the vessel admitted harmonic waves which has a negative energy output making the WarFrame's shield inoperable. Upon discovering that going into battle will be suicide, Tenno Operative remains in stealth to recon. For hours being undetected there were no leads until Tenno watched as Grineer threw bodies of decease Tenno Operative through a vacuum shoot in the void of space, collecting their armor. Tenno informs Lotus of the events, Lotus request Tenno to take a closer look. The Grineer had gathered various armor type's such as; Ember, Excalibur, Ash, and etc. They were molding them into one WarFrame unit capable for Grineer access. After uncovering this Tenno was ordered by Lotus to destroy the WarFrame Armor and the whole facility. Lotus states Using a Grineer with the WarFrame Technology is strongly prohibited and must not be allowed.




Tenno use an Orokin Cell with an Orokin Reactor to make a mini nuke, when the ship sensors detected him. Grineers open fire and in the maelstrom wounded Tenno's  right-arm. Lotus informs Tenno that the armor must be destroyed at all cost. Grineers ran-off and took the armor to the capital ship transport. Tenno tried to chase them down but was surround, so Tenno use his blind mod followed by a Javelin mod while the mini nuke in hand. Tenno ran towards the capital ship transport module. Lotus states that tech cannot fall in the hands of the Grineer.  Battered and beaten with bomb still in left hand Tenno got close enough to the WarFrame Armor and activated the nuke. 5...4...3...2...1 nuke activated. Nothing happens, the device was damage in the fight, and the capital ship escaped. Tenno mission failed uttered by Lotus, Tenno now had to find an escape. Fighting Grineers, moving through various tunnels and core doors Tenno actually made it to the drop ship. After the mission in the WarFrame briefing room, Lotus informs the Operatives that thing is going to get much worse.




Meanwhile.....In a outpost on Mercury the WarFrame is fused with the defeated Captain Vor of the Grineer.







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                                                                                                       Does Blood wash Blood?


Of the Tenno Oberon and Banshee were the first to recall the lost memories of the old war, why the stalker hunts there companions, and why they have the power to fight.




Oberon wanted to use this knowledge to save the Tenno from the path destruction and lead them to an era of peace. Knowing that Banshee had the same knowledge he regaled her of his plan hoping to bring the information to the Lotus after they returned from their mission.





Together they were unstoppable, no wave of Grineer or Corpus could stand against this mighty force. Oberon would have true aim ending enemy with no pain while Banshee took pleasure in the enemies sorrow, feeling every part of their flesh slide off her blade. Finally they had arrived at the objective. A Grineer console that had vital information for the Lotus. Oberon expressed with amazement and joy that the information was logs of the old war and proof enough of the memories they recalled. With this they can fix all the sins the Tenno have caused and walk a new path of true justice.




Before he could turn and smile at his companion Banshee shot… and like that the info was lost. The panel destroyed the enemy gone and a KIA Tenno, Banshee did not want peace…with peace ends all the blood shed she so loved. Only Banshee would know and only she would lead the Tenno to a path of war.





But the first…the first of Tenno already knew of her plans, he knows that Oberon did not fall under the hands of the enemy but of the hands of one of their own. He could not bring this news to the Lotus for what proof did he have? At the moment Banshee left the Clan with her eyes set with the Orokin for she saw that with that power she could destroy anyone even the Lotus. With this intel he stormed the Orokin base to stop her from walking the path war. However…





Could he bring himself to kill is own as she did? 

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497 words (title included) & 3 screen shots


The Torch Unextinguished





The Old Tenno walked through the venerated halls of his dojo. His age was starting to get to him, his movements grew unsteady and his stamina was low. He used to have many comrades and they all lived and fought valiantly, yet whether it be the passage of time, or the the tenacity of their foes, Tenno too are mortal.


"Grandmaster, we have a situation." stated a fledgling tenno, "There is a new Tenno Pod on the outskirts of the solar system. The Grineer and the Corpus have already broke out in conflict looking for it."


"Then we must locate it first," proclaimed the Tenno, "Prepare the others for departure, we leave in ten minutes."


The Tenno made haste for his quarters, and upon arrival, he prepared all of his gear. When he returned to the hanger for departure, only two clansmen had gathered. "Is this all?" the Tenno queried.


"Yes," Said an Ember Warframe, "we are the only two available to aid you in this endeavor Grandmaster."


"We're all you need," proclaimed a Frost Warframe. "All the others are currently out on missions at the moment."


"Well then, let us make haste," the Tenno stated " We have a comrade to save."


The Tenno started, "Let me brief you two on the current mission strategy, we have 3 objectives. The first two are to eliminate the leading personnel of both the Corpus and Grineer, and our third is to secure the cryo pod to awaken our sleeping comrade. We're on a time limit, so we'll need to split up for this." The Tenno glanced around. "You, Frost. You will dispatch the leading corpus unit, and Ember, you shall dispatch the leading Grineer unit. I shall make haste to secure the pod."


Upon landing the three tenno went their separate ways and began their portion of the objective. The Tenno soon made it to the pod to see a fire fight had broken out between the two factions.




As he began dispatching the threats, he heard an ominous voice, the Stalker.


"You liken yourself a savior? rescuing a defenseless tenno? That does not absolve you of you sins. Not against the Grineer, not against the Corpus, and certainly not against your own kin. You will pay the price in blood, and I am the one to be your death."


Before the Tenno could respond, a single arrow was released and it struck a mortal blow on the Tenno. Knowing his job done, the stalker quietly sank into the shadows from which he came. Feeling his end near, the Tenno used what little strength he had left to defend the pod.




The cryo pod save and his allies near, the Tenno could feel his consciousness slip. Before his end he stated to the two young tenno "I shall soon pass, and when I do, I leave the clan to you two." With his final dues said, the Tenno closed his eyes, for the last time. 

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