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We Are The True Villains In Warframe


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Technically, Hayden isn't the first tenno. Menzer was, he just gave hayden powers, the suit and the glaive. 

Uh, Hayden was the first Tenno, you know, being Hayden Tenno. Did he have the first Warframe? No.


I've changed my opinion. The Corpus are the true good guys, and I agree with them. We are the true villains. Because we betrayed the Orokin. Screw balance in the system. All hail Orokin dominion!

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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"I am all your nightmares. I am the legends your forebears whispered of in fearful tones. Every terror you have never imagined comes from me. Look upon my majesty and weep at the terror I have wrought upon you and your kin. I am an artist, and dread is the colour I splash across the canvas of your mind.Do not ask which creature screams in the night. Do not question who waits for you in the shadow. It is my cry that wakes you in the night, and my body that crouches in the shadow. I am Tenno and you are the puppet that dances to my tune..."


That is what I say to the Grineer and Corpus I am not an a paragon of peace nor an angel of mercy I am an Angel of Death! I slaughter thousand will but a flick of my blade and flair of my gun. Right and Wrong? Good and Evil? BAH! All that matters to me is blood, oceans of blood and bodies. For I am The Wailing Doom ! The Grineer will crack, there birthing chambers reduced to rubble, there bodies battered and broken. The corpus will be erased from the system there profits gone there treasury destroyed they will be nothing! The infestion will at long last be cleansed! All of them will be reduced to cinder and ash! He who stand with me shall be my brother....Well Tenno what will it be? Predator or Prey?

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Uh, Hayden was the first Tenno, you know, being Hayden Tenno. Did he have the first Warframe? No.


I've changed my opinion. The Corpus are the true good guys, and I agree with them. We are the true villains. Because we betrayed the Orokin. Screw balance in the system. All hail Orokin dominion!


Well, it's still up to debate whether Hayden actually EXISTS in this Universe anymore. My personal opinion: Warframe has evolved beyond Dark Sector and has no more need to be attached to it; certain elements, the T-Virus, the Excalibur frame design, remain, but only in the vein of being a spiritual successor to the game, rather than a sequel.

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I thought the devs said he did.


Aye, I think I recall that, but it was also a while back. Since then, the lore of Warframe has taken a route that seems to separate it (except for those mentioned spiritual aspects) from its predecessor (the children on the ship and whatnot). I, personally, prefer it that way; it's like Bioshock and System Shock. Yes, both were great games, but it would have just held Bioshock back if System Shock had to somehow be incorporated into its narrative because of the relationship the two have.

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Eh... I think we all figured out that we're not exactly good guys a long time ago. I just don't think anyone cares at this point. Steve probably wasn't all that great of a guy either. Think about the guys who built the Deathstar... Sure, they were workers, but they knew what they were building, they knew the risks. 


Actually the Deathstar was built by slave labor.  Also the main designer/engineer/architect INTENTIONALLY made the exhaust port flaw when he could have easily have had it corrected.  Really good book about the backstory of the Deathstar and some of the "grunts" who lived and worked there.

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Corpus cult reminds me of all the awful little Ayn Randian CEOs and politicians. I shed no tears in putting them down. If Steve was in fact forced to do horrible things by his bosses, then surely he should be thanking us for relieving him from his sinister duties.

There is no going home to be a music teacher for children after systemically killing people for parts and warmongering merely for the sake of profit.


As for Stalker, I see him as an uninformed fool. He does not understand why we turned on the Orokin, He knows not of our childhood experimentation. As for the Lotus I see her as just a former Orokin servant, who was the only one to give a damn about us Tenno, so I repay the favor. She also did me a solid when I was awoken by Grineer to be ravaged, another faction that doesn't deserve any sympathy.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Some of us live by in the thoughts of their own codexes.

For mine is:

,,One sword keeps another in the sheath, by taking one live-others can be preserved."

Steve, so as also other Corpus members might not be interested in war, but it is the leaders as you said which make out a war. So long as we cant annihilate them fully- they wont cease to exist. It is on us that we bring justice to those groups that want to bring war- no matter if its the corpus, the grineer or the bloodhungry infested.

Indeed also I was threatened and left alone with my comrades and the infested as they closed of life support without any sense of mercy or other intentions.

I question the lotus as well, but so long as there isnt any other solutions - we still will have to deal with machines. I in my own opinion despise the corpus for abadoning their humanity, but you are right that every life deserves to be safed.

Maybe we are far away from being balance keepers like we always thought...

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All I See is "blah blah blah, Tenno good guys" and "blah blah blah, Tenno bad guys" I'm not bad, nor am I good. I only stand with one thing and ONE thing only, profits. So if the Lotus pays my bills on a regular basis, then sure, ok, I'll go and murder an entire race. And when it comes to invasions, I slaughter for the highest bidder. Hell, pay me enough and I'll murder the Lotus if that would ever be possible in Warframe... heh.


Excerpt from the official Warframe website on the Tenno faction:

"One sees a noble warrior, building his strength against an oppressive regime. Another sees an opportunistic mercenary, exploiting the Warframe's superiority for wealth."

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Warframes and Tenno were made to combat the Sentients and maintain balance; at one point, it's possible that the Orokin threatened that balance. Ergo, the Tenno did what they were trained to do and 'maintained balance' by cutting out the excess.


Also, good and evil is subjective. In the eyes of the Grineer, the dominance of the solar system is good as is cloning themselves stupid and counteracting upon it with cybernetics. In the eyes of the Corpus, profit is good; war generates profit, ergo they are themselves at war to make profit by selling gear to anyone willing to buy and create abominations (Zanuka) which would fetch high prices. In the eyes (?) of the Infested, becoming one with the Infestation is good though the hivemind as it would significate becoming "one".


As for the Tenno, they too have a conception of good : balance is good, excess is bad. However, they're amnesiac (which explains why the players can control Tenno who have basically free will) and right now, their only moral compass is the Lotus. And still, it's not certain what the Lotus truly wants; for all we know, she could be Orokin 2.0, trying to rebuild the utopia that was without the excess that stemmed for it (and perhaps doomed to failure in doing so, seeing how humanity tends to be unable to truly learn from their mistakes). She could be a Corpus or Grineer AI gone rogue, she could be a member of a revolutionary rebel group. Hell, she could be some girl in her parent's basement outside of the solar system who's playing the Tenno like chest pieces against the Corpus and Grineer just to alleviate her eternal boredom.


Besides, what would happen if the Tenno regained their memories? Would they turn on the Lotus? Would they wipe out ALL factions from the solar system by seeing them all as needing cleansing for forcefully trying to control everything? Would they turn upon each other like the Stalker did? Would they return to the stars never to be seen again? Or would they embrace their now freedom and, as they did so far, merely decide what's better for them rather than for everyone else?




Specified the Tenno were also made to battle the Sentients.

Edited by Wiegraf
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Warframes and Tenno were made to maintain balance; at one point, it's possible that the Orokin threatened that balance. Ergo, the Tenno did what they were trained to do and 'maintained balance' by cutting out the excess.


Also, good and evil is subjective. In the eyes of the Grineer, the dominance of the solar system is good as is cloning themselves stupid and counteracting upon it with cybernetics. In the eyes of the Corpus, profit is good; war generates profit, ergo they are themselves at war to make profit by selling gear to anyone willing to buy and create abominations (Zanuka) which would fetch high prices. In the eyes (?) of the Infested, becoming one with the Infestation is good though the hivemind as it would significate becoming "one".


As for the Tenno, they too have a conception of good : balance is good, excess is bad. However, they're amnesiac (which explains why the players can control Tenno who have basically free will) and right now, their only moral compass is the Lotus. And still, it's not certain what the Lotus truly wants; for all we know, she could be Orokin 2.0, trying to rebuild the utopia that was without the excess that stemmed for it (and perhaps doomed to failure in doing so, seeing how humanity tends to be unable to truly learn from their mistakes). She could be a Corpus or Grineer AI gone rogue, she could be a member of a revolutionary rebel group. Hell, she could be some girl in her parent's basement outside of the solar system who's playing the Tenno like chest pieces against the Corpus and Grineer just to alleviate her eternal boredom.


Besides, what would happen if the Tenno regained their memories? Would they turn on the Lotus? Would they wipe out ALL factions from the solar system by seeing them all as needing cleansing for forcefully trying to control everything? Would they turn upon each other like the Stalker did? Would they return to the stars never to be seen again? Or would they embrace their now freedom and, as they did so far, merely decide what's better for them rather than for everyone else?

No, the Tenno were made to fight and win the war against the Sentients. That was our purpose, and we betrayed our purpose. Most likely it was the Lotus who told us to turn on the Orokin, out of a desire to maintain balance.

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No, the Tenno were made to fight and win the war against the Sentients. That was our purpose, and we betrayed our purpose. Most likely it was the Lotus who told us to turn on the Orokin, out of a desire to maintain balance.


It still doesn't disregard the possibility that once the Sentients were pushed back, the Orokin themselves began to abuse of their power. Thus, the Tenno did what they do best.


Since there's no hint at 'what' caused the Tenno to turn against the Orokin, there's only room for speculation.

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You guys are all so busy debating our origin that you're forgetting about Steve!

Steve is the force that will unite us, from Steve's death will come the Tenno Renaissance of honor. 


Steve is ALL and NOTHING, all at once!


Divide Steve and the universe will collapse! Multiply him and the universe will choke on the overabundance of Steves! Much like the universe of Double Dragon Neon is overflooded with Williams!


(Seriously, if your world is called Double Dragon and your name is William, expect some random dude in a blue or red getup to come beat you up at some unspecified point in time for the mere assumption you were involved in stealing one of their girlfriend; cartwheeling is useless, you will be beaten)

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You guys are all so busy debating our origin that you're forgetting about Steve!

Steve is the force that will unite us, from Steve's death will come the Tenno Renaissance of honor. 

Steve doesn't matter to the Lotus, the Tenno, or his employers. He's just a cog in the Corpus machine. Our origins, and that of the Lotus, can be revealed by simply looking at her, and observing the devices, machines, and slaves of the Orokin Void. Upon careful observation, it is clear that 1) the Lotus is of Orokin origin, 2) the Corpus and Stalker are right that we betrayed our original masters, the Orokin, 3) the Lotus has kept this information from us, and 4) we must join with the Corpus and the Stalker to bring about the return of our masters and makers. Steve's body is broken, but he can still be saved, his body converted, "corrupted" as the Lotus says, to one of us so that he may fight the traitorous Tenno as well. Steve will be the first of a new breed of Corpus warriors, the uniting force that will bring victory to the Corpus, the Stalker, and all we who await the rebirth of the Orokin. All hail Orokin dominion!

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Steve doesn't matter to the Lotus, the Tenno, or his employers. He's just a cog in the Corpus machine. Our origins, and that of the Lotus, can be revealed by simply looking at her, and observing the devices, machines, and slaves of the Orokin Void. Upon careful observation, it is clear that 1) the Lotus is of Orokin origin, 2) the Corpus and Stalker are right that we betrayed our original masters, the Orokin, 3) the Lotus has kept this information from us, and 4) we must join with the Corpus and the Stalker to bring about the return of our masters and makers. Steve's body is broken, but he can still be saved, his body converted, "corrupted" as the Lotus says, to one of us so that he may fight the traitorous Tenno as well. Steve will be the first of a new breed of Corpus warriors, the uniting force that will bring victory to the Corpus, the Stalker, and all we who await the rebirth of the Orokin. All hail Orokin dominion!


The Orokin took our life from us, they transformed us into creatures of war, and then sent us to our deaths while they cowered in their golden-ivory towers of knowledge. We took our revenge on them, we took from them what they took from us: our lives. The Orokin got what they deserved, and now we are the only ones with the rights to this galaxy: we are the oldest beings in this universe, we were there to lay claim to it at the fall of the Orokin, and now that we have returned we can take up the claim we made, take the lands, the worlds, that are ours from those who stole them from us while we slept. We cannot betray what we have no reason to be loyal to, to respect, and we never were given any reason to respect the Orokin, nor are we given reason to those who attempt to claim their secrets - those secrets which are rightfully ours. The Stalker is a murderer of his own, the Corpus are nothing to us, the Grineer are the same; if they stand against us, though, then they will go the way of the Cold and Gold Emperors that thought they had the right to command us, to rule us, to rob us of our humanity.


This universe is the Tenno's, and no one else's.

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The Orokin took our life from us, they transformed us into creatures of war, and then sent us to our deaths while they cowered in their golden-ivory towers of knowledge. We took our revenge on them, we took from them what they took from us: our lives. The Orokin got what they deserved, and now we are the only ones with the rights to this galaxy: we are the oldest beings in this universe, we were there to lay claim to it at the fall of the Orokin, and now that we have returned we can take up the claim we made, take the lands, the worlds, that are ours from those who stole them from us while we slept. We cannot betray what we have no reason to be loyal to, to respect, and we never were given any reason to respect the Orokin, nor are we given reason to those who attempt to claim their secrets - those secrets which are rightfully ours. The Stalker is a murderer of his own, the Corpus are nothing to us, the Grineer are the same; if they stand against us, though, then they will go the way of the Cold and Gold Emperors that thought they had the right to command us, to rule us, to rob us of our humanity.


This universe is the Tenno's, and no one else's.

So the Lotus tells you, so the Lotus would have you believe, you who were asleep all this time, you who cannot remember. I prefer to listen to the one who hasn't slept, the one who holds in high regard morality over profit. While we ally with Corpus or Grineer in exchange for mods, credits, and forma, the Lotus would have you believe that this is all for balance. What balance? All I see is the reckless profiteering of the Tenno that nearly led to a Grineer-controlled system. Pfft. Balance. There is no seeking of balance, no seeking of justice, just aimless dismemberment of our enemies. The Tenno under the Lotus are no better than the Grineer or Corpus. At least the Corpus have a mind after advancement and improvement. Continue to believe the lies of the Lotus, but just take a look at her and you will notice that she is of Orokin origin. And my suspicion? That is was she who first betrayed, she who commanded the Tenno, at a moment's notice, to turn on and brutally execute the Orokin who made us the warriors that we are, who brought us back from the Void and gave us purpose instead of destroying us as we do to all others who are infected. Your words, of sole universal Tenno control, do not echo of balance. The Tenno are hypocrites. I'd rather a noble race be in control of the universe than a group of profiteering mass murderers. All hail Orokin dominion!

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So the Lotus tells you, so the Lotus would have you believe, you who were asleep all this time, you who cannot remember. I prefer to listen to the one who hasn't slept, the one who holds in high regard morality over profit. While we ally with Corpus or Grineer in exchange for mods, credits, and forma, the Lotus would have you believe that this is all for balance. What balance? All I see is the reckless profiteering of the Tenno that nearly led to a Grineer-controlled system. Pfft. Balance. There is no seeking of balance, no seeking of justice, just aimless dismemberment of our enemies. The Tenno under the Lotus are no better than the Grineer or Corpus. At least the Corpus have a mind after advancement and improvement. Continue to believe the lies of the Lotus, but just take a look at her and you will notice that she is of Orokin origin. And my suspicion? That is was she who first betrayed, she who commanded the Tenno, at a moment's notice, to turn on and brutally execute the Orokin who made us the warriors that we are, who brought us back from the Void and gave us purpose instead of destroying us as we do to all others who are infected. Your words, of sole universal Tenno control, do not echo of balance. The Tenno are hypocrites. I'd rather a noble race be in control of the universe than a group of profiteering mass murderers. All hail Orokin dominion!


I never said I trusted the Lotus. I never said I wanted balance. All I said is that the Tenno are their own masters. Balance is a fool's errand, one that will result in the countless unnecessary deaths of Tenno. The only solution, the true Tenno cause, is to wipe out EVERYTHING that stands against us. The Grineer, the Corpus, the Infestation, the Stalker, the Lotus; those are the enemies of the Tenno, because they stand against the betterment and prosperity of the Tenno, each and every one of them. The only solution is for the Tenno to support only the Tenno, but this is where we disagree: for thee prosperity of the Tenno lies not within the Orokin but within ourselves. Our enemies, among them the shadows of the Orokin, will be burned away by the glorious flames of the Tenno, blinded and reduced to dust by the light of the true Tenno cause.


All hail the Conflagration!

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Good read, and I'm enjoying everyone's take on it.  I hope the game's lore starts getting fleshed out to answer a lot of the speculation.  I'd like to actually see evidence of the humans we're supposedly defending.  Right now it feels like we're just mercenaries caught in a war between the Grineer and the Corpus.

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