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Trading Affects You?


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So, with the whole forum up in arms over trading with platinum gives me a serious question.

How does it ruin the game for YOU?

The game's ruined because other players choose to skip the grind for instant gratification?
The game's ruined because someone else buys parts which you worked hours upon hours for?

My question, is how does another player who chooses to buy things with real money (which is not a new concept in Warframe), "ruin" the game for you?

Really, think about it. They idea that any item can be purchased with real money really doesn't interfere with your gameplay, at all.
It's either frustration or envy that another person got what YOU want without working for it.
For me, I could care less. I still get my blueprints and materials, and I still level up and enjoy grinding with my buddies, regardless of what's going on in other peoples dojos.

In the end, if you for some reason just CAN'T play a game because some dood can buy a "thing" you worked hard for, then you shouldn't be playing F2P games, because it's GOING to happen. (besides some rare cases, like Path of Exile, but then why are you here whining instead of playing that, hmm?)

On a side note, there's now a way to earn platinum ingame, which is good for those really smug "earning>buying" types.

Edited by Cepmosod
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yup wanted to make a similar post but english being my second language I could not have said it better myself. I have a feeling those cry nerfers are the same whining today, they all want everything and want to brag and me the most flashy with the most kills, WF is a coop pve game its not a race or a contest. Just play for fun and let em pay for something I can get for free.

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+1 to the OP


I think what irks a lot of warframe players, the traders in particular, is the inevitable inflation of items and de-valuing of prime items.


1. As more and more people trade prime parts, their worth will be next to nothing after a few days. (It's happening now across all regions.) A catalyst + slot Frost in the Market costs 375 platinum. A Prime Frost costs 30 platinum for full set, with additional 20 plat for catalyst + 20 plat for slot, for a total of 70 platinum. Even with rushing considered, 35+35+35+50 = 155 + 70 = 225 platinum for Frost Prime full-rush.  It's like paying 5 dollars for a diamond-embedded AK-47 with extra modification slots, compared to someone who bought a regular AK-47 at their local gun store. It can either go two ways, less people would be farming Tower runs as parts can be bought instantly, or more people would be running towers to farm parts, but eventually give up as inflation catches on.


2. For a RNG-based game, trading parts has really taken out the special feeling one gets from earning the special loot. Of course, it doesn't directly affect you to the point that you can't touch the game anymore, but you'll feel it, when you've spent time to earn this particular weapon set, and someone on your team says, "Oh nice, you bought _____ Prime too? Got my full set yesterday for 30 plats."


3. What keeps many players logging in day after day are the hopes that TODAY is the day that I get my prime part, TODAY I'm feeling lucky to run some towers. That's all gone to S#&$ now, is it? Many will just subject to buying the parts, and very quickly reach the point where there's nothing else for them to do in the game. It's human nature. When there's an easy way out, they would take it, not knowing that it could potentially wipe out their reason to keep playing the game. The implications of this trade change are more devastating than you know. When one takes an "end-game" content and makes it extremely quick and easy to obtain, they need to counter that with other end-game content that's sufficient enough to keep players from reaching a dead-end. Currently, there is none.


Possible solution:
Make prime trading exclusive to trading prime part for prime part and not platinum/mods/keys. This would create better demand-and-supply of parts instead of just paying plats. If this week, reaper prime blade is in high demand, more people would continue to do the corresponding towers to try to obtain the blade to trade for other parts they need. Making them "sellable for plats" totally gimps the idea that Prime parts are special weapons.
Edited by ALDO
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I think what irks a lot of warframe players, the traders in particular, is the inevitable inflation of items and de-valuing of prime items.


1. As more and more people trade prime parts, their worth will be next to nothing after a few days. (It's happening now across all regions.) A catalyst + slot Frost in the Market costs 375 platinum. A Prime Frost costs 30 platinum for full set, with additional 20 plat for catalyst + 20 plat for slot, for a total of 70 platinum. Even with rushing considered, 35+35+35+50 = 155 + 70 = 225 platinum for Frost Prime full-rush. It can either go two ways, less people would be farming Tower runs as parts can be bought instantly, or more people would be running towers to farm parts, but eventually give up as inflation catches on.


2. For a RNG-based game, trading parts has really taken out the special feeling one gets from earning the special loot. Of course, it doesn't directly affect you to the point that you can't touch the game anymore, but you'll feel it, when you've spent time to earn this particular weapon set, and someone on your team says, "Oh nice, you bought _____ Prime too? Got my full set yesterday for 30 plats."


3. What keeps many players logging in day after day are the hopes that TODAY is the day that I get my prime part, TODAY I'm feeling lucky to run some towers. That's all gone to S#&$ now, is it? Many will just subject to buying the parts, and very quickly reach the point where there's nothing else for them to do in the game. It's human nature. When there's an easy way out, they would take it, not knowing that it could potentially wipe out their reason to keep playing the game. The implications of this trade change are more devastating than you know. When one takes an "end-game" content and makes it extremely quick and easy to obtain, they need to counter that with other end-game content that's sufficient enough to keep players from reaching a dead-end. Currently, there is none.


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Doesn't really affect me.....No, I can't even fully utilize it.

Firewall problems on a national scale prevents me from doing so...or most of it. Much as I'd want to just buy some of those Corrupted Mods....I'm being stopped by the same reason why I can't really farm them with a cell.

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For that matter, it probably might become a case of "trade parts for parts only". The given value for pretty much anything varies between everyone, it is very subjective and that, I feel, may be one of the factors for people on both sides of the debate on Prime parts trading. 


I don't really fully advocate this new function but I don't exactly despise it either. It only serves as reminder of how bad the RNG can be. On that note though, at least some people who kept getting the parts they don't need now have a use for those.


Oh and this, "let the buyer beware".

Edited by ChaliceSoul
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Actually it affects the health of the game as a whole if the trading system is used as an excuse for bad or poorly implemented rewards.


The term "just buy it via trading" (something that is seen even now with mods) is offering up a crutch NOT to fix the issues or come up with better solutions.


At this stage prime gear was about the only real long term goal the game offered.  Trading lets you achieve this goal from the start.  Thus fewer people will play as long and less issues will be fixed, resulting in fewer players to group with, and less funding for the contined support of the game.  All of that affects everyone that plays the game.

Edited by Loswaith
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Actually it affects the health of the game as a whole if the trading system is used as an excuse for bad or poorly implemented rewards.


The term "just buy it via trading" (something that is seen even now with mods) is offering up a crutch NOT to fix the issues or come up with better solutions.


At this stage prime gear was about the only real long term goal the game offered.  Trading lets you achieve this goal from the start.  Thus fewer people will play as long and less issues will be fixed, resulting in fewer players to group with, and less funding for the contined support of the game.  All of that affects everyone that plays the game.

People not able to get items kills the game as well. You're not wrong but the inverse isn't any better currently. Yes it hides issues that need to be fixed, the fact that there is nothing else to do besides grind gear is something that has been wrong with the game for a long time now, trading at the very least allows people to get rare parts, for a price.


On the note of Frost Prime being cheaper than Frost; prices change, people have a lot of spare pieces if they go to void at all. I doubt prices will stay the same after the hype dies down.

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How does it ruin the game for YOU?

The game's ruined because other players choose to skip the grind for instant gratification?

The game's ruined because someone else buys parts which you worked hours upon hours for?



1.  Me

2.  Jealousy

3.  RAGE

4.  My rules!

5.  Envy

6.  Me again.

7.  Unhappiness because I find joy in others' suffering.  Especially if I had to.



Anyway, I'll take any bandage fixes to the RNG despite the above. 

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For me, it's not about other players being able to get the prime parts through plats. It's about me being able to get the prime parts through plats.


Here's what happened to me:


The only prime gear I was missing was the Braton Prime, aside from the primes of excal, lato and skana, since the latter three are exclusives.  My gf and I farm T3 Defense missions, doing maybe around 1-3 runs almost daily for the Braton Receiver. No luck, but we were fine with it.  It was probably my last end goal in the game.  As soon as the update came however, I couldn't resist and I traded my spare Burston barrel for a Braton receiver. Done in five minutes.


I really love the game, but there's just nothing almost left for me in the game now.  All I there is left to do is to forma the Braton 5 or 6 times and that's it.  Maybe level the very few weapons left in my foundry. Same thing with my gf.  There's no longer any need to farm the voids for the prime gears since I can simply just give her my spares and she's all set.


Oh, and don't tell me that I can simply just ignore trading.  It is very, very hard to resist the temptation.  Now that primes are tradeable, players can easily cut through the game's content to acquire them.  Players will be hitting the same wall we did much quicker.


We love DE and Warframe. We really do. But I think this wasn't exactly a very good move for the game. I'm still hoping, however, that the promised end game content will be arriving soon and that it will indeed stretch the lifespan of this game for me and for everyone else who acquired every piece of gear in the game.

Edited by Green_Alien
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A lot of hours wasted that i could have utilized better in real life if i knew this was coming is my main complain.


The other main thing i complain is that allowing trade on prime parts basically dimish the inner value those items have, because of rarity and efforts needed to earn them,

if there's no value why put so much efforts?

i'll just go the easy way, but going the easy way what's the point having something that doesnt feel rewarding anymore?

and if there's nothing that feel rewarding why am i doing that?


Only thing i'm happy for is that i gifted to my friends a few prime parts they were looking for for way too much time which i had multiple copies...

helping them made me happy.


All in all it's just a game, i'll simply move on till i find Warframe interesting and my friends are still playing

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Oh, and don't tell me that I can simply just ignore trading.  It is very, very hard to resist the temptation.  Now that primes are tradeable, players can easily cut through the game's content to acquire them.  Players will be hitting the same wall we did much quicker.


We love DE and Warframe.


That's clearly cause you don't enjoy the grinding part as much as having the gear now.  So you followed your bigger desire and got what you wanted more.  If you LOVE grinding, you would still grind even after you got the braton.  There are plenty of mystical level mods in this game.  If you can only enjoy the game when it's forced on you, have your gf delete your braton and you can do the same to her every time either of you give into temptation.  Same result.

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For me, it's not about other players being able to get the prime parts through plats. It's about me being able to get the prime parts through plats.


Here's what happened to me:


The only prime gear I was missing was the Braton Prime, aside from the primes of excal, lato and skana, since the latter three are exclusives.  My gf and I farm T3 Defense missions, doing maybe around 1-3 runs almost daily for the Braton Receiver. No luck, but we were fine with it.  It was probably my last end goal in the game.  As soon as the update came however, I couldn't resist and I traded my spare Burston barrel for a Braton receiver. Done in five minutes.


I really love the game, but there's just nothing almost left for me in the game now.  All I there is left to do is to forma the Braton 5 or 6 times and that's it.  Maybe level the very few weapons left in my foundry. Same thing with my gf.  There's no longer any need to farm the voids for the prime gears since I can simply just give her my spares and she's all set.


Oh, and don't tell me that I can simply just ignore trading.  It is very, very hard to resist the temptation.  Now that primes are tradeable, players can easily cut through the game's content to acquire them.  Players will be hitting the same wall we did much quicker.


We love DE and Warframe. We really do. But I think this wasn't exactly a very good move for the game. I'm still hoping, however, that the promised end game content will be arriving soon and that it will indeed stretch the lifespan of this game for me and for everyone else who acquired every piece of gear in the game.

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Games are less fun for me when they have elements that are instant if you pay cash. I don't know the exact justification for that, but a LOT of people feel the same way, and I don't think it has anything to do with "jealousy" or whatever. Diablo 3 was the same way - constantly having the option just to pay instead of grinding makes the grinding more miserable.

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Ok, let me settle this once and for all, and tell you the REAL reason behind the veteran's fiasco.

As a vet myself, I already have all the prime gear for quiet a while now, and it does not bother me one bit that some random joe now can have it all in only 1% of the time it took me to do it. 


The real reason here is pride. Yes you heard me, PRIDE. All the vets want is a little gratification for all the work we did. Some special skin for some of the primes till present day to everyone that had them before the hotfix was released yesterday, maybe 5 of every void key for every prime gear you owned so we can farm even more at a later date when the new primes come out so we can have a faster access to them without the worry of farming for keys, or just ANYTHING that would let me strut around in my "I got it before you fair and square" glory.


Yes I'm not ashamed like everyone else, but that's the real reason here, vets have absolutely nothing to gain from this change besides some plat from selling some prime parts (which mind you, no one relentlessly grinded the same dungeon for that HARD to get part after they already got it, which means whatever they have for sale is probably worth only 5 plat per piece).

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As already known, buying things is not new and there is always going to be the bottom line of two types of people: those that give in and those that don't. You can trade, or you can not. You can either take the easy way out or tough through the muck. "Value" is an opinion. A highly subjective one at that. Whether or not trading affects you is, in the end, your own opinion. There's no "right or wrong" here. Only value. Opinion.

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Not affecting me anyhow. It can only affect those guys, who have no achievements in their lifes but crafted Primes in their inventory (that they're "working hard" for).
I'm saying again. Some people exists, who want to complain and whine. They don't want to enjoy a game itself. Doesn't matter what DE doing, there always would be people like that.

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That's clearly cause you don't enjoy the grinding part as much as having the gear now.  So you followed your bigger desire and got what you wanted more.  If you LOVE grinding, you would still grind even after you got the braton.  There are plenty of mystical level mods in this game.  If you can only enjoy the game when it's forced on you, have your gf delete your braton and you can do the same to her every time either of you give into temptation.  Same result.


Yes, I have to admit that we didn't enjoy the grind (especially with the fact that you couldn't rush Defense missions, worse pre update 12 as there were 20 and then 15 waves to complete the mission). But we didn't mind the grind overall, and it kept us playing.  


Yes, it's our fault for taking the shortcut, but things were better for us (and perhaps some others) the way it was before the patch came along.  Now, getting primes is just way too easy since you can trade your spares for what you want.  Or worse, buy the parts for 5 plats each (yes, people were selling them that cheap right after the patch went live). And I can't have her delete the Braton too, since we do admit that we "rack the disciprine". >.<


Anyway, what's done is done. I just wanted to say that it's not just about other players getting primed gears as it may also affect the lifespan of the game for some.


We're choosing to stick with the game and wait for a better update in the future. It took quite a lot of effort on my part to convince her to start playing, you see. Space ninjas ftw! XD

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+1 to the OP


I think what irks a lot of warframe players, the traders in particular, is the inevitable inflation of items and de-valuing of prime items.


1. As more and more people trade prime parts, their worth will be next to nothing after a few days. (It's happening now across all regions.) A catalyst + slot Frost in the Market costs 375 platinum. A Prime Frost costs 30 platinum for full set, with additional 20 plat for catalyst + 20 plat for slot, for a total of 70 platinum. Even with rushing considered, 35+35+35+50 = 155 + 70 = 225 platinum for Frost Prime full-rush.  It's like paying 5 dollars for a diamond-embedded AK-47 with extra modification slots, compared to someone who bought a regular AK-47 at their local gun store. It can either go two ways, less people would be farming Tower runs as parts can be bought instantly, or more people would be running towers to farm parts, but eventually give up as inflation catches on.


2. For a RNG-based game, trading parts has really taken out the special feeling one gets from earning the special loot. Of course, it doesn't directly affect you to the point that you can't touch the game anymore, but you'll feel it, when you've spent time to earn this particular weapon set, and someone on your team says, "Oh nice, you bought _____ Prime too? Got my full set yesterday for 30 plats."


3. What keeps many players logging in day after day are the hopes that TODAY is the day that I get my prime part, TODAY I'm feeling lucky to run some towers. That's all gone to S#&$ now, is it? Many will just subject to buying the parts, and very quickly reach the point where there's nothing else for them to do in the game. It's human nature. When there's an easy way out, they would take it, not knowing that it could potentially wipe out their reason to keep playing the game. The implications of this trade change are more devastating than you know. When one takes an "end-game" content and makes it extremely quick and easy to obtain, they need to counter that with other end-game content that's sufficient enough to keep players from reaching a dead-end. Currently, there is none.


Possible solution:
Make prime trading exclusive to trading prime part for prime part and not platinum/mods/keys. This would create better demand-and-supply of parts instead of just paying plats. If this week, reaper prime blade is in high demand, more people would continue to do the corresponding towers to try to obtain the blade to trade for other parts they need. Making them "sellable for plats" totally gimps the idea that Prime parts are special weapons.


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