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Ok, This Nonsense Is Really Getting Out Of Hand Now.


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Im really tired of watching new players be called greedy by self righteous people like you. Im a founder and frankly exclusives are a absolutely moronic concept and the only reason I bought founders was because of fear at never getting this stupid weapon mastery ever again. New topics keep popping up because any arguments against keeping exclusives the way they are, are down right terrible, and usually also very insulting.


Also a rant topic about rant topics at this point just feeds the flames (by inviting people like me to come knock you off your high horse) and if you want the problem to get better don't try to fix it. While I disagree with you completely on the exclusives issue even I want the forums to get back on track...

Then why would you want to keep this thread going by bumping it back to the top of the page?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh jeez. 


Good on you for making a post like this. I'm still hoping for DE to make a public statement and firm announcement about it to clear everything up, once and for all. 


I do see this being shut down rather quickly though, considering the current climate and how other discussions have progressed.


They did.


They said in a stream that NO Founders items will ever be released again.

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Unless DE re compensate the founders with better exclusives, I do mind our founder exclusives being release to the public.


I think this is the best solution. Let the players keep their Badges and Solar-Credits, give them a new Syndana, and re-release actual gameplay content for others to purchase/earn.


To straight up ban/delete/mute all discussion on the matter is simply not the way to handle it. There needs to be discussion on things players think have wronged them, and if people feel Excalibur Prime is something that specifically is something to discuss, allow it.


To go out and censor every single thread that may pop up is a selfish fantasy by those who are founders, so their in-game, playable content, is locked away in their treasure trove.

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I think this is the best solution. Let the players keep their Badges and Solar-Credits, give them a new Syndana, and re-release actual gameplay content for others to purchase/earn.

And then there will be much crying over that Syndana simply because X wants it and X can't have it.

This is not a solution.

To go out and censor every single thread that may pop up is a selfish fantasy by those who are founders, so their in-game, playable content, is locked away in their treasure trove.

You are not only mistaken but also doing yourself a disservice by proclaiming such.

It is unhealthy to continue giving thought to things you want simply because you do not have and will not have. The situation will not change. To continue grieving yourself and others over it, expecting change, is the definition of insanity.

Those items were exclusive. The nature of exclusivity is that few posses access.

DE's official response is "No.".

Best Regards,

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And then there will be much crying over that Syndana simply because X wants it and X can't have it.

This is not a solution.


The problem lies in that players are being locked out of content, as well as DE being backed into a corner with their previous development choices.


A cosmetic item? Badges on shoulders? A 'thank-you' on the Star Chart? Hardly something I'm willing to throw up my arms about.


A Warframe, deeply seeded in the lore, worth Mastery Points? I'm willing to voice my argument that such things shouldn't be locked away.


I have no qualms about Prime Warframes being upgraded versions of their... ... ?? Offspring? (Predecessors doesn't really make sense in this case, eh?) But, there is now a specific case where this cannot happen. Excalibur Prime. He'll always be doomed to be untouchable, as upgrading him will cause a -very- vocal outcry from people who simply CANNOT obtain him. There is an elemental design method at play here, players expect things to match up with the others of a series. Warframe Prime, the ancestors to the current Tenno's Warframes, they should be more powerful, right? If not, why aren't they just skins? Why do they occupy their own Warframe slots?


Same goes about Lato and Skana Prime, something interesting about these two items... Is they're... Locked. Even though people are quick to shout out that they are "underpowered, don't worry about them, you're not missing anything." But, why? Why do they need to be completely useless? If they were removed from the Founder's bundle, they could be buffed, they could be unique alternatives to the Lato and Skana. And, if they are removed, Aklato Prime and Akskana Prime could be released.


Finally, I, personally, have no objections to cosmetics being released for Founder's, -HELL-, give Founders UNIQUE alternate artwork/skins/effects, ETC for their Lato/Skana/Excalibur Prime, but these are items that are different from their unprime counter-parts.


Or, I guess, make all Prime items skins themselves for their counterparts, and completely remove the gameplay difference between Prime items and Non-Prime items.


Or, a third, final possibility for me: Release a new, alternate archetype for Excalibur. Infested Excalibur, Excalibur Edge, anything. But, as long as it fills the role of 'Alternate, Upgraded Excalibur Prime,' then it's an acceptable alternative.



Blech, as I wrote this out, stream of consciousness, I had a thousand ideas to spew out, but I tried my best to distill it down to something readable. I understand Founders want to keep their exclusive content, but there are alternatives and fixes that can be considered along with an easy 're-release.'

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I don't think the excal prime pack will remain exclusive forever. 

They'll probably re release it for everyone but when the game is considereed finished  in one or 2 years time and as the most difficult frame to acquire in the entire game.


Achievement hunters /completionists , and the new plyers when the complete version come out will be pissed to see that some of the content is unaccessible just because they joined the game too late.

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A cosmetic item? Badges on shoulders? A 'thank-you' on the Star Chart? Hardly something I'm willing to throw up my arms about.

You won't. Others do.


deeply seeded in the lore


worth Mastery Points?


I'm willing to voice my argument that such things shouldn't be locked away.



I have no qualms about Prime Warframes being upgraded versions of their... ... ?? Offspring? (Predecessors doesn't really make sense in this case, eh?)

Successor. Derivative.

But, there is now a specific case where this cannot happen.


Excalibur Prime. He'll always be doomed to be untouchable, as upgrading him will cause a -very- vocal outcry from people who simply CANNOT obtain him.


Warframe Prime, the ancestors to the current Tenno's Warframes, they should be more powerful, right? If not, why aren't they just skins? Why do they occupy their own Warframe slots?

On-going debate and examination.


Same goes about Lato and Skana Prime, something interesting about these two items... Is they're... Locked.

As are Beta Vandals. Irrespective.

If they were removed from the Founder's bundle, they could be buffed

Will be balanced regardless.


DE's word is no. Dismissed.

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I'll be completely honest, I don't care about the Skana and Lato, the past event items, the CB items, or even the Brakk or Detron. I just want Excal Prime because Excal is my favorite frame and I really like the Prime version. The fact that I can never get it and I see most Founders saying how much they dislike him and only keep him because he's exclusive, yeah, that ticks me off.

DE has stated that they see Warframe and the community as one, no difference between PC and console , but introducing items exclusive to one platform just creates a wedge between them. They're looking into PS4 exclusives, but that will probably just make the situation worse.

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Excal is my favorite frame and I really like the Prime version.

Given that your avatar of choice for the forums being Loki, your action does not match your conviction.

Founders saying how much they dislike him

The Warframe and weapons are rather mediocre and require a balancing pass.

DE has stated that they see Warframe and the community as one, no difference between PC and console , but introducing items exclusive to one platform just creates a wedge between them.

DE did not introduce items exclusive to one platform, yet. (effectively will, with PS4 exclusives.)

The Founder's gear is founders exclusive, not platform exclusive.

Once account migration is authorized by Sony there will be founders on the PS4 as well.

Edited by OriKlein
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I'm not a founder and I have zero issue with everything remaining exclusive. The only issue I had with exclusives was the brakk because it was top tier. Lato, Excalibur, and skana prime are far from top tier. Leave it alone. We owe founders.

Edited by Skaleek
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Given that your avatar of choice for the forums being Loki, your action does not match your conviction.

Yeah, funny thing about that. I set Loki as my avatar about a month ago and I've changed it a few times but it doesn't update. I had it as Ember Prime a couple weeks ago and it just stayed as Loki. I just move the avatars around when I feel like it since I like how they look. If I had that Excal Prime one, I'd probably never change it though.

Edited by (PS4)The_Moustache
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Yeah, funny thing about that. I set Loki as my avatar about a month ago and I've changed it a few times but it doesn't update. I had it as Ember Prime a couple weeks ago and it just stayed as Loki. I just move the avatars around when I feel like it since I like how they look. If I had that Excal Prime one, I'd probably never change it though.

It takes about a day to update. It is not instantaneous.

If there is an issue you should file a support ticket.

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Am I the only one who really doesn't give a ____ either way?


I mean hey, the argument that "DE said it won't happen so it won't" is simply bull. Anybody remember what happened with exclusive skins in league of legends? Yeah. They got re-released. That was from a company with a serious reputation to uphold (regardless of what you think of the game), and it caused an uproar (and then everybody shut up within a week).


Furthermore, if people want exclusivity for its own sake I get that, but it doesn't change the fact that there isn't any reason not to re-release things.


Whining is dumb. We all know that. However, it may be worthwhile to come to a middle ground with this argument. I'm not going to bother suggesting anything (LIES), because it's been beaten far beyond death, but it's worth consideration, and all of that is for DE to decide.


EDIT: Read a few interesting suggestions in the other thread. I like the trading idea. Nobody gets screwed, and newer players have the opportunity to pick up founders items.

Edited by Tekky
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Honestly I agree with the Founder's. The Founder's Packs should NOT be rereleased. They were an exclusive offer to help fund the game in its infancy.


If anything, I think that Prime Access is a load of baloney. I wanted the Misa Syandana but I don't think it's worth paying the outrageous price of Prime Access for it. I don't want the fancy Extractor, or the blinged out Frames and Weapons, or any of the boosters, I just want the Syandana. Even if it's a blueprint offered in alerts or a reward from the void I'd like the option to get the fancy glowy blinged out space ninja scarves.

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DE's word is no. Dismissed.


Such a wonderful post with an expertly crafted argument to suffix it. Truly, these are the people that deserve their Founder's exclusivity.


All exclusives are bad, they limit what designers can do simply because they can never be made 'on-par' with anything else, or risk the outcry of 'P2W!'


Mastery Points have a multitude of uses, ranging from Extractors to up-and-coming Focus feature which will render all owners of Exclusive Gear with a tangible bonus over those without.


But, some people's mind's cannot be changed. I've given up the fight, personally, since Rebecca's post. Obviously they're not coming back. But, things can be fixed to limit the potential damage that would come from making Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, or Skana Prime more relevant.

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Such a wonderful post with an expertly crafted argument to suffix it. Truly, these are the people that deserve their Founder's exclusivity.

All your arguments were made and negated in past.

You want it because you can't have it; therefore, exclusive.

DE's word is final. Their word is no.

Continue prattling ahead at risk of wasting own time and garnering resentment.

Best Regards,

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Oh jeez. 


Good on you for making a post like this. I'm still hoping for DE to make a public statement and firm announcement about it to clear everything up, once and for all. 


I do see this being shut down rather quickly though, considering the current climate and how other discussions have progressed.

Considering they went back on their word and brought back the 90 day affinity booster and 90 day credit booster when the ember prime access stated it was exclusive to that pack as well....the founders items are not safe.  Just wanted to log in and point that out.  I've taken a hiatus from warframe till they actually bring us more game content that doesn't involve grinding out ranks for weapons as I can do that in two hours.  

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I personally don't understand, as a new player, how other neophytes to this game can have the AUDACITY to be upset about these exclusives, and at the founders themselves. If the Founders packs hadn't been released and the Founders who bought them hadn't done so, there wouldn't be a game for them to play. It wouldn't have reached the level of popularity that draws in greedy little spoiled brats who think everything should be given to them. It would still be in the realm of hardcore gamers looking for new and interesting games.



There is an onslaught of new content for this FANTASTIC game being released quite, and some would even say TOO frequently. But yet, and, still there are those who choose to harp on about how something they clearly will never have, and honestly have no right to have. And why? As if to try and sate the bloodthirsty demands of the vultures who play this game, DE released other packs to both support the game, and offer some things before others would have them, and with a little exclusivity. These are the Prime Access packages. And people even complain about them! They want the Syandanas that aren't available. Well if you aren't willing to pay for the full package then it is clear you don't want it enough. It doesn't matter the price tag DE puts on it, if you aren't willing to pay for it,but other people are, that does NOT mean you should be able to have it. You have an option. You didn't take it.Plain and simple. I have bought both the Ember Prime Accesses, because I wanted them, I had the money, and that's all I should have to say on the matter. But People will still berate me, and others because we have what they don't. And their jealousy drives them to poke holes in us for doing what we did, and trying to make us look and feel bad for something we did to make us feel good, and support the people that created it. 


I can say with about 80% certainty that only about...oh I don't know 5% of the people who whine about the founders packs would buy them if they were to be released again, for the same prices. Because most people don't want to pay anything, they just want them added to the void drop tables, or purchase-able in the market, which NO prime, weapon, or frame is available for. You can't take away what The founders received for their kind-heartedness and loyalty. It doesn't matter if you think it's just stuff. Code. People don't throw their money away for nothing. You need something to in return, or something to give you the desire. It's called incentive.


I'm losing my train of thought, as always happens when I get too real. Tl;DR: Founders are founders. Prime Access-ers are Prime Accessers. Grinders are Grinders. Players are Players. And selfish, greedy whiners are something you shouldn't want to be.

Edited by SleekGranpa
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It takes about a day to update. It is not instantaneous.If there is an issue you should file a support ticket.

I'll change it to something else next time and see if fixes it, but it's not a big deal since my progress is saved and Loki is my second favorite frame. The reasons why I like Excal are that I like his appearance and abilities and his Radial Blind synergizes well with my favorite weapons, Paris Prime, Dread, and Despair. I can use Radial Blind and just go on a headshot spree.

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