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Dedicated Servers.


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It would need to be a monthly sub because of all the server costs, and to pay someone to actually maintain the server(s) in question. There's still a LOT of people who play this and it can put a LOT of stress on those servers. Unlike those AAA titles they don't have the kind of cash to throw out for maintenance, security, someone to keep it up to date and out of reach for people with malicious intent. That being said, it would take a lot of capital to support dedicated servers.

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Dedicated servers are only happening for the lobbies, the player is talking about in missions.

Which is stupid.


A dedicated and stable host, which sufficient hardware and bandwidth is NEVER unwelcome. Hardly stupid, unless you love having hosts running their games on SmartTosters attached to 56k modems.

Giving the community the ability to run 3rd party dedicated misson/dojo/hub servers would not be detrimental in any form.

Edited by Brasten
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A dedicated and stable host, which sufficient hardware and bandwidth is NEVER unwelcome. Hardly stupid, unless you love having hosts running their games on SmartTosters attached to 56k modems.

Giving the community the ability to run 3rd party dedicated misson/dojo/hub servers would not be detrimental in any form.

And it would also significantly slow down development time for the game, cause tons of delays and issues since servers always cause issues when putting patches into them (When we get this lobby we'll see vastly increased maintenance times), and cause less money to be spent on the game itself since they would then have to budget it out to servers. Which means less content.


What they need is to make host selection better and optimize the game more to cut down on lag, as well as plugging the memory leaks. Dedicated servers sound great until you realize that it would result in less content for the game over all.

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dedicated servers can make things worse for players. Specially if you don't happen to live near one. If there were US servers and i play at eu.. id be stuck with perma 300-500ms ping. Hosting dedicated servers at every region in the world would segregate players ( every small region would be playing in their own area to avoid lag - but often they can be empty.


What they need to do is selective hosting ( you can opt out in settings) and hardware check/performance test if you opt in as a potential host - if your hardware just cant handle it, it will be disabled/u will be flagged as low performance. Can still do invites and such.

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And it would also significantly slow down development time for the game, cause tons of delays and issues since servers always cause issues when putting patches into them (When we get this lobby we'll see vastly increased maintenance times), and cause less money to be spent on the game itself since they would then have to budget it out to servers. Which means less content.


What they need is to make host selection better and optimize the game more to cut down on lag, as well as plugging the memory leaks. Dedicated servers sound great until you realize that it would result in less content for the game over all.

You seem to have missed the important point.


3rd Party, Community Hosted.


We already run servers out of our personal boxes when we host. They are just temporary and bound, more often then, to inferior hardware and network connections. Peer to Peer connections hosted from consumer desktops/laptops on "home" level internet connections will never beat out a dedicated server solution located at major communication points.


We are already supporting DE by hosting the games from our privet boxes and connections. Lets move it one step further and get it running on actual servers attached to the bandwidth to support it. As a bonus some clans could then run their Dojos 24/7 as Hubs, either privately for Clan members or open to the "public".


dedicated servers can make things worse for players. Specially if you don't happen to live near one. If there were US servers and i play at eu.. id be stuck with perma 300-500ms ping. Hosting dedicated servers at every region in the world would segregate players ( every small region would be playing in their own area to avoid lag - but often they can be empty.


What they need to do is selective hosting ( you can opt out in settings) and hardware check/performance test if you opt in as a potential host - if your hardware just cant handle it, it will be disabled/u will be flagged as low performance. Can still do invites and such.


We are already segregated by region, incase you weren't aware of that fact. You're playing in the EU region while I'm in the America-West (although I could likely hop on America-East without much issue). If you were to switch your region filter to America-West you'd end up in games with 500+ ping.


Both of you seem to be thinking of Servers in MMO mega server (Cluster) terms. I'm talking about the more normal style Shooter servers going all the way back to Quake and Unreal Tournament. Even the persistent worlds of Neverwinter Nights (2002). 

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Who here would pay real money to have dedicated servers?


in the form of a sub/one off payment.

Ah, we don't need that crap first have so problem here with the game and now you ask for servers . Root to root is waaaay better because it's free.

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