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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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"Uh... I was just saying hi..." She said nervously and then walked out.

"Get out, ", Zephyr pointed at the boarding ramp of her ship, "it's rude to just come into someone's ship without asking.". Then, she changed her mind, and decided to just push the female out, as well as herself, close the boarding ramp and secure her ship. Once both of them are out, Zephyr walked past the security checkpoint, and looked at the holographic directions. 


As she looked at the directions, she remembered that during the fight at the camp, she heard the lead female say something about Aldis not being 'a true Scarlet'. 


"What is a Scarlet?", she thought in her mind, "And what has it got to do with Zarine?". And so, she looked at the directions again, and saw one of the arrows pointing to the library, so she went there in hopes of getting some answers.

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((I'll edit this to add more later- in the middle of something and have to read all these posts. But Achaix - what I'm doing is the opposite of godmodding. Godmodding is when you say that you can do something definitely, and there is no escape. What you're doing is closer to godmodding as a matter of fact. If there is a situation where you exploit one of Miranda's predetermined resources (which exist) she will be hit as has happened in the past. However bum rushing her isn't particularly effective as she is a practiced barfighter))

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((I return. And thinking on it Miranda should have been punched in the face. Raging from Tribes Ascend has clouded my mind. Sucker punch happened. Good for you.))


Miranda's hand grazed her cheek and fell to her jaw as local winds began to pick up. Her hand flexed and she was about to move when a voice of logic within her mind spoke. Not this place. She relaxed. "Not here, not now."

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(Halcyon you're fine. It's more or less the references are people making - they're as cheesy as they are aged - Moldy and gross. Bleh.)

(Also, stop fighting. It's a *peaceful* dojo, so for the sake of upholding this rule...)

The fighting tenno find themselves hit by a suit EMP that locks up their armors, as Rael steps in growling and in a p*ssed stance.

"So, hey, a*sholes, how 'bout you /don't/ fight each other outside of - oh, I don't know, THE DUEL ROOMS WHERE IT BELONGS."

(Edit. I got ninja'd.)

Edited by WingedCrusade
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While Zephyr walked towards the library, she received a credit transmission, saying that 1.25 million credits have been transferred to her credit module by Elog. She checked to make sure, and smiled at the huge influx of credits. 


"[size=2]This sure beats running missions repeatedly...[/size]", she muttered to herself, and continued her journey to the library, which was actually pretty close. When she entered the library, she took off her Cierzo helmet as a small sign of respect, and walked to a far off table to place the helmet there, telling others that this was her spot. She then walked over to the holo-shelves, searching for anything related to the word 'Scarlet'. She did not have to look for long, as there is only one entry with the label 'Scarlet'. She took the holodisk containing that entry, and viewed it first to see if it is the entry she is looking for, and recognised, on the first 'page', the face of the lead woman that was at the camp, and had sniped her in the shoulder twice. 


"Good.", she talked to herself, and went back to the table to read the contents: 


The Scarlet Claw was a group of normal people who had been affected by the Void's powers, and is now known to be invincible and ferocious in their attacks. Many theories has been raised as to how they can escape the Void without proper shielding equipment, as reports say that they suddenly appeared from a Void portal without anything but themselves, but one popular theory is...

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((Whoops. Memory is fun.


Also what would Droben say about that?))


Miranda waltzed over to Rael and took her by the shoulder. "That... won't be necessary. We'll take this somewhere more appropriate." She then patted Rael on the back and began her walk, beckoning fervently to Abra.

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...And so, there are five known and fearsome members, known as Wildcat, Lynx, Fox, Wolf, and Hound, with Hound as the leader...


As Zephyr saw the images of these five members, she recognised all of them barring this 'Hound' person, as she did not see him at the camp. 


"Where is he though?", she thought in her mind, "Why would a leader not come to the camp to command his soldiers, and especially when the camp was attacked?", and continued reading the last bits of the holodisk, since she skimmed through most of the information, thinking it was boring: 


...they have a fervent hatred of the Tenno, as verbal reports suggest that they believe their Void affliction was something to do with the Tenno deceiving them, and leaving them to die in the Void, although this is not confirmed, since anyone who tries to get near them to get answers were either mutilated, scarred or killed. So, to the travellers, if you see an Orokin ship flying around space, and its engines are active, it would be best to stay away from it, lest you end up having your life cut short.


The holodisk ended at a rather dreary tone, and Zephyr deactivated it, took her Cierzo helmet, returned the holodisk back to its position, and walked out of the library, wearing the helmet back on. As she walked out, her stomach grumbled, and made her think, "I haven't really eaten anything over this day. Might as well find a place to crash and eat before leaving.". And so, she walked around to find the directions, and saw an arrow pointing towards the bar. 


"The bar works too, I suppose.", she decided, and followed the arrows to enter the bar. 

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