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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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It actually does not matter whatsoever if it stays or goes. It doesn't actually impact a player that doesn't use it. "Grind it or buy it" is what I told a friend of mine when he started and I'll stand by it. You either buy or grind. Your decision doesn't matter to me, as I also have the choice to grind or buy. All this talk of "it hurts the game" is jealousy over how someone can so easily buy something someone else spent a lot of time grinding. It's funny how people are getting hurt over this. Don't they know people can buy Nekros, the most costly frame? Or maybe Miter? Or have people so foolishly forgotten these things somehow?


In the end, it doesn't affect the actual game. Only opinions. 

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It actually does not matter whatsoever if it stays or goes. It doesn't actually impact a player that doesn't use it. "Grind it or buy it" is what I told a friend of mine when he started and I'll stand by it. You either buy or grind. Your decision doesn't matter to me, as I also have the choice to grind or buy. All this talk of "it hurts the game" is jealousy over how someone can so easily buy something someone else spent a lot of time grinding. It's funny how people are getting hurt over this. Don't they know people can buy Nekros, the most costly frame? Or maybe Miter? Or have people so foolishly forgotten these things somehow?


In the end, it doesn't affect the actual game. Only opinions. 

Dude it's not a problem of "buying".

Guys that have a bit experience under the belt finished all their primes long time ago, and we simply give them for free or nearly nothing to our clan mates. In only 3 hours I played last night we completed at least ten boar primes, orthoses and Embers for lowbie clan mates. Just find a good clan with lots of people inside you'll get all your primes for free.

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Out of curiosity did anyone think that we have a huge surplus of prime pieces floating around, yet the community is rather small on average we had 12k players in the last 30 days. And in all liklihood aren't going to get a constant influx of new players, so what is the point of getting plat at that? Only need a max of two of the primary mods needed in weapons. You don't have to even go to the void or derrelict now......

So....what the hell is there to do? I'm only missing the reaper prime blade and then I can make my last prime.....I don't even have to try for it anymore.....I'm kind of in shock at the moment

Edited by Zaresin
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This perfectly summarizes the point that players who actually care about the long-term health of the game are trying to explain to the people who are currently profiting from the change. Trying to explain to somebody who has been farming for the fang blades without success and now they can finally get them is almost like talking to a brick wall. They finally got what they wanted, it's a fantastic move on DE's part as far as they're concerned.


The rest of us who care about the long term aspects of this game and not our selfish self serving needs can see DE's move is a disaster.



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Dude it's not a problem of "buying".

Guys that have a bit experience under the belt finished all their primes long time ago, and we simply give them for free or nearly nothing to our clan mates. In only 3 hours I played last night we completed at least ten boar primes, orthoses and Embers for lowbie clan mates. Just find a good clan with lots of people inside you'll get all your primes for free.

Did you mean to quote someone else?


I did not say that it was a problem nor that any part of it was a problem. I also didn't say that I wanted anything.


The entire feature has no affect whatsoever on people not going to use it, just as buying weapons straight from the market and trading mods for platinum has always been. You either use it or you don't. That's the utter bottom of the line. It affects people that use it and only them.

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Woah, woke up today and this has exploded.

People are that disgusted....and funny thing is...we just had a huge mega thread yesterday about DE's lack of communication and discussing changes that have huge impacts with the community and allowing community feedback before implementation. I'm usually the give the benefit of the doubt block, but holy crap DE....just wow.....are you trying to commit PR suicide here?

This wasn't a spur of the moment change since coding was involved. This was discussed at length. And yet you don't discuss things with the community. Oh the déjà vu

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 You either use it or you don't.

Yet people who will never use it are the only ones complaining... it's honestly getting annoying.

This isn't the first time "exclusive" stuff has become purchasable with platinum, but half of the community is going crazy.

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It is bad and should be re-assessed.


It's why games have Soul-bound equipment and bind-on-equip or bind-on-pickup items, level requirements, etc. In here, as long as a player is eligible for trade, he can get prime (legendary) weapons.


How is that healthy for "end-game"? These players would then NOT need to do end-game content, since they just buy "legendaries". That's bringing F2P to shame. Of course, it's just my opinion.


"Exclusive"ness is a term that many RPG's strive on, knowing that you have a weapon or frame that requires time, effort, and luck to acquire and therefore puts you in a so-called "glorified" status, if you will. This has all gone down the drain. No point comparing weapons when every other person can easily acquire a Fang Prime or Ember Prime.


To the arguments stating that it's a PVE, co-op game and that whatever his gear or how he acquires them has no direct impact on your gameplay: How would you feel as a guy who's been through all those towers and orokin voids, all that time and praying that you get the part this time, when a guy just tells you that he got every prime item within a few days of trading? Nobody will recognize the effort you put in anymore, the underline driving force that keeps veterans playing on and on (to be recognized for their efforts and time put into the game and be able to show for it) is now diminished to the point that no one would give a sh!t about your gear anymore.  

Edited by ALDO
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Ok but yourself in the shoes of a newcomer, will you grind an uncertain RNG to get your primes or just ask your clanmates for their spares and complete all your primes as soon as you reach MR 6 ? Most of those newcomers will take the easiest way, and therefore killing all their "end-game" without even knowing it, and platinum isn't even involved there so it won't bring that much money to DE.


Edit : I'll even add that rare mods are actually rare, many players with more than 1k hours of gaming haven't put their hands on all those mods without buying them with platinum, this isn't the case for primes (I completed them before reaching 300hours)

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How would you feel as a guy who's been through all those towers and orokin voids, all that time and praying that you get the part this time, when a guy just tells you that he got every prime item within a few days of trading? Nobody will recognize the effort you put in anymore, the underline driving force that keeps veterans playing on and on (to be recognized for their efforts and time put into the game and be able to show for it) is now diminished to the point that no one would give a sh!t about your gear anymore.  


I have been that guy, and it honestly doesn't bother me one bit. I rarely use my prime stuff, I barely wear my masters badge, and the only people I mainly play with are people I know irl. Personally, I like my Oberon and Bo, and I know the work I've gone through to back the game, to build prime weapons, to build zephyr, banshee, ect; I know, and that's all the matters to me personally. It's a bonus that my friends even know.

I don't play to gain gear no one else has. I just don't have that drive for vanity. I play because I like making new items and I simply find the game fun. I liked the gameplay in closed beta, and I still like the gameplay now.

The game isn't ruined. Peoples egos are.


Edited by Cepmosod
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I for one welcome the addition of prime part trading. Over the last months i collected a ton of parts i had no use of and was about to sell them, the latest update changed that.

I am finaly able to give my spare prime parts to new players in my clan or people that were in need of something they always wanted, it feels great, it really does.

You can cry and moan about the influence this had/has on the trading channel and throw things about economy at me, but to be fair i don't give a flying shield osprey about it.


I have to give sheldon and de credits for this system and i feel like the changes are fantastic.

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"-game breakingly stupid market system."


It's only game breaking if you want it to be.

Almost everything can be earned ingame. It might take time, but you can get almost everything for free.

It's your decision whether or not you want to take that time, no matter how short or long it may be; or you could just buy the damned thing. In the end, it's your choice.

Warframe has always been this way. Either work for that new frame/weapon, or drop some bucks and have it right then and there.

I wasn't expecting it to happen to prime parts, but it's not far fetched. 

At least players have to interact with each other to gain those parts.

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People who play this game only in search of "owning" the loot have seriously lost their way.


I'd rather spend 30 missions enjoying my newly gotten weapon, forma'ing and modding it, etc. than spend 100 missions being fruitless (with a possibility of still not getting what I want.)


People complained about getting burnt out on this game.  What is it that causes players to burn out?  What causes people to burn out in general?  It's usually allot of effort with no reward/fulfillment.


Let's face it we all play Warframe, because we like the action, movement, artwork, weapons, etc.  We all don't like repetition and redundancy (well I don't lol) and if they put something in the game where I can play 30 times and have allot of fun vs. 100 times and feel terrible that I've wasted allot of time, then I'm all for it.


On the topic of trading "cheapening" the void and prime parts...  For those who didn't sell their parts (I've sold hundreds before trading, but still have a healthy cache in hopes of this day) yes they're flooding trade chat and peddling off these items for next to nothing...  (seriously 5-10 plats for a prime part vs. 20 plats for a mod?)  That's because there's a surplus of these parts, some of which have been accumulating since the void was first introduced.  Once all these parts are consumed and distributed, there won't be a surplus.  Void parts will be rare once again, and people will be playing the game to get them.  The prime part trading system will be working as intended then.  Meaning it's there for those who are RNG unlucky to get a break from the grind.


This is as close to tokens as we can get, and guess what? I think it's better.  Imagine if we ask for tokens and then DE says fine.  You need 300 tokens for each void part.  Each T3 ext will get you one token, etc...


I traded parts with a buddy of mine who's been trying hard to get the ember prime helmet, I had 5 in my inventory and just took some rare cores off him.  It's there for those folks...  For the people who want to rob themselves out of the whole game experience with platinum (which is the Developer's income by the way.) why not let them?


EDIT: for grammar/spelling

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So not sure if this has been made before but I couldn't find it anywhere but it seems most people are worried about people bypassing a large portion of the game by using plat to buy prime parts and blueprints.


What if they made it that in order to trade for a prime part you need to trade a prime part.?


E.G: Right now you could sell a Ember Prime systems for 5p but if they changed it to like I am suggesting you would have to trade it for another prime BP or part so instead someone trades the Ember Prime systems for a prime part or BP they need.


TL;DR: Equivalent Exchange, Prime for Prime.

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