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De, It Is Time To Increase The Mastery Requirement To Use Primes Dramatically.


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 That way, new people can buy all the prime gear they want if they can't use it, still making them not leave the game before they get bored by the time they reach mastery rank 3 because they already have Mag Prime, Boar/Paris Prime, Bronco Prime, Orthos Prime with all the corrupted mods bought from trade, a maxed Serration + multishot and everything required to steam roll through the game content. 

 There will be absolutely NO reason for them to play because there is no "endgame", no objective at least to strive for, unless they just want mastery ranks for no reason at all since they don't change a damn about the game.

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I have to give you props for this - this is actually an elegant solution to the issue created. +1 to you.


Maybe they could make mastering the non-prime variant a requirement as well.

This is another excellent idea.

Edited by rhoenix
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so DE says in last livestream that mastery ranks r going to have purpose soon, and they intended to increase the depth and scope of the gameplay on basically all levels

melee 2.0 is right around the corner

but becuz OP is butthurt and emo ragin, primes should now all of a sudden be mastery rank locked?

um wat?

no, the fact that you and a bunch of others r butthurt is becuz you've been thinking/approaching the game like a job/math problem, that once you 'solve it' or 'accomplish this task' that its 'job well done' or game over

that is yer problem and y u think that others should have to suffer yer misery with u

nope, sry, nope, not sry, no thanks

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DE says alot of things in livestreams. The vast majority of those come with the word "soon" attached.  People have been hearing about elements to be added/fixed "soon" for a year in some cases so please forgive me for being slightly cynical.


Everyone goes on about melee 2.0 but do we have any details? Do people know, I mean really know, they are going to like it? It seems to be assumed the eternal saviour but it might not be.

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so DE says in last livestream that mastery ranks r going to have purpose soon, and they intended to increase the depth and scope of the gameplay on basically all levels

melee 2.0 is right around the corner

but becuz OP is butthurt and emo ragin, primes should now all of a sudden be mastery rank locked?

um wat?

no, the fact that you and a bunch of others r butthurt is becuz you've been thinking/approaching the game like a job/math problem, that once you 'solve it' or 'accomplish this task' that its 'job well done' or game over

that is yer problem and y u think that others should have to suffer yer misery with u

nope, sry, nope, not sry, no thanks

Isn't that what we all strife for ? To be the best? And if you ask me, being the best in Warframe right now can just be achieved with 30$. Which is a giant kick in the balls for the vets that worked hard to get there.

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This is good. +1 OP , 

It's better than seeing mastery 2-s running around with boar prime on  mercury 

Boar prime on mercury. But they'll still use the the O2 tanks even when the O2 is at 95%. That literally makes me want to cry, because till yesterday, if you saw someone with a prime gear you immediately thought "this guy knows what he's doing, he sure has some good hours under his belt". Now I just assume every guy with a prime gear is a random joe that for as far as I know could have started playing 10 hours ago.

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 That way, new people can buy all the prime gear they want if they can't use it, still making them not leave the game before they get bored by the time they reach mastery rank 3 because they already have Mag Prime, Boar/Paris Prime, Bronco Prime, Orthos Prime with all the corrupted mods bought from trade, a maxed Serration + multishot and everything required to steam roll through the game content. 

 There will be absolutely NO reason for them to play because there is no "endgame", no objective at least to strive for, unless they just want mastery ranks for no reason at all since they don't change a damn about the game.


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Two things:


1) A shameless plug for another idea (only because I care about these changes)



2) Keeping with the thread conversation I would also like to point out that I think something will be lost eventually in the community.  I know that when I was at MR 1 or 2 and a veteran stepped in to help me out I appreciated it greatly and remember it.  I have tried to pay that forward and I've seen many people do the same with helping new players.  One benefit of the struggle is it benefits the camaraderie found within the game and makes people feel that much more accomplished.  When that is taken away I think it will have adverse side-effects down the road because if people do not have to work as hard for end-game content then they will have nothing to strive for once it is obtained nor will they need to depend on someone helping them out as much and instill more of the lone-hero/solo play rather than teamwork...and that is what makes this game great.

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