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Trading Affects You?


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The real reason here is pride. Yes you heard me, PRIDE. All the vets want is a little gratification for all the work we did. Some special skin for some of the primes till present day to everyone that had them before the hotfix was released yesterday, maybe 5 of every void key for every prime gear you owned so we can farm even more at a later date when the new primes come out so we can have a faster access to them without the worry of farming for keys, or just ANYTHING that would let me strut around in my "I got it before you fair and square" glory.


Please, I don't need yet another person speaking for me.  I have all primes and I grinded them myself.  Even got ember prime from T3 cap after hundred of runs.  I don't need this pride you are trying to push on me.  If "non-vets" can get the same things I wasted hundred of hours farming for in minutes, good for them.  I am actually happy no one needs to suffer like I did again.  I don't need to wave my glory in front of them.  And you know, those 5 platinum per piece does more for me than this "pride".  That platinum and any other pieces you get now that you can sell is your "little gratification".

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it affects the community desire to play this game, hence affecting me.

allowing prime trading enables people to get the things that SHOULD take time instantly.

instant luxury doesnt affect me in the slightest, heck, im glad people spend money on a game i sortanotevensureanymore love.


the sad truth is, the grind in this game is content(the only content really.), even grineer(scott) said so. if people cut gameplay time by paying, the community will wither away, resulting in less games, resulting in chain quiting, resulting in devs losing faith and in the end, death.

its simple, it really is.

it doesnt affect me, its not jealousy. its not pride.

im missing so many prime stuff that could probably make me stick to this game another 100 hours or so, but i just bought ember prime systems.

so i guess its 95 hours more, tick tock.

Edited by Warherp
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Actually it affects the health of the game as a whole if the trading system is used as an excuse for bad or poorly implemented rewards.


The term "just buy it via trading" (something that is seen even now with mods) is offering up a crutch NOT to fix the issues or come up with better solutions.


At this stage prime gear was about the only real long term goal the game offered.  Trading lets you achieve this goal from the start.  Thus fewer people will play as long and less issues will be fixed, resulting in fewer players to group with, and less funding for the contined support of the game.  All of that affects everyone that plays the game.


The game is what you make it, the long term is what you desire, some don't go for these things, for some this isnt on their radar nor their end game due to difficulty to obtain or simply not caring, I would't tote around 'end game' 'long term'.

The only good argument for why not to do it is because of Prime Acees. You pay a lot of money to get the primes with a few small exclusive bonuses, if the cost can not be duplicated by trading people might feel ripped off. But I dont know, I bought the previous one, got my exclusives and Id do it again with this in place and I'm sure others would too. Exclusives are often enough to entice people.

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Please, I don't need yet another person speaking for me.  I have all primes and I grinded them myself.  Even got ember prime from T3 cap after hundred of runs.  I don't need this pride you are trying to push on me.  If "non-vets" can get the same things I wasted hundred of hours farming for in minutes, good for them.  I am actually happy no one needs to suffer like I did again.  I don't need to wave my glory in front of them.  And you know, those 5 platinum per piece does more for me than this "pride".  That platinum and any other pieces you get now that you can sell is your "little gratification".


This^^ I grinded for that Reaper Prime Blade that eluded me for months, and then I finally got it. I worked hard for it and earned it, and I'm proud that I achieved it.


Someone else buys one to complete their Reaper Prime. Do I care? No. Should I care? No. It's a cool weapon and I hope they enjoy it - I know I am. Don't let your ego get in the way of changes that are helping others and effect you in no way other than shrinking that ego.

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+1 to the OP


I think what irks a lot of warframe players, the traders in particular, is the inevitable inflation of items and de-valuing of prime items.


1. As more and more people trade prime parts, their worth will be next to nothing after a few days. (It's happening now across all regions.) A catalyst + slot Frost in the Market costs 375 platinum. A Prime Frost costs 30 platinum for full set, with additional 20 plat for catalyst + 20 plat for slot, for a total of 70 platinum. Even with rushing considered, 35+35+35+50 = 155 + 70 = 225 platinum for Frost Prime full-rush.  It's like paying 5 dollars for a diamond-embedded AK-47 with extra modification slots, compared to someone who bought a regular AK-47 at their local gun store. It can either go two ways, less people would be farming Tower runs as parts can be bought instantly, or more people would be running towers to farm parts, but eventually give up as inflation catches on.


2. For a RNG-based game, trading parts has really taken out the special feeling one gets from earning the special loot. Of course, it doesn't directly affect you to the point that you can't touch the game anymore, but you'll feel it, when you've spent time to earn this particular weapon set, and someone on your team says, "Oh nice, you bought _____ Prime too? Got my full set yesterday for 30 plats."


3. What keeps many players logging in day after day are the hopes that TODAY is the day that I get my prime part, TODAY I'm feeling lucky to run some towers. That's all gone to S#&$ now, is it? Many will just subject to buying the parts, and very quickly reach the point where there's nothing else for them to do in the game. It's human nature. When there's an easy way out, they would take it, not knowing that it could potentially wipe out their reason to keep playing the game. The implications of this trade change are more devastating than you know. When one takes an "end-game" content and makes it extremely quick and easy to obtain, they need to counter that with other end-game content that's sufficient enough to keep players from reaching a dead-end. Currently, there is none.


Possible solution:
Make prime trading exclusive to trading prime part for prime part and not platinum/mods/keys. This would create better demand-and-supply of parts instead of just paying plats. If this week, reaper prime blade is in high demand, more people would continue to do the corresponding towers to try to obtain the blade to trade for other parts they need. Making them "sellable for plats" totally gimps the idea that Prime parts are special weapons.



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Ok, let me settle this once and for all, and tell you the REAL reason behind the veteran's fiasco.

As a vet myself, I already have all the prime gear for quiet a while now, and it does not bother me one bit that some random joe now can have it all in only 1% of the time it took me to do it. 


The real reason here is pride. Yes you heard me, PRIDE. All the vets want is a little gratification for all the work we did. Some special skin for some of the primes till present day to everyone that had them before the hotfix was released yesterday, maybe 5 of every void key for every prime gear you owned so we can farm even more at a later date when the new primes come out so we can have a faster access to them without the worry of farming for keys, or just ANYTHING that would let me strut around in my "I got it before you fair and square" glory.


Yes I'm not ashamed like everyone else, but that's the real reason here, vets have absolutely nothing to gain from this change besides some plat from selling some prime parts (which mind you, no one relentlessly grinded the same dungeon for that HARD to get part after they already got it, which means whatever they have for sale is probably worth only 5 plat per piece).

Excuse me? I almost agree with what you're saying, BUT not ALL the vets are prideful about their primes, and want a cookie from DE, to show they got it the hard way. I'm a vet, and I don't give a two dollar blumpkin about how other people got Primes. I had fun getting them and that's all that matters to me. 



Op I'm completely with you. I'm still trying to figure out why I should give a damn about Primes being tradable. It's really no different from getting anything else from the market. 

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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I just can't stand the idiots who tell me "why grind for it? Just buy it with plat." I farm my void keys for a reason, TYVM.


Other than that, more well equiped randomers (meat shields, live bait and enemy spawn rate boosters.) So yes, it kinda affects me by giving me better cannon fodder teammates.

Edited by f-e-a-r-s
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it affects the community desire to play this game, hence affecting me.

allowing prime trading enables people to get the things that SHOULD take time instantly.

instant luxury doesnt affect me in the slightest, heck, im glad people spend money on a game i sortanotevensureanymore love.


the sad truth is, the grind in this game is content(the only content really.), even grineer(scott) said so. if people cut gameplay time by paying, the community will wither away, resulting in less games, resulting in chain quiting, resulting in devs losing faith and in the end, death.

its simple, it really is.

it doesnt affect me, its not jealousy. its not pride.

im missing so many prime stuff that could probably make me stick to this game another 100 hours or so, but i just bought ember prime systems.

so i guess its 95 hours more, tick tock.

True, grinding is the main content available, but if you enjoy the game it's not always about the grind. I came back to it after having stopped a long while back - and I had played a good hundred or so hours at that point with nothing but a Loki and a Rhino, never really had the desire to get more frames than that - because I was missing that ME3-style co-op 3rd person shooting action that this game gives up. The fun that comes from all the available things (for me) is the amount of experimentation you can do after you have - way more so than the grinding to get them. I love pulling out a different frame and tweaking around a bit with it to see what kind of situations I can make it good for, or just enjoying doing something different (mind numbing IS with my rhino, sneakily running around with the loki's Invisibility, yattayatta).

People who enjoy playing will still play the game and burn out on it just as fast regardless of trading. People who don't want to (or can't) spend as much time playing will now be able to get things that would have been impossible for them before. Of course, not everyone spends money on the game - and if the parts are trading for plat, that means they still won't be getting any of it. Factor in that people will still need to play in order to get the parts to make things or trade to get what they want to make, and it means there will still be a decent amount of people playing - players just get to enjoy the stuff they can get instead of being forced to enjoy the grind or RNG nature (which I'm sure some people do like).


I don't think trading is going to make much of a difference to a lot of people. There's gonna be the elitist crowd who hates that someone else can get something easier than them, without having to put forth as much work. There's going to be the crowd that heralds it as the best thing ever, since now they don't have to go into the void to find things. Of course, it'll be a verbal battle that will rage on forever - at least until the next big thing that everyone has an opinion on pops up (like god forbid if something doesn't live up to their expectations with Melee 2.0). Trading doesn't affect me in the slightest negative way - but life just became easier for the friends I have that I might give some spare blueprints too. That's my 2 cents.

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+1 to the OP.


That being said the economy is utterly ruined from this point forward.  Platinum is now more necessary than ever (which is good for DE), but has become extremely devalued since trades>market (which is very, very bad for DE).  The result is a quick cash grab with less sustained revenue.  It also makes Prime access in the future less compelling since everyone will be able to trade for it eventually anyway (exclusives being the only exception).  Why would anyone buy a pack full of items that are cheaper from trading?  The only reason would be a significant Platinum savings and most use their login bonus for that anyway.


As a player this change is great.  It makes everything incredibly easy to acquire and you can still grind for the lesser items on your wish list (mostly for increasing mastery).  As for the big stuff, well, as was pointed out by several other posters, the going rate for a Prime warframe will be well under the market price.  Why pay 375 platinum when you can get everything from trading for half that price (or less)?


In the end, trading in this manner is harmful for the longevity of the game.  When players say that trading is bad, while part of that is having better gear than another player, the other part is in forcing players to grind to obtain the best gear through grinding.  This keeps them playing and trying to remain competitive with one another (yes, really) in order to grind faster.  Players will spend more platinum trying to optimize than they will simply buying the item they would have grinded countless hours to get (this is a fact).  In the end, trading in this manner is hugely negative for the longevity of the game.  It is a mistake and, while DE will make money from this platinum grab initially, in the long run it will cause major problems as the trade market will undercut absolutely everything.


As for an end-game, well, we need to know what DE has planned because right now they just killed the only one they had.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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+1 to the OP.


That being said the economy is utterly ruined from this point forward.  Platinum is now more necessary than ever (which is good for DE), but has become extremely devalued since trades>market (which is very, very bad for DE).  The result is a quick cash grab with less sustained revenue.  It also makes Prime access in the future less compelling since everyone will be able to trade for it eventually anyway (exclusives being the only exception).  Why would anyone buy a pack full of items that are cheaper from trading?  The only reason would be a significant Platinum savings and most use their login bonus for that anyway.


As a player this change is great.  It makes everything incredibly easy to acquire and you can still grind for the lesser items on your wish list (mostly for increasing mastery).  As for the big stuff, well, as was pointed out by several other posters, the going rate for a Prime warframe will be well under the market price.  Why pay 375 platinum when you can get everything from trading for half that price (or less)?


In the end, trading in this manner is harmful for the longevity of the game.  When players say that trading is bad, while part of that is having better gear than another player, the other part is in forcing players to grind to obtain the best gear through grinding.  This keeps them playing and trying to remain competitive with one another (yes, really) in order to grind faster.  Players will spend more platinum trying to optimize than they will simply buying the item they would have grinded countless hours to get (this is a fact).  In the end, trading in this manner is hugely negative for the longevity of the game.  It is a mistake and, while DE will make money from this platinum grab initially, in the long run it will cause major problems as the trade market will undercut absolutely everything.


As for an end-game, well, we need to know what DE has planned because right now they just killed the only one they had.

It is possible already for someone to avoid spending that 375 platinum though - and it's something I don't think a lot of folks are seeing. The only thing that we have to buy is the slot with which to place the frame/weapon - and that assumes you want to keep more than two of the initial free-bee slots given to you. Why people would pay 375 is because they want the frame now and not later - it took what, 10 days minimum for people to gain access to Zephyr, and a devoted person could get a prime frame going from the void in what... 3 days and 12 hours of craft time? People that are paying the big platinum (imo) are doing it for the convenience of speed and immediate gratification (or because they love giving money to DE so they can keep doing what they are doing). Prime Access came with a bunch of prime items (it was a 3 pack wasn't it?) and the exclusive items - of all that package, the only thing I couldn't really find a way around is the awesome sydonni (I'm sure I spelled that wrong) - but I honestly wasn't going to pay that much for a cool scarf. I understand it though, and with the number of those scarves I've seen, there aren't a ton of people in the same boat as me.

The economy isn't getting super ruined either from what I can tell. Yeah, someone's gonna sell parts for super cheap, and it might even be cheaper than the market's plat pricing - but that platinum is still not getting into the game to be traded unless someone buys it as they would normally - and every time something is rushed, or a slot is bought, or a market item is bought that plat is going to disappear. The only innate value anything had in my mind was measured in time spent fighting the RNG to get it - which could make a solid argument for its real-world value I suppose. At that rate, I'd argue that 20 bucks for a normal frame isn't quite equal to my waiting 3-4 days for it to build with the extra amount of playtime require to gather the parts/resources - others might not agree.

Longevity-wise, you certainly have a point (what with the game being so grind heavy). What I don't get is this super competitive mentality aspect - it's a co-op game. You work together as a team (unless your one of those jerk heros staying outside the friend zone of happiness). Yeah, you could be like "I can kill more guys than you" or whatever, but I'm just not understanding the competition. Nothing against you personally - I'm naturally laid back. If anyone want's to explain that bit to me I'd be grateful.

End game is whatever you make of it in my opinion, always has. A new invention, I've never fully grasped how arcade games back in the day with endless level score-attack designs could be considered so awesome , yet any game that doesn't have "end game" is blasted in modern times. That's a discussion for a different thread I'd think though.

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Yes, trading affects me.


It lets me actually do something with all the otherwise-useless duplicate parts I've collected whilst building 90% of the current Primes. Specifically, it lets me actually contribute to friends and clan members who are having the sort of trouble I did whilst building my own primes to make sure that not everyone ends up tearing their hair out over a Fang or Glaive blade.

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It doesn't ruin the game for me at all.

none of the points ruin the game for me.


It's either frustration or envy that another person got what YOU want without working for it.


They should be happy they actually can get the item by working for it.


Feels like none of the people who cry "BAAAW WARFRAME IS P2W" have ever actually played one of these pseudo f2p mmorpgs, where you really won't get far without paying a S#&$load of real money.


So yes... envy, frustration or spoiled 13 year old kiddies who can't appreciate S#&$.

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The positive things from this trading is we can help our friends who need specific prime parts and getting a hard time collect it :o

(I'm having a hard time finding OP blade and thx to this system my friends able to give me those blades for free)

but yea this trading thing is kinda weird,no more previlege of having primes by our own hard work >.<

But u know,sometime patience has it's own limit

So my suggestion regarding this thread is DE pls "LIMIT" the trading prime parts...coz yea this system were a big punch to players who got their primes by grinding :o

I got my dakra,bronco,latron,frost,mag,ember,sicarus prime all by grinding(except for OP blades),and somehow this system is kinda unfair to me...

But yea there's always positive and negative side of every choice we made


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+1 to the OP


I think what irks a lot of warframe players, the traders in particular, is the inevitable inflation of items and de-valuing of prime items.


1. As more and more people trade prime parts, their worth will be next to nothing after a few days. (It's happening now across all regions.) A catalyst + slot Frost in the Market costs 375 platinum. A Prime Frost costs 30 platinum for full set, with additional 20 plat for catalyst + 20 plat for slot, for a total of 70 platinum. Even with rushing considered, 35+35+35+50 = 155 + 70 = 225 platinum for Frost Prime full-rush.  It's like paying 5 dollars for a diamond-embedded AK-47 with extra modification slots, compared to someone who bought a regular AK-47 at their local gun store. It can either go two ways, less people would be farming Tower runs as parts can be bought instantly, or more people would be running towers to farm parts, but eventually give up as inflation catches on.


2. For a RNG-based game, trading parts has really taken out the special feeling one gets from earning the special loot. Of course, it doesn't directly affect you to the point that you can't touch the game anymore, but you'll feel it, when you've spent time to earn this particular weapon set, and someone on your team says, "Oh nice, you bought _____ Prime too? Got my full set yesterday for 30 plats."


3. What keeps many players logging in day after day are the hopes that TODAY is the day that I get my prime part, TODAY I'm feeling lucky to run some towers. That's all gone to S#&$ now, is it? Many will just subject to buying the parts, and very quickly reach the point where there's nothing else for them to do in the game. It's human nature. When there's an easy way out, they would take it, not knowing that it could potentially wipe out their reason to keep playing the game. The implications of this trade change are more devastating than you know. When one takes an "end-game" content and makes it extremely quick and easy to obtain, they need to counter that with other end-game content that's sufficient enough to keep players from reaching a dead-end. Currently, there is none.


Possible solution:
Make prime trading exclusive to trading prime part for prime part and not platinum/mods/keys. This would create better demand-and-supply of parts instead of just paying plats. If this week, reaper prime blade is in high demand, more people would continue to do the corresponding towers to try to obtain the blade to trade for other parts they need. Making them "sellable for plats" totally gimps the idea that Prime parts are special weapons.


1.) Sounds like you have pointed out a problem with DE's store pricing model, and not a problem with trading. See, that is the funny thing, as much as you are trying to say trading is bad what I am hearing is that DE is over valuing their own "content" in the store. There have been quite a few threads already pointing the ridiculous store prices are. That people would quickly settle on the actual value of Primes is actually a positive thing.


2.) For an RNG based game trading is the only thing that has removed frustration from a very <expletive deleted> RNG system that has kept players from obtaining specific parts or mods after hundreds of hours grinding the exact same mission. Maybe repetitive grinding is deep, worthwhile gameplay to you, but for many others it is not. All you have managed to do is point out yet another positive result of trading: fixing a portion of DE's completely broken RNG system. Sadly, this fix really only helps veterans and people who buy plat. As a bonus, this fix, which I will agree is shoddy, encourages people to buy plat from DE, if only so they can work around the awful RNG system and tediously repetitive mission grinding.


You think someone will feel bad because they realized the store screwed them over price wise compared to what they could have bought from a player? Think how bad someone will feel after spending over a hundred hours trying to get a specific prime only to have someone come up and go, "Oh, yeah, I just got that prime yesterday, took me four runs!" I know which would bother me, and I am sure many, many other players, more.


3.) What makes many players quit WarFrame is that they get tired of logging in day, after day, after day hoping to get that prime part. Those players have put in hundreds and hundreds of missions trying to get all the parts for one prime weapon/frame and have come up with bupkis. What those players want is a frame or weapon that they can then level up, forma, re-level again, and so on and so forth. What those players do not want is to sit there doing the exact same mission over, and over, and over again hoping to get one or two specific parts and instead getting slapped in the face with yet another of the same item of which they already have dozens of copies.


Again, all this "problem with trading" points out is how shallow the game is. What you are saying, seriously, what you are saying here is, "WarFrame is so shallow and tediously repetitive that the only thing keeping players on the hamster wheel is the promise of a treat, because it sure is not the gameplay. We can't have DE actually offering us interesting and varied gameplay! We need to keep those players on that wheel no matter how frustrated and tired they are, and trading risks them stepping off the wheel! We need to remove trading!"


Possible Solution:

DE fixes the RNG and gives players some interesting and varied game modes where trading will be seen as less worthwhile.

Edited by Psroij
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Possible Solution:

DE fixes the RNG and gives players some interesting and varied game modes where trading will be seen as less worthwhile.


I've only been around since August, but I already know that pursuing this is not on DE list of goals; or at least it certainly isn't very high on that list. RNG is a problem that will never go away so long as it is ignored, and ignored it has been for months. It's a fundamental part of the game that DE refuses to touch. I would love to see RNG fixed/reworked/replaced/something, but needless to say I'm not exactly beaming with hope. Sometimes you just gotta accept the hand you're dealt, and the hand we've been dealt is Prime part trading.

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In the end, if you for some reason just CAN'T play a game because some dood can buy a "thing" you worked hard for, then you shouldn't be playing F2P games, because it's GOING to happen. (besides some rare cases, like Path of Exile, but then why are you here whining instead of playing that, hmm?)



Path of Exile? Thanks for the suggestion....I'll look into that game now. I sorta don't like the dirrection Warframe is heading in now. Please PM me you anyone has suggestions for other games to play. Thanks in advance because I am currently looking. I might also switch to Vindictus(PvE) or Archblade(PvP). All the games I suggested is sorta like Warframe. Good luck and happy huntings. ^.^

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Path of Exile? Thanks for the suggestion....I'll look into that game now. I sorta don't like the dirrection Warframe is heading in now. Please PM me you anyone has suggestions for other games to play. Thanks in advance because I am currently looking. I might also switch to Vindictus(PvE) or Archblade(PvP). All the games I suggested is sorta like Warframe. Good luck and happy huntings. ^.^



I think when they polish TitanFall..........it'll be an astonishing game...sadly might be alittle too much for peoples computers compared to WF 

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So, with the whole forum up in arms over trading with platinum gives me a serious question.

How does it ruin the game for YOU?

The game's ruined because other players choose to skip the grind for instant gratification?

The game's ruined because someone else buys parts which you worked hours upon hours for?

My question, is how does another player who chooses to buy things with real money (which is not a new concept in Warframe), "ruin" the game for you?

Really, think about it. They idea that any item can be purchased with real money really doesn't interfere with your gameplay, at all.

It's either frustration or envy that another person got what YOU want without working for it.

For me, I could care less. I still get my blueprints and materials, and I still level up and enjoy grinding with my buddies, regardless of what's going on in other peoples dojos.

In the end, if you for some reason just CAN'T play a game because some dood can buy a "thing" you worked hard for, then you shouldn't be playing F2P games, because it's GOING to happen. (besides some rare cases, like Path of Exile, but then why are you here whining instead of playing that, hmm?)

On a side note, there's now a way to earn platinum ingame, which is good for those really smug "earning>buying" types.

How do you earn platinum? Isnt it just buy only?

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Path of Exile? Thanks for the suggestion....I'll look into that game now. I sorta don't like the dirrection Warframe is heading in now. Please PM me you anyone has suggestions for other games to play. Thanks in advance because I am currently looking. I might also switch to Vindictus(PvE) or Archblade(PvP). All the games I suggested is sorta like Warframe. Good luck and happy huntings. ^.^

World of tanks is a F2P. Haven't done it in a while, but it was pretty fun while it lasted. You best watch out though, Vindictus also has a auction house in it, so people will still be buying all that stuff they don't want to work for. Honestly, Warframe does a better job of hitting the itch for that co-op Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer mode than any of the other games out there that are f2p that I've personally play (I haven't played them all, but I've certainly done my fair share). You want to see a case of P2W? Go play APB and tell me how fun it is to get blown to smithereens by RPGs when you can't afford anything (protip: I'll tell you it isn't very fun at all). When you start getting into the MMO category, that's when you start getting hard-locked out of things: LOTRO, SWTOR, DDO - they all lock you out of playing actual content unless you buy it. The grinding in WoT is absolutely brutal if you aren't very good at the game (like me) as well - god only knows how many hours I played that and only got my second level of tank - thankfully it is pretty fun. Really, as far as F2P games goes, this has been one of the best (IMO) renditions of it being used that I've seen - the only thing I'm forced to buy at all is slots to put stuff in. 


How do you earn platinum? Isnt it just buy only?

He's referring to the fact that people can trade the prime parts for other people's platinum. So you get a spare ember prime bp, trade it to some guy who's got money that he wants to use for 20 plat, and now you have 20 plat without having to spend your own real-world cash.

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So, with the whole forum up in arms over trading with platinum gives me a serious question.

How does it ruin the game for YOU?

The game's ruined because other players choose to skip the grind for instant gratification?

The game's ruined because someone else buys parts which you worked hours upon hours for?

My question, is how does another player who chooses to buy things with real money (which is not a new concept in Warframe), "ruin" the game for you?

Really, think about it. They idea that any item can be purchased with real money really doesn't interfere with your gameplay, at all.

It's either frustration or envy that another person got what YOU want without working for it.

For me, I could care less. I still get my blueprints and materials, and I still level up and enjoy grinding with my buddies, regardless of what's going on in other peoples dojos.

In the end, if you for some reason just CAN'T play a game because some dood can buy a "thing" you worked hard for, then you shouldn't be playing F2P games, because it's GOING to happen. (besides some rare cases, like Path of Exile, but then why are you here whining instead of playing that, hmm?)

On a side note, there's now a way to earn platinum ingame, which is good for those really smug "earning>buying" types.


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It just shows how instead of an actual solution to the RNG over RNG and void table dilution, DE chose another band-aid for the primes.


I couldn't be more happy that people will acquire stuff more easily, but it is just another reason to not play the game on top of the other ones added lately.


U12 not only didn't bring anything new and exciting to gameplay, but is since taking things away from us.

Thus, after almost one year of excessive play and love for Warframe, I indeed find myself playing Path of Exile instead; you're right, it's a far greater game as potential and motive are concerned.

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