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Please Don't Introduce Prime Trading!


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Dear PS4 Warframe Community, 


I don't know if y'all have heard/read or not, but PC is getting Prime Trading soon. That feature will enable players to trade prime parts. Before this feature makes its way to PS4, I would like to express my opinion about it. 

I strongly suggest to not implement such an option in this very enjoyable game. The lack of a lore or an endgame means that most of my days in Warframe, I spend farming for the precious prime gears. I understand how frustrating it can be when you don't get a missing part for months, yet you still keep running that mission over and over. But that one day when you "pug" the same key and get the drop, it makes it worth the grinding. Prime Trading will take it away from a lot of players. Unless there's a new tier of gear that DE is going to introduce, I am dreading the day when prime gears will lose its rarity and won't be something players covet.

DE has always expressed a strong stance against P2W style of games. Prime trading is going to enable that factor. I don't know about you, but I very much hate the fact that my hard earned gears will also be in someone else's inventory in a matter of days because they can spend the money.


I can be absolutely wrong about this whole thing, I cannot be sure about what DE has planned for the future. But from what I know right now, prime trading is going to be the bane of this game's community. It will take away the necessity of spending time in the game which I am sure, DE wants. I urge DE, please reconsider. But if this is set in stone already, please let us know the details, we want to be prepared for the drastic change.

I have spend more time in Warframe than I have in any other game I have played in my life, mostly because I wanted the best of the gears in my arsenal, prime trading will make all those days of work pointless. This whole trend of staying in the dark longer that our counterparts in PC world makes me very worried also. Please try to be a little more forth coming about the major changes in the near future.


This is my first and probably my only post in the Warframe Forum. I apologize for not knowing the proper forum etiquette, but I tried my best. I am sure I am not the only one worried about this, so please kindly leave your thoughts below. 



Worried Tenno.

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The ideea is nice, to be able to trade prime gear, but you will se that this will shorten the atraction to play this game in the future. I'm at the place where I have gatherd prety much every frame and normal weapons that I whant to have and I am still playng just so I can get the prime gear that I'm still missing. If I can get the gear by trading, once I get all the stuff I whant I dont think I will still be playng as much, maybe enter once a day for the login reward and if there is an alert with a reactor or something, other then that nothing of interest will keep me in the game, sry :(

So I personaly am against the prime trading so I can still have a reson to play this game :)

Edited by (PS4)Kobayashy82
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You can still gind to get the stuff you know.


For those of us with 30 glaive prime discs, 10 braton prime receivers, 20 barrels, 15 forma blueprints, and even 5 forma from T3 defense but not one Glaive Prime BP It'll be a god send.


Not to mention there'll always be newer items coming out, and with a whole new resource on the way I don't think you can instantly say "oh once I have all the primes I'll be done"



I swear, with all the discs I have I can start a deadly game of pogs.

Edited by (PS4)Chip_Foamy
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I agree to not do this.. To me the point of a grinding game is to grind.. Giving someone in the game the ability to just literally get anything on command makes me feel DE is money hungry knowing people will buy more plat for trading.. I think its enough to enable to trade mods we should have to play the game and work to get the gear.. I really hope these kind of big changes don't keep happening in the future or else I'll have to move on. True fans want to earn their rewards.. Not buy them.. Come on

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I agree. I would not have spent over 500 hours trying to get mastery rank 14 if I could have bought all of the weapons the easy way. What else is left in this game except farming for items and fusion cores? I admit there is still PVP and that is pretty fun but this will also enable every other tenno to wield the best weapons in the game without any effort! I don't like it.

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Well, Prime trading will be introduced. And I'm looking forward to it as all normal people do.


I hear you loud and clear, but the one part I take offense to is that you are saying anyone who has most prime gears aren't normal. Care to expand on it? Or should I just assume that you are too lazy to put in the legwork and actually siding towards spending money to get prime gears?

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I don't mind spending money on the game.. I have over $100 and expect to double that.. I spent mine on inv and character slots.. Colors and reactors etc.. If i buy everything in the game it would get old really quick.. If i had everything already i can only replay the same thing with no benefits for so long.. I just feel when the grind is gone and no real goal to playing.. What makes you want to keep playing?

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I think I disagree with the OP on this post. I think this will actually help people who have been farming a certain peice for a long time, and not being able to get it can really un-nerve you after many runs. Also it will give us something more to trade, other than mods.


Also I will start collecting these parts, for when this happens. That's one good thing about being on PS4, is that we get to make decisions ahead of time.

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I think I disagree with the OP on this post. I think this will actually help people who have been farming a certain peice for a long time, and not being able to get it can really un-nerve you after many runs. Also it will give us something more to trade, other than mods.


Also I will start collecting these parts, for when this happens. That's one good thing about being on PS4, is that we get to make decisions ahead of time.


With due respect, I think you are picturing the best case scenario. Please let me tell me what I am imagining will happen. 

First of all, there are guilds of like minded people whose everyday gameplay is to collect and sell mods, as soon as we got the news of prime trading, all of them doubled up on making their stockpile of platinum bigger. You can check the trading tab to be sure of that. I am not saying that this will happen for sure, but I think it's more likely that as soon Prime Trading opens up, those collectors will stock up on prime parts as fast as possible, then set the market value for you and I. Which in the end, will mean paying 500+ plats for a rarer prime part.


I know the above described environment seems like a very hostile and cut-throat place, you can see examples of that right now if you observe the trade market for mods. That will only cause even more grief to the everyday players who only wants one or two of the rare mods so they can give one to their friend. DE is going to create a market place where without enough platinum, you will have to go through the grind with pugs, which I imagine will be even harder to come by since there will be a shortage of keys. 


It all seems bleak and desolate anyway you look at it, I just wish that DE would put some effort in the huge change for the regular players to see some silver lining.

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With due respect, I think you are picturing the best case scenario. Please let me tell me what I am imagining will happen. 

First of all, there are guilds of like minded people whose everyday gameplay is to collect and sell mods, as soon as we got the news of prime trading, all of them doubled up on making their stockpile of platinum bigger. You can check the trading tab to be sure of that. I am not saying that this will happen for sure, but I think it's more likely that as soon Prime Trading opens up, those collectors will stock up on prime parts as fast as possible, then set the market value for you and I. Which in the end, will mean paying 500+ plats for a rarer prime part.


I know the above described environment seems like a very hostile and cut-throat place, you can see examples of that right now if you observe the trade market for mods. That will only cause even more grief to the everyday players who only wants one or two of the rare mods so they can give one to their friend. DE is going to create a market place where without enough platinum, you will have to go through the grind with pugs, which I imagine will be even harder to come by since there will be a shortage of keys. 


It all seems bleak and desolate anyway you look at it, I just wish that DE would put some effort in the huge change for the regular players to see some silver lining.



My guess if they all stockpile the Prime parts, the price will actually be lower. Think about economics. Supply & demand. The more of something that is there, the lower it will cost. The real heart of this problem which you are so confused about is Primes are not that much better than regular frame.


Frames can be upgraded with Forma to make them stronger, harder to kill, do more damage with abilities, and make their abilities last longer. The Primes have a few extra Polarity slots, but they are not way better than regular frames. Maybe slightly faster shield recharge or slightly more health or shields. And polarities as I mentioned. But nothing game breaking. Weapons on the other hand have a way larger effect on the game than Prime warframes for example.

Edited by (PS4)PD_33
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My guess if they all stockpile the Prime parts, the price will actually be lower. Think about economics. Supply & demand. The more of something that is there, the lower it will cost. The real heart of this problem which you are so confused about is Primes are not that much better than regular frame.


Frames can be upgraded with Forma to make them stronger, harder to kill, do more damage with abilities, and make their abilities last longer. The Primes have a few extra Polarity slots, but they are not way better than regular frames. Maybe slightly faster shield recharge or slightly more health or shields. And polarities as I mentioned. But nothing game breaking. Weapons on the other hand have a way larger effect on the game than Prime warframes for example.


Lets use economics, there's a concept called False Demand, I dunno if you know about it, but currently Nintendo and Sony are taking advantage of it, it is where the supplier stops supplying even when they have ample stock, thus creating a false sense of demand and raising the price.

That's only one side of it though. But you are absolutely right, stat wise, there aren't that big of a difference between the Prime and Regular gears and I also agree with the fact that regular gears can be made as good or very close to the prime gear using formas. Let's put that aside. Even if you just want to talk about the aesthetics of the items, please don't overlook the effort it took to acquire them. I cannot agree with a system where all of my hours of effort will be overwritten by someone who is able to spend more money than me. I have serious gripe with that. That's my case as far. 


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honestly i don't get why people are against this.


like i said in another post. it helps DE get money, money they can use to improve the game for us all.


so stop crying over what somebody else does. so what they bought it. how does that impact your life whatsoever? you can still farm, you can still grind and feel the reward of finding a piece on your own. i will be doing it myself.


what does it really matter what other people do? you are getting worked up over something completely stupid that in the end will help support the game.


you are like a child in a playground fighting over toys. grow up and stop complaining about something that you don't even need to pay attention to.


if people want to spend money to get something, let them its their choice. you can choose to ignore it a play the game your own way.


so people really need to stop *@##$ing about this

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You gotta realize the new drop tables for Void and OD seem much more balanced than before. I mean, before, you had specific percentages for each drop in each Void mission, but now, it's a fixed percentage per piece. Like if there are 4 drops in a specific T3 mission, you're getting pretty much a 25% chance of getting said part, at least that's what i'm understanding. This will make parts that are currently hard to get much less tedious. In the end, those "rare" parts took days , if not months of farming if you had bad RNG luck, now should be obtained easy on your own. The addition of trading makes it even less tedious, as you can now trade your duplicate parts with other people to get parts you need. Since there are no longer "Rare" void drops, parts will essentially have very similar values, at least in theory. People will buy stuff with plat, but I have a feeling most people will do a couple runs of each map type, gather their plans and components, then trade the duplicates for stuff they need. In the end it's a less tedious way of doing things, although it will make Prime weapons and frames much more common than before.


I understand the need for grinding and the concern of some people about losing what essentially accounts to endgame content. But honestly, Warframe has so much grinding already. Grinding for credits , for Neural Sensors and Orokin Cells, leveling your weapons and frames, grinding bosses for frame components, grinding for rare mods and fusion cores, grinding invasion missions for mutagen masses and fieldron, doing alerts for BPs and such, , heck, even doing void for those Forma BPs, which you need in quantity if you want to push your gear to a higher standard. There's already so many weapons and frames and they keep adding more, so you always have something to do. So personally, I look forward not to have to do 400 Capture runs to finally get my Orthos Prime blades, both because it sucks to hunt keys for days and pray for a low % drop chance.


And for those concerned about having nothing to do anymore, they will keep adding new stuff in the Clan Reaserch dojos, keep adding new frames and new weapons to build, they will probably add a T4 tier of Void in the near future, adding new exclusive primes there that only well geared and forma++++ frames will be able to farm successfully... And they will continue adding events , stuff like Oxium farming, basically, don't expect to have nothing to do anymore. Think of it this way. De tends to give you stuff and make it hard to get, then down the road, they make that stuff easy to get for everyone , then introduce new stuff to compensate this.


Kinda like with the Mutagen Masses and Fieldron. Before, it was a lot of work to make these... You needed alot of money, core components,  weeks of build time, now you can get them like candy in invasions and infestations... Nobody builds them anymore basically. This renders making clantech weapons like Synapse easy to make (still need the master level to use it though). In a sense, it kinda cheapens them , making them accessible to people with much less effort. But in the long run, as long as they add new stuff for the Hardcore players to seek in compensation, it's not such a big deal. Hardcore players will always see the harder to get gear, and as long as DE can provide gear for the hardcore players, they can make older weapons more accessible to casual players... Eventually, after the HC players have had their fun with their exclusive toys. Personally, I found getting prime parts extremely tedious and time consuming ,and I look forward to getting them in a less tedious way. I've been saving up my keys for next upgrade, where hopefully i'll be able to use the higher % drop to get the missing parts. If not, i'll trade or even pay minimal plat to finish up my prime gear set.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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I kinda have to agree with the OP. I think it devalues the Prime gear/weapons, where you're proud to tote around your Fang Primes or whatever because you farmed for so long on the hopes of obtaining that last piece you needed and finally got and some other guy in your party got it for trading a Stormbringer or something with little to no effort.


That being said, we live in an instant gratification world and I understand the appeal of DE to get players to buy more plat which therefore (hopefully) they invest back into the game for new stuff. It makes sense from a business standpoint. I'm kinda against prime trading, but I get it. I just wish they'd start slowly, and introduce regular blueprint trading first, then maybe Warframe Prime BPs second, then gradually get to Prime weapons. Whatever they decide (if they haven't already) I'll get on board with eventually

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I have been reading the replies to the thread and what I am observing is that most of y'all have already started to settle into a middle ground. Since DE thought that it was a viable option to go with, nothing I do or say will change it. I will try to make peace with it, but it will be a tough one. Thank you all for participating, this has been a very pleasant conversation for the most part. 

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I do believe this could be a good thing with one addition, more and higher mastery lvl locked prime weapons and frames. This to make sure lvl 2 players can't walk around with a ember prime holding the boar prime, and Orthos prime. I am also lvl 14, but it's a shame there is no reason to get past lvl 8. they should use mastery lvl (XP locked) more offen.

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I have also over 500 hrs in this game. Most of the bulk of those hrs were grinding for prime weapons. Speaking logically, if I could have traded fir the parts I was missing, would I? Probably. But, where does that lead? I would have to say it would have removed at least half of those hours from my profile. I have now most every weapon, and all the frames. And honestly, I have already become bored. When there is nothing to seek, the joy of the journey is gone. Where once I played every hour I could, I now play other games during those hours. This is the future of the game if they decide to implement this. Trading prime weapons is a horrible idea for keeping players interested and playing. Unless, of course, they are going to come out with new updates and weapons at least once a week?? Of course not. Sure, some people will love the idea. "Now I can stop playing that void mission and simply trade for the piece Im missing." Look closely at that statment.......see the lost hours of gameplay already?

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I have also over 500 hrs in this game. Most of the bulk of those hrs were grinding for prime weapons. Speaking logically, if I could have traded fir the parts I was missing, would I? Probably. But, where does that lead? I would have to say it would have removed at least half of those hours from my profile. I have now most every weapon, and all the frames. And honestly, I have already become bored. When there is nothing to seek, the joy of the journey is gone. Where once I played every hour I could, I now play other games during those hours. This is the future of the game if they decide to implement this. Trading prime weapons is a horrible idea for keeping players interested and playing. Unless, of course, they are going to come out with new updates and weapons at least once a week?? Of course not. Sure, some people will love the idea. "Now I can stop playing that void mission and simply trade for the piece Im missing." Look closely at that statment.......see the lost hours of gameplay already?


I couldn't agree more with you, this mechanic will just slash the game time for so many players. But if you read the thread, some of the players aren't interested in farming their own gears, it's just way too much work for them to farm like everyone else, DE is facilitating those players and making some easy money in the process. I am savoring the few days left before prime trading is at our doorstep and we start seeing Campers with All prime gears just sitting there instead of the regular ones, because you know, DE thinks that it's O.K. to circumvent the regular game mechanic and just stand on the entrance for others to finish the mission for you and farm your prime gears for you so at the end you can just reap the completion reward or the extra damage boost. DE has done some good good work in the past, but this one is just a terrible move on their end. But hey, it's going to keep the Platinum farmers and Whole-sellers in the game happy, I feel like DE is only catering to that group with this change. ~fin~

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