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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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The Loki stood daft, apparent that he had been spotted and beckoned, yet for the time stood with cold feet. The tenno quirked his head, curious yet as well with a draft of uncertainty. 

The carrier drone was quick for converse though, whirring over towards the ideal companions as a mechanical voice stirred quickly to life, "Greetings friends! I am I.C.A.R.U.S. I see you have spotted Master Targon!" The hovering guardian appeared excited to no bounds as there he stood amidst false spotlight. "I warn you! He is not much one for conversation, though I'm sure he would be -interested- in your company." The finagling bot spoke with emphasis, a robotic chuckle exhuming in a forced manner. Thereafter he awaited in silence awkwardly, pernicious glances shot back towards the Loki.

Steadily, the warframe began to pace towards the others, casting an eye about the cafe as he approached until sidelong to those appointed by the carrier.

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"Wait a second, your name is Icarus? My boyfriend is called Icarus too! Coincidence!"

The little bot whirred with pseudo-intrigue, "Oh, how delightful! Perhaps on separate occasion I may be graced to meet him."  The robot spun about, looking for an exit to this building conversation, "M-Master Targon." He stammered. "I know that conversing is not your... favorite excursion, but why not speak with our companions?"

Targon offered a passive glance to the guardian, though soon as he was given occupation, fixations turned upon those before him. For a moment he fell deadpan, though soon after returning a greeting bow in response for exchanged gestures prior.

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She clenched a fist and was about to get up before Colt stopped her. "There's no point for Insults, Demon."

"She attempted to end my son's life MANY times. All of them. I could do much worse than insults."


Belrev sighed and then turned his attention back to Luna, sheepishly smiling. A small one of course. Being known as possibly one of the most dangerous Tenno alive, means you have to keep up the image, right?


"She has done many things. Many bad things. She is a bad person."

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"Of course I am. We all are. We kill, we maim, we lie, and we use. Part of the job, Vari."


"Thing is. I don't go about killing innocents for income of all things."


He briefly explained, keeping his voice stoic and cold. 


"Oh and Colt? Do you remember that agent named Zaos?"


"I burnt him alive."

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"Yes, my operator is right there with the owner of the dojo apparently... and he's comming back. Any success Icarus?"

"She said "That's just how he grew" and suggested selective breeding if I wanted to make one that big myself"

"Would you want me to do research on that?"

"Yes, once we get back to the liset. For now you can keep being cuddled"

I see....Maybe I should pay the owner of this dojo a "visit" Fang said to Ellie.


"She attempted to end my son's life MANY times. All of them. I could do much worse than insults."


Belrev sighed and then turned his attention back to Luna, sheepishly smiling. A small one of course. Being known as possibly one of the most dangerous Tenno alive, means you have to keep up the image, right?


"She has done many things. Many bad things. She is a bad person."

Um...aren't you being a bit...harsh on her? I mean...everyone makes mistakes...even I do it sometimes... Luna said as one particular nightmare flowed to her head, giving her a bit of chill. Even if she knows that the nightmare wouldn't happen, she was still afraid that it would happen someday; to be helpless and not being able to get help from her friends


"Oh and you aren't oh mister saviour?" Vari asked him with a sarcastic and angry voice. Colt sighed and then stood up, walking over to Belrev. "It's only orders, Demon. Good soldiers follow orders. What do you follow?" He asked with a sly grin, giving a glance at Luna

Luna glanced shyly back at the young girl, not seeing any sign of her being a "threat". She wonder what she could have done to make Belrev to not trust her...

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His first step was wobbly. He nearly messed up his second one because he was still dizzy.


He never liked the Liset. In fact, he never really liked any of the ships; not the Liset, not the Mantis, and definitely not the Scimitar. The way he had to get spun around in a circular pod just to exit the ship had never been something he was particularly fond of. But he adapted. He always does. He has faced worse things than getting spun around by a machine.


Dazed, he looked down at his apparel, wondering if he was being overcautious and should've left all of his gear in his Arsenal. Nobody enters a peaceful Dojo with a Soma strapped on their back. Similarly, the Broken-War on his back felt so out of place he considered stepping back into the Liset and strip off all his weapons. But that would mean getting spun around again, and quite frankly, throwing up inside a Warframe isn't very preferable.


...And he had just gotten his Pendragon helmet a few days ago.


Sighing, he went inside the Dojo, not pausing as the sliding doors automatically opened for him. The sight was quite marvelous, he should say. His clan had built a magnificent Dojo, true, but this was on a whole different level. He was quite certain that he'd get lost soon if he walked around aimlessly.


If that happens, he couldn't trust his Operator enough to navigate him through the Dojo. A brilliant Tenno she might be, but she was nearly as bad with directions as he was.


So, while putting more than enough concentration on the map on his HUD, he made his way to the Tenno Lab. His Operator had suddenly began wanting a Lacera in her Arsenal, something that baffled even his Cephalon, SABER, as it remarked a bit crudely that "the [crapload] number of weapons we already have" was putting dents in their credits. Even so, his Operator prevailed, and the supposedly-mature Tenno had very maturely decided to mute it until further notice.


Considering she managed to let SABER finish its sentence, he thought this was actually an improvement.




He stopped.


Glancing upwards, he noticed that his map wasn't changing. He had walked a good distance away from the hangar, and he should only need to follow the map to find the Tenno Lab, but the thing has stopped working.


And then, looking up to the heavens as if to curse the Sentients, he who was clad in an Excalibur Warframe muttered:


"...I'm lost."

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A red ample volt prime ran into the lost excalibur.

"Osorryiwasn'tpayingattentiontowhatiwasdoing." He quickly said to the excalibur. He then shook his head and took a deep breath. "Sorry for that i'm used to speaking too fast most of the time." He said shaking his head again.

"Can we just do that from the begining?" He asked as he extended his hand. "I'm Zek its nice to meet ya."

Edited by kyrozon
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"There's a reason to be, Luna. I just hope you don't find out first hand."



If you say so... Luna said, not wanting to ask why since she didn't want to drag it on and on.


Meanwhile, back at the training room...


Arthas had finished his workout pass about 10 minutes ago and he had also stretched his body (wouldn't want to have a sore body after all).

He checked on the map and saw that Luna and Fang was close to each other, near a restaurant. Arthas wondered if he should meet up with them and get something to eat. However, before heading toward where Fang and Luna was, Arthas decided to meditate in order to calm his tense body even more and "normalize" it.

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