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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Still standing in one of the many gardens, the Oberon feels an odd sensation in his hand. Bringing his hand up, he triggers his Warframe's interface, revealing a message for him with a transmission attached. He plays the transmission, seeing as there are few within the garden he's currently in. The transmission starts with Vay Hek's floating form, mocking the general Tenno populace, referring to them as parasites. He pauses, turning to someone offscreen, a Fomorian commander, and ordering them to fire. His heart skips a beat as he watches the Strata relay being violently torn apart by the laser of the Fomorian. He squeezes his hand into a fist as he watches the remnants of the station float off into space, the lives lost aboard the station being astronomical.


"Cephalon, prepare the ship for departure." The Oberon storms down the halls of the Dojo as he heads for the hangar bay, his steps echoing down the halls. "Right away, operator." His cephalon chirps.


Making his way into the hangar, the Oberon swings left, heading for the section of the hangar made for Liset's leaving the Dojo in a hurry. He scans the walls until he finds the passenger compartment belonging to him. With a slow and steady gait, he steps into the passenger compartment, easing into its recesses as he grabs onto the handles. The passenger compartment swivels around, protecting the Oberon from the harsh, cold vacuum of space as his Liset disengages from the Dojo.


A small, robotic chirp welcomes the Oberon as he steps into navigation, his cephalon materializing beside him.

"Where is it?"

"Its currently being escorted by a convoy of Galleons to an unknown location, even the Lotus advises against not pursuing it."

The Oberon sighs, running a hand over his helmet, he looks out the viewport, watching the steady stream of traffic to and from the Dojo. His cephalon's hologram bounces into view.

"Operator, there is still much to do!" His cephalon hovers over to the navigation console. "Another Balor Fomorian has been spotted making an advance on the Saturn relay!" The Oberon remains silent as he kneels in front of the navigation console. Vengeance for the lives lost at Strata would come later, now he would have to make sure more are not lost to the Grineer.
"Alright," A pause.
"Set a course for Saturn."


The Oberon's Liset, previously dormant, turns away from the Dojo, its golden highlights gleaming against the stars. Its engines ignite as it begins to coast away, before blinking away from view in a burst of golden energy and sound.


Ship reference:

Edited by Darkshifter98
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  • 4 weeks later...

((Doesn't matter, in any case, I would like to commend you upon the recent naming of your character, you are about 11% towards having a character at all, so go ahead and fill out this Character sheet, learn some Grammar, and apply to some threads,

Name: Blade

Age: Ancient

Warframe: Frost(Frost Prime?)





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((so does that mean this is the end of the Dojo Rp?  I am slightly confused by the last few posts, for as far as the story arch I have been a part of, I have been waiting for something to happen, I just thought holidays so people were busy, but now maybe it is school?))

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  • 1 month later...

(*Grabs a pair of defibrillator paddles* Gonna kickstart/restart this thread, or try to anyways)


It's has been a long while since the Violet Sun clan, the clan who owns the dojo, had been called to battle against the enemies of the Lotus and thus had to close off the dojo. But a broadcast from the station says that it's doors are once again open to Tenno, Humans, and their allies alike.


"Come brothers and sisters in battle, come find sanctuary from the war raging across the system, leave your burdens for a day and let your body, mind and spirit heal at the Dojo."

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An alarm sounded, a proximity alarm. In a tenno Liset. Waking up its inhabitant. The stock colored Excalibur woke, brushing dust off his warframe. And stepped toward navigation, veering away from the dojo as it blew past. It was nearly the first thing he's seen out in space, aside from hostile planets and the like. And noticed it's open bay. He quickly slowed down the Liset, and turned to enter aforementioned hangar, hoping they would at least direct him to the nearest relay.

His cephalon had long been gone, burned out as a result of intense misuse, and he had also managed to overheat the communications array to the point of meltdown, rendering it unusable. The void cloak capabilities of his Liset were malfunctioning, so approach a planet was suicide, this was the only place he could go. Aside from happening upon a previous dojo, where he had been subjugated as a result of his gender. He shuddered to think about it. And instead simply brought up the Liset's docking gear, which, thankfully, still functioned as it should.

Stepping from his Liset, he looked around, and spotted a Loki, who seemed to be yelling something unintelligible.

"Hello!" He called.

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The excalbur hesitated, the Loki seemed friendly enough, though, from the codex entries he had downloaded when he had begun his journey, he had assumed any other tenno would be very, stoic, to say the least.

"Yea, hi, I'm looking for someone to repair my Liset, and I need a cephalon replacement... You know anyone who can help me with that?"

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