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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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And people won't agree that full reset wouldn't be a good option...

Grineers took over 90% of solar map and I'm really curious to see how a "Grineer Death Squad" will change this now we all got Detron (or most of us), I smell a Corpus domination coming as soon as it comes out.

Crazy core exploits trivialized the biggest trial in the game, ranking 10 rare mods and screwed market values for a long period.

Primes are cheaper and easier to get than any classic item (just need to get a clan) and market as playerbase will soon be flooded by all the parts the vets accumulated and the ones they're gonna farm just for the sake of it, and I highly doubt there will be enough newcomers to soak all those BPs.


And all of those points might be regulated by coming soon™ content and we have no real clue of what's going on as they won't make the situation clear by saying things frankly.


So I'd say yes, keep on trying few things, even crazy things. But maybe consider starting from 0 again when everythings fixed, really consider that... I don't mind grinding all from start again as long as I get a real goal.

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Its not a single player game but we all play together, the fact that some new guy want to spend real money for a maxed mod who cares ? HE SPENT MONEY AND YOU DIDNT !! they are not giving them away to everyone for free... Why do you feel the need to have better gear than others since we are all on the same team ? i dont undestand that, Im proud i got all my gear the hard way: 0$ , isnt it better than having to spend IRL money ?


This is a problem in WF people go out and defend doors instead of defending the objective just to have more kills than the other guy that is just  wrong. Co-op does not mean you have to have more kills, there is no k/d this aint cod.


Its not the fact of having just better equipment or kills or whatever, that is not what i meant, its how you got there thats wrong, the game can only survive if you have something progressive to do, if not then whats the point? handing stuff like this is not good for warframe, i too got there by playing so this is why it bothers me.


With at least 2 free LC a new player without spending a dime can max both damage mods, is this ok to you? its not about the fact that i want to be better its the fact that if you want to reach there you need to go by the same route.. you progress and become more powerful, its also a sense of achievement imho.


But whatever, i need to relax from game a bit and now is the time, GL all.

Edited by RMSGM
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Distribution of wealth and inequality is not about what other's have and what I want. It's about creating a fair and balanced society in which we are all treated equal. This can be carried over to warframe and if I have to gather thousands of cores and spend millions of credits while another person spends zero credits and clicks one mod he got from exploiting the game I'm playing.

Then I and thousands like me will no longer play that game due to the inequality.



you belong in communism then. capitalism is clearly not for you.

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I guess you right, forgot I'm getting old and just playing for fun :P

I'm soon reaching 30 and fighting for my epeen is something I've done a lot in the past, I'm over with it too.

But still, that won't erase the fact that ANY game needs something rare to get or hard to achieve to keep you playing at some point. Fun might be your motivation, if you have no goal you will find many other games that could bring you the same fun, it's not hard to compete with 20 types of ennemies and four boss strategies.

It might not be your case, maybe mowing down swarms of grineers in an artifial "end-game" will keep you on forever, but that won't be the case for many players.

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I'm soon reaching 30 and fighting for my epeen is something I've done a lot in the past, I'm over with it too.

But still, that won't erase the fact that ANY game needs something rare to get or hard to achieve to keep you playing at some point. Fun might be your motivation, if you have no goal you will find many other games that could bring you the same fun, it's not hard to compete with 20 types of ennemies and four boss strategies.

It might not be your case, maybe mowing down swarms of grineers in an artifial "end-game" will keep you on forever, but that won't be the case for many players.

No it won't keep me on forever but I'm almost at 1000 hours and thats wayyy more than any other game ive ever played, ive got my moneys worth I think. I know they have more stuff coming out in the future and now I have to wait 3 days to get new weapons so im not playing as much but I don't think everyone one is gonna play this game for 1000 hours. If someone wants everything in an instant and buys it all well too bad for them if they are boored after a week, it does not affect me.

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It's pretty pathetic that because you couldn't refute my argument, you declared yourself out of the thread and now only come back to snipe at people like this.

This is a game and you act like DE punched you in the stomach and stole your purse swallow your pride & grow up.

Edited by LoGicMoTion
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From the livestream:



Terr_: @De_Steve: Are you guys planning to do anything about the Steel Charge / Legendary Core fiasco/exploit? I crunched the numbers, and those rewards are FAR more valuable than anything anyone could've spent on Steel Charge, and some people got 40 Legendaries in a day, equivalent to *hundreds* of hours of grinding normally...

de_steve: Terr: I think we're going to roll with it, which sucks totally. The 40 exploit is sad day. I am thinking about it.

zolomike: will ps4 get legendary cores from steel charge?

de_steve: Zolo-No, because it never got the bad exploit, but I understand that it feels crappy for you guys. I can only promise that those legendaries will return for all platforms in some form
Edited by HvcTerr
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Note: I am largely crossposting this response from the reddit thread here where it was originally posted as a reply:



>> I would kindly ask the moderators to not move this to the "Feedback" category as I feel a larger discussion on the direction the game is going is necessary at this point. <<




DE made two critical mistakes yesterday, and I feel their impact on the game is going to be a bit steeper than they realize. 


First, they should have compensated exactly how much anyone spent levelling a steel charge over 5 in simply credits and rare 5 cores. This is an easily quantifiable amount and would have caused zero controversy. Instead they compensate a highly disproportionate amount for no justifiable reason. Mistake #1.
Second, even with this they shouldn't have announced it 4 hours before the change. Doing so created probably the most brutal "alert" the game has ever seen, where those online at that particular time could profit immensely. It's critical to note that this was not a bug or exploit of any kind. No game mechanics were broken or altered. Trading for mods and ranking up mods are some of the most common activities in the game. It was in essence, a 100% developer-sanctioned event. They could have simply made no announcement until right after the patch and while the reward (yes, reward, NOT "compensation") would have still been incredibly disproportionate, nobody would have had more than 2. 
The really, really idiotic part of all this are the repercussions it's going to have on the health of the game. Now a ton of people have a bunch of Fusion Core Primes that not only completely trivialize ranking up all their rare10 mods (which is one of the most difficult, if not the ONLY really difficult part of the game). There are more than enough cores around to deflate the prices of max rank mods on trade chat for at least a couple months, making them incredibly easy to acquire. Trading max rank mods was already fairly controversial, but now it's becoming far too trivial.
For the record, I profited immensely from this (20 cores) and the only thing that stopped me from getting more was the fact I ran out of trades. (I know of people with up to 54.) So I'm not objecting to this from a "missed out" perspective, although even if this was posted by someone who had missed out it absolutely should not diminish the strength of their argument. Not a single person I know actually thinks that this was the right course of action, and the only people who do not think this is a big deal either 1) fully do not understand how difficult it is to rank up a rare mod to rank 10 in both credit cost and fusion core cost (important to note these cores fuse with ZERO credit cost as well - check terr's graph: http://i.imgur.com/rf4opIC.jpg) or 2) do not understand how unhealthy it is for a developer to trivialize accomplishment in a game that is almost exclusively based around grinding. Each one of these 20 supercores has more power in it than the rest of my fusion core collection put together, and I will never have to worry about ranking up another mod ever again so long as I play this game - all for being lucky enough to be online during the right 4 hour-or-so time period.  
This is the real nail in the coffin and the one that as terr phrased it, is "literally insane." As in, no sane person could possibly think this is a good idea, especially from a developer standpoint. It alienates a tremendous percentage of the playerbase, and shortens the lifespan of the game for the ENTIRE playerbase. This has to be the most vicious non-exploit "timing" I have ever seen in my entire life of gaming.
It's worth to note that now at this point with rare rank 10 mods about to become very cheap for at least the next couple months, and with prime parts trading, there is absolutely nothing in this game you cannot acquire with platinum. Nothing. You can buy warframes, clantech weapons, potatoes, primes, max rank mods, and forma all with cash/platinum. Everyone seems to have their own definition of "pay to win" these days, but just put that thought in your pipe and smoke it for a little while. 
The "It's a PvE game" argument is moot. Imagine if WoW suddenly started allowing end-game raiding gear to be tradable and started selling all the enchants, rep grind rewards, and everything else for IRL cash. Accomplishment and time invested in PvE games absolutely does matter, because human beings are fundamentally social creatures. Unjustifiably trivializing one's past deeds is one of the fastest ways to alienate a playerbase. 
Warframe is a pretty fantastic concept with a lot of potential, but I can't help but feel that they're consistently completely out of sync with their players. With the UI "2.0" shenanigans (which still needs a hell of a lot of work), the "reworked" void drop tables which required another rework, now being able to trade/buy virtually everything, and quite frankly some lackluster frame/gun design/balance decisions have me wondering what the hell is really going on. It feels like they barely play their own game. I don't have Design Council access as I hadn't even heard of Warframe back when it "founded" so I don't know how much communication goes on in there, but right now there are some serious, serious issues as far as communication is concerned. As a former Tribes player I'm starting to get some crazy deja vu. 
Addendum: I only caught part of the livestream today but I did hear that "this isn't the last we're going to see of Legendary cores" - which means they're coming back either as rewards or in the market or something. I feel this couldn't be a bigger mistake. If DE feels that the mod grind is too severe and should be easier, then what they should do are fix their loot tables and have areas/keys/maps/whatever without super-diluted loot tables that are actually rewarding to endgame players who have all their blueprints (and this would allow you to lessen the dilution in the areas that are supposed to have blueprints). For example - something like a T4 survival that rewards mainly cores / orokin cells / neural sensors and stuff of that nature, with low chance of Forma (not forma BP) and possibly very very tiny chance of potato. Have players actually play the game you created in order to max everything out instead of swiping a credit card, clicking a few things in the market, and spamming a few WTB lines in trade chat. 
Edited by stupidfathobbit
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Can anyone clarify this for me?


In English, the phrase "roll with it" comes from "to roll with the punches" meaning that you twist your body as someone is striking you in order to minimize the damage you take.


So in this context, he means that they're going to let the situation continue and simply try to make it less-bad in very small ways.

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i'm not sure if this is in preparation for the actual Endgame...but within a period of about 3 weeks DE has removed or greatly cushioned everything that could even remotely be considered de-facto endgame from WF.


-prime farming

-rank 10 mod grinding

-dedicated survival/def nodes


Hopefully this is part A of a plan which results in an actual challenging endgame. Otherwise, it's the final nail in the coffin for anything besides the most casual of players.

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DE seems to be...tripping. Go home DE, you're drunk. But yeah...for what DE did they rewarded a bit too high. They really could have done this better, but I have a question did they explicitly state "2 Legendary Fusion Cores per Rank 6+ Steel Charge" or was it "2 Legendary Fusion Cores for your Rank 6+ Steel Charge" cause the former means the insane number of legendary fusion cores was meant to happen, the latter does not.


As to the prime trading, I feel like that was just a lazy patch job to "fix" the issue of the void RNG drop tables. Instead of fixing the drop tables they just go "Fine, just trade for it and leave us alone!" I can only hope that the prime trading is temporary until the void RNG is fixed.

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People say they don't want this game to be a grind, now with blue print trading and cores that max any mod, we now have a game without grind. And We not happy? Oh right cause only end game is grinding...

There's a difference between reducing grind and allowing instant content bypasses.


Mechanics that allow you to instantly bypass that much content is a @(*()&#036; stupid idea.


I agree that their choices were not the best, but maybe this was a glimpse into endgame rewards, eh?

I hope not.

See above.

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