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Forum Wars Are Fun.


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Every time there is a new patch or update, it seems that the forums are in a civil war. 

Frost's Snowglobe nerf,

- A lot hated it due to the ease of defences being taken away.

- A lot liked that there are no longer afkers(?) and it's more challenging. (I've never seen a afking Frost)

IMO I loved the safety of the snowglobe, but that big of a nerf? *Insert anti-rant pills here*

The selling of prime parts.
- Trade chat is more of a hell.
- People with money get easy stuff.


To be honest, to the people who have limited income this is the biggest slap in the face possible. Jobs aren't that easy to get and we need to eat. :c


Anyone else agree? Or disagree, that's okay too.

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I think this would be more of a problem if the prime parts were only available via platinum. That isn't the case though. People are choosing to sell them for platinum, so essentially blame the player base. I'm only trading parts for other parts. Besides, if someone wants to waste a bunch of money on getting a part they could have got for free, that's on them. Don't worry about how they spend their money.

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I think this would be more of a problem if the prime parts were only available via platinum. That isn't the case though. People are choosing to sell them for platinum, so essentially blame the player base. I'm only trading parts for other parts. Besides, if someone wants to waste a bunch of money on getting a part they could have got for free, that's on them. Don't worry about how they spend their money.

I think it's more on how fair it is. Those without money are forced to grind while the ones WITH money can just buy. Choice or not, this is why the forums are so 50/50.

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I think it's more on how fair it is. Those without money are forced to grind while the ones WITH money can just buy. Choice or not, this is why the forums are so 50/50.

This technically isn't true. If you wanted to, you could make a bunch of platinum by selling prime parts to people who are willing to spend platinum on prime parts. This was the same situation when trading was initially introduced. So really, it gives people without a lot of money a chance to make a bunch of platinum off of people who are too lazy to grind for the parts.

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I like the line between "People who have money" and "People who don't have money."


I'm sure Prime parts are going to be dirt cheap once it stabilizes, and there's people who'll buy common mods for 5 - 10P each, easily. The people "without money" could easily raise the money via in-game transactions if they wanted. Hell, I don't have a use for the 14 Frost Primes I can buy. I have no problem selling all 3 components for 10p all together. Quick plat for me, quick Frost Prime for someone else.


I could also sell unwanted keys for 1-2p apiece and be able to easily raise enough money for prime parts. So I don't know where this fantasy that "People who don't pay real money are at a disadvantage." No, they just need to remember that they can sell their hard earned S#&$ for Platinum that the people who -don't- want to spend time doing it will use.


In short, the people who "grind for all their hard earned stuff" can make platinum off the people who would rather pay platinum for stuff. How this translates into anything bad, I'm just not seeing. It's called an open market. Pay what you want for the S#&$ you want. Sell what you want to the people who are willing to buy it.


I mean, really now. It's not hard to make platinum even if you don't pay real money. My friend sells a lot of stuff dirt cheap, but in large amounts, and gets easy platinum. 

Edited by Sokina
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Lightbulbie, on 19 Feb 2014 - 6:14 PM, said:

To be honest, to the people who have limited income this is the biggest slap in the face possible. Jobs aren't that easy to get and we need to eat. :c

People with limited income can sell their excess prime parts for plat. So now the limited income people can be on equal standing with everyone else.

What was your point again?

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