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Dear De: Warframe Aspects That I Will Not Spend Time On Anymore.............


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It's just that some of us really like a lot of things in this game, but would like it if some others didn't feel like such a chore, which is why we voice our opinion in hopes that the things we don't like will change. As for fun and effort, a balance has to be struck. There are some "achievements" in WF, be they weapons, mods, frames, whatever, where the perceived effort grossly outweighs the perceived reward, at least for some players.


If the effort outweighs the reward for you, then don't go for it.


It's that simple.


If people are climbing a mountain, but you can't, do you ask to have the mountain shortened? Do you give any consideration to people who don't mind the climb and enjoy the satisfaction of earning something others don't put the effort towards?

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No joke, there's always platinum to buy the things you don't want to farm.


And once you have those things?  Then what?  That's my point.  The action has to be worth doing for it's own sake, not just for the treat, otherwise I'm wasting my time, and plat.  The journey matters, not just the tip of the mountain peak.


So, my question to everyone is, what actions don't you consider worth doing in Warframe?  What journey's do you find not worth the time in Warframe?

Edited by ThePresident777
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I note the edit in OP asking what I am avoiding in Warframe... As a matter of fact, I have been avoiding Warframe entirely for several months now. Seems each time I log in, I consider what options I have to being entertained in playing. However I find none, so I go back to something else.


I used to grind, having most weapons and Warframes and many forma'd items including a 6x forma'd Synapse. The purpose I had in that was my hopes for Warframe to evolve and innovate. It has a unique universe to expound upon. Sadly I noticed a trend of DE primarily adding new content to grind for, an occasional change of scenery (tile sets) and a few "new" enemy types. Nothing has changed the experience I had from playing since Warframe entered beta. (a year ago) Minor tweaks, no further depth.


I eventually burned out. What did I do? Well if you want to know, I've been on Arma 3 as of late. I have been doing minor scripting and mission creation for a few of my friends and I to enjoy. What has come of this? Fun. A feeling that the extra cash left over from paying bills and other necessities has not been put in to something that requires further time and patience before I can experience everything that the title has to offer. Except that with new content being persistently added it is a never ending task. I could just spend more money to have it all, but the problem is that there is nothing beyond that. (did I mention more will be added to pay for afterwards) Acquiring content is the focus, I do not see depth. Instead I will be doing other things which give sensational reward through execution and strategy rather than "look at the thing and shoot the thing."


Oh yes, I know someone will mention "working for content." You missed the point. Unlocking and upgrading things should be a secondary focus. I already have a large amount of grind under my belt for Warframe. So I speak from experience, this never ending level of grind is not fun. The fact that unlocking content is the focus of Warframe is not fun. Tell me, after you have unlocked and upgraded everything how to you find Warframe fun? I don't see it.

Might I suggest to find something else to do Mr. President. I have found myself having more enjoyment from such a liberating exercise and have not since been bothered by RNG or grind walls. Maybe you still have hope for Warframe, but I do not. I've seen many well thought out posts from you. Perhaps something requiring, as mentioned, execution and strategy is what you seek. Unfortunately an excessive number of F2P titles are plagued with little depth and huge grind walls in order to bring in a profit. (albeit a much needed thing for a company to survive) Yet I suppose once the money starts coming in, companies realize how much could be made from just adding content to grind for/pay for and they forget to add depth, execution, strategy. You know, things that make the simple activity of just playing the game enjoyable. For example, there is a title out there with a name I will not mention; (Some may know what it is) They are selling a cosmetic item for $8. For each purchase of the item they add $5 of the purchase towards a tournament prize. So far the item has added near $80,000 to the prize money. That'd be around a total of $128,000 profit from a single cosmetic item. Imagine profit margins from everything purchased in Warframe. (Excluding Founders and other paid for exclusives)


2 cents delivered.

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So, my question to everyone is, what actions don't you consider worth doing in Warframe?  What journey's do you find not worth the time in Warframe?


I don't really like to grind threads where people rant and complain, but then say "what do you think" to give the illusion that it's a discussion, and not ranting and complaining.

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If the effort outweighs the reward for you, then don't go for it.


It's that simple.


If people are climbing a mountain, but you can't, do you ask to have the mountain shortened? Do you give any consideration to people who don't mind the climb and enjoy the satisfaction of earning something others don't put the effort towards?


The problem resides in the something earned being distinct from the actual fact of earning it. What do you get from climbing the mountain, besides the bragging rights, the crazy rush while doing it? Nothing. And there are smaller mountains for the rest of us to climb. For a direct comparison, I could go run an Extermination on Pluto using nothing but a Skana: I would get absolutely nothing I don't have except the bragging rights.


However, many good and useful and fun things in WF actually requires us to put a great deal of effort we would otherwise not do. That's the problem, that many things in the game are just not fun and we wouldn't do them if there was not a solid reward behind that wall. For example: there are bosses I run even when I already have the frame they drop, because they are fun, and bosses I run only the amount of times required to craft the frame.

Another example: I don't have Master Thief, and the only mob that drops it is the Scorpion. But hey, I can just play Grineer missions and kill Scorpions like I always do, I can also level up some guns on the way, and it will eventually drop, right? On the other hand, to get several Prime weapons I am required to go do Defense missions, which I avoid like the plague. Therefore, I don't care about Prime equipment.


Of course, the effort outweighs the reward, therefore I don't do it. But I believe it shouldn't be that way. The game could have many ways of getting the same thing, instead of forcing players down a road they might not like.

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The problem resides in the something earned being distinct from the actual fact of earning it. What do you get from climbing the mountain, besides the bragging rights, the crazy rush while doing it? Nothing. And there are smaller mountains for the rest of us to climb. For a direct comparison, I could go run an Extermination on Pluto using nothing but a Skana: I would get absolutely nothing I don't have except the bragging rights.


However, many good and useful and fun things in WF actually requires us to put a great deal of effort we would otherwise not do. That's the problem, that many things in the game are just not fun and we wouldn't do them if there was not a solid reward behind that wall. For example: there are bosses I run even when I already have the frame they drop, because they are fun, and bosses I run only the amount of times required to craft the frame.

Another example: I don't have Master Thief, and the only mob that drops it is the Scorpion. But hey, I can just play Grineer missions and kill Scorpions like I always do, I can also level up some guns on the way, and it will eventually drop, right? On the other hand, to get several Prime weapons I am required to go do Defense missions, which I avoid like the plague. Therefore, I don't care about Prime equipment.


Of course, the effort outweighs the reward, therefore I don't do it. But I believe it shouldn't be that way. The game could have many ways of getting the same thing, instead of forcing players down a road they might not like.


Yes, why ever do anything challenging if you don't get a direct reward for it?


Your whole thing just completely defies reason. There should be easier ways to get everything? No. Just no. That's horrible design philosophy. That's horrible incentive philosophy.


Games have items that take a lot of work to acquire. That's that. If you aren't willing to put in the time, then you don't get it.


Going right back to the mountain analogy, it's like you're climbing a shorter mountain, but complaining that people who take on the taller mountains get a better view. You want the satisfaction without the work. Which is just an indication that you don't understand how effective rewards work.


Play Minecraft. Dig down, mine for an hour, get diamonds, fight your way to the surface, and make a diamond sword. Or, just go into creative mode and drop a diamond sword. Both give the same end result. Which is more satisfying?


Do you understand? And people who have worked hard to earn the rewards and satisfaction don't want it cheapened by a shortcut being made available. Asking to have these mountains shortened just spits in the face of all the people who climbed them before. It's both extremely selfish and shortsighted. Because sure, you want short mountains now. But what if you, or somebody else, wants a higher mountain, but you've had them all shortened?


You are not the only one playing the game. Some people like difficult to acquire rewards. If you aren't willing to work for them, why expect them?

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I note the edit in OP asking what I am avoiding in Warframe.


Yes, some people don't seem to know that it's a discussion unless you specifically imply that it is.


Might I suggest to find something else to do Mr. President. I have found myself having more enjoyment from such a liberating exercise and have not since been bothered by RNG or grind walls.


I definitely do other things and play other games.  I'm playing Rocksmith 2014.  Just bought my first 5 string bass the other day.


I still play Warframe too.  But, I don't play all of it, nor do I play as much as I used to.  There is certain content that is off limits to me because the grind, the chore, mucking around in UI screens, is intolerable.  Some people don't understand that the journey has to be entertaining, for some.  It's not about the reward, for many people.  It's about the journey.  A journey of a thousand miles does not begin if the first step is not enjoyable.  It does not complete if each step is not enjoyable.  You can keep the reward.  I'm not going to submit myself to boredom for a treat.  I definitely will not be paying gold farmers to carry me past the boredom to the "end game".


This is not a passing phase for me, and I was never a champion grinder anyway.  But, this is the way it will be going forward regardless of the game.  My tolerance for tedium has shrunk even further.  Whether it's a problem for DE, or the gaming industry, I can't possibly know.  I have no marketing data.  I can only suspect.


If enough people get sick and tired of grind, and chores, then game attrition rates could be a problem.  Grind might not be the business model in the future that game companies think it is today.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Yes, some people don't seem to know that it's a discussion unless you specifically imply that it is.



I definitely do other things and play other games.  I'm playing Rocksmith 2014.  Just bought my first 5 string bass the other day.


I still play Warframe too.  But, I don't play all of it, nor do I play as much as I used to.  There is certain content that is off limits to me because the grind, the chore, is intolerable.  Some peopel don't understand that the journey has to be entertaining for some.  It's not about the reward, for many people.  It's about the journey.  A journey of a thousand miles does not begin if the first step is not a enjoyable.  It does not complete if each step is not enjoyable.  You can keep the reward.  I'm not going to submit myself to boredom for a treat.


This is not a passing phase for me.  This is the way it will be going forward regardless of the game.  Whether it's a problem for DE I can't possibly know.  I have no marketing data.  I can only suspect.


If enough people get sick and tired of grind, then game attrition rates could be a problem.  Grind might not be the business model in the future that game companies think it is today.


You realize it is impossible to generate game content faster than people can play it, right? Because it doesn't seem like you do.

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Yes, why ever do anything challenging if you don't get a direct reward for it?


For the fun. For the bragging rights. For the sake of the challenge. Those are rewards in themselves. Refer to my Skana example.


Your whole thing just completely defies reason. There should be easier ways to get everything? No. Just no. That's horrible design philosophy. That's horrible incentive philosophy.


Where did I say "easier"? I said "different". I don't want "easy", I want to have some choice, different viable paths to get to the same place. Currently, if I want neurodes, I can go do OD missions, I can run regular missions on Earth, kill Vay Hek... That's variety. But there is a single place to get vital parts of many things, like Prime gear, frames, corrupted mods... that's lack of variety, that's forcing players down a single set path, one which many might not like.


Games have items that take a lot of work to acquire. That's that. If you aren't willing to put in the time, then you don't get it.


Going right back to the mountain analogy, it's like you're climbing a shorter mountain, but complaining that people who take on the taller mountains get a better view. You want the satisfaction without the work. Which is just an indication that you don't understand how effective rewards work.


Play Minecraft. Dig down, mine for an hour, get diamonds, fight your way to the surface, and make a diamond sword. Or, just go into creative mode and drop a diamond sword. Both give the same end result. Which is more satisfying?


Do you understand? And people who have worked hard to earn the rewards and satisfaction don't want it cheapened by a shortcut being made available. Asking to have these mountains shortened just spits in the face of all the people who climbed them before. It's both extremely selfish and shortsighted. Because sure, you want short mountains now. But what if you, or somebody else, wants a higher mountain, but you've had them all shortened?


You are not the only one playing the game. Some people like difficult to acquire rewards. If you aren't willing to work for them, why expect them?


You're missing the point again. It's not "time" nor "effort", nor is it at all about reducing those. It's that it is unfun. If we're actually, consciously recognizing there is effort involved, then there's not enough fun involved to make it enjoyable. Everything requires effort, but people do things anyway because (when) they enjoy them.


As far as I know, nobody climbs a mountain for the view. If someone is going to climb a mountain, which is one of the most dangerous and effort-intensive things I can think of, it is because they enjoy climbing mountains. 

As for wanting the satisfaction without effort, everyone does at some stage of our lives, until we understand that the effort, or in other words the act of doing a thing, is the reward itself. Ergo, effort is what some people call others' fun. Life has a broad spectrum of things for people to do, and people will do the fraction they find fun. That's how we have painters, divers, mountain climbers, marathon runners, weightlifters, actors, doctors, etcetera.

Now, Warframe shows you a pot of gold and then puts it on top of the mountain. Why? Why can't they put a pot of gold on top of the mountain, another on the bottom of the sea, and another on sea level but on the other side of the world, so everyone can have the same reward for comparable effort, and still give the climbers, the divers and the marathon runners each their own kind of fun? I believe adding variety to the game would result in there being less mandatory unenjoyable parts for more people. Refer to my Neurodes example.


Again, I never said I wanted an easier game. I'm just arguing that there could be different ways of doing the same thing, so I wouldn't be forced to do several Defense missions, which I find plainly boring, to get a piece of Prime gear, for example. As it stands now, I'm not going to do it. And that means the game will be shorter for me than it could be. I'm already playing less and less after returning from a months-long break, even while there are still a lot of things I don't have in-game. I believe it's in Warframe's best interest to add more variety in achieving the same objectives.


EDIT: Ew. My post is bigger than I intended. Sorry about that.

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"What are you trying to avoid in Warframe?"


Right now? Getting embroiled in another borderline-argument thread with you.


Seriously man. This is like the 20th time I've seen you critically upset about something in Warframe. It seems like every week, there's something about this game you're upset about. If the game is causing you so much upset, why the hell are you still playing it?


Anyway, I'm out. Peace.

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1)  A is for Corpus and that's good enough for me.  I'm not playing Grineer or Infested anymore.  Every time I switch factions, I have to go through the tedium of switching loadouts for 4 weapons.  I'm leaving all my weapons, warframes, and sentinels set to A, the Corpus setting.


Just want to get this on page2 for the effort argument. ThePresident777 isn't just speaking out against grind, but is saying that going to Mod Configuration Preset B on occasion is just too much.

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I really don't want to sound like I'm insulting you, but all I read here is that you're just being lazy.


I mean, really? Your first statement tells everyone you're so lazy, you can't even press one button in your weapon's loadout to fit a particular faction. What, do you want the game to be THAT one dimensional? To where everything works perfectly against every enemy? Seriously?

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For the fun. For the bragging rights. For the sake of the challenge. Those are rewards in themselves. Refer to my Skana example.



Where did I say "easier"? I said "different". I don't want "easy", I want to have some choice, different viable paths to get to the same place. Currently, if I want neurodes, I can go do OD missions, I can run regular missions on Earth, kill Vay Hek... That's variety. But there is a single place to get vital parts of many things, like Prime gear, frames, corrupted mods... that's lack of variety, that's forcing players down a single set path, one which many might not like.



You're missing the point again. It's not "time" nor "effort", nor is it at all about reducing those. It's that it is unfun. If we're actually, consciously recognizing there is effort involved, then there's not enough fun involved to make it enjoyable. Everything requires effort, but people do things anyway because (when) they enjoy them.


As far as I know, nobody climbs a mountain for the view. If someone is going to climb a mountain, which is one of the most dangerous and effort-intensive things I can think of, it is because they enjoy climbing mountains. 

As for wanting the satisfaction without effort, everyone does at some stage of our lives, until we understand that the effort, or in other words the act of doing a thing, is the reward itself. Ergo, effort is what some people call others' fun. Life has a broad spectrum of things for people to do, and people will do the fraction they find fun. That's how we have painters, divers, mountain climbers, marathon runners, weightlifters, actors, doctors, etcetera.

Now, Warframe shows you a pot of gold and then puts it on top of the mountain. Why? Why can't they put a pot of gold on top of the mountain, another on the bottom of the sea, and another on sea level but on the other side of the world, so everyone can have the same reward for comparable effort, and still give the climbers, the divers and the marathon runners each their own kind of fun? I believe adding variety to the game would result in there being less mandatory unenjoyable parts for more people. Refer to my Neurodes example.


Again, I never said I wanted an easier game. I'm just arguing that there could be different ways of doing the same thing, so I wouldn't be forced to do several Defense missions, which I find plainly boring, to get a piece of Prime gear, for example. As it stands now, I'm not going to do it. And that means the game will be shorter for me than it could be. I'm already playing less and less after returning from a months-long break, even while there are still a lot of things I don't have in-game. I believe it's in Warframe's best interest to add more variety in achieving the same objectives.


EDIT: Ew. My post is bigger than I intended. Sorry about that.


There is no need to be sorry about this.  It was an excellent post.  Spot on.  I really don't see how others are arriving at other conclusions with such certainty.


I doubt you'll get any further responses to this from opposition because it destroys a fiction that people are trying to propagate.

Edited by ThePresident777
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I wasn't going to reply to this again, ThePresident777, but I'm curious about what part of this game you find fun? I'm not attacking you here, I'm actually curious.


I mean, I certainly wouldn't call grinding enjoyable, but I enjoy the gameplay and customization that this game offers. If I get the pieces to try a new weapon, or happen to find all the blueprints for a prime frame I enjoy, awesome. If there is something I want and I've just had no luck getting a prime piece that I require, there's always trading with clan mates. Echoing Fractal_magnets up the page a bit, having friends to play with removes the step of finding a group that doesn't suck, and helps to alleviate the monotony of running the same X mission(s) ad nauseum.


Your original post really makes it sound like you found one frame, one primary weapon, one secondary weapon, one melee weapon, and one sentinel gun, modded them for one faction, and decided that you never want to change it up. Either you did this because you dislike the customization portion of this game to the point where you ignore a considerable amount of content; or you are so jaded with the game that after trying everything you refuse to "climb the mountain" of seeking out new things for fear of disappointment in the result. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Alternatively, maybe you're just taking the game way too seriously.



Also, that's a pretty solid post, Mokunen. I agree with a large portion of that. The downside to having alternate paths to the same rewards is either the oversaturation of reward tables, or having too few rewards for the number of paths and quickly running out of things to strive for besides metagame. Luckily, DE has finally started looking at drop tables and making an effort to move rewards to a larger variety of activities (ie. moving prime components out of the towers, although each piece is still limited to game specific game modes).

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So, what you're basically saying is that you want to play the game for the gameplay, and not for whatever weapon of the month DE decides to put out?


I'm fine with that; You could've worded it better though.


Also, you have three weapons (two, not counting melee because it's pretty useless unless you're OP as fudge), so what you COULD do is mod one weapon for one faction, and mod another for two.


Or mod one weapon for each faction, once Melee 2.0 comes out and melee becomes actually useful.

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I'm just in it for the fun. 

fun. alright. you know i could run Cyath against infested for hours straight. Because that was my fun at that moment. Another good side of that, at some point of time your income by cores was something like 30-40 cores per run, and 2-5 of them as R5. So that was a win-win situation for me.


You could have such income for a short period of time when DE changes mods drop system.


Now when infested are removed to low quality tileset such as orokin derelict i lost my fun in this game. So in a sense i can understand you.


But you are missing one thing i guess: this game have no content but grind. And to choose to grind or not is up to you.

Edited by Althix
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Refering to OP:

1) They could have added a Fast-Switch button in the main Arsenal for that purpose (like switching all weapons at once between A, B and C or whatever) because you're right, going inside the Mod-loadout screen everytime you'd like to go against a different faction IS a pain. Hopefully somebody of the UI team has read one of my suggestions I did for Livestream 23 so probably it may come, if not anytime soon then have somebody create a thread about it.

2+3) Keys and their session management system shall be doomed. You're right about that, they should work that stuff out as it is tedious as all hell if your squad gets disbanded after every mission.

But that doesn't mean I avoid doing them. As for the Grind part I won't comment on that as everybody has a different view on what they find enjoyable and what not and how far they will go to earn a certain item.

But contributing to your recent change to the topic, what I don't enjoy doing or don't do at all:

For me it is Trading. There you have it. Until there's something like an Auction house with fair prices etc. and certain Items/Mods being dependable on Mastery Rank I'll avoid the trade channel because it's just an utter mess that opened up Pandora's Box.

Nearly forgot about the Extractors. Nearly forgot that they even exist. They are just horrible. Too lazy for that stuff for it to be profitable. It's more a waste of Credits and Resources than I actually get out of it.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Suggestion: For those of you who will find this TL;DR, I've bolded the important parts, but if you're going to reply please read it all.


The downside to having alternate paths to the same rewards is either the oversaturation of reward tables, or having too few rewards for the number of paths and quickly running out of things to strive for besides metagame.


Yes, this is a legitimate concern. I remember the old Void drop tables, I even got myself a Frost Prime the old way and since then I refuse to return to the Void. However, being forced to Defense to get some things doesn't quite help to get me back there.

However, when speaking of "content", you say "running out of things to strive for" and it kinda troubles me, gets me thinking. What is the "content" that keeps bringing me back to WF, more than any other game? That is, the exact opposite of this thread's premise.


I come to shoot various stuff, with varied weapons, in varied environments. That's why I mostly like Extermination missions of every faction, because I'm not required to do anything but shoot, jump, wallrun and shoot some more. (On a side note, I can't help but wonder, why don't Extermination missions have rewards like Survival, Defense, Interception? Why do Exterminations feel so unloved?)

Also, I prefer weapons that are somehow different, instead of simple bullet hoses. Things like the Penta, the bows, the Ignis, the Ballistica, the Drakgoon; each is its own kind of fun. I try to build all the weapons, and as soon as I get them I give them a paint job and take them for a ride at Terminus, to see if I like their feel.


In other words, creative tools of mass distraction are half of why I come here. The other half is gratuitous gunfights in imaginatively sci-fi settings. So I'll give that to you, the weapons and frames part of the content is important... but here is what has been troubling me: a ton of players speak of how "making things easier to get" is equal to running out of things to do in the game. The focus on getting them, instead of using them, as "content", is IMO the sign of a major flaw in the game. If it weren't that way, there wouldn't be so many people who find the suggestion of reducing grind inexcusable.


And then comes the problem of drop table dilution if we follow my advice. Well, they keep adding things to get without adding places to get them. We don't only need more things to get, we need more to do with those things, and more ways to get and use them. We recently got a new mission type, Interception. That's great, a step in the right direction! But we need more. We also need more planets to put them in without it resulting in dilution. There are ideas all over the place for new mission types; they don't have to be never-before-seen, they only have to be a little different, even I have a handful. We also need more community focus, more ways to interact even in PvE, even outside of the missions themselves. Invasions are a good start to give the players power, but these events need to be faster and more varied, they need to involve the players and their clans more closely; clans might even be given another reason to exist this way, and players another reason to be in clans.

In a similar vein, I was very pleased not long ago, when I heard about the "endgame" plans, and felt reassured that they actually have plans for the future, that the money I put in this game as a Founder and afterwards was a good investment. The game has a lot of promise, but there is a lot of work to do and many features are still broken, the stealth and the Sentinel's aim; let's hope the next updates show them fixing and expanding the Warframe universe instead of bringing more of the same.




Still too TL;DR? We need more things to do, not things to get. When that's done, then we can reduce grind harmlessly.




Damn... ain't I the old codger today, if you aren't careful I'm gonna talk your ears off XD. I actually spent more than two hours thinking, writing, reading, and rewriting this novel post, and then erased the unessential half of it because holy wall of text Batman!

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This thread may be relevant. In it people say what's fun for them in the game.



I doubt anyone finds grinding fun per se. And the job of a game developer is to make your work feel good, otherwise you won't want to make any effort. The gameplay itself should be the reward.


Also, "1)" so much. The UI needs so many quality of life improvements. Personalized presets you can change with one click.

Edited by The_Doc
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I played Diablo 3 for 3 days and promptly came back here.

The grind in WF is not even as bad as D3 :)






That's why I haven't touched Diablo III for nearly a year now because Warframe still feels like a breeze of fresh air (yeah even after playing it ever since Open Beta) compared to that pre-2000-style RNG^RNG^RNG-Grindfest. Also I have lost faith in Blizzard in ever changing their business model and/or attitude concerning RNG; not even the friggin' 2.0.1 Patch, Addon and/or Shutdown of the Auction house will change anything about it as once they make their cut again they won't give a damn about player concerns.


The very cold fact that it took them nearly 10 months to get out another Patch for that horsesh*t of a game is an impudence of its own, as if there hadn't been countless bugs and unbalanced stuff ever since last April's Patch. And now that they finally get the Addon ready they nerf half of the existing Classes to oblivion rendering them nearly impossible to play just so people are encouraged to play that new class which nobody needed anyways. Yeah as if there wasn't already Barbarians and Monks around who can tank sh*t - no lets introduce yet another tankclass. And lets take 40€ for it too which is as much as the original costed and just give people 1 Class and 1 new Act instead of 5 new classes and 4 new Acts. It's even less than what people got back with the D2 Expansion. Ridiculous.


I know that the Prime Access stuff is pretty costly too @ Warframe but to be honest I didn't expect anything less from a free 2 play game and nobody ever was forced to buy it to play the game.

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That's why I haven't touched Diablo III for nearly a year now because Warframe still feels like a breeze of fresh air (yeah even after playing it ever since Open Beta) compared to that pre-2000-style RNG^RNG^RNG-Grindfest. Also I have lost faith in Blizzard in ever changing their business model and/or attitude concerning RNG; not even the friggin' 2.0.1 Patch, Addon and/or Shutdown of the Auction house will change anything about it as once they make their cut again they won't give a damn about player concerns.


The very cold fact that it took them nearly 10 months to get out another Patch for that horsesh*t of a game is an impudence of its own, as if there hadn't been countless bugs and unbalanced stuff ever since last April's Patch. And now that they finally get the Addon ready they nerf half of the existing Classes to oblivion rendering them nearly impossible to play just so people are encouraged to play that new class which nobody needed anyways. Yeah as if there wasn't already Barbarians and Monks around who can tank sh*t - no lets introduce yet another tankclass. And lets take 40€ for it too which is as much as the original costed and just give people 1 Class and 1 new Act instead of 5 new classes and 4 new Acts. It's even less than what people got back with the D2 Expansion. Ridiculous.


I know that the Prime Access stuff is pretty costly too @ Warframe but to be honest I didn't expect anything less from a free 2 play game and nobody ever was forced to buy it to play the game.



Yep I concur. The fact I had more game play hours in WF than D3 is testament to that.

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Out of curiosity, have you considered having your weapons aimed at different factions? Primary at Grineer, secondary at Corpus, melee at Infested. That's the layout I've been using and saves me needing to switch out load-outs and I can specialise weapons purely for those enemies.


That doesn't solve the problem.  It still means that I have to waste time with administrative duties every time I want to switch weapons.  I have a lot of weapons.

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