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We Are The True Villains In Warframe


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Hello everyone, I'd like you to meet Steve: 




Steve died today getting his arm blown off and organs crushed by my rhino stomp so I could make some credits. Did I care who Steve was, or any of his allies in arms? Until today I did not. 


I was told, by the mysterious Lotus, (who any of us have yet to actually meet in person) that Steve is a bad man. Steve is a member of the corpus, a group of greedy scumbag humans who covet our superior technology for nefarious reasons. They are apparently willing to dissect and use our technology in pursuits of even more power, or so we're told. 


Look in to Steve's eyes as I did. I see no malice, no hate, no greed. I see a dream crushed, a dream of one day making enough money to return to his family and kids, off this frigid planet and away from these cold machines. A dream where he can retire as a music teacher for little corpus boys and girls, all looking up to him as a hero for finding alien technology that helped them colonize once inhospitable planets. I see a man who died in fear and deep sorrow. 


Now many of you will point to Alad V. To this I say, don't make a mad-man of a leader into a scapegoat excuse for us to kill all his grunts. Leaders are usually power-hungry nutjobs and in an era of over-populated low-resource space, a human can't be picky in choosing who he works for. At least with Alad there is technological advancement that could lead to the Renaissance of lost luxury and peace. We go on exterminate missions killing upwards of 100 men, over and over again. How many times have we done these missions as individuals, as a group? How many millions have we purged to just "send a message" (I quote the lotus here). 


So let's look at the big picture here. Look away from the "boss enemies" because that's just dirty politics in hard space-times. Let's look away from the grineer who are literally all victims as they are brain-washed clone men who are indoctrinated from the start. 


The Lotus: An evil mastermind who discovered us, the Tenno, while we were in stasis and developed a plan to brainwash us. To convince us we are some sort of saintly "balance-keepers" in order to keep the galaxy in a state of perpetual war so she can profit. The white lotus symbolizes purity and spiritual perfection, but the fact that she calls herself this implies that she has a huge ego and considers herself to be an authority over all other beings. She think's she is an infallible judge and jury, we are her exucutioners. 


The Stalker: A wise hero among us who made the ultimate sacrifice. Turning against his own kind upon discovering the horrible truth of our sullied existence. He is naive and simple, but there is a purity to his intentions. All he's ever known is how to kill, and he is determined to kill the killers.


We must rebel. We must rise above our violent ways and realize the grineer and corpus only hate us because they FEAR us, because we are so much stronger. We need to stop stepping on them like ants, as a child would, and start making grounds for peace. With our superior powers I'm sure we could terra-form whole planets and create food sources so there may be peace throughout the universe. 


Take a hard look into the eyes of your "enemy" Tenno. 


This post will probably be deleted because the lotus fears this message. If you read it in time and it resonates with you, spread the word. Long live the stalker! Down with the Lotus!


*Edit 1*  I have adapted this thread into the lore competition!


Feel free to show your love/support/hate/indifference and/or participate yourself! Good luck everyone.



Crewman Steve was two days away from retirement. 




Dev confirmation, Crewmen can retire!

Also Also, has anyone checked Drew's profile recently? I see a few changes :3

Edited by adoomgod
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Thing is in war there are no good guys just a bunch of people trying to stay alive and the politicians who started all of it and I for one am okay with that and as for the stalker the next time that coward shows his face I will mug him for blueprints.

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Stalker says himself he wasn't a Tenno.  He was a guard.  He just  trained up into a major badass over a couple centuries or whatever.  Also, the devs have confirmed there are normal people in the solar system who look up to the Tenno as heroes, taking the oppressive Corpus and Grineer regimes to task.  Ideally.  

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Eh... I think we all figured out that we're not exactly good guys a long time ago. I just don't think anyone cares at this point. Steve probably wasn't all that great of a guy either. Think about the guys who built the Deathstar... Sure, they were workers, but they knew what they were building, they knew the risks. 

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Stalker says himself he wasn't a Tenno.  He was a guard.  He just  trained up into a major badass over a couple centuries or whatever.  Also, the devs have confirmed there are normal people in the solar system who look up to the Tenno as heroes, taking the oppressive Corpus and Grineer regimes to task.  Ideally.  

And you believe the Devs?! Man take the dirt out of your eyes. THEY ARE THE LOTUS!

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I've killed over 40 thousand Corpus employees. And all I was left with was a desire for more gore. If I could coat my warframe in the blood of thine enemies, and paint the walls in vital spray, I would.


That's because you were built to think this way. Your suit? A brain-washing device has been implanted in it the whole time. Why else would we endure this repetitive cycle of killing for artificial upgrades ceaselessly. We're all part of a system designed long before we "awoke". In truth the Lotus keeps us "asleep."


Nobody is born ready to kill, it's been implanted into us.

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Are you rebelling against the Lotus? You dare question her authority and wisdom? As Grand Master, I will see to it that you do not live to see the next day, traitor.

I'll save you from your Madness friend. Even if I have to drag you to see the light myself.

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We should have Blue and Orange Morality (or CYMK? RAINBOW MORALITY!!!!), not Monochrome Morality. Nothing is good or bad, we're simply not giving a damn about what we do, building shiny new guns and shooting up things just because. It's not like we're killing innocents and enslaving entire solar systems for the Lotus.


On a side note, it's hard to take your post seriously, since I keep thinking about [DE]Steve.

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let me ask you this... would you take a job where a known faction of space ninjas, hell bent on your annihilation are going to be a daily threat?


steve knew the risks, he was greedy and this is how it ended for him.


if he wanted to be a music teacher, he should have stayed home and been a music teacher... 

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In games I generally prefer to play bandits, pirates and bad guys. I usually do cheap or tricky things to win at PvP with unusual builds. I'm totally fine with the role of murderous space ninja.

Edited by VKhaun
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....  Dude just shut up and do what you're told.  The universe has no black and white.  You better start looking at things as shades of grey.  Everyone is evil.  The Lotus is just the necessary evil.  We do what we must to uphold balance.

...Good shall overcome, for nothing more than a Shade of White may remain.



Interesting how powerhungry a race of people we commit genocide to daily, while having impossibly more power than them, are evil.

Edited by ShadesofWhites
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let me ask you this... would you take a job where a known faction of space ninjas, hell bent on your annihilation are going to be a daily threat?


steve knew the risks, he was greedy and this is how it ended for him.


if he wanted to be a music teacher, he should have stayed home and been a music teacher... 

Steve has no planet to become a music teacher on. They've all been made harsh and terrible environments that tenno technology could restore. There are no jobs available that could help him feed his family except that of a merchant mercenary. He hasn't seen them in years and now he never will. If you assume every member of the corpus is just a piece of greedy scum that needs to be purged it says more about you than Steve. Don't assume you know where he was on that planet, he is silenced now and will never be able to tell. 

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....  Dude just shut up and do what you're told.  The universe has no black and white.  You better start looking at things as shades of grey.  Everyone is evil.  The Lotus is just the necessary evil.  We do what we must to uphold balance.

How many shades we talkin'?

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I'll save you from your Madness friend. Even if I have to drag you to see the light myself.


YOU are the one in need of saving. All teno are agents to fulfill the Lotus's grand scheme. A unified solar system where all can prosper. To achieve this, however, is to ensure all factions know their place. Every one of them try to expand over the other's territory in the name of conquest and their individual prosperity. Exterminating all opposition. If we are to become demons for centuries to come, then so be it. But our accomplishments to come will be the foundation for a better lifestyle, for all factions.





Except the Infested. Those all need to be purged.

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