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Trinity May Be The Best T3 Defense Warframe Ever


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I love rhino loki and my other frames, but i dont write this much about rhino.

Sure you dont, coz rhino is probably the most used frame in the game; everybody knows or think they know how to use it.

And no comment about Loki lol

Though I have to admit that he is quite helpful in defense missions if there is not a Mag around.

But that head of his.. EwWww

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Well thing with rhino is that many play him only up too star chart lvl,   and since he can clear that in no time he is called noob frame.


But when they try anyting over 40-50-60+ bombards they get shreded too pieces, because when iron skin cant last long your weapon is  only way too save you, and well timed stomp, too if you stopped 1 group but missed another you are in trouble so you must be mobile.


Roar can help whole team but if you are alone you are probably better saving every bit of energy for stomp, and not getting into crowds in any case.


As for rhino in a team, things are way more easy just dont try too be rambo the whole time, know when too step back for recharge and providing roar and stomp in case it is realy needed /if you revive someone.


If there are multiple cc frames in squad, you are not required/suposed too spam stomp everyone has their task.



As for loki i find best build variation 3 duration mods with only rank 5-6 narrow minded, 2 range mods so you dont lose radial disarm.

And worse thing that can happen too loki, is again rambo style with galatine and poor timing with it.


Oh and FTL corpus bombs sometimes in void.


Everyting about loki is right positioning, and timing.


Vs infected decoy spam on stuff,  that they cant reach fast.

Edited by SALE94
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Alreet Mag-haters, let's just play some defense together in Outer Terminus - Pluto (ODD is too easy for good defense players like yer kind) and let us see who can have the most kills, the fewerer deafs and who can be the MVP for the cryopod. YES, let the cryopod decides!!!

You can easily spam bastillez, frozen bubbles, crowd viruses, zombie enemies or tornadoz and think you are kewl without actually doing anything important but you snob Mag even if she:

1)Drags the enemies away from the pod (only Banshee can do something similar but she risks her life to do so since she repels the enemies which means she has to be close to them)

2)Reduces the shield of the enemies while she gives to cryopod and to her worthless teammates the opportunity to live longer by maximizing the shield. Who cares about life when shield is the most important to survive?

3) Casts fear and instant deaf with her magnetic bubble and destroys enemies almost instantly. Not only the main target but everyone around him/her (did you know that only Mag is able to kill a boss just with her 3rd skill? Of course you didn't. You just sit and press 1,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8,9 while "playing" this awesome game, while others, use her 3rd power, gather all the minor enemies around the mighty boss, cause a mini civil war..

and BOOM!!! Extraction is ready in few minutes.

4)Needless to say anything about her 4th power.

Perhaps the most ultimate power in the world of warframe. Not only it can have a great range and/or a massive damage BU it can also lift the enemies in the air by giving enough time to her worthless teammates to revive each other or to go farm the rare mods.Even the cryopod itself can benefit from this! Enemies need few seconds to stand up and start shooting again. But this will happen if and only If Mag doesn't use this this skill again and again and again and again..

I don't want to insult anyone and I know the game needs a lot of new players and their moneyz but, I think the players in past used to play much better when the game was kinda unknown... Many randoms here lately that just troll play and dont give any value to the warframes..

All they care is the mastery rank for the trades! 

It's like playing poker and all the newbies try to get the Aces when everybody nose that the combination of other cards can win the ACES!!!

If you just press buttons with Mag, I'm sure you do the same with other frames too, in other words you simply don't know how to play this game but practice makes perfect and you should always watch the livestream to see how the game it is supposed to be played.

But then again who is AngryKoreanMen to judge yer gameplay.. You can play as you want. Not muh business.

Look dude, we all obviously know Mag's to your liking but you're bragging in the wrong topic, this is about Trinity. Not Mag, so if you wanna brag about Mag being the best make a topic, you'll get lots of disagreements from other frame players and agreements.
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Alreet Mag-haters, let's just play some defense together in Outer Terminus - Pluto (ODD is too easy for good defense players like yer kind) and let us see who can have the most kills, the fewerer deafs and who can be the MVP for the cryopod. YES, let the cryopod decides!!!

You can easily spam bastillez, frozen bubbles, crowd viruses, zombie enemies or tornadoz and think you are kewl without actually doing anything important but you snob Mag even if she:

1)Drags the enemies away from the pod (only Banshee can do something similar but she risks her life to do so since she repels the enemies which means she has to be close to them)

2)Reduces the shield of the enemies while she gives to cryopod and to her worthless teammates the opportunity to live longer by maximizing the shield. Who cares about life when shield is the most important to survive?

3) Casts fear and instant deaf with her magnetic bubble and destroys enemies almost instantly. Not only the main target but everyone around him/her (did you know that only Mag is able to kill a boss just with her 3rd skill? Of course you didn't. You just sit and press 1,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,8,9 while "playing" this awesome game, while others, use her 3rd power, gather all the minor enemies around the mighty boss, cause a mini civil war..

and BOOM!!! Extraction is ready in few minutes.

4)Needless to say anything about her 4th power.

Perhaps the most ultimate power in the world of warframe. Not only it can have a great range and/or a massive damage BU it can also lift the enemies in the air by giving enough time to her WORTHLESS teammates to revive each other or to go farm the rare mods.Even the cryopod itself can benefit from this! Enemies need few seconds to stand up and start shooting again. But this will happen if and only If Mag doesn't use this this skill again and again and again and again..

I don't want to insult anyone and I know the game needs a lot of new players and their moneyz but, I think the players in past used to play much better when the game was kinda unknown... Many randoms here lately that just troll play and dont give any value to the warframes..

All they care is the mastery rank for the trades!

It's like playing poker and all the newbies try to get the Aces when everybody nose that the combination of other cards can win the ACES!!!

If you just press buttons with Mag, I'm sure you do the same with other frames too, in other words you simply don't know how to play this game but practice makes perfect and you should always watch the livestream to see how the game it is supposed to be played.

But then again who is AngryKoreanMen to judge yer gameplay.. You can play as you want. Not muh business.

You sir seriously suck! XD wow you give time that your "worthless" teammates can revive other players... Just wow...

At a certain point even small minded people like you will see that there is no best warframe, each frame can pull of a certain task, and some are simply beasts in certain tasks. Nothing more, nothing less. Sure i love playing as mag and nuke corpus waves with shield polarize, but try this again against grineer or infested, sure u can pull or press 4 but due to dmg 2.0 the results will be just ok, not comparable like the nukes on the corpus.

Try to look at the game how to help your group the best way instead of thinking you are gods gift to show every noob on warframe how a pro player like you can do epic damage like noone else(again mag with the right helmet/mods is a beast against corpus but still against grineer or infested other frames can perform on her lvl and even above).

Edited by (PS4)fingernageldreck
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Some people just don't know how to quit..
They will just type anything just to say something

They will make it look like they disagree on something they totally agree and then I say to myself; mon Dieu, stop answering and keep playing in Outer Terminus..

At least there the trolls will leave on wave 5, unlike here >_>

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I may accept bad comments related to the coil helmet but not for the prime head!!

Mag Prime is almost as zeksy as Frost Prime :}~~

You're being serious as well.


That's very disturbing! o.O Mag Prime's head is definitely not as good as Frost Prime's head. Never ever will be. In fact, I find it to be an insult to Mag that they designed her in such a way. Freakin' gold retainer...

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Guys. Can we not have a fight about whether or not mag is a good frame on a thread about trinity? And also about how she needs to be nerfed?

I have a question for OP. When you say "max Power Efficiency" are you also using fleeting expertise and losing duration?

And by "using the lasers" are you Blessing + Link and then just running into them to hit enemies with the shared damage?

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Some people just don't know how to quit..

They will just type anything just to say something

They will make it look like they disagree on something they totally agree and then I say to myself; mon Dieu, stop answering and keep playing in Outer Terminus..

At least there the trolls will leave on wave 5, unlike here >_>

There's one problem...

You're literally talking about Corpus defense!

What Mag was meant to do. She's the best in Corpus defense undoubtly.

Now i challenge you to see how good you are with Mag against Grineer and infested. She's the Corpus specialist, but she's average against others.

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You are crossing the lines mate!!   >:{

*insert picture of dufus Mag Prime with 'duuh' text*


Where's your Mag Prime avatar? Some loyalist you are!


On topic: Trinity will likely be addressed down the line. Just like Frost and soon-to-be Loki. All frames will have their demise. 

Edited by Naith
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I'm not happy to be a dream breaker but Mag is the bestest...

The rest warframes are just soso

I just played Mag for the first time since update 10


DAMN Is she nerfed, pull seems to only affect enemies I can see and even then it's random as hell. Shield polarize seems to not be the corpus killer it used to be



Back on topic- this old tactic I've tried spreading on the PS4 despite everyone's being in denial about Frost's impending nerf and thus not wanting a trinity on the team.

Edited by (PS4)Chip_Foamy
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