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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Excellent choice sir, the Lobster is fresh tonight" *The waiter says with a smile giving the order to the chefs while he grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and two glasses. He returns, setting the cups on the table and filling them with the cold water* "You're order should be out soon."

Yvlo nodded as the waiter left to place their order, then caught the word 'lobster' in his mind. Turning to Zarine, he said to her, "You've still got a liking for fresh seafood, even after when you're gone for so many years, and most likely without knowing the taste of food too.". 


Zarine chuckled a bit, then jested, "A girl has to have her favourite food to keep herself nice, no? After all, I did not get to savour it for a long time, as you said, and even during the Old War, since there was little time to do so, so why not treat myself better?". 


"I suppose.", Yvlo replied, while pouring the bottle of mineral water into both of the glasses. As he performed said action, Zarine noticed that both of them are still in their Warframes. She leaned in closer towards the table, and whispered, "Yvlo, do you think we would be stared at, since we are wearing our Warframes, and the restaurant here looks formal?". 


"Don't worry, ", he replied, screwing the cap of the bottle back on after the glasses were filled, "We are sitting in a rather secluded area, so I don't think there would be many eyes looking our way.". 

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"You need anything else?", Yvlo asked Zarine after the food has been served.


"It should be enough for now.", Zarine answered, and Yvlo replied to the waiter, "No need, thank you very much.". Then, turning back to the food, he picked up the knife and fork from the table, and started to eat his meal, with Zarine doing the same.

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Yvlo and Zarine continued to enjoy the food that they ordered, relishing the freshness and tastiness of it. 


"You know, ", Zarine spoke up after she swallowed a chunk of the lobster, "this is better than the rations we have at Earth.". 


"Isn't it obvious?", Yvlo replied as he started to cut out a small portion of the steak, "I mean, the rations are meant for sustaining people. It wouldn't score high in the tasting department, although some of them do taste alright.". He paused for a bit as his hands continue to slice out the small portion, then sighed a bit and finished, "I kind of wish Zephyr was here as well. Then, we could act as a normal family of sorts while eating here. And let her enjoy the delicacies of life.". 


"We can take her here once she finished her meeting at Saturn, ", Zarine replied, "if she wants to. And for being a normal family... we are biodroids now, and have a very, very long history behind us, not to mention that we have caused quite a bit of a stir within the Void. I think the word 'normal' may not be applicable to us now, and definitely not Zephyr, since she could have another weird history behind her, if we can get to the bottom of who were her actual parents. So yes, definitely not a normal family, although I sometimes do wish for that...". 


Yvlo nodded in agreement of Zarine's thoughts, then remembered about the other chunk of data that Zarine and Zephyr took. He then said, "After we have finished eating, do you want to find the library and start analysing the data about it selecting seemingly random Tenno as a target? We'll see if there's anything in the library that could give us a hint or two, or an insight.".


"That would be nice.", Zarine responded as she stabbed another chunk of the lobster and ate it, allowing the fresh lobster juice to tingle her taste buds. 

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On the last note, his prosthetic clenched the bass's neck too tightly, and the unforgiving wires slapped his normal hand, leaving small cuts behind and making him swear in Phobian.

"Shruuub!" He corrected himself, remembering he had his niece on board whilst nursing his hand.

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Halcyon stood in the center of one of the default duel rooms, utterly alone. Not even Sogma had accompanied him, and he crouched, having put his ability mods into his warframe. Placing a hand on the floor, he followed through with the single simplest form to begin learning to use his tenno powers. He focused, channeling energy to slowly lower the temperature in the room. It begrudgingly fell, and Halcyon lost himself in the cold he so enjoyed now, the cold he could create. He hadn't noticed, but he had gone ever colder, even down to absolute Zero, his shields fourthed by such cold. It wasn't expected to be able to lower the temperature on the first try, and he held up a hand, focusing intense cold in his palm, then thrust the ball of frigid ness at a wall, unfortunately, his form was off, and it plopped to the ground in front of him. Melting directly into gas. He tried again, and met similar resistance, e had the calm, the focus to create the cold, but he didn't have the drive, the conviction to fire it forward. He moved onto the next ability. Charging up the cold and slamming the ground I front of him, a single, enormous, ice spike filled the area I front of him, touching the roof of the duel room, it's base twelve feet in diameter, he took it as a win and moved on to snow globe, he concentrated, holding his hand out In front of him once more, and a shield of ice appeared I front of him, he turned, and the shield spread, where ever he pointed his hand, a shield of ice appeared a few inches in front of it, so naturally, he aimed it down, and stepped unto it, walking around in circles to make a cylindrical ice path to the roof, he admired this, but it cracked in several places, unable to bear weight, and it broke, Halcyon crashing to the ground with it. He stood from the wreckage, and crouched, pointing both hands at ether side and generating a snow globe using the same technique he'd done earlier, It didn't work as he expected, and two ice shields appeared to either side of him, he turned quickly, and they created something like a snow globe, without a roof. He shrugged and moved on, attempting avalanche awarded him a room full of giant blocks of ice, him not knowing how to make them explode. He shrugged it off, and they soon melted into assorted gases without their temperature mantained. He walked to te door of the room, resolving to practice more later.

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Zarine finished off the last bit of her lobster as Yvlo drank from his glass of water, his meal already finished. 


"That is really excellent, ", she admired the food again, "I have to say, I have never tasted such nice food. And the place is very neat too.". 


"I'm glad you liked the place and the food it serves, ", Yvlo grinned, "I was scared that you'll hate it, since you tend not to like too much of a formal setting, which this restaurant does portray.". 


"It does not matter as much to me now, ", Zarine replied, smiling slightly, "which I think may be because I spent so much time in the formality of how the Void Towers are built.". 


"I see.", Yvlo nodded, then called for the bill. 

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Abra swiftly trotted to the Druid's Infirmary, and between the Bacta tanks he saw the bandages.

But these were not normal bandages.

The Phobians had always been a superstitious people, but their connection to the mystic strengthened their Tenno's bond to the Void.

Hence the ceremonial, coming-of-age tattoos that adorned Abra's face. And also these Gausho bandages, made to heal any wound or malady.

Abra reached for a normal roll of bandages instead.

Ruth cheered up considerably after saddling the Kubrow with sheets and riding like a Rau'ger.

Kate stepped a bit closer to Droben, now that Felix had left.

"Besides the volatile acids, that was a great meal. Now," She said with a glint in her eyes, "What would you like?”

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Zarine finished off the last bit of her lobster as Yvlo drank from his glass of water, his meal already finished. 


"That is really excellent, ", she admired the food again, "I have to say, I have never tasted such nice food. And the place is very neat too.". 


"I'm glad you liked the place and the food it serves, ", Yvlo grinned, "I was scared that you'll hate it, since you tend not to like too much of a formal setting, which this restaurant does portray.". 


"It does not matter as much to me now, ", Zarine replied, smiling slightly, "which I think may be because I spent so much time in the formality of how the Void Towers are built.". 


"I see.", Yvlo nodded, then called for the bill. 

*The waiter comes back setting the bill on the table* "Here you are sir and madam, enjoy your day" *The bill itself is....surprisingly cheap, one would notice the 'tenno discount' taking about half the price off*

Edited by SoundwavePrime
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