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We Are The True Villains In Warframe


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Steve has no planet to become a music teacher on. They've all been made harsh and terrible environments that tenno technology could restore. There are no jobs available that could help him feed his family except that of a merchant mercenary. He hasn't seen them in years and now he never will. If you assume every member of the corpus is just a piece of greedy scum that needs to be purged it says more about you than Steve. Don't assume you know where he was on that planet, he is silenced now and will never be able to tell. 


you make some assumptions about the civilization of non-corpus/grineer people that is entirely unknown in the lore.

as is stated, the tenno are heroes to the "common people" -- end result, we don't know enough to make that distinction. 

either of us. ;)

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There is no bargaining with the Grineer.  No peace treaty, no cease fire, nothing that can last.  In their eyes you are either Grineer or soon-to-be-dead.  Or worse yet, a slave, whose genetic information will be likely taken to see if it can halt their genetic degradation.


Actually, this is inspiring me to write something...

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Steve has no planet to become a music teacher on. They've all been made harsh and terrible environments that tenno technology could restore. There are no jobs available that could help him feed his family except that of a merchant mercenary. He hasn't seen them in years and now he never will. If you assume every member of the corpus is just a piece of greedy scum that needs to be purged it says more about you than Steve. Don't assume you know where he was on that planet, he is silenced now and will never be able to tell. 

The tenno were raised since childhood to be warriors killing is all they have ever known how do you expect them to know anything about terraforming.

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The tenno were raised since childhood to be warriors killing is all they have ever known how do you expect them to know anything about terraforming.

We have frames that can move the earth, create fire, control the winds etc. A water frame will probably emerge at some point. My point being if stopped just blasting people with our powers I'm sure we could figure out a way to create and preserve life.


To everyone taking my posts seriously: lol. It's something to think about but please -.- it's a game.


To everyone talking about killing for the sake of killing: Either you're office workers or have issues at home. What you're saying goes against the whole tenno mantra. I always smirk when someone casually boasts about how they just enjoy murdering in a fake online simulation. 


But guys seriously, look into Steve's eyes! Really give it a few minutes. Just stare.

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OP, this is the most well thought out piece of literature on the forums. I absolutely love this, but I'm afraid that without the credits I will starve. Sure, I'm a mercenary, but DAMN IT I NEED TO MAKE A LIVING TOO

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OP, this is the most well thought out piece of literature on the forums. I absolutely love this, but I'm afraid that without the credits I will starve. Sure, I'm a mercenary, but DAMN IT I NEED TO MAKE A LIVING TOO

We should be more stealth based and just focus on killing the bosses, and we can still get paid for killing infested. There are plenty of good credit options for us. Also the void is the best place to make credits and all members of the void are lost causes. Have you tried headshotting a corrupted corpus void member? Under the mask is... ANOTHER MASK! Truly soulless abominations there.

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Tenno were created as a weapon by the Orokin to fight against the Sentients in the Old War.
There is no Sentients at this moment. And Orokin is gone.
What is the purpose of the Tenno now? A balance? Are the Lotus one of us? If not, then who? And what's their goal?
Balance? Tenno were just used before, and now we are used as well.

Edited by Skynin
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Tenno were created as a weapon by the Orokin to fight against the Sentients in the Old War.

There is no Sentients at this moment. And Orokin is gone.

What is the purpose of the Tenno now? A balance? Are the Lotus one of us? If not, then who? And what's their goal?

Balance? Tenno were just used before, and now we are used as well.

Balance? When we can strive for so much more than just neutrality for the universe. 
"One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means." - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." - Mother Teresa
"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi
"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein
"Brute force, no matter how strongly applied, can never subdue the basic human desire for freedom." - Dalai Lama
"Nobody's free until everybody's free." - Fannie Lou Hamer
Edited by adoomgod
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We should be more stealth based and just focus on killing the bosses, and we can still get paid for killing infested. There are plenty of good credit options for us. Also the void is the best place to make credits and all members of the void are lost causes. Have you tried headshotting a corrupted corpus void member? Under the mask is... ANOTHER MASK! Truly soulless abominations there.

True points. Those pesky invasions are the only reason I keep my Ember and Ignis. Easy money, and OP can save Steve this time!

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I assume the reason we can't terraform is related to why we hung in cryostasis so long.  We were waiting for something to happen before waking up, but the Corpus and Grineer started poaching our brothers.  We can't allow that.  I also don't think that there are enough of us to actually engage in open war with either faction.  At the height of our power, we could have dominated them with ease, but we are fewer than we once were, and weaker too.


Until I know whey we put ourselves to sleep, I'm not going to try to explain the motives of the Tenno for not just becoming the ruling class of the solar system.

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Balance? When we can strive for so much more than just neutrality for the universe. 
"One day we must come to see that peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but that it is a means by which we arrive at that goal. We must pursue peaceful ends through peaceful means." - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." - Buddha
"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other." - Mother Teresa
"An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi
"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." - Albert Einstein
"Brute force, no matter how strongly applied, can never subdue the basic human desire for freedom." - Dalai Lama
"Nobody's free until everybody's free." - Fannie Lou Hamer




That's what am i talking about.

But look at this:

We have very aggressive and almost unstoppable hordes of Grinner, who trying to take over the Solar System and consume everything there.

Corpus, who rejected all the humaneness in their souls, and becoming something disgusting.

Infestation, which is great threat to the remnants of humanity.

Who can stop them? I'm not sure that humans can do this by their own hands, they need our help.

Tenno is the power, which can save humanity. Enemies should die, there is no other way.

When "Grineer diplomacy begins and ends at the tip of the plasma grenade"

When Coprus can only see the profits, regardless the price of human life

When Infested know only how to consume...

Tenno can only kill. Kill all the evil this time.


Edited by Skynin
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That's what am i talking about.

But look at this:

We have very aggressive and almost unstoppable hordes of Grinner, who trying to take over the Solar System and consume everything there.

Corpus, who rejected all the humaneness in their souls, and becoming something disgusting.

Infestation, which is great threat to the remnants of humanity.

Who can stop them? I'm not sure that humans can do this by their own hands, they need our help.

Tenno is the power, which can save humanity. Enemies should die, there is no other way.

When "Grineer diplomacy begins and ends at the tip of the plasma grenade"

When Coprus can only see the profits, regardless the price of human life

When Infested know only how to consume...

Tenno can only kill. Kill all the evil this time.


Well put.

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It's either us or them, fellow tenno. Us or them.

I will stand with the weak then, for that is the way of the truly strong


I assume the reason we can't terraform is related to why we hung in cryostasis so long.  We were waiting for something to happen before waking up, but the Corpus and Grineer started poaching our brothers.  We can't allow that.  I also don't think that there are enough of us to actually engage in open war with either faction.  At the height of our power, we could have dominated them with ease, but we are fewer than we once were, and weaker too.


Until I know whey we put ourselves to sleep, I'm not going to try to explain the motives of the Tenno for not just becoming the ruling class of the solar system.

"Poaching our brothers." Yes that is wrong but it's their leaders who decide to commit such acts. If we tried to people like Darvo in charge we could create peace and establish a safer, healthier universe. We are sooooo much stronger then them. How many of us do they slay for every million we massacre?


That's what am i talking about.

But look at this:

We have very aggressive and almost unstoppable hordes of Grinner, who trying to take over the Solar System and consume everything there.

Corpus, who rejected all the humaneness in their souls, and becoming something disgusting.

Infestation, which is great threat to the remnants of humanity.

Who can stop them? I'm not sure that humans can do this by their own hands, they need our help.

Tenno is the power, which can save humanity. Enemies should die, there is no other way.

When "Grineer diplomacy begins and ends at the tip of the plasma grenade"

When Coprus can only see the profits, regardless the price of human life

When Infested know only how to consume...

Tenno can only kill. Kill all the evil this time.


The Grineer are victims. I already pointed this out. Indoctrinated clones. If we could find where they are bred we could perhaps change their whole race for the better. Liberate them from their war-muddied ways.


The Corpus may not be what we think. I believe we were lied to by the lotus, Steve has a good soul. Look how you broad brush them as "evil", the world is not so black and white. Disgusting? All I ever see them actually do is fight back against over whelming terrors, us. It's their leaders who are sick.


Infested, I hope they can act as a common enemy to unite us all. Then again they also are capable of speech, perhaps they can be reasoned with. Perhaps they don't understand why we don't wish to assimilate, and if they did understand they could be an asset to the universe.


Just because we have the power does not give us the right to be the moral dictators of the universe. You sound like a tyrant. It's easy to say "the Grineer, the Corpus, the Infested" like they are these groups, not individuals. When you broad brush like this you start committing the atrocities that we do. 

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Let's rebel and die whenever we play the game. Use up all 4 revives and then logout because we rebel against Lotus and her missions. That or we simply start a mission and then abort it right away. NO MORE TAKING ORDERS FROM THE LOTUS! Sargas Ruk 2016.

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I will stand with the weak then, for that is the way of the truly strong


"Poaching our brothers." Yes that is wrong but it's their leaders who decide to commit such acts. If we tried to people like Darvo in charge we could create peace and establish a safer, healthier universe. We are sooooo much stronger then them. How many of us do they slay for every million we massacre?


The Grineer are victims. I already pointed this out. Indoctrinated clones. If we could find where they are bred we could perhaps change their whole race for the better. Liberate them from their war-muddied ways.


The Corpus may not be what we think. I believe we were lied to by the lotus, Steve has a good soul. Look how you broad brush them as "evil", the world is not so black and white. Disgusting? All I ever see them actually do is fight back against over whelming terrors, us. It's their leaders who are sick.


Infested, I hope they can act as a common enemy to unite us all. Then again they also are capable of speech, perhaps they can be reasoned with. Perhaps they don't understand why we don't wish to assimilate, and if they did understand they could be an asset to the universe.


Just because we have the power does not give us the right to be the moral dictators of the universe. You sound like a tyrant. It's easy to say "the Grineer, the Corpus, the Infested" like they are these groups, not individuals. When you broad brush like this you start committing the atrocities that we do. 

I can see only one problem here. We don't know almost anything about all of them.

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Crewman Steve was two days away from retirement. 


Dev confirmation guys. S#&$ just got real.


Let's rebel and die whenever we play the game. Use up all 4 revives and then logout because we rebel against Lotus and her missions. That or we simply start a mission and then abort it right away. NO MORE TAKING ORDERS FROM THE LOTUS! Sargas Ruk 2016.

Death does not promote life. Better that we keep doing the assassination missions. Hopefully one day those bosses will STAY DOWN like the evil dictators that they are. Void missions are fine too. We need to find the lotus' whereabouts. 


@Skynin, I know enough. I have my sources >.> Crewman Steve prompted me to do infiltration missions and spy missions off the books. Know what I see? Corpus men eating in cafeterias casually, talking about their kids, their wives, what things will be like "if we make it off this rock." I see Grineer cloning centers where their "training" could be called torture. I see infested monsters trapped by their own nature. 

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