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Dear De: Warframe Aspects That I Will Not Spend Time On Anymore.............


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You had a bad case of burnt out.


I played Diablo 3 for 3 days and promptly came back here.

The grind in WF is not even as bad as D3 :)


Why would anybody waste any money on Diablo 3?  It was apparent to me that the game is a lazy rip off long before it launched.  It's a rehash of D2 and it took them, what, a decade(?) to develop.  If a game company needs that long to copy paste one of it's games, then something is wrong.


I don't deny that I'm burnt out.  I making it known that I am and that I will not be burning my self out any further and that I'm just sticking to the portions of the game that I find entertaining for as long as I find them entertaining and that has nothing to do with getting things.  I'm no longer getting things.  Either I'm playing the game or I'm not.  I'm not grinding, not in Warframe, not in any other game.  Grind is a wasted business model on people like me.

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Well, Braak has been added for distribution to the game again, Detron style it seems.  So, if we thought that Gravidus Dilemma was bad it just got worse.  I have Brakk, but, if I didn't, I would not pursue it.


Also, another clan weapon, not chasing it.  Thinking of leaving my clan so I don't have to see this stuff.  I just might have to go back to my starter stuff.  Divest myself of all the trappings of grind.


Soon, everybody saying that the grind is worse in other games will have to come up with a different reply.

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Putting a shiney behind a grind wall will not persuade me.  I just want to have fun.  Flipping through screens is not fun.  Doing a million exterminations in a row is not fun.  If I'm going to do the same mission(s) over and over again, I may as well just do my favorite one(s) and forget the rest.  Items will not entice me to do things ad nauseam. 






EDIT:  Discuss!  What are you avoiding in Warframe and why?

Maybe this will take the boredom out of invasions?


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I have obtained all the items in the game except:

- Poison Elemental Shotgun (tried tons and tons of times: feels impossible)

- Poison Elemental Sword (feels impossible)

- Shock Absorbers (I am not amped to get this mod because of constitution)

- Channeling Time / Mod Aura (does that exist?)

- Sure Footed (killed tons of those guys, it just does not drop lol)

- Forgot what its called but that mod that saves you from death by using your remaining energy (just ultra rare)

- Sprint Speed Aura

- Reaper Prime Blade (seems obtainable, ill get it when boredom gets too high)

- Glaive Prime (same deal, sounds neat, ill get it)

All other weapons, frames, mods, and Primes I have. Me and a buddy went into private mod and did the hard stuff, vent helped alot. On the same note, I did alot of stuff solo cause I hate rushing the map, you dont get to take in the little bits of mayhem.

I simply play for the violence of a shooter, that is reminiscent of Quake or Doom. The death of pixilated space people entertains me, the fantasy of power is alluring. At the same time, the game feels really pointless, cause the story is well... not going to get into that.

Strangely enough I started killing the Corpus too prior to the Brakk RNG chance, because, I find the griener high level invasions a bit more challenging.

I dunno what to say dude, what is fun to you OP?

Edited by Takai
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Can you define administrative duties please? If you mean having Primary - A Corpus, B Grineer - C Infested, second etc, this does nullify that. You would simply have:


Primary - A Grineer

Secondary - A Corpus

Melee - A Infested


Surely that layout would remove any administrating? 



Spending time having to go through a UI wall to get t othe action is what I would define as an administrative duty. 


I do have a standard for weapon loadout:  A for Corpus/Magnatism, B for Grineer/Radiation, C for Infested/Corrosive.  It does not remove administering, it just organizes it.  It's still time wasted.  I find it a boring chore to have to administer 4 weapons every time I decide to switch factions.  I switch factions frequently, and weapons too.  What's the purpose of factions and a large arsenal if you don't use them?  I like variety, a lot, but administrative overhead just spoils it for me.  Bores me.


Incidentally, what are you avoiding in Warframe and why?

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then why are here on the forums, complaining about it.

Because I'd like to actually see the game improve (and I've tried making constructive criticism in various threads where that criticism belongs). However, I stated what I did because that's basically the only "gameplay" that Warframe has right now in the long-run, which is extremely bad for the longevity of the game, imo. 


I want to see it improve, but I have very little faith in the dev team as of late when it comes to actually fixing long-standing issues, rather than adding more things to simply craft, grind to 30, repeat.

Edited by BizarreFetalChimpanzee
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Because I'd like to actually see the game improve (and I've tried making constructive criticism in various threads where that criticism belongs). However, I stated what I did because that's basically the only "gameplay" that Warframe has right now in the long-run, which is extremely bad for the longevity of the game, imo. 


I want to see it improve, but I have very little faith in the dev team as of late when it comes to actually fixing long-standing issues, rather than adding more things to simply craft, grind to 30, repeat.

are you watching the livestreams, reading hot topics and checking the design council?

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are you watching the livestreams, reading hot topics and checking the design council?

1. The livestreams, while improving slightly, are still primarily an amalgamation of "soon," "around the corner," and "no comment" rather than more direct information.


2. The CHTs do show some complaints and suggestions, though I rarely see these implemented. 


3. Irrelevant, for I am not in DC. And from what I have heard, DC is a total joke since the most say they have in anything is a simple vote on X or Y.

Edited by BizarreFetalChimpanzee
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1)  A is for Corpus and that's good enough for me.  I'm not playing Grineer or Infested anymore.  Every time I switch factions, I have to go through the tedium of switching loadouts for 4 weapons.  I'm leaving all my weapons, warframes, and sentinels set to A, the Corpus setting.  Yes, I know, this may make it impossible for me to obtain certain mods and resources.  I'll do without.  Maybe, I'll have Grineer or Infested day every once in a while.  But, for 99% of the time, I may as well not bother.


2)  Orokin Derelicts, key grind, spamming chat for team.  Will not do.  Corrupted mods and Clan Tech be damned.


3)  Void, key grind, spamming chat for team.  Will not do.  Primes, Forma, and Clan Tech be damned.


So you want De to send some one to your house to play the game for you?

i mean, sure, the setup switching could be more streamline, i made a thread and suggested something(HA! i just saw you posted in it), but you are the person that decides how you play the game. You can play one session all Corpus, then the next all Grineer...anyone can do it.


As for 2 and 3 it looks like you are looking for console matchmaking. By the way, not to start a war about this, this is why PC gamers dont normally like console gamers. Too much work typing......



4)  Invasions, extermination grind.  Will not do.  Detron, invasion rewards, Clan Tech, meh, damnation.


5)  Nightmare Mode, playing chicken with the RNG to get the mission and location that I want and hoping there is a team already there playing it, waste of time.  Damnation!


6)  Events, grind grind grind.  I wouldn't repeat Gravidus Dilema again even if the reward was Akbrakk based on pre-nerf Brakk.


4. You only need one battle pay, after that you play the game like you want to play it. I got the last part i needed for the Detron while farming Oxium in Kappa.


5.You are not supposed to jump in an out to look for the mission types. This is ALL YOUR DOING. Nightmare missions are supposed to test your skills by throwing random conditions on you.  And setup a party with... oh right, you want matchmaking...


6. Yeah i am not going to be doing GD-type events anymore, i agree with that. That extra time i put into that was not needed based on the current release.  And even thought an Akbrakk would be awesome i would still wait for if.



7)  Trolls/Derailers, reported, no questions asked, no answers given.  Damn them all.


You know, it kind of sounds like you are a spoiled little kid.

"I want my stuff the way i want it! WWAAAAHHHH!!!"



Putting a shiney behind a grind wall will not persuade me.  I just want to have fun.  Flipping through screens is not fun.  Doing a million exterminations in a row is not fun.  If I'm going to do the same mission(s) over and over again, I may as well just do my favorite one(s) and forget the rest.  Items will not entice me to do things ad nauseam. 



If you want me to do something, take the nauseum out of it.  Then, I'll gladly do it.  Otherwise, no thanks.


Someone might remark, that even without the grind content that I mention, I'll be doing the same thing over and over again.  Well, that misses the point.   The point is that I'm going to be more selective with how I spend my time in Warframe.  I'll accept ACTIVITY that I enjoy to the point that I enjoy it and reject what I do not.   The reward does not make the time spent rewarding.  Just putting a shiney behind a wall of boredom isn't going to get me to tolerate the boredom.  You can't just thoughtlessly put stuff out behind any old wall or gauntlet run and expect me to chase it.


Items will not entice me to do things ad nauseam.  The reward does not make the time spent rewarding.  I just want to have fun.  My time is worth something to me.




Dude, you play the game how you want. I play the game how i want and i have fun.

If you dont feel like whispering some one for an invite or dont feel like switching weapons then dont do it.

But dont blame the game, that's all on you.



EDIT:  Discuss!  What are you avoiding in Warframe and why?


LOL! Love that edit.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Got all my corrupted through the bless-ed trading chat!


Yeah, but that's not an option to me. I want to play for my gear, not pay for it, and if getting it is just not fun, I won't at all.

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You know, it kind of sounds like you are a spoiled little kid.

"I want my stuff the way i want it! WWAAAAHHHH!!!"


You pretty much summed it all up, right there.


"I want to do nightmare mode, but don't want to assemble a group. I want to have different damage setups, but don't want to change them. I want to get rare items, but I don't want to work for them."


The difference between spoiled little kids and over-entitled adults is that entitled adults see themselves as a victim of some imaginary injustice.

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Yeah, but that's not an option to me. I want to play for my gear, not pay for it, and if getting it is just not fun, I won't at all.

Edit: THAT IS an option for you. You choose otherwise.


That seems like quite a rigid stance... no bending huh all break? You seem to be limiting yourself or at least appearing to be in hopes of change. I never buy unless absolutely necessary because I usually trade from my surplus. I'm grateful for the option to be able to trade because that grind can get quite tedious...I have SOOOO much that I don't need but others want... Oh well to each their own.

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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Edit: THAT IS an option for you. You choose otherwise.


Different ways of saying the same thing. Does "not a viable option in my eyes" fit your personal mental schemes better?


That seems like quite a rigid stance... no bending huh all break? You seem to be limiting yourself or at least appearing to be in hopes of change. I never buy unless absolutely necessary because I usually trade from my surplus. I'm grateful for the option to be able to trade because that grind can get quite tedious...I have SOOOO much that I don't need but others want... Oh well to each their own.


I just want to get things on my own. I'm a lone wolf, it's the way I roll. I have nothing against trade per se and would also gladly give away for free the surplus BPs I have for several alert-only, login-only, and Stalker weapons. I understand that many people would gladly buy the things they're too unlucky to get, or just don't have the time to spend to do so, it just doesn't feel like an accomplishment for me if I do so.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Man, if I only had to do a hundred Invasion missions to get a Brakk, I'd have finished it ages ago.

I don't mind grind when the reward comes after a specific point, and RNG with mechanics in place to protect the player against horrible luck is okay.


But what we've got right now is neither of those.

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My main irk with Warframe is the lack of reward for effort put in.

Examples would be farming T3 Survival for Rhino Prime Chassis. Some people, including myself, have spent lots of time to get one little reward that didn't make up for the time wasted trying to get it. Also do not like doing invasions, cause of the grind.. nor try to make clan tech.. cause of the grind.. 


It is all just so much time wasting parts to Warframe that really tries to snuff out the leftover cinders keeping my interest alive in Warframe.

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You realize it is impossible to generate game content faster than people can play it, right? Because it doesn't seem like you do.

Impossible?  No, procedurally, it could be done, with something similar to the contested nodes..  which for me was a fail in every conceivable way.. however the concept is viable.  Tenno have no stake in the conflicts except for the rewards.  It's not fun, just more grind.  There is no strategy in Warframe and thats pretty much in a nutshell why it sucks (for me).  No metagame, no dynamic universe, no stake in the outcome, no neutral faction to defend.  I'm so glad I decided to stop grinding content in warframe.   Theres plenty of games out there that have devs that understand gameplay matters.   Warframe is all flash and no substance.  I'll check out melee 2.0 but it won't be able to save Warframe from the creative suicide it's committed to.

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Take a break Pres... that's what i'm doing in the last weeks


I am taking a break, a near permanent one from the parts of the game that I don't like.  I only play the parts that I like and rarely the stuff that I listed.  I don't think that was the result DE was aiming for.  In my opinion, DE would achieve better results if it focused on customer satisfaction, instead of ever increasing grind.

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I am taking a break, a near permanent one from the parts of the game that I don't like.  I only play the parts that I like and rarely the stuff that I listed.  I don't think that was the result DE was aiming for.  In my opinion, DE would achieve better results if it focused on customer satisfaction, instead of ever increasing grind.


Ditto.  In DE's mind, the customer is always wrong.  Its a crap business model.  Somehow they seem to get away with it.  Damn space ninja theme is op.

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