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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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Ellie heard the two humans talking "Oh, we did recognize your existence, I just wasn't sure you wanted us to" she explained.

Luvs happy face vanished "What is he doing here with... Oh, I know now" she turned to Blossom "Listen, I'm pretty sure he's picking going at it again, and I'm not an evil sister, so you just pretend like he was never flirting with you, ok?" she said, they were too far for anyone else to hear.

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Ellie heard the two humans talking "Oh, we did recognize your existence, I just wasn't sure you wanted us to" she explained.

Luvs happy face vanished "What is he doing here with... Oh, I know now" she turned to Blossom "Listen, I'm pretty sure he's picking going at it again, and I'm not an evil sister, so you just pretend like he was never flirting with you, ok?" she said, they were too far for anyone else to hear.

"Hello there." The man said and smiled. "This seems to be a strange Dojo, Dojos tend to be for clan members but this one is for everyone."

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"Sure, I haven't had champane in some time now" Polo answered the waitress.

Ellie made more purr noised as she was being petted.

"Well lets follow them, shall we?" Luv replied.

((Prime, are you sure it's a good idea to bring U18 into this thread? You're the DM, you can do whatever you want, but just think this through.))

"Too cute." Shay continued patting Ellie. She was too busy petting the cephalon to notice her spouse glaring sharply at a certain lady near them.

(Imagine if Ellie was real, or there was a Ellie plush :3. Shay would buy it all.)

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The cephalon was really enjoying the attention the tenno was giving her, like a cuddely kubrow pub. She turned on her back, expecting belly rubs.

She also noticed what Berlev was staring at, but she decided not to point it out, as that would cause some unwanted comotion.

((Ikr? DE, Ellie plush, make it happen!))

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The lady glared at Belrev, putting her hands on her hips in a sort of threatening way.

He sliced a finger across his throat, using the age old gesture as a indicator of his mood.


The cephalon was really enjoying the attention the tenno was giving her, like a cuddely kubrow pub. She turned on her back, expecting belly rubs.

She also noticed what Berlev was staring at, but she decided not to point it out, as that would cause some unwanted comotion.

((Ikr? DE, Ellie plush, make it happen!))

Shay continued to rub Ellie's metallic stomach, not noticing her boyfriend who is currently making threatening gestures to the lady.


(Belrev-Shay-Ellie-Icarus-Blossom-Luv- and some others are in the garden)

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"Sure, I haven't had champane in some time now" Polo answered the waitress.

Ellie made more purr noised as she was being petted.

"Well lets follow them, shall we?" Luv replied.

((Prime, are you sure it's a good idea to bring U18 into this thread? You're the DM, you can do whatever you want, but just think this through.))

"An excellent choice sir, one glass of our finest champagne coming up" The waitress said, giving polo a champagne glass and filled the glass with the finest champagne. Fang, Luna and Artorias drink were also filled with their chosen drink. Every college, except for the waitress, walked away from the table.

"Bon appetit" the waitress said and leaved the guests alone.


Finally... Fang said as he started to eat his noodle soup, not noticing the other tennos who had come a few seconds ago.

Luna giggled as she thought that Fang's reaction was kinda funny and then starting to eat her noodle soup too. Unlike Fang, Luna did actually spot the small group of tennos who had joined them, but she didn't want to say hi to them because of her shy nature and she was kinda hungry.

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"Sure, I haven't had champane in some time now" Polo answered the waitress.

Ellie made more purr noised as she was being petted.

"Well lets follow them, shall we?" Luv replied.

((Prime, are you sure it's a good idea to bring U18 into this thread? You're the DM, you can do whatever you want, but just think this through.))

((I mean it's cannon, but I'll hold off on it for the time being))

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Ellie noticed the strange gestures the two were exchanging, but she ejoyed the belly rubs too much to ask.

"Thank you" Polo replied to the waitress after recieving the food.

He took off his helmet (I don't have a face for him, so lets just say he looks handsome) which dematerialized shortly after. He then began eating his food like a true gentleman.

"I see" Icarus replied to the Valkyr "Good to see that you put the dojo in good hands while you were away"

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Ellie noticed the strange gestures the two were exchanging, but she ejoyed the belly rubs too much to ask.

"Thank you" Polo replied to the waitress after recieving the food.

He took off his helmet (I don't have a face for him, so lets just say he looks handsome) which dematerialized shortly after. He then began eating his food like a true gentleman.

"I see" Icarus replied to the Valkyr "Good to see that you put the dojo in good hands while you were away"

"What if we made a Ellie plushy!"


Belrev sighed and glared at the lady, making a gun gesture.

Edited by (PS4)batman200087
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"I wouldn't mind, but there are five people on this table, so I'm hardly the one that decides" Polo replied to Blossom.

"If not, we can always take another table, right Blossy?" said Luv.

"We could i guess but lets wait what our fellow tenno say." Blossom replied.

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