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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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Listen man I know you're upset like a lot of people who farmed hours to get those primes but it was for a reason. you proved that it was waay to difficult for anyone to get them, especially newcomers who started their first void raids .


Too much RNG was involved , and now it has seriously been reduced, think about it  =

New players usually get tons of duplicates of the same parts , and don't want to spend plat right away so they exchange them  with other  parts they want and 0 plat   spent



Remember this is STILL A BETA, we must always be prepared for great change after every update , that's ours whole purpose here. We're here to test stuff. prime farming was too long and off putting for the new players so DE decided to implement this.

A beta. 


Sorry, that term is being tossed around too loosely, and considering the amount of content we have in Warframe currently, I'd say this isn't quite a beta anymore. 


And there's a reason for why a Prime is difficult to get. It's not impossible, but it's hard. Orthos Prime is going to be easy to acquire now. Yes, the second most OP weapon is going to be bought by players for almost 20-40 plat. What the hell? 

Thing is, this goes beyond the Void and its incredibly ridiculous drop table. 

And for those who bought the Prime Access package, which is 79.99 (the 2nd package that includes Ember Prime), it's extremely unfair. Why? Well, because now a random person can create Ember Prime for almost 90% off the price, along with all of the weapons that come in that package. 


Point is, its unfair for those who worked hard for what they had to farm for / what they bought. I bought a Prime Access Package for that hard-earned 80 dollars. And now people are able to obtain what I bought for much, much cheaper. 

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So now that we can Trade Prime-parts will there be a special Prime-trading tab?

Because i think already nowadays the trading chats are overfilled with people who copypasta their whole list of tradable

items and spam the trading chat so that its not only hard to sell anything but also hard to find what you are looking for.

With all these prime parts it will be a total overkill i think, because 95% of players will be trying to sell something

because they have a huge pile of unused prime stuff. In fact i would like to see a feature where you can decide

what chat you join, for example: "Trade Room 22 [EU] Only Prime Stuff". If it stays that simple, that would be totally great.


Anyway haven´t played yet since yesterday so if you already made expierences with the new Prime trading feel free to post them here.

Edited by stanscut
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This is going to be the second of two upcoming major forum changes.


The first will be a forum section for threads about the prime trading change :P


Seriously though, we don't need forum sections every time something new is added. It'll settle.

Edited by VKhaun
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You're completely missing the point and are thinking in a selfish way.


No TL:DR ,please read 


Do you even understand what DE did? They kicked RNG in the balls for us 




that's right. "Seems painful for RNG" Allow me to explain :)


Before this feature was added people had been complaining for months about RNG , the long grind to get primes etc

The excessively grindy aspect of this game has made us lose a lot of players recently which isn't good at all.


Newcomers were disgusted by the amount of void runs required to get a prime weapon and ragequit the game.


Prime weapons aren't exclusives , everyone should have an equal chance to get one. 


So what are the advantages of prime trading? : 


well way less RNG , A lot of players like myself may do a lot of void runs but always get a ton of duplicates of parts we don't want or need. But thanks to this system farming has been reduced considerably for a great majority of the player base . 

These trades don't really require any plat to be spent :  exchange your duplicates for the parts you need , because someone will always have duplicates of that one.



"But I've spent so many hours farming primes how can DE do this."


I've said it once and i'll say it again. Who the hell do you think we are ?

We are BETA TESTERS, don't forget that , a lot could change in the game and you should be prepared for it.

DE actually listened to the feedback about drop tables being ridiculous and so on , and this seems like a good way to fix it.

And you aren't the only one playing , would you want new players to farm as much as you did , several  hours or even days trying to get a single part? No , it's not acceptable .


+ non need to spend ANY PLAT , literally , so people aren't buying themselves , the gear  ,they are actually trading it




DE actually reduced RNG and people are still complaining ferociously ..... realize that this benefits a lot of people.

Sorry, I TL;DR'd your post up up until "advantages of prime trading". 

There's no real advantage for those of us who worked hard and only benefits those who have the platinum to buy said items. 


It shouldn't be hard for new players, but it shouldn't be this easy either. They can buy 340 plat and acquire all Prime items currently in-game. What else is there to do? You're rushing end-game, and it isn't a good thing. 


Edit 1: Like I said before, this isn't a beta anymore. Everyone is throwing that term around loosely, and I've realized how much content has been released for me to realize that Warframe isn't in its "beta" or "embryotic" stage anymore. 

Edited by ikillyou8196
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All this is (and also my main problem with the trading) is that it is essentially a case of "bread and circuses." To explain further, of course, as you stated, pretty much all of us have been complaining about the RNG in this game, especially with the void. Does this trading alleviate stress? Most definitely. However, it does not at all attack the central problem that started a demand for trading of primes in the first place: DE's over-reliance on RNG and reluctance to put in more reliable systems for rewarding players that take the time to actually play the game and go through the missions to get said rewards.


It's a band-aid. That's all it is.

Edited by BizarreFetalChimpanzee
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I do think multiple trading tabs would be somewhat helpful to cut down the clutter. but a couple things on that: 1. the prime trading rush will die down until it's just the people looking for rarer parts, and the guys trying to gouge them for as much plat as possible (kinda similar to the mod market we have now, and no actual trading goes on). give it a week, maybe two. 2. if we do have multiple trading instances, each player would have to be forced to stay in one or two, because otherwise, you'd just get the same guys copy-pasting "WTS X, X, X, etc." on every trading tab. so it would essentially be like having one trading tab anyway. but if you are stuck in one or two tabs only, then it's not really a free market, as you are only exposed to the sellers in that trading tab, who may have extremely overpriced items compared to some reasonable sellers stuck in another tab. that just wouldn't be fair


but I suppose if each room is dedicated to certain items only (prime parts, maxed mods, warframe mods, pistol mods), you can float between rooms to find what you need, and assuming the players understand the differences between the rooms, and don't just post whatever they want, wherever they want (which, unless kickbot gets more sophisticated in terms of recognizing what to kick and where to kick players to, is a pretty tall order for the player base to understand all that by themselves)


one player claimed to have trouble copy-pasting into the trade chat when the update just came out. I was hoping that was a good sign that DE had somehow disabled pasting messages into chat. but I think by the end of the night, trade chat had died down a bit, and was back to its old self, with people trying to sell a laundry list of mods, intermixed with a lot of players trying to capitalize on prime part trading and the new legendary cores (cant believe people are willing to sell those so fast, at pretty low prices, too). dunno if disabling pasting would really help things, though. it might, but idk

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I know you're focusing on reducing the grind, but you might as well add all prime items to the market now they're tradeable.


Not only that, but you're practically slashing your endgame content since you can just cut to the chase and buy everything except from certain clan tech. So I hope you've got something around the corner endgame content-wise.


This isn't meant to be a flame topic, I love the rest of the changes. I just think this was a poor decision. 


Beside all the useless and trash posts along this 23 pages i do agree with the very first one, ^ this ^


Basically void is "end game" making end game rewards tradeable will drastically cut the need to go there effectively reducing the endgame to just leveling weapons for mastery rank.


I do really hope some kind of new content is coming out because given the easy access to Prime parts and the lack of anything else the only things that are binding me to this game are my friends.


It's true, we have complained a lot about RNG in the void and the time needed to get everything and i see DE good intentions to alleviate this to us since we QQ'ed about it for so many weeks!


I really feel sorry for ya, maybe it's just our fault, we driven you to this but really... we did not want to, this was not the solution we were looking for


Sorry DE

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DE1 - There's been some rumblings on the forums over the last few weeks about lack of endgame content and how we release weapon after weapon for quick and easy money.

DE2 - So what you're saying is that we need to release more weapons?

DE1 - No. We need to focus on actual endgame content as the community is becoming quite aggravated by our greediness.


DE2 - So you're saying we need to take endgame content and somehow make money out of that?

DE1 - No. We need to give actual content for the rank 10+ people so they keep playing Warframe.

DE2 - Won't the rank 10+ have spent day and weeks farming prime drops, our only end game content?


DE1 - Most likely

DE2 - It's all become clear, we're not making money on the prime drops in the void. I'm on fire here, we take the prime drops and make them all trade able. We completely remove the only end game content we have but we make bucket loads of money in the process.






DE's solution to the masses of rank 10+ players bored of the game. Is to completely remove the endgame content and hand it over to everybody for platinum. Within a month the casual players will stand alongside the rank 10+ players. Bored of the game and nothing to do. This was quite possible the stupidest thing I've ever seen DE do.

Take your thirty pieces of silver Judas.


You sold out.

Edited by Blowfist
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'm really unmotivated to continue playing . No longer does the challenging call , nor the glamor of parading with the rewards of winning this challenge . Why continue playing without any objective benefit? Why invest time and money on a game that does not bring me different benefits according to my effort ? This is really unfortunate and , for me and for many others that you can clearly see in this forum , the game is becoming uninteresting.Boring and a likely candidate to be one more game left losers among other games . And believe me, the list is huge song who committed suicide with ill-considered decisions . I am above all shorn in my pocket to see being sold so cheap items for which overpaid and items for which wasted hours to achieve. Maybe if they had put it another way. Who knows if a tab on the market dedicated to Prime items not resolved .
But for now , I feel bored and with a strong tendency to abandon this game . And I'm sure I'm not the only one to think so , not to mention those who have fled for similar reasons to this bad decision in my opinion .
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'm really unmotivated to continue playing . No longer does the challenging call , nor the glamor of parading with the rewards of winning this challenge . Why continue playing without any objective benefit? Why invest time and money on a game that does not bring me different benefits according to my effort ? This is really unfortunate and , for me and for many others that you can clearly see in this forum , the game is becoming uninteresting.Boring and a likely candidate to be one more game left losers among other games . And believe me, the list is huge song who committed suicide with ill-considered decisions . I am above all shorn in my pocket to see being sold so cheap items for which overpaid and items for which wasted hours to achieve. Maybe if they had put it another way. Who knows if a tab on the market dedicated to Prime items not resolved .

But for now , I feel bored and with a strong tendency to abandon this game . And I'm sure I'm not the only one to think so , not to mention those who have fled for similar reasons to this bad decision in my opinion .


You do understand that you can still Grind for the parts, and you're not FORCED to trade?


I wonder at what point within the next week or so, people will start to actually think, rather than post as if their lives just ended.

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You do understand that you can still Grind for the parts, and you're not FORCED to trade?


I wonder at what point within the next week or so, people will start to actually think, rather than post as if their lives just ended.

Yes we do. 


But we feel that this update isn't really justified in its reasoning and input.

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Sadly, this is so damn true. So. Damn. True. Instead of pushing their beloved abomination known as RNG to the side for once and putting in more reliable ways for players to obtain void bps and components*, they pull this scheissdreck.  


*Tons of awesome systems have been suggested that'd be great to replace the reliance of RNG in the void. But of course, as now expected, they just put another god damn band-aid on the real issue at hand.

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I see people are struggling to cover the sun with a sieve. There really is nobody caring about what others think differently, and thus try to find a middle ground. A comfortable solution for all ... I think that DE should withdraw at least for now this system. There are other ways to resolve the situation than scrapping our acc.

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You do understand that you can still Grind for the parts, and you're not FORCED to trade?


I wonder at what point within the next week or so, people will start to actually think, rather than post as if their lives just ended.


You have a choice about how you reach a destination. You can either walk the 30 miles there or use transportation. Thankfully every person on the planet when confronted with this choice about how they reach any destination always chooses to walk instead of taking transportation.

Applying that same logic with Warframe it was a smart move on DE's part.


-sarcasm overload-


People will always use the quickest and easiest method (as a generalization) and thankfully for DE this 'fix' means lots of lovely money in their pockets. I think DE are attempting to do the Scrooge McDuck dive into a vault filled with money,

Unfortunately it'll probably end up like this.



Edited by Blowfist
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Thankfully every person on the planet when confronted with this choice about how they reach any destination always chooses to walk instead of taking transportation.


-sarcasm overload-


Millions of people across the world travel by foot, bike, and/or other physical means to reach a destination by choice even when cars, trains, and planes exist - and even when it costs them nothing to get on those easier and faster methods (mass transportation).


Your analogy is too false for me to consider your point valid, not to mention the level of sarcasm needed to prove it in the first place. 

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I for one am enjoying all the Prime parts I never had access to since I had no flipping clue how to get them and work full time so do not have the time to play RNG lotteries.  I can understand people getting bent out of shape over the perceived devaluing of their hard work (lottery playing) but the reality is that what it comes over as is whining about wanting to be "leet doods" that do not want their lessers to have the same toys they do.


Bottom line is... tough luck,  those that spend plat have earned those parts just like you did... just by working a job instead of praying to a video game RNG. 

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Millions of people across the world travel by foot, bike, and/or other physical means to reach a destination by choice even when cars, trains, and planes exist - and even when it costs them nothing to get on those easier and faster methods (mass transportation).


Your analogy is too false for me to consider your point valid, not to mention the level of sarcasm needed to prove it in the first place. 


States with the highest percent of people who walk to work.


1 Alaska 7.3%

2 New York 6.2%

3 Vermont 5.6%

4 Montana 5.5%

5 North Dakota 5.0%

6 Hawaii 4.8%

7 South Dakota 4.5%

8 Wyoming 4.4%

9 Massachusetts 4.3%

10 Pennsylvania 4.1%


Only first world country's count as they actually have a choice about how they get to work unlike a person from the third world as they most likely can only ride a goat as a luxury.


This might seem completely off topic to anybody who hasn't followed my earlier posts but I'm just proving that given the choice people will always choose the easier option. Applied to warframe people will now buy the blueprints instead of spending days farming them.


Effectively DE has removed our only end game content.

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This might seem completely off topic to anybody who hasn't followed my earlier posts but I'm just proving that given the choice people will always choose the easier option. Applied to warframe people will now buy the blueprints instead of spending days farming them.


Effectively DE has removed our only end game content.


What you and may others seem to forget is that SOMEONE has to farm those parts and mods.  They do not appear without the RNG being played by someone.  If that person can sell his extra parts to someone that does not have the time to pray to the RNG gods that is a good thing for both people.  I seriously think people are getting WAY bent out of shape over some pixels here...

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States with the highest percent of people who walk to work.


So far I've learned two things. 1.) You've narrowed your focus to the point of disregarding my post. 2.) You like editing things a lot. A lot. Having trouble making up your mind about your facts?


I said world. Maybe they forgot to teach this to you in grade school but the U.S. actually doesn't represent the entire population of the globe.

POW! as they say. And since using broad spectrum of data is of little concern to you, I'll just mention that many countries have walking populations of about 20% on average - and leave it at that.


Lastly, are you living in a third world country? If so, I am very sorry for any hardships you may have encountered over the years. I can't imagine what it must be like to live in a country with an oppressive regime where you can't grind for the prime parts you want to and you have no choice but to buy them from other people. You have my deepest sympathy. 



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So far I've learned two things. 1.) You've narrowed your focus to the point of disregarding my post. 2.) You like editing things a lot. A lot. Having trouble making up your mind about your facts?


I said world. Maybe they forgot to teach this to you in grade school but the U.S. actually doesn't represent the entire population of the globe.

POW! as they say. And since using broad spectrum of data is of little concern to you, I'll just mention that many countries have walking populations of about 20% on average - and leave it at that.


Lastly, are you living in a third world country? If so, I am very sorry for any hardships you may have encountered over the years. I can't imagine what it must be like to live in a country with an oppressive regime where you can't grind for the prime parts you want to and you have no choice but to buy them from other people. You have my deepest sympathy. 




I'm holding my hand to the screen and typing with the other. Touch my hand, reach out to me. Hold me ever so close and whisper into my ear your undying love for me. It's a bro-crush. It's okay, it's normal. Don't be afraid of your feelings for me. You can hide behind your anger but we both know you want me deep inside of you.


shhhh... I'll hold you tight and make everything alright.

I won't hurt you.

Edited by Blowfist
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top kek lol.   MEGA text incoming. about the prime trade thing but also about other things.


1. many that play since u7.0  or even before.. or 8.0 etc.  have ALL (yes all) important mods maxed (corrupted ones,serration,hornetstrike etc etc) so do you really think having some instant to max cores would make the game any different for them??? hell no...  even without these mods they have enough credits and cores to max the same amount again. same goes for all the prime weapons.


2. why is it SOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad that some guys now can finally max there mods? or beeing able to get a prime weapon without grinding weeks for it.  how the hell can that bother people?! are u afraid that in the endscreen some people now kill as much as u do? oh noes... drama.


3. i myself did grind ALOT of weapons (specially all the void stuff ) sometimes i got 1 new prime weapon within 30 minutes. sometimes it took weeks.

and after so many voids i finally have the option to earn more plat by helping other players gettin there weapon. cause i got many left over parts. wow..rly sad isnt it? no!


4. this is a freakin COOP game and u act like u lost time? what?? how can THAT patch make people change there mind to play or not play.. unless there arrogant³ and think there something better just because they "farmed" for something.. wow. 


5. sure DE  maybe made a mistake with announcing it so some horders got many many leg cores.  but jeez... deal with it.


6.  also WHY do people play this game? really to just farm a specific weapon? and now that u can get them more easy u dont want to play anymore? logic to the extreme here. the main reason people should play it is FUN FUN and FUN. nothing more. if u get angry about a game, quit. just quit and stop stressing yourself



7. i agree that this game needs a kind of endgame. but can that ever happen? not sure.. cause the game is not build for it...  in the end most people want rewards in form of weapons,xp,credits,platin,keys.  but someday that goal is also reached. (some days/weeks after a certain patch) so the only thing u kinda do is: help friends,forma some stuff,try wave 800 ODD, be #1 in every event and on...


so often u log out and dont play for weeks. till the next patch hits. is that really that wrong? i doubt it.  and after a break u enjoy the game more and more when u return (at least i did)



8. i also agree that the game needs better "new player support" cause for a new player its HELL... to get a clue on whats happening in the game.. with all the weapon in market etc.



9. the biggest problem for me in warframe at the moment is the forum mentality. its gettin toxic in here.  this starts with the nerf threads when people dont think about it what they just demanded. and ends with unconstructive feedback about recent patches (more yelling,insulting,swearing than anything else)   or creating 50x the same topic.. just for the sake of creating a topic. genius!!!!!!



10. relax a bit more peepz. its a game.  sometimes u love it. sometimes u dont.  just calm down abit and if not you can return to League of legends playing a nice lil game while listenin to justin bieber and insult people on youtube comments.


good day.

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A beta. 


Sorry, that term is being tossed around too loosely, and considering the amount of content we have in Warframe currently, I'd say this isn't quite a beta anymore. 


And there's a reason for why a Prime is difficult to get. It's not impossible, but it's hard. Orthos Prime is going to be easy to acquire now. Yes, the second most OP weapon is going to be bought by players for almost 20-40 plat. What the hell? 

Thing is, this goes beyond the Void and its incredibly ridiculous drop table. 

And for those who bought the Prime Access package, which is 79.99 (the 2nd package that includes Ember Prime), it's extremely unfair. Why? Well, because now a random person can create Ember Prime for almost 90% off the price, along with all of the weapons that come in that package. 


Point is, its unfair for those who worked hard for what they had to farm for / what they bought. I bought a Prime Access Package for that hard-earned 80 dollars. And now people are able to obtain what I bought for much, much cheaper. 

WHy is there always plat involved.


But I have to agree with the prime access issue.........if they were going to implement trading at any time prime access  shouldn't even exist. 

OR they should have added even more stuff in it......but yes I  agree that for Primes access players like you it's really unfair.


What do you think?


BUt I still think it's a beta : melee 2.0 is coming , skills are going to be revamped , no story yet, the starchart is going to die , a lot of content is coming my friend :  But I think the overall game completiton is about 45% so it still a beta.. But that's my opinion man , :)

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