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The Exclusives Megathread (The Eternal Struggle Of Giving A Damn And Not Giving A Damn About Event Items)


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Well, I didn't care much about Brakk. Didn't even use it since before U12. What I think is, if DE gonna re-release event weapons because someone whine that he/she missed the event, that's not gonna end well. Many people just don't know how much they can demand on others without crossing the line.

Edited by Habataki
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That's technically a reskin.

No, the Twin Viper Wraiths are a different weapon with different stats. Their model is a reskin of the Twin Vipers.


We had our fun with the Cosmic Space Squash of Doom for long enough, and I don't regret the Formas put into this thing. The poor sods who missed the Brakk can go grind for it in Gradivus's anniversary if they really want it so much.

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The fact that it is considered one of the best side-arms available isn't the problem that it's too strong, it's that everything else in the game is too weak.


Somethnig people seem to forget is: NOT ALL WEAPONS ARE EQUIL!!!


These people who scream "Overpowered! Nerf all the things! Make them all equivelent!" need to realise that they're not supposed to be! some things are supposed to be stronger than others, otherwise, why have more things? if you want everything to be the same, then why not just delete everyone and give everyone a single frame, a single pistol, a single rifle, a single shotgun, and a couple of different melee weapons. surely that makes way more sense than trying to make everying equil.


The strength, and power of an object within the game should be proportional to the ammount of hard work, time, and resourced that went into obtaining it.

I agree with this, i hate when people cry nerf. Here's a solution, make the brakk blueprint IF RE-RELEASED a rank 10+ requirement to build. Will give you difficulty in making it, but same time give it a reason to be over powered. Look at what happened on Mass effect 3 after everyone cried for nerfs... It became stale. THis game and Mass effect 3 multiplayer are both COOPerative multiplayers.... i would understand the call for nerfs if this was another call of duty, but it's not... make missions Conclave restricted so OP players can't just wreck the world... 

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28 hours? I took you over 15 minutes to run each of your 100 missions? I think not. If it did then that's your own fault, not DE's or the playerbase.

not everyone can steamroll through missions. I'm a casual player, I don't have all maxed frames and weapons, and maxed mods on those frames and weapons. and I went with a pre-made group of friends, no PUGs with awesome gear, so yes, it took me 15mins+ per mission.

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Man.....why release all event weapons....i thought they were exclusive...


Even if i missed brakk and machete wraith or prova vandal from gradivus event....i at least got detron since i supported corpus mainly for it...( couldn't support more cuz i wasn't highly active during that event ).

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How to make your post look like childish ranting? Use the phrase "slap in the face".


28 hours? I took you over 15 minutes to run each of your 100 missions? I think not. If it did then that's your own fault, not DE's or the playerbase.


All that being said, I missed out on the Brakk as I went on holiday during the event so I have no problem not having it. What I do have a problem with is the best pistol in the game (is it now, it certainly was once) being an event exclusive. That shouldn't be the case. It can be unique and exclusive but it doesn't need to be the best.


The view I have on it is more, they can:


a) Keep the weapon exclusive and nerf it down so it isn't one of the best guns in the game.

b) Release the weapon into the game at a good time and compensate those there was in the event with something unique, which doesn't affect the game in some brutal way.


Then again that is just my two bits.

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not everyone can steamroll through missions. I'm a casual player, I don't have all maxed frames and weapons, and maxed mods on those frames and weapons. and I went with a pre-made group of friends, no PUGs with awesome gear, so yes, it took me 15mins+ per mission.


Not to mention how soul destroying it is to run the same mission 100 times, back to back. 

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The strength, and power of an object within the game should be proportional to the ammount of hard work, time, and resourced that went into obtaining it.

Quite the opposite in warframe. Generally, the most powerful weapons are obtained simply by joining a clan or getting a BP off the market

(Soma, Synapse, etc.) What bothers me is that weapons that are considered "OP" come with multiple polarities by default, whereas most bad weapons come with none whatsoever, but would at least be worth playing with if they came with a V polarity by default to fit the basic damage boosters associated with that weapon type. Great example is the Grakata vs the Soma. You build them both similarly (crit rifles), but the Soma comes with 2x V polarities right out of the gate. Grakata gets none? This isn't the only instance of this kind of crap (Detron vs Brakk, 0 vs 2 polarities). So, weapons that are obtainable by lower ranked players who have less resources require more time and resources to become viable, and higher ranked weapons are excellent and usable right out of the box.


Balance. XD

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oh boy i got the brakk i sure hope nobody else gets it :T that's a little selfish don't you think? and besides DE said they will be reintroducing those event weapons back so that means every vandal and wraith or even brakk they'll be back in some way. except for founder's exclusives

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I have Brakk with few Formas in it, and you know what? People should have access to this weapon. That should be hard to obtain it, but it should be obtainable anyway.
Because it's good, very good. And nerfed already.
We had our early access to Brakk, that's enough.

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It was never stated as an exclusive event reward.


DE are very clear about what is exclusive and what is not now days, Wraiths and Vandals are event exclusives, the Brakk is neither of them, so if they choose to release it I see no grounds for complaints.

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I understand the idea of working hard for an "exclusive" weapon, but I honestly didn't feel like I was rewarded for grinding out those 100 missions (it was a bloody chore). I feel bad for the large number of people who simply couldn't complete them because they didn't dedicate an entire week's worth of free time to a video game. That's just not fun.


While it's kind of nice to own something unique, I'm not at all opposed to letting other people have a (reasonable) chance of obtaining it again.


On the topic of Founder items, those items were only available through real money purchases and as such should, and most likely will, remain exclusive.

Edited by Ailith
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So in other words, "plox don't re-release, i need to feel superior because i was on at a specific time and did a specific thing that was totally fair to everyone because the grineer side got zerg rushed and new players shouldn't have chances to get new S#&$ because i still need to feel superior." Seriously I'm getting tired of these posts. So what? So what if they give players another chance to get the brakk? Does that hurt you statistically? Nope. It only hurts your over-inflated ego. If you need a gun to feel special, buddy, you got problems.

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Every single piece of founder exclusive gear is S#&$ though. Excalibur is considered the best of the deal but also the worst of the Warframes (even though he's also considered one of the most fun).

got the skana because of DC but didnt get the Lato prime cuz of the over pricing :T

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i agree with OP's point. As someone with 500+ hours and mastery 15, the absolute last thing to get me on at this point is exclusives, make it so peopel can reget those, im gone. im also guessing a lot of other vets are as well. 


i want to bring up another exclusives that should be brought back up. branton and lato vandals. obviously the rarest exclusives right now because they are the oldest and the first. so if any exclusive is coming back out it should be those two first. 

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In my opinion, all weapons should be avaible for all players, cuz it affect  rank and will be unfair for player, who joined later. I have brakk and did that 100 battles too, but i'm not crying. Dont be a greedy, man.

As for lato and skana prime - current prime access weapons all available in game, and you still have Excalibur prime, i thought it's enough rare.

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