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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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I do not care if they take a week or two more to finish it. I would rather wait and have them thoroughly test everything and avoid having to wait for them do a half dozen hotfixes in the following days to fix mistakes.


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You forgot to mention the part where Melee 2.0 was ONLY meant to be allowing you to equip your melee like a gun or secondary and be able to run around with it. That was it and that was what DE stated (you can watch previous Devstreams.) So, it shouldn't really take that long to put on the codes for that and we would've been able to do that within February. Though as they continued to work on it, they decided to make it even better and put on different animations, combos, etc. The animations alone will probably take awhile, considering all the physics involved in it. Though I do agree that they should have released it sooner for us to give them feedback, running around with your melee would probably be the only thing we could do at that moment and I don't really see the fun in that.

From dev stream 21 (24th of January)


Geoff: It’s definitely going to be coming. We’re adding mobility to equipping your melee and being able to run around, buffing the damage to melee in that state so it’s more effective, blocking will be buffed to block incoming bullets, adding a parrying system so you can time counter enemy attacks which trigger finishers.
Geoff: We have to do a finisher for each stance, for the most part that’s it. We’re also having transition attacks like adding animations after jumping/sliding that will let the flow of melee feel better. These will be forks in the road for players to choose. It’s a foundation for a bigger house to build.
Hmmm, equipping your melee weapon only? And you are the one who told me to check the dev streams, maybe you should watch them...
All they need to do is implement the damage buff they had in January and melee combat might actually be viable


I do not care if they take a week or two more to finish it. I would rather wait and have them thoroughly test everything and avoid having to wait for them do a half dozen hotfixes in the following days to fix mistakes.

I would rather play through the initial bugs tbh, it also means the bugs that will inevitably be present after release (as we are here to beta test, and there are always a few) will be found quicker and thoroughly tested, have you not wondered why updates are usually patched a day or two later? Its because they have very little idea about how the update will work on the massively patched and modified system with a large server load. It is the exact reason a lot of new games are using 'test servers' where patches are applied in advance.



fine. Release Melee 2.0 with not-so fluid animations, so much bugs I'll just press 4 again, and read dramas from people blaming the impatient likes of you.

You mean you expect perfectly fluid animations, on the first release of a new damage system? Are you crazy. it will be at least a month from when the animations are released to us before the clipping issues and fluidity are back to their current level.






(see I can type in caps making obtuse statements with no direct or beneficial influence on the conversation too) 


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I would rather play through the initial bugs tbh, it also means the bugs that will inevitably be present after release (as we are here to beta test, and there are always a few) will be found quicker and thoroughly tested, have you not wondered why updates are usually patched a day or two later?

I know how it works, and they had to be told by people to "stop rushing updates" and having broken content for an entire weekend, or more. DE had a habit of shipping stuff improperly tested because of a self imposed rushed deadline. There is a difference in stress testing and having functional code, DE has had an issue with the latter.



You mean you expect perfectly fluid animations, on the first release of a new damage system? Are you crazy. it will be at least a month from when the animations are released to us before the clipping issues and fluidity are back to their current level.

So why not have them fix the clipping and everything else before it is shipped? There is no need to ship a botched job that will play worse than the current melee system. Melee that isn't fluid is worth playing or using.

Edited by LazyKnight
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I know how it works, and they had to be told by people to "stop rushing update" and having broken content for an entire weekend, or more. DE had a habit of shipping stuff improperly tested it because of a self imposed rushed deadline. There is a difference in stress testing and having functional code, DE has had an issue with the latter.



So why not have them fix the clipping and everything else before it is shipped? There is no need to ship a botched job that will play worse than the current melee system. Melee that isn't fluid is worth playing or using and it would be a point in ship a melee system hat lack fluid combat.

So you understand how updates work and that the entire purpose of the current player base is to TEST. DE had functional code, DE have functional code for melee 2.0, but because people who do not understand the gaming industry are treating warframe as a completed game and telling DE not to rush updates they are purposefully stalling.


So add another 2 months onto the development of melee 2.0 whilst every melee weapon, with every mod combination, with every primary and secondary combination, is tried with every frame on every tile set, on every mission type?


Put it this way, it takes 5 years on average for an MMO to fix all clipping issues that were present in the initial release, and thats with the community testing.



Edit: 2 months is an extremely short amount of time considering that would be over 1 million combinations.

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So you understand how updates work and that the entire purpose of the current player base is to TEST. DE had functional code, DE have functional code for melee 2.0, but because people who do not understand the gaming industry are treating warframe as a completed game and telling DE not to rush updates they are purposefully stalling.

A joke yes?


This is a problem with Staff being indecisive on what direction they want melee be finalized into. They are not in testing phase and if you do not know the difference then, you should not be trying to educate people when you're wrong for the reason things are delayed.


They changed their system several times at this point and do not have a finalized version. If they had a system in beta state it would have been shipped. Consider, the last time they were talking they were thinking of adding a way for melee weapons to make use of the energy system, I can bet they spent a week figuring out how that should work.


Edit: 2 months is an extremely short amount of time considering that would be over 1 million combinations.

Clueless edit. They only need to get the animations for 2 sets  of each weapon type finished for the two poses. They already have all the models for everything and it is simple a mater of balancing a spread sheet for weapons and mods stats.


They haven't decided HOW the implementation of the combo system should be done, and that has been the hold up.

Edited by LazyKnight
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I doubt every weapon is getting new animations... Galatine will share with grame, hate/reaper. dual skana/fang/fang prime. dual zoren/dual ichor etc etc... at most their are 13 or so animation sets to be done. DE has plenty of money by this point, and they have released jack S#&$e all for weapons and content over the last month or so...should be relatively soon that they release melee 2.0, possibly next week. possibly a year from now.

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Even if they promised a certain date or month, if it's not ready, it's not ready. It's not that they have stopped woring on it or anything. I believe melee 2.0 has gone many iterations.

I'd rather wait when it's ready and polished than present it to us half-assed with tons of bugs. These filler updates are more than welcome.

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A joke yes?


This is a problem with Staff being indecisive on what direction they want melee be finalized into. They are not in testing phase and if you do not know the difference then you should not be trying to educate people when your wrong for the reason things are delayed.


They changed their system several times at this point and do not have a finalized version. If they had a system in beta state it would have been shipped. Consider, the last time they were talking they were thinking of adding a way for melee weapons to make use of the energy system, I can bet they spent a week figuring out how that should work.


Clueless edit. They only need to get the animations for 2 sets  of each weapon type finished for the two poses. They already have all the models for everything and it is simple a mater of balancing a spread sheet for weapons and mods stats.


They haven't decided HOW the implementation of the combo system should be done, and that has been the hold up.

They may be indecisive about the direction they want to go, but they have stated they have the mod system worked out, the damage buffs worked out, and the animation sets planned. If they published a beta version, to the beta testers, they would have a lot more of a direction to go in from the feedback.


For the 2 poses, on every frame, for every combination of primary, secondary and melee, because as it has been shown on warframe before, different models clip in different places. It is not as simple as doing it for each weapon type. yes the Orthos and Bo are similar, but they will have completely different clipping issues, and the issues change depending on what else is equipped. 


And i believe you read combinations wrong there, i was literally, just talking about clipping.



Even if they promised a certain date or month, if it's not ready, it's not ready. It's not that they have stopped woring on it or anything. I believe melee 2.0 has gone many iterations.

I'd rather wait when it's ready and polished than present it to us half-assed with tons of bugs. These filler updates are more than welcome.

It cant be ready and polished before it is tested by the beta testers as it will have only gone through the first phase of testing. God, how do people not understand we are testers, technically no content currently in the game is finished, It will be presented with a ton of bugs, thats inevitable, and these filler updates are a waste of time and putting us further from the rainbow bridge (ps4:pc connection) when even that was supposed to be implemented ages ago. If they want to update with filler, id rather not have an update so the ps4 can at least gain a week in the sony verification system.

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For the 2 poses, on every frame,

If the weapons work on Excalibur, the odds are extremely high they will ship it and wait for people to send in bug report about things they miss. That would be the beta threshold for us to find their errors. His is the core model that the engine works with, and it that functions there should not be game breaking bugs, just annoying ones.


My point is there should not be a shipped product that has obvious errors like Excalibur missing his head


And i believe you read combinations wrong there, i was literally, just talking about clipping.

I know what you meant. The minimum required to ship is the weapons working with the two pose for each weapon on Excalibur.

Edited by LazyKnight
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From dev stream 21 (24th of January)


Geoff: It’s definitely going to be coming. We’re adding mobility to equipping your melee and being able to run around, buffing the damage to melee in that state so it’s more effective, blocking will be buffed to block incoming bullets, adding a parrying system so you can time counter enemy attacks which trigger finishers.
Geoff: We have to do a finisher for each stance, for the most part that’s it. We’re also having transition attacks like adding animations after jumping/sliding that will let the flow of melee feel better. These will be forks in the road for players to choose. It’s a foundation for a bigger house to build.
Hmmm, equipping your melee weapon only? And you are the one who told me to check the dev streams, maybe you should watch them...
All they need to do is implement the damage buff they had in January and melee combat might actually be viable


I would rather play through the initial bugs tbh, it also means the bugs that will inevitably be present after release (as we are here to beta test, and there are always a few) will be found quicker and thoroughly tested, have you not wondered why updates are usually patched a day or two later? Its because they have very little idea about how the update will work on the massively patched and modified system with a large server load. It is the exact reason a lot of new games are using 'test servers' where patches are applied in advance.



You mean you expect perfectly fluid animations, on the first release of a new damage system? Are you crazy. it will be at least a month from when the animations are released to us before the clipping issues and fluidity are back to their current level.





(see I can type in caps making obtuse statements with no direct or beneficial influence on the conversation too) 




lol, you replied to my MONTH NOT OVER. i done got you good.


on an aside many an official update has come out on not a Wednesday.

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lol, you replied to my MONTH NOT OVER. i done got you good.


on an aside many an official update has come out on not a Wednesday.


Whatever man, i just wanted an excuse to type in caps for  change.


And they have been within a few hours of Wednesday, normally early Thursday morning (in the UK) for a big update.

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Sigh. I reeaally hope melee weapons will still be equipable as primarys as was discussed in previous streams. If I could just wield melee weapons instead of guns I would be happy. I am a melee guy and I really hope to run around with blades in hand, not just whip them out only when attacking. 


Also, I would have absolutely loved a DMC type of beat em' up for melee, too bad they decided to scrap the in depth combo system. Sigh... I guess one can only dream of awesome melee combat like GoW, DMC, or Darksiders in an mmo, it's just too awesome to ever actually happen, the universe would implode. Now I'll just be happy if I can constantly wield melee like primary and secondary can.

Edited by SirDraco
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DE, this thread is far past productive and should be locked, half the people in here dont even know what they are talking about lol.



i for one feel that not only does this thread need to be removed but all melee2.0 anticipation threads hence forth should be outright deleted rather then merged for they share the same fate as this one.



melee 2.0 will be released when it is READY and not before, endless crying will not make it come out faster and at this time there is no set release date. that is all.

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DE, this thread is far past productive and should be locked, half the people in here dont even know what they are talking about lol.



i for one feel that not only does this thread need to be removed but all melee2.0 anticipation threads hence forth should be outright deleted rather then merged for they share the same fate as this one.



melee 2.0 will be released when it is READY and not before, endless crying will not make it come out faster and at this time there is no set release date. that is all.





While I am sure in some really REALLY REALLY small way, DE appreciates what your saying... I don't, pull your nose from the overarching asscrack of DE please. We are allowed our opinions, you don't get to dictate what people do or do not know

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simply shutting dow thread


DE, this thread is far past productive and should be locked, half the people in here dont even know what they are talking about lol.



i for one feel that not only does this thread need to be removed but all melee2.0 anticipation threads hence forth should be outright deleted rather then merged for they share the same fate as this one.



melee 2.0 will be released when it is READY and not before, endless crying will not make it come out faster and at this time there is no set release date. that is all.

first of all  shutting down  threads is like burning books ;  doesn't help stop an idea you don't like  , and it's more symbolic than anything.  plus  they'll  just get reprinted somewhere else


Secondly u think that hot topic ideas don't get  more attention/work  directed towards them ...  ?  Thirdly If you don't want to speculate don't come to a speculation thread .


And lastly i think the main reason there talking so long with melee 2.0 is that  the want to remove coptering from the game and are trying to do it in a way that won't loose them players .    

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simply shutting dow thread


first of all  shutting down  threads is like burning books ;  doesn't help stop an idea you don't like  , and it's more symbolic than anything.  plus  they'll  just get reprinted somewhere else


Secondly u think that hot topic ideas don't get  more attention/work  directed towards them ...  ?  Thirdly If you don't want to speculate don't come to a speculation thread .


And lastly i think the main reason there talking so long with melee 2.0 is that  the want to remove coptering from the game and are trying to do it in a way that won't loose them players .    


if the book is to the theme of "how to cry on the forums" then there is no shame in burning it. if there was constructive talk in here i would be saying otherwise but there is nothing being said here anymore that amounts to anything other the tears of the impatient. the whole thing has just become a sad practice in mindless futility and has no reason what so ever to continue.  


frankly i find it sad that DE has made this awesome game, work their &#! off to make it better for us, MAKE IT FREE, and then have to listen to people complain.

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Pretty much this.

I think DE needs to stop with the secrecy and talk to the players more, have more polls, release stats on weapons before Reinforcements so we can tell them exactly what we want and save them a few hotfixes. With melee 2.0 they haven't told us exactly what they're doing and the new features and asked the community what they want to see what options they should keep or not.

I think the best step is communication.

The reason why don't have the secrecy in the first place is like many people pointed out people get over hyped about the update even though they say that somethings may or may not be in the game at the point due to getting them finished. And when the update finally comes out and it isn't peoples fairy tail perfect update they rage, whine and complain so they and I find it better not to give out to info and get peoples minds racing about whats to come have hype is good but going overboard is not good any way by being secretive then they still give people something to be excited for but they don't reveal to much to the point were people expect things that may not even happen.

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